View Full Version : FOP Meeting Wed. at the Miami PBA

08-17-2010, 06:16 PM
Come early and have a cold beer to calm your nerves. Our FOP leaders will be giving a sugar-coated report on the sad state of City financials and contract talks.

Each month the info will get progressively worst until the truth comes out in late Sept...I.E. huge cuts in salary, benefits and pension. There will be NO political solution to the problem this year. The Miami Herald and the city taxpayers are making it clear...NO NEW TAXES!

In late 2011 and into 2012, housing and the economy will improve and the FOP will have some good news to start the long road back to recovering what we lost.

Start making plans to live on less $$$$$ for the next 2-3 years.

08-17-2010, 11:48 PM
Come early and have a cold beer to calm your nerves. Our FOP leaders will be giving a sugar-coated report on the sad state of City financials and contract talks.

Each month the info will get progressively worst until the truth comes out in late Sept...I.E. huge cuts in salary, benefits and pension. There will be NO political solution to the problem this year. The Miami Herald and the city taxpayers are making it clear...NO NEW TAXES!

In late 2011 and into 2012, housing and the economy will improve and the FOP will have some good news to start the long road back to recovering what we lost.

Start making plans to live on less $$$$$ for the next 2-3 years.

Negative, the federal goverment needs to step in and clean up the corruption and non of us except maybe the Fire Department need to give back.

08-18-2010, 01:33 AM

08-18-2010, 04:23 AM
Why do I make half of what a Fire Fighter makes? I heard their negotiating attorney speak in City Hall and I can see why they make so much money!!

08-20-2010, 01:51 AM
Can anyone give the highlights of the meeting yesterday? Please, no self serving political statements, just the raw data.

08-20-2010, 04:01 AM
Yes! I'll be glad to give you the highlights from last night FOP meeting. Basically Armando stated that he knows nothing and we may or may not go to war with the City. Plan and simple. Now my question to you is, Why the hell you didn't attend the meeting? These are the most important meeting in your career. Why didn't you and every else attend? Aren't you concern as to what the hell is going on? This affects all of us tremendously. later on don't come blaming the Union cause they are going to tell you their famous words, Did you come to the meeting?

Now does the fire dept have a professional negotiation team of attorneys. Yes they do! but its OK we keep waisting hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on bullsh.t and convention drinking trips.

So if you want trust the Union blindly!

08-20-2010, 04:11 AM
Thanks for the highlights, azzhole. The self serving political statement was also appreciated.

08-20-2010, 04:13 AM
Yes! I'll be glad to give you the highlights from last night FOP meeting. Basically Armando stated that he knows nothing and we may or may not go to war with the City. Plan and simple. Now my question to you is, Why the hell you didn't attend the meeting? These are the most important meeting in your career. Why didn't you and every else attend? Aren't you concern as to what the hell is going on? This affects all of us tremendously. later on don't come blaming the Union cause they are going to tell you their famous words, Did you come to the meeting?

Now does the fire dept have a professional negotiation team of attorneys. Yes they do! but its OK we keep waisting hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on bullsh.t and convention drinking trips.

So if you want trust the Union blindly!

what are you talking about we have scarola and casanova!! the winning team why to we need a professional negotiator?