View Full Version : basket ball

08-16-2010, 07:25 PM
Wow fhp, You have stooped to an all time low. You arrested a heat star for weed? You really have nothing better to do then a little weed charge. I know someone is going to come on here and try to justify "it's a good arrest and you are a criminal and don't deserve to be a cop." Well to you I say THATS WHY YOU ARE THE LOWEST PAID IN THE STATE AND THATS WHY YOU WILL ALWAYS BE JUST THAT! LOSER! YOUR GLORIFIED MDX WORKERS!I HOPE I CAN GET A VIEW OF THAT A-FORM AND THE NAME OF THE ARRESTING OFFICER. YOU BETTER HOPE I NEVER PULL YOU OVER IN MY CITY LLLLLLOSER!

08-16-2010, 07:39 PM
You MPD idiots who condone the felony possession of "weed" probably use it yourself. And we'll lock you up, too! Don't mess with the men driving the black and yellows.

08-16-2010, 07:50 PM
I am planning on leaving the Cleveland Police Department, joining the FHP and requesting assignment to Miami. Lookout LeBron--I'm coming for you!!!

08-16-2010, 08:42 PM
Wow fhp, You have stooped to an all time low. You arrested a heat star for weed? You really have nothing better to do then a little weed charge. I know someone is going to come on here and try to justify "it's a good arrest and you are a criminal and don't deserve to be a cop." Well to you I say THATS WHY YOU ARE THE LOWEST PAID IN THE STATE AND THATS WHY YOU WILL ALWAYS BE JUST THAT! LOSER! YOUR GLORIFIED MDX WORKERS!I HOPE I CAN GET A VIEW OF THAT A-FORM AND THE NAME OF THE ARRESTING OFFICER. YOU BETTER HOPE I NEVER PULL YOU OVER IN MY CITY LLLLLLOSER!

MPD? What are you doing on the computer?? Don't you have some drug dealers to roll??

08-16-2010, 08:55 PM
Wow fhp, You have stooped to an all time low. You arrested a heat star for weed? You really have nothing better to do then a little weed charge. I know someone is going to come on here and try to justify "it's a good arrest and you are a criminal and don't deserve to be a cop." Well to you I say THATS WHY YOU ARE THE LOWEST PAID IN THE STATE AND THATS WHY YOU WILL ALWAYS BE JUST THAT! LOSER! YOUR GLORIFIED MDX WORKERS!I HOPE I CAN GET A VIEW OF THAT A-FORM AND THE NAME OF THE ARRESTING OFFICER. YOU BETTER HOPE I NEVER PULL YOU OVER IN MY CITY LLLLLLOSER!

I bet you are not even a cop.

08-17-2010, 03:21 AM
Miami BOY, you can be jealous but just don't be a hater.


08-17-2010, 12:18 PM
oh yeah, pro players are above the law gods. I forgot. shame on you trooper you should bow down to him. Funny how some people change their thinking on crimes depending on who is committing them.

08-17-2010, 03:11 PM
Wow fhp, You have stooped to an all time low. You arrested a heat star for weed? You really have nothing better to do then a little weed charge. I know someone is going to come on here and try to justify "it's a good arrest and you are a criminal and don't deserve to be a cop." Well to you I say THATS WHY YOU ARE THE LOWEST PAID IN THE STATE AND THATS WHY YOU WILL ALWAYS BE JUST THAT! LOSER! YOUR GLORIFIED MDX WORKERS!I HOPE I CAN GET A VIEW OF THAT A-FORM AND THE NAME OF THE ARRESTING OFFICER. YOU BETTER HOPE I NEVER PULL YOU OVER IN MY CITY LLLLLLOSER!I would enjoy shooting you. You're a retard!

08-17-2010, 06:14 PM
[/quote]I would enjoy shooting you. You're a retard![/quote]

not funny. Lets not bring our comments to this.

08-17-2010, 06:17 PM
Now we know you are absolutely not a Police Officer! No police officer would ever "enjoy" shooting another Law Enforcement official. I think this is way out of control. I think that your post is truly uncalled for sir/madam. If you are indeed part of MPD, you must be a total disgrace to your uniform.

08-18-2010, 02:49 AM
Now we know you are absolutely not a Police Officer! No police officer would ever "enjoy" shooting another Law Enforcement official. I think this is way out of control. I think that your post is truly uncalled for sir/madam. If you are indeed part of MPD, you must be a total disgrace to your uniform.

Look at the post. I (mpd) never said I would shoot anyone. One of your loser fhp buddies posted that about me. All I was simply stating was the arresting officer clearly made a bad choice. The news is smearing your name (florida highway patrol) stating the passanger screamed the weed was his. Whatever, I don't like some of you fhp guys but I will continue to back you up when I see you pulled over on the expressway. I would never say I would shoot ANY LAW ENF OFFICER! That my friend was a really stupid remark. Even If you arrested a star miami heat basketball player, ruined his name (roll model) EVEN AFTER THE PASSANGER SAID THE WEED WAS HIS! Be safe loser! :cop:

08-18-2010, 02:43 PM
About the only thing that you spelled correctly was "MPD".

08-18-2010, 03:01 PM
Now we know you are absolutely not a Police Officer! No police officer would ever "enjoy" shooting another Law Enforcement official. I think this is way out of control. I think that your post is truly uncalled for sir/madam. If you are indeed part of MPD, you must be a total disgrace to your uniform.

Look at the post. I (mpd) never said I would shoot anyone. One of your loser fhp buddies posted that about me. All I was simply stating was the arresting officer clearly made a bad choice. The news is smearing your name (florida highway patrol) stating the passanger screamed the weed was his. Whatever, I don't like some of you fhp guys but I will continue to back you up when I see you pulled over on the expressway. I would never say I would shoot ANY LAW ENF OFFICER! That my friend was a really stupid remark. Even If you arrested a star miami heat basketball player, ruined his name (roll model) EVEN AFTER THE PASSANGER SAID THE WEED WAS HIS! Be safe loser! :cop:
Hey retard for your FYI.. Haslem was in pactual physical control of his vehicle at the time of the stop... A very strong odor of cannabis was emitting from HASLEM'S vehicle, based on case law he WAS in constructive possession of cannabis despite of his friend trying to cover up and say that the cannabis was all his. Are you slow or plain stupid? You are believing what the other passenger was claiming about the cannabis being all of his? Nooooo! You narcissistic ****.. The cannabis was haslem's as well... What a role model haslem is for all the young folks and teenagers out there! Carry a felony amount of cannabis with a gun!! Yea go ahead that's good!! Lol you are lame just like half of your department that is always getting caught doing illegal things like violating peoples constitutional rights, then you wonder wht FBI is all up in your county. Go kill yourself please.

P.s- Haslem is now my role model along with my kids. He is suchgenuine type of guy like yourself! Ha

08-18-2010, 03:16 PM
Now we know you are absolutely not a Police Officer! No police officer would ever "enjoy" shooting another Law Enforcement official. I think this is way out of control. I think that your post is truly uncalled for sir/madam. If you are indeed part of MPD, you must be a total disgrace to your uniform.

Look at the post. I (mpd) never said I would shoot anyone. One of your loser fhp buddies posted that about me. All I was simply stating was the arresting officer clearly made a bad choice. The news is smearing your name (florida highway patrol) stating the passanger screamed the weed was his. Whatever, I don't like some of you fhp guys but I will continue to back you up when I see you pulled over on the expressway. I would never say I would shoot ANY LAW ENF OFFICER! That my friend was a really stupid remark. Even If you arrested a star miami heat basketball player, ruined his name (roll model) EVEN AFTER THE PASSANGER SAID THE WEED WAS HIS! Be safe loser! :cop: X-2
MPD, the trooper made a bad choice? Please try to give me a erroneous answer.. Wow you're dumb.

Hey retard for your FYI.. Haslem was in pactual physical control of his vehicle at the time of the stop... A very strong odor of cannabis was emitting from HASLEM'S vehicle, based on case law he WAS in constructive possession of cannabis despite of his friend trying to cover up and say that the cannabis was all his. Are you slow or plain stupid? You are believing what the other passenger was claiming about the cannabis being all of his? Nooooo! You narcissistic fazugie.. The cannabis was haslem's as well... What a role model haslem is for all the young folks and teenagers out there! Carry a felony amount of cannabis with a gun!! Yea go ahead that's good!! Lol you are lame just like half of your department that is always getting caught doing illegal things like violating peoples constitutional rights, then you wonder wht FBI is all up in your county. Go kill yourself please.

P.s- Haslem is now my role model along with my kids. He is suchgenuine type of guy like yourself! Ha