View Full Version : Judicial race we should watch

08-01-2010, 01:27 AM
There is an upcoming judicial race Elijah Williams vs Alan Schneider that affects all law enforcement people. When Ron Cochran became Sheriff he conducted political firings of 138 of our brothers and sisters. He hired Elijah Williams as the BSO attorney to fight all the lawsuits filed by our law enforcement brothers and sisters. These illegal firings hurt so many families and Elijah Williams fought them tooth and nail. What makes it worse is the PBA endorsed Williams. How could the PBA endorse a person who did everything in his power to keep our brothers and sisters from getting their jobs back.
Former Sheriff Ken Jenne helped Williams get an appointment to the bench from the Governor and Williams and Jenne are still close friends.
Williams acting as a judge was on the diversity committe and one day became angry and resigned and in writing stated " I won't carry the white man's water". You talk about a racist and the guy is a judge.
Anyone who would attack law enforcement people for expressing their constitutional right to vote has no reason to get our vote and has no place in our law enforcement community.
I would never vote for Williams so Mr. Schneider you have my vote