View Full Version : 10-66

07-23-2010, 05:40 PM
As soon as a trooper says someone is failing to stop, Sgt's (and other brass) are jumping on the radio making them cancel. This happens at all hours (day and middle of the night), when the appears the policy is being followed and correct information is getting put out - when there are no obvious reasons to cancel the trooper. It's seems wrong to me, considering the recent policy changes.

It seem prevelant with the same Sgt's who also say "Troopers on my squad are not allowed to get into anything because they need to be 10-8 in case a crash comes out. They don't need to be tied up on DUI's and other criminal stuff or taking people to jail"

It's no wonder the Patrol is the way it is. Everyone is discouraged (in one way or another - 10-66, evaluations, or just Sgt's putting a target on you) from doing anything productive. This screwed up 're-active' attitude doesn't solve anything.

Lazy, slug Sgt's suck! Their squad members should not be forced to be slugs with them!

07-23-2010, 06:32 PM
Whiner baby rookie trooper.

07-23-2010, 07:40 PM
Their is the way that it should be and then their is the way that it is. We should be able to do a lot of things that we can't because the system is BROKEN and NEVER will be fixed. If you weigh the risks to the trooper, public, and agency against the jail time given to the scumbag, it just doesn't make sense.

07-23-2010, 08:37 PM
You guys need to transfer. We chase the heck out of them in Troop H!

07-23-2010, 08:57 PM
Yes, I'm not sure where the original poster is working but I haven't heard a supervisor cancel one yet. I've heard a couple Troopers cancel their own pursuit, but I have not heard any Sergeants cancel one.

07-23-2010, 09:45 PM
Same here.

07-23-2010, 10:52 PM
Their is the way that it should be and then their is the way that it is. We should be able to do a lot of things that we can't because the system is BROKEN and NEVER will be fixed. If you weigh the risks to the trooper, public, and agency against the jail time given to the scumbag, it just doesn't make sense.

The proper word is "there", not "their".

07-23-2010, 11:48 PM
Yes, I'm not sure where the original poster is working but I haven't heard a supervisor cancel one yet. I've heard a couple Troopers cancel their own pursuit, but I have not heard any Sergeants cancel one.

Same here in Troop K - Orlando..

07-24-2010, 12:58 AM
As soon as a trooper says someone is failing to stop, Sgt's (and other brass) are jumping on the radio making them cancel. This happens at all hours (day and middle of the night), when the appears the policy is being followed and correct information is getting put out - when there are no obvious reasons to cancel the trooper. It's seems wrong to me, considering the recent policy changes.

It seem prevelant with the same Sgt's who also say "Troopers on my squad are not allowed to get into anything because they need to be 10-8 in case a crash comes out. They don't need to be tied up on DUI's and other criminal stuff or taking people to jail"

It's no wonder the Patrol is the way it is. Everyone is discouraged (in one way or another - 10-66, evaluations, or just Sgt's putting a target on you) from doing anything productive. This screwed up 're-active' attitude doesn't solve anything.

Lazy, slug Sgt's suck! Their squad members should not be forced to be slugs with them!

They probably calcelled you cause you do not know how to drive, get another job

07-24-2010, 02:15 AM
Listen folks, if sergeants want to cancel a chase, well then tough sh!t...just follow the dam order and don't do anything desky.

07-24-2010, 01:44 PM
"desky"??? Was that a typo or are you just making up words now? I agree that if the supervisor cancels you, you end it right there but I know of several cases where supervisors have cancelled pursuits that were very well justified, one of them being an armed robbery suspect in very light traffic on an interstate. After the pursuit was cancelled, the trooper didn't do anything "desky" but he made it known that he wasn't happy about it.

07-24-2010, 04:59 PM
"desky"??? Was that a typo or are you just making up words now? I agree that if the supervisor cancels you, you end it right there but I know of several cases where supervisors have cancelled pursuits that were very well justified, one of them being an armed robbery suspect in very light traffic on an interstate. After the pursuit was cancelled, the trooper didn't do anything "desky" but he made it known that he wasn't happy about it.

Did he cancel it because there were 83 patrol cars from 17 different agencies that were already in a 3 mile line chasing the suspect?

07-24-2010, 09:32 PM
"desky"??? Was that a typo or are you just making up words now? I agree that if the supervisor cancels you, you end it right there but I know of several cases where supervisors have cancelled pursuits that were very well justified, one of them being an armed robbery suspect in very light traffic on an interstate. After the pursuit was cancelled, the trooper didn't do anything "desky" but he made it known that he wasn't happy about it.

Did he cancel it because there were 83 patrol cars from 17 different agencies that were already in a 3 mile line chasing the suspect?

Really, chases like the above are inherently dangerous and are just not necessary, period. It also shows to the public that we just want to have fun. And "desky" is slang for those that don't know.

07-24-2010, 10:39 PM
I don't think anyone assumes chases are safe and I don't hear anyone refusing to follow Sgt's orders. And it's not every Sgt, but it is common for certain ones. But it's certainly fustrating when the agency changes policy to allow more pursuits and decision making on the trooper's part, only to be cancelled right away (before any reasons for any such cancellation) by a Sgt (who often couldn't care either way if it didn't involve the Sgt leaving his/her house to do the pursuit paperwork).

07-25-2010, 03:26 PM
In GA troopers are NEVER canceled. If they dont chase they catch crap from the brass not the other way around and criminals know it.
I'm sorry to see FHP going down the tubes with slugs at the helm.

07-25-2010, 04:19 PM
"desky"??? Was that a typo or are you just making up words now? I agree that if the supervisor cancels you, you end it right there but I know of several cases where supervisors have cancelled pursuits that were very well justified, one of them being an armed robbery suspect in very light traffic on an interstate. After the pursuit was cancelled, the trooper didn't do anything "desky" but he made it known that he wasn't happy about it.

This happened in Collier Co. Armed Robbery suspect being followed by a Trooper. The Trooper was the only unit. Lazy Ass Sgt. W. Johnson (Now Retired) called the Trooper off because he was up in Lee Co., out of his zone, and it was almost the end of his shift and he didn't want to respond. Thank God that POS is GOOOOONNNNNNE!

07-25-2010, 10:58 PM
And Georgia seems fairly well off regardless. I know it sounds morbid, but people die every day. Bee stings, alcohol poisoning, a whole slew of strange and incurable diseases, a helicopter crashing on top of you.

Statistically speaking, the percentage of people who die in the US as collateral damage in police crashes is infinitesimal. The problem is that governments have shitty lawyers (all the good ones are in private practice) and is more worried about law suits than catching the bad guys.

Now I am all for not chasing some asshat who ran a stopsign, you have his tag number and know where he lives, and he's got a suspended license and wants to get away.

But, for example, recently Orange County chased a MURDERER, a guy who STABBED someone to death. The chase resulted in said MURDERER, AKA DANGEROUS FUGITIVE, crashing into a car with two innocent women inside, killing them both. Now, I am terribly sorry that their deaths happened, and I agree that those lives could have been saved, but their families are suing (of course) and saying the deputies should not have chased the KILLER. Sorry, but there's a happy medium somewhere between not chasing a speeding motorcylist who is showing off and not chasing a guy who STABBED SOMEONE TO DEATH THEN FLED, posing a risk to the rest of society.

All I know is that I live in the panhandle, and we're told if we're going to chase, chase them north. Georgia will put them in a ditch when we get called off.

07-26-2010, 06:33 AM
Someone told me the other day Georgia State Patrol has sovereign immunity (as a state agency) written into their state constitution - so lawsuits are not a concern...

07-26-2010, 01:33 PM
Someone told me the other day Georgia State Patrol has sovereign immunity (as a state agency) written into their state constitution - so lawsuits are not a concern...

Nice. It's a shame Florida hasn't followed suit, cause I'd love to chase 'em till the wheels fall off!

07-26-2010, 02:11 PM
Someone told me the other day Georgia State Patrol has sovereign immunity (as a state agency) written into their state constitution - so lawsuits are not a concern...

Nice. It's a shame Florida hasn't followed suit, cause I'd love to chase 'em till the wheels fall off!

I believe that a recent Supreme Court decision solved this problem. Innocent victims can't hold police liable for damage done during a legal chase, UNLESS the trooper was negligent in his OWN behavior. The vics can only sue the the BAD guys.

07-26-2010, 08:56 PM
Someone told me the other day Georgia State Patrol has sovereign immunity (as a state agency) written into their state constitution - so lawsuits are not a concern...

Nice. It's a shame Florida hasn't followed suit, cause I'd love to chase 'em till the wheels fall off!

I believe that a recent Supreme Court decision solved this problem. Innocent victims can't hold police liable for damage done during a legal chase, UNLESS the trooper was negligent in his OWN behavior. The vics can only sue the the BAD guys.

That is correct

07-27-2010, 10:57 AM
Someone told me the other day Georgia State Patrol has sovereign immunity (as a state agency) written into their state constitution - so lawsuits are not a concern...

Nice. It's a shame Florida hasn't followed suit, cause I'd love to chase 'em till the wheels fall off!

I believe that a recent Supreme Court decision solved this problem. Innocent victims can't hold police liable for damage done during a legal chase, UNLESS the trooper was negligent in his OWN behavior. The vics can only sue the the BAD guys.

That is correct

Tell that to the Orange County Sheriff's Office after they chased the murder suspect mentioned earlier in this post. They are being sued right now....Who knows if it will go anywhere.

07-27-2010, 12:44 PM
MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. -- A police pursuit ended in a crash on Interstate 95 on Monday afternoon, according to Hollywood police.
Lt. Manny Marino, of the Hollywood Police Department, said investigators were searching for two people and a car after a burglary at a home on Monday morning.
Hollywood police officers spotted a car matching the description of the vehicle involved in the burglary at Sheridan Street and Interstate 95 and began following it south into Miami-Dade County, police said.
Marino said Hollywood officers stopped pursuing the vehicle, but officers with the Florida Highway Patrol and Miami-Dade Police Department continued following the car.
The car crashed off Miami-Gardens Drive and southbound I-95, police said.
Two people in the car were taken into custody. It is unclear whether the two people will be charged in the Hollywood burglary.
No injuries were reported.

07-27-2010, 07:50 PM
"desky"??? Was that a typo or are you just making up words now? I agree that if the supervisor cancels you, you end it right there but I know of several cases where supervisors have cancelled pursuits that were very well justified, one of them being an armed robbery suspect in very light traffic on an interstate. After the pursuit was cancelled, the trooper didn't do anything "desky" but he made it known that he wasn't happy about it.

This happened in Collier Co. Armed Robbery suspect being followed by a Trooper. The Trooper was the only unit. Lazy Ass Sgt. W. Johnson (Now Retired) called the Trooper off because he was up in Lee Co., out of his zone, and it was almost the end of his shift and he didn't want to respond. Thank God that POS is GOOOOONNNNNNE!

You really need to get your facts correct, that call was not dispatched as an armed robbery, while dispatch did have that information it was not broadcast to any of the on duty units. There was an investigation to that chase, Johnson was in fact in Collier County when this happened so you are caught in lie number one, dispatch did not give out the correct information on this incident, the real facts are this was a home invasion of bad guys committing a home invasion on other bad guys, it was a war between them, and again dispatch did not give out that information as was revealed in the investigation, so you are caught in lie number two, the trooper involved was by himself with no other troopers nearby to assist, there were a confirmed two Collier County officers that were involved in the chase, at the time FHP policy was clear that if another agency becomes involved FHP will break off, and no more then two units would be involved in a pursuit, so Johnson was following FHP policy, so now you have been caught in lie number three.

Johnson was cleared of any wrong doing and was found to have followed FHP policy to the letter. You really need to let your anger go, Johnson is retired and you still try to blame your issues on him, how lame are you people in Collier County.

You can request a copy of the investigation that cleared Johnson and found FHP dispatch failed on their end in this incident.

A trooper who is tired of you whiny Collier units.