View Full Version : Poor Policing

07-18-2010, 11:55 PM
Everyday I'm shocked to know what is happening in this department. Officers, Detectives, & Sergeants are constantly complaining about the amount of pressure that is placed on them to produce stats. This is causing poor arrest to be made without probable cause and the illegal detainment and harshment of citizens so we can get a Field Contact stat. The last time i looked on the side/rear of our police cars it said, "Building a stronger community".

We have a Crime Suppression Team that has not stopped any major crime in City of Miami Gardens, but has made several hundred misdemeanor arrest since their existence. They are the POWER SQUAD in plain clothes making misdemeanor traffic, alcohol, and narcotics arrests. How has that decreased any of the shootings, killings, or robberies.

Unfortunately they are forced to do this because its all about the stats. When does this get old. We are about to celebrate 3 years of services and its still quanity over quality. This is why so many cases are dismissed because of the lack of knowledge of the law, lack of evidence, and poor report writing skills and MGPD is a joke at the State Attorney's Office.

Every citizen I come in contact with states that they have been written several tickets in the last few months by MG police officers but the police can't find out who robbed me, broke in my house, stole my vehicle, or vandalized my property. Sounds like we are doing the opposite of our mission statement. Residents are starting to get pissed that they voluntarily voted to raise their taxes to get a poor quality police service.

Everyone complains about discipline and other issue here, but left their respective police departments for the same reasons (mainly financial). How can you hate working for a city that is paying most of you twice as much money as you made before and providing you with better benefits. And that's not enough to motivate some of you to provide a better service. If you are not here to better the City of Miami Gardens then you need to leave, because everyday you are putting your fellow officers life at risk because of your actions.

I hope things get better before they get worse. If not we are in for a bumpy ride because we are going to make the people who fought to get us here and make us the highest paid officers in the county fight to get us out.

07-19-2010, 04:23 AM
I'm not sure who you are or what squad you work for but you obviously have no ideal what goes on in PATROL. I can only assume that you aren't a patrol officer. If you were then you would clearly know that all the admin cares about are FI's and tickets. We give them what they want because afterall, it affects out pay raises. They do not give a damn about how many proactive arrests you make b/c if you do not come in with the amount of tickets or FI's they want, it simply means you were not working in their eyes. The residents should complain and I don't blame them one bit. Things will not change until we get a new chief and city manager. Your post makes it seems as if it is the patrol officer fault when it is not. I tell people all the time who object to their ticket to go to city hall and complain.

07-19-2010, 07:09 PM
I don’t think the initial post was intended for road patrol; the road guys are the backbone of this friggin department. I must admit we do have a few slugs just like all other departments out there. Slugs who are just here for the $$$$ and really don’t care about the city and its residents, but that is not the real issue here at MGPD. To be blunt, our administration has failed to give us the guidance and leadership needed in order to police this city and take it back from the criminals. Yeah Yeah we had a significant decrease in crime 30-40%. Well, that’s b/c the County was not properly staffed to effectively police MG. Now we have 6 times what the county had plus several specialized units and still crime is going up. I mean 29's all day, at least 2 homicides a week, multiple shootings, and I don’t even want to mention the 26's. There is a lack of innovation or concern from someone. Ummmm who can that be? The thugs are back hanging on the corner slanging dope while the residents are held hostage in their homes. Why? Why?

You see, most of us did leave our old departments for financial reason, but most importantly we left to be a part of something very special. An opportunity and a chance to do real quality police work. We accepted the challenge of coming to a city that was full of violent crimes to clean up and release the residents from the criminals choke hold. We came with our sleeves rolled up ready and ready to get dirty to make a difference and to build a safer community! And many of us left our loved ones back home b/c we were committed and believed in what was happening here at MGPD. Real police work. MGPD had the potential to be the best of the best department in the nation. Unfortunately that is slowly going down the drain. Thanks to our LEADERS... ummmm sorry I mean MANAGERS big big difference between the two. I must add, Cpt Martinez is always out in the trenches and bleeds blue. A true old school cop who knows how to get the job done and lead by example. There are a select few others who are not afraid and want to do real police work.

Specifically our MAJORS (especially investigations) and their subordinates have created a culture of fear amongst the officers to not initiate or do real police work in a violent city or you will be written up. WTF!! Huh??? Instead of creating a culture of quality police work, a Mickey Mouse culture of numbers/stats have taken over resulting in an uprising in violent crimes. You see, it’s ok for you to sit in your nice office and demand more FI’s, traffic citations, and bull crap misdemeanor arrest. But not for us, we see the real issues in this city but can’t address them because we have to focus on getting our little numbers/stats to mask the inability of certain Captains and Majors effectiveness as a leader. I just don’t see the correlation between petty misdemeanor arrest and crime reduction. Well this is the system/game you have created so play on. We will continue to play your game and give you your non quality 40-50 FI’s, 100 citations, and other bull crap misdemeanor arrest that makes you look good, stay off our backs, and seems as if we are building a safer community when we really are not. It just looks good on paper by the way. By the way we are a joke to the State Attorney’s Office and fellow brothers/sisters from other departments. Sad to say but I see this city and police department becoming just like our neighboring city south of us if nothing changes; a police department with low morale and a city notorious for violent crimes. A change needs to be made “like last year”! Until then, let’s keep playing PATTY CAKE PATTY CAKE with these murderers and pretending we live in Weston.

07-19-2010, 09:24 PM
I don’t think the initial post was intended for road patrol; the road guys are the backbone of this friggin department. I must admit we do have a few slugs just like all other departments out there. Slugs who are just here for the $$$$ and really don’t care about the city and its residents, but that is not the real issue here at MGPD. To be blunt, our administration has failed to give us the guidance and leadership needed in order to police this city and take it back from the criminals. Yeah Yeah we had a significant decrease in crime 30-40%. Well, that’s b/c the County was not properly staffed to effectively police MG. Now we have 6 times what the county had plus several specialized units and still crime is going up. I mean 29's all day, at least 2 homicides a week, multiple shootings, and I don’t even want to mention the 26's. There is a lack of innovation or concern from someone. Ummmm who can that be? The thugs are back hanging on the corner slanging dope while the residents are held hostage in their homes. Why? Why?

You see, most of us did leave our old departments for financial reason, but most importantly we left to be a part of something very special. An opportunity and a chance to do real quality police work. We accepted the challenge of coming to a city that was full of violent crimes to clean up and release the residents from the criminals choke hold. We came with our sleeves rolled up ready and ready to get dirty to make a difference and to build a safer community! And many of us left our loved ones back home b/c we were committed and believed in what was happening here at MGPD. Real police work. MGPD had the potential to be the best of the best department in the nation. Unfortunately that is slowly going down the drain. Thanks to our LEADERS... ummmm sorry I mean MANAGERS big big difference between the two. I must add, Cpt Martinez is always out in the trenches and bleeds blue. A true old school cop who knows how to get the job done and lead by example. There are a select few others who are not afraid and want to do real police work.

Specifically our MAJORS (especially investigations) and their subordinates have created a culture of fear amongst the officers to not initiate or do real police work in a violent city or you will be written up. WTF!! Huh??? Instead of creating a culture of quality police work, a Mickey Mouse culture of numbers/stats have taken over resulting in an uprising in violent crimes. You see, it’s ok for you to sit in your nice office and demand more FI’s, traffic citations, and bull crap misdemeanor arrest. But not for us, we see the real issues in this city but can’t address them because we have to focus on getting our little numbers/stats to mask the inability of certain Captains and Majors effectiveness as a leader. I just don’t see the correlation between petty misdemeanor arrest and crime reduction. Well this is the system/game you have created so play on. We will continue to play your game and give you your non quality 40-50 FI’s, 100 citations, and other bull crap misdemeanor arrest that makes you look good, stay off our backs, and seems as if we are building a safer community when we really are not. It just looks good on paper by the way. By the way we are a joke to the State Attorney’s Office and fellow brothers/sisters from other departments. Sad to say but I see this city and police department becoming just like our neighboring city south of us if nothing changes; a police department with low morale and a city notorious for violent crimes. A change needs to be made “like last year”! Until then, let’s keep playing PATTY CAKE PATTY CAKE with these murderers and pretending we live in Weston.

I couldn't have said it better. It is a GAME we are playing. Not a week goes by where i do not hear "if you all don't have the tickets or FI's at the end of the month it'll affect your raise." So it can be expected that EVERYONE works for their own financial needs. This place was fun when we first started. Now we are a joke and continue taking steps backwards. There's unnecessary pressure on patrol and I hear investigations. It's sad to see our CST make open container arrest, lol.

07-19-2010, 10:18 PM
Youre right it is sad to see our full time CST detectives make open container arrest when we have shooting and robberies occurring all the time. Its not their fault, they are just doing what they are told to do.... more stats more stats more stats. Remember its quanity over quality here. Yup thats the philosophy.....lol!

07-20-2010, 01:46 AM
All of this sad but so true..This place needs to get their stuff together and they need to do it quick. I cant believe the image that everyone had for this department has diminished to the concept of FI's and citations!!! Are you serious!! Why are we trying to re-invent police work? We as officers are not allowed to do just that, POLICE WORK!!!!! Oh and in the event you do anything other than an FI or citations you will get written up..Everyone is operating out of fear and that is going TO GET SOMEONE KILLED!!!! I wonder how the administration is gonna feel then. Supervisors need to man up!! I am VERY disappointed in the way things are going and afraid to see whats to come... WE NEED CHANGE AND WE NEED IT QUICK!!!!!!

07-20-2010, 03:04 AM
We can say this and say that...here's an idea...everyone be on the same page. We say bring this in and no more every month..everyone do it. What's the department gonna do? Fire all of patrol, put you on midnights?? So many cops forget that we hold the guns & shields..not them. They can ***** and moan about crime going up...Major can come in and say this and that..if you ride it out and not fold under the first sign of pressure...I guarantee you..they will have to bend. OR my personal theory...continue what we're doing, let the crime go up..let the mopes control the streets..and the department will be forced to throw out their "rule book"...those cameras are the death of this department..along with P.M..he's an two-faced idiot..never seen such bad leadership..cause we all know the Chief is too busy working on his golf game to be here...

07-20-2010, 03:43 PM
Oh, now don’t get me wrong, we shooooooe look good in those nice camera/audio outfitted black and whites. But that’s all, we just look good. Now the question is who are we to blame for all of this? I will not point a finger.

I must admit it is a darn shame to see what this place is becoming. It really makes me sick to my stomach! Yuck! We are about three years operational and the department has a culture of low morale you better not do quality police work. I have to admit we have accomplished a lot in regards to crime reduction initially. That was then but this is now. Now the crime is going up and is getting more violent. Have any of you all with brass noticed the criminals are now shooting 29 and 26 victims? Why? I will tell you why. It is a gesture from the killers in MG saying "F&*ck you MR. PIG this is my city not yours, WE RUN THESE STREETS AND THERE WILL ALWAYS BE 29's, 31's, and 30's, and you can’t do anything about it”. You see the criminals have learned/adapted to our system. They watch us on the streets all the time, they know how we carry ourselves, how we interact with community members, how we respond on a (3), our patrol strategies, and response time. They test us every day with bogus priority calls (3-30) just to see how we behave and they plan accordingly. They observe our attitudes to determine whether or not we really care about policing this city. They have mastered our ways and are always 3 steps ahead of us! To them it’s a war and they are winning. They sense the low morale/ conviction we have b/c it shows in the police services we provide. Thanks Leadership!

To my fellow sheep dogs (detectives/officers) be careful and keep your head on the swivel out on the streets b/c we work in a violent city. These criminals are lawless and don’t care about our lives. Our superiors coupled with city hall civilians have fostered a dangerous culture of working in fear at MGPD. They will not allow us to do our job. Instead they give us white gloves and create a numbers game. We need to separate the sheep from the wolves, and the only way that can be done is with good old fashion legal/ethical/hard police work. We need to shake this city up and create a culture of fear for the criminals! The criminals should be afraid and uncomfortable to even come through our city much less look at a MGPD officer the wrong way! Hell if they need to go to Miramar or Pines they need to take the long route (go around our city). Instead our leadership put cuffs on the officers’ hands and give the criminals a cuff key. Interesting are you really a COP? SAD! But who the hell am I? I do not have CHEVRONS or BRASS on my collar. I am just a dumb officer who left my family, old department, and came to fight/protect a bunch of strangers from lawless people. Are we still building a safer community? Oh, and do me a favor; the next time one of you all decide to stop hibernating in your fancy office and walk in and interrupt our ROLL CALL and say we are failing the city/residents, look in the mirror! We are just doing what we are told to do. You are supposed to lead us; where is the leadership?

07-22-2010, 12:44 AM
police work today is all about fighting numbers, not crime......go home safe at the EOT. F em.

07-23-2010, 01:28 PM
We have to much R.O.D (retired on duty).

07-24-2010, 09:44 AM
Please be patient with us, we are a new city. We don't need a union, just trust us another year. Just keep up "performance standards" and the sky is the limit for you. Trust me, we don't wanna be like Miami-Dade. Make sure to only FI bm 15-30 or else your cheating and don't you dare call it racial profiling. Love your command staff

07-25-2010, 08:55 AM
Please be patient with us, we are a new city. We don't need a union, just trust us another year. Just keep up "performance standards" and the sky is the limit for you. Trust me, we don't wanna be like Miami-Dade. Make sure to only FI bm 15-30 or else your cheating and don't you dare call it racial profiling. Love your command staff

HAHAHA!! Another year! Or even better..lets feed you and have a meeting where you don't wanna talk to us and give us a list of all the things you have given us..oooh..a windbreaker jacket..let me jump for joy! You still punish us if we take personal time off..and you want us to trust you? And I love the new rule..put on performance eval if you come in with goose eggs..and it changes your anniversary date, messing with your money big time. I would love the news to hear that out his mouth that they only want us stopping BM's 15-30..he would be outta there faster than a rabbit gets ****ed!

07-28-2010, 08:30 AM
Word on the streets is the powers that be got wind of this forum and are not happy. Means someone is running back and telling. So lets all open up, give the fools something to read. :devil:

07-29-2010, 03:28 AM
For all the TROLLS running back and telling them what the real cops in the street are saying..you will be found out eventually. It's prolly the same loser cops who call for 3-15 because they're afraid someone got in their face, everyone gets there...yet they're cleaner than a preachers' sheets and don't even 39 the scumbag who they just had it out with..

I'm glad they're reading it...so they know what kind of department they're running. They have FAILED as leaders. And I know one of them will come on here and say this and that..but the fact of the matter is..no one likes to be called out on front street, no matter how much money they make or how big their office is. Instead of firing cops for bullshit, complaining how we don't do our job in PATROL, and whatever policy you make up to continue tightening the leash on officers for fear that we have to actually break a couple eggs to make an omelette...try coming up with a crime strategy to not get any more 12 year old kid's faces blown off. So sad to see the brass go on the news and cry about how "we're trying"..yeah ok..beer arrests and crack pipe arrests don't catch killers!

07-30-2010, 09:20 PM
Folks, we just had the meetings with the city manager and the rest of the croonies (if we can call them that), and if I recall he asked if anyone had anything to say and nobody brought any issues to him/them. So I think that to come in here and vent the issues is a mute point. If you are scared to bring stuff up because of your peers/supervisors are present, you can always knock on the DC's or chief's door and have a talk with them. I know many officers, including myself, who have done just that, and at least they will listen. I even got an answer I did not like from the chief himself one time when I brought up an issue to him...."We make decisions based on what's best for the dept, and the residents of the city"...Oh well, I had to live with it or seek employment someplace else.
Trust me, I am not a fan of either Paul, Danny, Rene or any brass who was at the meetings (don't even get me started with the majors, and some capts, who are pretty much worthless in my opinion- with the exception of Eddie).
Ok, enough for venting...My point is don't knock it before you try it...Don't bash in here when you haven't even brought up any issues to who really matters. Venting in here is not going to work.

Be safe!

07-31-2010, 12:08 PM
Word on the streets is the powers that be got wind of this forum and are not happy. Means someone is running back and telling. So lets all open up, give the fools something to read. :devil:

This forum has been around for a long time. Nobody told the staff anything silly.
We all have a job to do, so let's do it. Nothing could have prevented the shooting of the 12 year old boy. Nothing other than him not being there.

We cannot make everyone happy but we can do our job knowing we went out everyday and gave it our best. This City really needs us. It is still out of control. I understand we are still short on man power and I blame the Mayor and City manager for that. This City should have been all set for the first 5 years so they have no excuse. Get us the help we need so we can provide the service our residents deserve.

07-31-2010, 07:17 PM
Word on the streets is the powers that be got wind of this forum and are not happy. Means someone is running back and telling. So lets all open up, give the fools something to read. :devil:

This forum has been around for a long time. Nobody told the staff anything silly.
We all have a job to do, so let's do it. Nothing could have prevented the shooting of the 12 year old boy. Nothing other than him not being there.

We cannot make everyone happy but we can do our job knowing we went out everyday and gave it our best. This City really needs us. It is still out of control. I understand we are still short on man power and I blame the Mayor and City manager for that. This City should have been all set for the first 5 years so they have no excuse. Get us the help we need so we can provide the service our residents deserve.

Well said!!!

08-01-2010, 12:30 PM
Policing... Humm a whole lot of whining and BS going on here. The reality is that when most of chose to go into law enforcement it wasn't because of the money. It was a calling, a vocation an honorable profession. If you are a good cop with good work ethic you'll succeed anywhere you go. The problem with current law enforcement is that some of us failed to do our jobs, parking under a tree, playing on lap tops, hanging out the station, extended meal breaks. If this sounds like you then please do us workers a favor and resign or retire and open a slot for a working cop.

Stats = accountability, they show productivity. If you were in sales and your numbers were low you'd have problems, If you were a doctor and patients dies youd have problems. Every profession has expectations, and those producing the open container stats and FI's on non-criminal subjects are merely playing a game. The good cops don't need to look at numbers, there is plenty to do and real criminals to arrests. It's tme that MGPD had a shake down, from the top down and eliminated those Retired on Duty, the ingrates collecting hefty pensions from elsewhere that do nothing and the lazy SOB's that have an immense sense of entitlement.

08-01-2010, 09:50 PM
Superstar sounds like a rookie cop. As you get more time on the job you will understand police work. Car stops and open container arrest isn't police work. Patroling those neighborhoods and preventing robberies and burglaries is what make the public appreciate you and willing to pay a higher tax for you. Try learning from the veteran officers.

Also if you are in a good assignment right now remember your only there until you piss someone off. All I'm asking you to do is open your eyes. Yes money isn't everything but it's needed to survive last I checked. See if the Chief work for 50gs less.


08-03-2010, 03:37 AM
Policing... Humm a whole lot of whining and BS going on here. The reality is that when most of chose to go into law enforcement it wasn't because of the money. It was a calling, a vocation an honorable profession. If you are a good cop with good work ethic you'll succeed anywhere you go. The problem with current law enforcement is that some of us failed to do our jobs, parking under a tree, playing on lap tops, hanging out the station, extended meal breaks. If this sounds like you then please do us workers a favor and resign or retire and open a slot for a working cop.

Stats = accountability, they show productivity. If you were in sales and your numbers were low you'd have problems, If you were a doctor and patients dies youd have problems. Every profession has expectations, and those producing the open container stats and FI's on non-criminal subjects are merely playing a game. The good cops don't need to look at numbers, there is plenty to do and real criminals to arrests. It's tme that MGPD had a shake down, from the top down and eliminated those Retired on Duty, the ingrates collecting hefty pensions from elsewhere that do nothing and the lazy SOB's that have an immense sense of entitlement.

This person is the exact kind of cop (if you want to be called that) that is the future of policing..and its sad..you have no idea how to actually be a cop..typical rookie who thinks they write a whole bunch of tickets and arrest some jerk on the corner and you think you're actually doing your job. You and your fellow rookies need to learn your place, and respect the people who have come before you. Maybe you'll actually learn something besides using a radar gun.

True, we do have lazy cops that work with us, but you know what? They will get taken care of..tell them to their face and not behind their back is a start. Professions have expectations, but this city has gone overboard with them..when you tell an officer that they need more truants off the streets ON MIDNIGHTS...you my friend are an idiot for a boss. If you've noticed anything, is that the good cops have recessed their production and opinions and have simply gone along to get along. The rising stars are the 2-year wonders who have no clue about how to get a real dude off the streets...it works for now, but sooner or later, it will catch up...they will do what most inexperienced cops end up doing..slipping up and getting indicted.

So...2-year wonder...respect your elders and learn a thing or 2.

08-03-2010, 04:48 AM
Give me a break! Who are you? Last time I check WE on patrol are not on a first name basis with anyone. You must be brass, why else would someone so brave post as another guest. Sure you can go in the Chief/DC office. In one ear and out the other. The only thing that gets accomplished is now you get labled as a trouble maker. Once that happens, you're in their cross hairs. No thanks. I agree with one thing, talk is cheap. Lets get the union. Thats action! Vote people.

Folks, we just had the meetings with the city manager and the rest of the croonies (if we can call them that), and if I recall he asked if anyone had anything to say and nobody brought any issues to him/them. So I think that to come in here and vent the issues is a mute point. If you are scared to bring stuff up because of your peers/supervisors are present, you can always knock on the DC's or chief's door and have a talk with them. I know many officers, including myself, who have done just that, and at least they will listen. I even got an answer I did not like from the chief himself one time when I brought up an issue to him...."We make decisions based on what's best for the dept, and the residents of the city"...Oh well, I had to live with it or seek employment someplace else.
Trust me, I am not a fan of either Paul, Danny, Rene or any brass who was at the meetings (don't even get me started with the majors, and some capts, who are pretty much worthless in my opinion- with the exception of Eddie).
Ok, enough for venting...My point is don't knock it before you try it...Don't bash in here when you haven't even brought up any issues to who really matters. Venting in here is not going to work.

Be safe!

08-03-2010, 11:41 AM
Give me a break! Who are you? Last time I check WE on patrol are not on a first name basis with anyone. You must be brass, why else would someone so brave post as another guest. Sure you can go in the Chief/DC office. In one ear and out the other. The only thing that gets accomplished is now you get labled as a trouble maker. Once that happens, you're in their cross hairs. No thanks. I agree with one thing, talk is cheap. Lets get the union. Thats action! Vote people.

Folks, we just had the meetings with the city manager and the rest of the croonies (if we can call them that), and if I recall he asked if anyone had anything to say and nobody brought any issues to him/them. So I think that to come in here and vent the issues is a mute point. If you are scared to bring stuff up because of your peers/supervisors are present, you can always knock on the DC's or chief's door and have a talk with them. I know many officers, including myself, who have done just that, and at least they will listen. I even got an answer I did not like from the chief himself one time when I brought up an issue to him...."We make decisions based on what's best for the dept, and the residents of the city"...Oh well, I had to live with it or seek employment someplace else.
Trust me, I am not a fan of either Paul, Danny, Rene or any brass who was at the meetings (don't even get me started with the majors, and some capts, who are pretty much worthless in my opinion- with the exception of Eddie).
Ok, enough for venting...My point is don't knock it before you try it...Don't bash in here when you haven't even brought up any issues to who really matters. Venting in here is not going to work.

Be safe!
I have to agree with you. If the city manager REALLY cared about what we thought, then he would not wait a week before the union vote to ask us what issues we have. We've given them a yr like they asked. The city manager even had the nerve to say "We've given you guys about 90% of the things you asked for." Well I'd like to personally thank Danny for the name tags, silent dispatching(lasted for a good 2 weeks), and unlimited supply of hub caps. Oh and how can I not forget the Sgt.'s pay after 30 days of acting(will never happen). That's the only thing I've noticed out of that forum. This agency has turned all of us into traffic cops. If they even cared about "whats best for the city" they will let us patrol our beats instead of worry about stats. I'm tired of pulling people over and hearing them complain about the lack of visiabilty in their neighborhoods at night or how their house was broken in to but they see MGPD cars on 27th Ave. with cars stopped all the time.

08-18-2010, 08:45 PM
Amen. Why is it that only a few of us raised our hands and had something to say while everyone else is *****ing on here. Go hand have a sit down with the D/C or Chief and they will at least listen to you. A few of us have done that about the stats and other nonsense. Maybe if everyone did the same thing and they had over 100 officers in their office then maybe something might get done about it. Instead people are scared that they might get put on road patrol and loose their so called "detective" jobs. Those on patrol I don't know what else they can do to you. SO stop being afraid and speak your mind to those that have the ability to change this place.

08-19-2010, 03:44 AM
I think the people that are speaking up are the ones posting. I don't think the others care much. It has to be about money only with certain people. I got into police work because I really care. Amazing how things change. I hear so many guys talking about leaving after they get their six years in FRS. Let's just try to keep a positive outlook.