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07-05-2010, 11:49 PM
Officer Saved Self And Fellow Officer On Highway
Ted Scouten
E-mail FORT LAUDERDALE (CBS4) ? Click to enlarge1 of 1

Even in the pouring, blinding rain, there's no mistaking those flashing lights of a police car on the interstate. When you see a those lights, you're supposed to move over.

"My vehicle had its lights on," explained Fort Lauderdale police officer Ari Gomez. "I was about 10 feet in front of the car."

Officer Ari Gomez was nearly killed when someone did not move over.

Gomez had just stopped to help at an accident scene when he noticed a pick up barreling toward him.

"I notice out of the corner of my eye, this truck that somehow is not switching lanes and it's coming straight at my vehicle," he recalled.

Gomez was standing with an off duty U.S. Custom's officer who also stopped to help. They were between the police cruiser and another car. That's when Gomez sprang into action.

"When I saw it was going to hit my car, I just grabbed him and pull out of the way somehow and my vehicle got struck."

With inches to spare, Gomez and the customs agent were ok, but both shaken.

"We were actually looking at our legs, we thought they were going to be chopped off. That's how scared, it was real, close. That's the closest I've been to death I think," Gomez said.

Gomez has been on the force for nearly 12 years now, when he looks at his banged up car, it nearly blows his mind knowing this could have been it.

"Wow!" he said. "We almost died. That's how close! It was pretty close I think."

The Florida Highway Patrol reports the driver of that pick up truck was cited for "Failure to use due care." He told investigators he was unable to move over because he was blocked in by another vehicle.

07-06-2010, 03:58 PM
When are you dumb cops going to learn not to freaking park in the roadway?

The move over law is a joke, the only thing it should require is for drivers to slow down to a reasonable speed, this making people change lanes only leads to more crashes and deaths.

Sadly innocent people have been killed in crashes that were a direct result of someone trying to obey the move over law only to have a car in their blind spot, then the party cuts the wheel hard the other way and they are out of control all while trying to obey this very poorly thought out law.

Yes it looks great on paper, but you do not want people being forced to start making lane changes on high speed roadways, bad things happen.

This law needs to be repealed now and rewritten directing people to just slow down and maintain their lane.

07-06-2010, 04:00 PM
Perfect reply, you can also use NASCAR as an example, they have spotters on their radios telling the drivers when it is ok to move over and they still have crashes.

I agree this law needs to be rewritten.

07-06-2010, 06:26 PM
When are you dumb cops going to learn not to freaking park in the roadway?

The move over law is a joke, the only thing it should require is for drivers to slow down to a reasonable speed, this making people change lanes only leads to more crashes and deaths.

Sadly innocent people have been killed in crashes that were a direct result of someone trying to obey the move over law only to have a car in their blind spot, then the party cuts the wheel hard the other way and they are out of control all while trying to obey this very poorly thought out law.

Yes it looks great on paper, but you do not want people being forced to start making lane changes on high speed roadways, bad things happen.

This law needs to be repealed now and rewritten directing people to just slow down and maintain their lane.

I hear what you are saying and the law could be adjusted in some ways. However, the law says move over or slow down, so I don't see the problem. If the speed limit is 65 and you go by an emergency vehicle with the lights on at 45 you don't have any issues.

07-06-2010, 08:58 PM
When are you dumb cops going to learn not to freaking park in the roadway?

The move over law is a joke, the only thing it should require is for drivers to slow down to a reasonable speed, this making people change lanes only leads to more crashes and deaths.

Sadly innocent people have been killed in crashes that were a direct result of someone trying to obey the move over law only to have a car in their blind spot, then the party cuts the wheel hard the other way and they are out of control all while trying to obey this very poorly thought out law.

Yes it looks great on paper, but you do not want people being forced to start making lane changes on high speed roadways, bad things happen.

This law needs to be repealed now and rewritten directing people to just slow down and maintain their lane.

Can you provide ONE documented case of someone being killed by the move over law??? If not your just spouting jibberish and making up stuff---probably because you got a move over citation. Also, if someone switches lanes without looking then they are the one's responsible as they failed to properly switch lanes. It's called being responsible for your driving actions--which is apparently lacking on the roads.

07-06-2010, 10:44 PM
When are you dumb cops going to learn not to freaking park in the roadway?

The move over law is a joke, the only thing it should require is for drivers to slow down to a reasonable speed, this making people change lanes only leads to more crashes and deaths.

Sadly innocent people have been killed in crashes that were a direct result of someone trying to obey the move over law only to have a car in their blind spot, then the party cuts the wheel hard the other way and they are out of control all while trying to obey this very poorly thought out law.

Yes it looks great on paper, but you do not want people being forced to start making lane changes on high speed roadways, bad things happen.

This law needs to be repealed now and rewritten directing people to just slow down and maintain their lane.

Hmm, last time I checked the only time we park in the roadway is to protect crash scenes or other areas for evidence, or prevent further injuries. Kinda defies logic to leave a big a$$ crash in the middle of the road and just park our cars off the side of the road leaving a mass of metal in the road, without any warnings.

Unless some idiot we stop decides not to stop on an emergency lane, and instead stops in the middle of the freaking road. Or someone parks on the emergency lane, but right next to the lane of traffic and requires us to put our cars partly into traffic to give US cover for tactical reasons.

Believe me chief, we don't like stopping in the roadway anymore than you like for us to. However, sometimes, it has to happen.

I've personally been nearly wiped off the side of the road by someone driving with the head stuck up their a$$ when both me and my car were off the road. Kinda shoots holes in your argument of "dumb cops" doesn't it?

07-06-2010, 11:44 PM
When are you dumb cops going to learn not to freaking park in the roadway?

The move over law is a joke, the only thing it should require is for drivers to slow down to a reasonable speed, this making people change lanes only leads to more crashes and deaths.

Sadly innocent people have been killed in crashes that were a direct result of someone trying to obey the move over law only to have a car in their blind spot, then the party cuts the wheel hard the other way and they are out of control all while trying to obey this very poorly thought out law.

Yes it looks great on paper, but you do not want people being forced to start making lane changes on high speed roadways, bad things happen.

This law needs to be repealed now and rewritten directing people to just slow down and maintain their lane.

I just checked his IP address and this was written by the same idiot who has been posting the "chase" topics.

07-07-2010, 12:10 AM
The move over law is a joke, the only thing it should require is for drivers to slow down to a reasonable speed, this making people change lanes only leads to more crashes and deaths.

Sadly innocent people have been killed in crashes that were a direct result of someone trying to obey the move over law only to have a car in their blind spot, then the party cuts the wheel hard the other way and they are out of control all while trying to obey this very poorly thought out law.

Spoken like a true moron. The move over law in no way "makes people change lanes." Maybe you should re-read it. People in FL who drive with their head up their arse (the majority of them) are the ones responsible for the crashes, not the move over law. If you are "cutting your wheel hard the other way to avoid cars in your blind spot" then perhaps you should look at your own driving habits.

Maybe it would be much better if we implemented a driver's license system like European countries where people must PROVE they REALLY know how to drive in order to get a license. Not a system where any warm body with a pulse is issued one. Remember, driving a motor vehicle is a privilege, not a right!

07-07-2010, 12:15 AM
Don't give me that rights crap, our rights are trampled upon daily!

07-07-2010, 01:07 AM
Don't give me that rights crap, our rights are trampled upon daily!

Please expound on what you're trying to say. :?

07-07-2010, 02:38 AM
The move over law is a joke, the only thing it should require is for drivers to slow down to a reasonable speed, this making people change lanes only leads to more crashes and deaths.

Sadly innocent people have been killed in crashes that were a direct result of someone trying to obey the move over law only to have a car in their blind spot, then the party cuts the wheel hard the other way and they are out of control all while trying to obey this very poorly thought out law.

Spoken like a true moron. The move over law in no way "makes people change lanes." Maybe you should re-read it. People in FL who drive with their head up their arse (the majority of them) are the ones responsible for the crashes, not the move over law. If you are "cutting your wheel hard the other way to avoid cars in your blind spot" then perhaps you should look at your own driving habits.

Maybe it would be much better if we implemented a driver's license system like European countries where people must PROVE they REALLY know how to drive in order to get a license. Not a system where any warm body with a pulse is issued one. Remember, driving a motor vehicle is a privilege, not a right!

Good post. I agree.

07-08-2010, 10:37 PM
Heck I thought this was a thread about Lt. L.C.!!!!