View Full Version : PBA endorses Alex Sink

06-10-2010, 09:19 PM
Tallahassee: The Florida Police Benevolent Association, representing more than 36,000 law enforcement, correctional, and correctional probation officers and their families, has officially released its 2010 slate of endorsements for Florida Governor and the Florida Cabinet.

PBA President John Rivera states:

“The Florida Police Benevolent Association is proud to announce our endorsements for the 2010 Florida Governor’s race and the Florida Cabinet. Each individual we endorsed brings a unique perspective to the Governor’s Office and the Cabinet, but they all have one thing in common – they are strong and passionate advocates for the professional men and women of law enforcement and corrections.”

Florida Governor Endorsement:
Alex Sink for Florida Governor

Florida Cabinet Endorsements (alphabetically):
Dave Aronberg for Florida Attorney General (Democratic Primary)

Loranne Ausley for Florida Chief Financial Officer
Jeff Kottkamp for Florida Attorney General (Republican Primary)
Adam Putnam for Florida Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services

“We have enjoyed a friendship with each of these fine individuals for a long time. We have seen their character. We have watched them pile up impressive track records as strong supporters of law enforcement. Most importantly, we have witnessed that even during the toughest of times their commitment to the professional women and men of public safety is unwavering. We know this, because they have demonstrated it to us time and time again. We ask the citizens of Florida to please support our choices for Florida Governor and the Florida Cabinet.”

Open Carry Man
06-12-2010, 12:30 AM
That's a shocker.

I wonder why they didn't endorse McCollum. I note that they didn't endorse him in his 2006 run for AG.

06-12-2010, 04:14 PM
That's a shocker.

I wonder why they didn't endorse McCollum. I note that they didn't endorse him in his 2006 run for AG.

Because he will go along with most of the retirement cuts and the rest. I dont think Sink can beat McCollum I think that new guy beating McCollum in the primary would give her the best chance to win.

06-12-2010, 08:56 PM
The latest Rassmussen Poll has Rick Scott ahead of Bill McCollum by 13 points. In a match up against Alex Sink, Rick Scott leads her by 45-40%. Scott has a lot of money and McCollum has no charisma and is an insider. A Scott v. Sink matchup in the fall should be close and interesting! As of right now, I plan on voting for Sink, even though I normally vote for the elephant!

06-13-2010, 02:11 AM
The latest Rassmussen Poll has Rick Scott ahead of Bill McCollum by 13 points. In a match up against Alex Sink, Rick Scott leads her by 45-40%. Scott has a lot of money and McCollum has no charisma and is an insider. A Scott v. Sink matchup in the fall should be close and interesting! As of right now, I plan on voting for Sink, even though I normally vote for the elephant!

Me too but since PBA endorsed her that tells me she would at least be willing to listen as far as a veto unlike McCollum probably or Scott.

Open Carry Man
06-22-2010, 03:10 AM
The latest Rassmussen Poll has Rick Scott ahead of Bill McCollum by 13 points. In a match up against Alex Sink, Rick Scott leads her by 45-40%. Scott has a lot of money and McCollum has no charisma and is an insider. A Scott v. Sink matchup in the fall should be close and interesting! As of right now, I plan on voting for Sink, even though I normally vote for the elephant!

Every CPO should vote for Sink, all things considered. I don't really like her, but I recognize what McCollum would likely do, and Scott is an unconvicted offender with lots of cash, so he's a dirtbag.

06-23-2010, 10:09 PM
If you want any chance at all in keeping some pension benefits, you better vote for Sink. Scott is a millionaire business guy who was CEO of a hospital corp responsible for falsifying 1.2billion dollars in medicare claims. The republicans will still controll the house and senate, so any bill they pass will be immediately passed by Scott. Do you really think a millionaire big business guy wants to do anything for your pension? He'd rather the state get rid of pensions and just give you a few bucks for a 401k. If you don't realize it by now, the days of the Unions courting the republicans (JEB) because they gave us great benefits are over. Now they want to take them all away in the name of a bad economy. Vote for Sink, she is your only hope at all. If all the state employees including teachers, cops, doc, etc push for Sink and tell their friends, it should be a landslide. Lets hope so.

06-24-2010, 12:27 AM
I enjoyed your great commentary, Alex! :snicker: Alex Sink is not for law enforcement/corrections, she is for the teachers like all democrats. In reality, democrats don't like law enforcement because they think we are barbarians. Look at the way democrats treat cops and the miltary, they hate them and everything they stand for. Sink is in bed with the teachers unions and they will be the only ones who get a pay raise or her attention! I'm voting for McCollum or Scott! :cop:

Open Carry Man
06-24-2010, 10:45 PM
I enjoyed your great commentary, Alex! :snicker: Alex Sink is not for law enforcement/corrections, she is for the teachers like all democrats. In reality, democrats don't like law enforcement because they think we are barbarians. Look at the way democrats treat cops and the miltary, they hate them and everything they stand for. Sink is in bed with the teachers unions and they will be the only ones who get a pay raise or her attention! I'm voting for McCollum or Scott! :cop:

I'm voting for McCollum in the GOP primary.

PBA isn't stupid; their endorsement of Sink is, to my way of thinking, a clear indication that McCollum will go along with GOP legislators throwing us to the wolves. That Sink is not an obvious winner is even more telling for PBA.

Any CPO that votes for Rick Scott ought to have his/her head examined. Scott is one of these guys that truly loathes public employees; he's like Jeb Bush in that regard.

CPOs need to wake up and smell the coffee when it comes to voting. I hear CPOs ranting against "big government" and "teacher salaries" etc. CPOs need to wake up and deal with the fact that WHEN YOU BECAME A CPO, YOU OPTED FOR A CAREER IN GOVERNMENT! That's the deal you made, I made, all of us made. That's the wagon to which you hitched your family's economic star. The Rick Scotts of the world don't believe government owes anyone anything. Fair enough. But why would I vote for someone who thinks that way, and couples that with the desire to eliminate my job or reduce my retirement. (Of course, if anyone attempted to reduce his CEO compensation, he'd cry about the "sanctity of contracts".) Because we are public empoyees, we are always at risk from demogogues who wish to blame us for their bad decisions, or use us to convert our wages, salaries, and pensions into goodies for their political contractor friends. We don't have the luxury of not voting our pocketbooks, and not voting with our heads.

06-25-2010, 12:16 AM
I just don't understand the hostility towards Jeb Bush. Didn't he give us nice pay raises every year? Didn't we get a 1200.00 bonus on top of a pay raise one year? Didn't he give us back special risk? What is the problem. Oh, because he wanted to get rid of a lot of fat in state government. I think that is a great idea. :devil:

Open Carry Man
06-28-2010, 02:25 AM
I just don't understand the hostility towards Jeb Bush. Didn't he give us nice pay raises every year? Didn't we get a 1200.00 bonus on top of a pay raise one year? Didn't he give us back special risk? What is the problem. Oh, because he wanted to get rid of a lot of fat in state government. I think that is a great idea. :devil:

Agreed to a point. I firmly believe, however, that if Jeb Bush, and not Charlie Crist, were governor NOW, we'd be emasculated.

Jeb Bush loathes "public employees", and his political goals have always included taking care of the private prison firms; firms that are easily able to privatize probation. So while I like some of the things he did back then, he's a guy who I would not trust to look out for our interests if they collided with (A) the richest Floiridians and (B) the privateers (who fill his campaign coffers.)

CPT Aubrey
06-28-2010, 02:54 AM
For Christ's sake IO hope not.

I just don't understand the hostility towards Jeb Bush. Didn't he give us nice pay raises every year? Didn't we get a 1200.00 bonus on top of a pay raise one year? Didn't he give us back special risk? What is the problem. Oh, because he wanted to get rid of a lot of fat in state government. I think that is a great idea. :devil:

Agreed to a point. I firmly believe, however, that if Jeb Bush, and not Charlie Crist, were governor NOW, we'd be emasculated.

Jeb Bush loathes "public employees", and his political goals have always included taking care of the private prison firms; firms that are easily able to privatize probation. So while I like some of the things he did back then, he's a guy who I would not trust to look out for our interests if they collided with (A) the richest Floiridians and (B) the privateers (who fill his campaign coffers.)

For Christ's sake Open Carry?

I've relied on you.

Just what the **** is it? Alex? McColumn? Democrat? Republican?


I can't rely on the media. I can only rely on close associations that I know have bias.

So, what the ****? An independent voice is bullshit?

Open Carry is bulllshit?

I suppose I have to be independent.

Tea Party is as good as it gets?

06-28-2010, 11:02 PM
Under trustees Sink , Crist and McCollum, the FRS pension fund has been mismanaged and run into the ground. All 3 of them have ZERO background in finance. Jeb at least gave LEOs the 3% annual accrual rate.

06-29-2010, 11:46 PM
Why don't we all just wait a little awhile and hear them debate each other and see where they stand on the issues. You can't believe all the campaign commericals because most of them are full of half truths! I am currently leaning towards Sink, only because I know nothing about Scott and McCollum blew it with me when he opened his mouth critisizing the Arizona Immigration law which I support completely!

Open Carry Man
07-01-2010, 01:45 AM
For Christ's sake IO hope not.
[quote=Guest]I just don't understand the hostility towards Jeb Bush. Didn't he give us nice pay raises every year? Didn't we get a 1200.00 bonus on top of a pay raise one year? Didn't he give us back special risk? What is the problem. Oh, because he wanted to get rid of a lot of fat in state government. I think that is a great idea. :devil:

Agreed to a point. I firmly believe, however, that if Jeb Bush, and not Charlie Crist, were governor NOW, we'd be emasculated.

Jeb Bush loathes "public employees", and his political goals have always included taking care of the private prison firms; firms that are easily able to privatize probation. So while I like some of the things he did back then, he's a guy who I would not trust to look out for our interests if they collided with (A) the richest Floiridians and (B) the privateers (who fill his campaign coffers.)

For Christ's sake Open Carry?

I've relied on you.

Just what the fazugie is it? Alex? McColumn? Democrat? Republican?


I can't rely on the media. I can only rely on close associations that I know have bias.

So, what the fazugie? An independent voice is bullshit?

Open Carry is bulllshit?

I suppose I have to be independent.

Tea Party is as good as it gets?[/quote:1ljhqum4]

I'm a registered Republican, so I'll vote for McCollum in the primry. He's better than Rick Scott, who belongs on the PP01 screen far more than in the Governor's mansion.

In the general election, I'm voting for Sink and Crist. I'm not a huge fan of either, but their opposition feels free to tee off on public employees at will. Neither one of those candidates get my heart pumping, but I'm coldly voting my self-interest, as should every CPO, because those who would emasculate us are voting THEIR self-interest.

CPT Aubrey
07-01-2010, 02:05 AM
My sincerest apology Open Carry.

At the time I wrote the above, I felt no pain. I do love a whiskey now and then and then....

I wrote it in a confused state. The old boundaries are falling apart in semi-chaos.

Once true Republicans are now independent. Reublicans become Democrats. Both have ties to scum. Mark Rubio has Samson, Crist has Greer.

The world is in flux an I have trouble making sense of it all.

Self interest is as good a reason as any.

My only problem with it? Are those running, running on self-interest too? Is it, and will it always remain a get mine world?

Crap. I don't know. But, your rationale is as good as any.

I suppose...

My apologies. You did not deserve that.

Open Carry Man
07-01-2010, 02:46 AM
My sincerest apology Open Carry.

At the time I wrote the above, I felt no pain. I do love a whiskey now and then and then....

I wrote it in a confused state. The old boundaries are falling apart in semi-chaos.

Once true Republicans are now independent. Reublicans become Democrats. Both have ties to scum. Mark Rubio has Samson, Crist has Greer.

The world is in flux an I have trouble making sense of it all.

Self interest is as good a reason as any.

My only problem with it? Are those running, running on self-interest too? Is it, and will it always remain a get mine world?

Crap. I don't know. But, your rationale is as good as any.

I suppose...

My apologies. You did not deserve that.

No problem, dude!

I'm not thrilled with any of the choices. I get a little excited for Crist only because he actually stood up for public employees. Regardless of his motives, I'm going to reward folks who stick up for us, and punish folks who feel free to tee of on us. I don't have a lot of passion in politics, but I do feel it necessary to consider the situation in the light of logic (and not in the light of idealism) and do the best I can wen I vote.

07-01-2010, 11:03 PM
You can kiss most of the extra benefits like defined retirement good bye in a couple of years if Rick Scott wins.

CPT Aubrey
07-01-2010, 11:39 PM
You can kiss most of the extra benefits like defined retirement good bye in a couple of years if Rick Scott wins.

Guest, they are already trying to get rid of the defined benefit plan as early back as Jeb. Right now, it's a decision- do you want to be a part of a defined benefit plan or not?

Not sure what the beig buggy man in the tent is here.

What I would as you are already a McCollumn supporter is:

- Who from Central Office is working on the McC election campaign?

- What contributions has McC recueved from the private prison industry?

Those two questions alone will determine his correctional direction if elected.

Now, reverse it and ask the same questions of Scott? And Sink?

07-01-2010, 11:59 PM
You can kiss most of the extra benefits like defined retirement good bye in a couple of years if Rick Scott wins.

Guest, they are already trying to get rid of the defined benefit plan as early back as Jeb. Right now, it's a decision- do you want to be a part of a defined benefit plan or not?

Not sure what the beig buggy man in the tent is here.

What I would as you are already a McCollumn supporter is:

- Who from Central Office is working on the McC election campaign?

- What contributions has McC recueved from the private prison industry?

Those two questions alone will determine his correctional direction if elected.

Now, reverse it and ask the same questions of Scott? And Sink?

Scott with the legislature we have now it could happen. McCollum wont be quick to veto anything either since public safety backed Sink.

07-02-2010, 12:12 AM
You didn't answer the questions....

And sure he will. PBA backs Sink.