View Full Version : Thankful for what we have?

06-07-2010, 11:26 PM
I hear more and more that with the state of the economy (especially in Florida) we should be thankful to have jobs with benfits, retirement, and a steady paycheck. That being said are you happy with "just having a job"?

06-08-2010, 05:42 AM
Let me tell you something. I know guy with the department of corrections in another state that just retired after 25 years as a SGT. His retirement is over $80,000. I know of a DOT worker in another state that does blue collar work (mowing road ditches, etc) and makes over $71,000 a year. People at FHP need to wake the F*** up and realize how this state is raping them!

06-08-2010, 02:13 PM
Let me tell you something. I know guy with the department of corrections in another state that just retired after 25 years as a SGT. His retirement is over $80,000. I know of a DOT worker in another state that does blue collar work (mowing road ditches, etc) and makes over $71,000 a year. People at FHP need to wake the F*** up and realize how this state is raping them!

Your data are probably accurate. I have seen the same types of data from N.J. and California. :shock:

However, those states are now realizing the error of submitting to all those years of union extortion. Now they will pay the price with major pay CUTS, pension REDUCTIONS, and benefits being reduced. Plus, who the hell wants to live in Mexifornia or New Delijersey?

06-08-2010, 09:23 PM
Let me tell you something. I know guy with the department of corrections in another state that just retired after 25 years as a SGT. His retirement is over $80,000. I know of a DOT worker in another state that does blue collar work (mowing road ditches, etc) and makes over $71,000 a year. People at FHP need to wake the F*** up and realize how this state is raping them!

Your data are probably accurate. I have seen the same types of data from N.J. and California. :shock:

However, those states are now realizing the error of submitting to all those years of union extortion. Now they will pay the price with major pay CUTS, pension REDUCTIONS, and benefits being reduced. Plus, who the hell wants to live in Mexifornia or New Delijersey?

Dude, they could cut their pay in HALF and they still would be making more than Florida state employees.

06-08-2010, 10:47 PM
Then why don't you go? Live up north, pay high taxes and $500.000 to live in a dump!

06-09-2010, 01:43 AM
Then why don't you go? Live up north, pay high taxes and $500.000 to live in a dump!

Or just move to Georgia, Alabama or Mississippi where troopers make far more, have a step plan....and 150K will buy you an actual house in most parts of those states.....

06-09-2010, 04:19 AM
Then why don't you go? Live up north, pay high taxes and $500.000 to live in a dump!

Already left my friend. And those people I were talking about live in an area where the cost of living is MUCH lower than anywhere in Florida. Some of you really need to wake up.

06-09-2010, 05:26 AM
Yep. Same with me. I left 3 years ago and made 61k last year not doing anymore work then I did as a Trooper for half the pay.

Life is so much easier when you make a DECENT living.

Troopers WAKE UP .. There are easier ways to make money in life.


06-09-2010, 05:34 AM
Yep. Same with me. I left 3 years ago and made 61k last year not doing anymore work then I did as a Trooper for half the pay.

Life is so much easier when you make a DECENT living.

Troopers WAKE UP .. There are easier ways to make money in life.



06-11-2010, 04:25 AM
Then why don't you go? Live up north, pay high taxes and $500.000 to live in a dump!

Or just move to Georgia, Alabama or Mississippi where troopers make far more, have a step plan....and 150K will buy you an actual house in most parts of those states.....

Yes, move to Georgia and enjoy your 10 year old patrol car, monthly furlough, no overtime and no off-duty.

06-11-2010, 11:56 AM
I talked to a Mississippi trooper who stated he only was a trooper for the insurance, he had to raise cattle to actually live! Not to mention he actually had to live in Mississippi...

06-12-2010, 12:52 PM
I hear more and more that with the state of the economy (especially in Florida) we should be thankful to have jobs with benfits, retirement, and a steady paycheck. That being said are you happy with "just having a job"?

The topic should have been "Thankful For What We Had", because with a projected 6 billion dollar budget shortfall projected for this year, you can bank on the fact we won't be keeping what we have...

Hell, the locals here are looking at laying off 58 cops...

06-25-2010, 08:17 PM
Hey they did save the CSO jobs (LOL) what a waste. and as for thankful for what we have, lets take a look about how thankful we are.

state is going broke!

no money for raises!

everyone now has to pay for insurance (pay cut for many)

new laptop computers (from Col on down)
new mobile printers (from col on down)
new in car computer stands (from col on down)
new tasers from rank of some LT. on down
new guns, flashlights, magazine pouches from (col on down)
new fingerprint pads from Capt on down

WOW, no money for pay, but new toys for everyone. Wow we all need to take a hard look at who the Col and the PBA are taking care of. It seems as if they are taking care of themselves and not the people who keep this place running.... and they really don't care.

Thanks for the toys, and lack of pay, cause we all know you are getting paid and lining your own pockets as the brass...

signed: a former trooper (thanks for nothing)..

06-25-2010, 08:31 PM
Let me tell you something. I know guy with the department of corrections in another state that just retired after 25 years as a SGT. His retirement is over $80,000. I know of a DOT worker in another state that does blue collar work (mowing road ditches, etc) and makes over $71,000 a year. People at FHP need to wake the F*** up and realize how this state is raping them!

That's why the socialist states are having huge budget deficits and will ultimately have to cut these overly generous and unfunded benefits. Never rely on scumbag politicians for your retirement because they will lie and promise you the sun and the moon just to stay in power.

06-25-2010, 09:43 PM
Hey they did save the CSO jobs (LOL) what a waste. and as for thankful for what we have, lets take a look about how thankful we are.

state is going broke!

no money for raises!

everyone now has to pay for insurance (pay cut for many)

new laptop computers (from Col on down)
new mobile printers (from col on down)
new in car computer stands (from col on down)
new tasers from rank of some LT. on down
new guns, flashlights, magazine pouches from (col on down)
new fingerprint pads from Capt on down

WOW, no money for pay, but new toys for everyone. Wow we all need to take a hard look at who the Col and the PBA are taking care of. It seems as if they are taking care of themselves and not the people who keep this place running.... and they really don't care.

Thanks for the toys, and lack of pay, cause we all know you are getting paid and lining your own pockets as the brass...

signed: a former trooper (thanks for nothing)..

Are you really that dumb? Do you understand the PBA does not make a dime from the State of Florida?

Do you also understand that Florida is a right to work state meaning that any union is weakened?

Please tell me you are not this stupid.

06-27-2010, 04:12 PM
You sir obviousily didn't read the post above. You are obviolusly drinking the Kool aide. the PBA is supposed to work directly for the troopers and they do get paid by the troopers, however they are in bed with the brass as well as the legislature. How are we supposed to get any raises (or fund the step pay program) (which for the record was agreed upon to stop the funding years ago by the PBA, and it was supposed to be put back into effect the very next year, and was it?) NO, and the PBA did nothing to get it refunded. The did nothing to support our pay raises, however they didn't take a pay cut. They are still getting their salaries.

To sum up the above post, the brass is more concerned with giving us more toys and equipment than RAISES.. When the state was making money hand over fist, did we get a raise (steady yearly COLA raises)? NO. no the state is supposedly going broke, and we haven't had a raise in 3 years (insurance went up, all dhsmv fees doubled) and we still get no raises. But the toys keep on coming. Where is all this money coming from?

new computers, tasers, fingerprint pads, stands, printers, guns, flashlights, new motor unit pants, etc....

I again ask you where is all this money coming from? And if you do your homework ITS A LOT OF MONEY.

so please read the post again.

06-27-2010, 04:24 PM
It is coming from federal grants and separate budget items moron. Did you just crawl out from under a rock or something?

06-27-2010, 05:24 PM
Hey they did save the CSO jobs (LOL) what a waste. and as for thankful for what we have, lets take a look about how thankful we are.

state is going broke!

no money for raises!

everyone now has to pay for insurance (pay cut for many)

new laptop computers (from Col on down)
new mobile printers (from col on down)
new in car computer stands (from col on down)
new tasers from rank of some LT. on down
new guns, flashlights, magazine pouches from (col on down)
new fingerprint pads from Capt on down

WOW, no money for pay, but new toys for everyone. Wow we all need to take a hard look at who the Col and the PBA are taking care of. It seems as if they are taking care of themselves and not the people who keep this place running.... and they really don't care.

Thanks for the toys, and lack of pay, cause we all know you are getting paid and lining your own pockets as the brass...

signed: a former trooper (thanks for nothing)..

Are you really that dumb? Do you understand the PBA does not make a dime from the State of Florida?

Do you also understand that Florida is a right to work state meaning that any union is weakened?

Please tell me you are not this stupid.

What ticks me off is the locals in my area got huge raises during the housing bubble years due to the property tax money rolling in making their pay way more than mine ( believe it or not it used to take them like 8 years to make what I made) but now that property taxes have tanked they don't have to take any cut and have just been frozen the past 2 years while if that situation never happened in the first place and the taxes just gradually became what they are now they never would have got all that. It was crazy circumstances and people with the state didn't benefit at all.

06-28-2010, 03:04 PM
It is coming from federal grants and separate budget items moron. Did you just crawl out from under a rock or something?

Ok, you are correct, the fingerprint pads came from a federal grant, THAT''S IT. all else came from the budget. As for your "separate budget items moron" comment. Are pay raises not a separate budget item moron?

06-29-2010, 02:11 AM
It is coming from federal grants and separate budget items moron. Did you just crawl out from under a rock or something?

Ok, you are correct, the fingerprint pads came from a federal grant, THAT''S IT. all else came from the budget. As for your "separate budget items moron" comment. Are pay raises not a separate budget item moron?

Everything is a separate item with state government. I say throw the money our way and let us do with it what we want. I would trade in my laptop, printer and all the other fancy crap they give us in for a decent pay raise. If this state had a billion dollar surplus every year we still wouldn't get a raise but we would get lots of equipment.

06-29-2010, 09:52 AM
I know someone who just retired from a city PD, over $6000 a month and free health insurance. FHP doesnt even come close.

06-29-2010, 11:35 AM
I know someone who just retired from a city PD, over $6000 a month and free health insurance. FHP doesnt even come close.

And one time at band camp......