View Full Version : FOP SUCKS

06-07-2010, 12:21 AM
So the FOP bails on a member and does a back door deal with city hall. WTF??? Not surprised with the current e-board in place. Time for an election and time for JB and RH to go!!!! Unbelievable sellout backdoor punks! PBA here I come....FOP does truly suck.

06-07-2010, 03:38 PM
Something is not right across the street.. Change is needed... We pay big bucks every check to let this place be manipulated by and back doored by 2 people..

06-07-2010, 08:31 PM
The 2 previous posters obviously are part of the cause of the departments current problems. Dont get me wrong, I think the administration of the department is the worst it has ever been but I also know that without the FOP, your ass would be left hanging in the wind. Before you post such trash, get your facts straight. The FOP has been and continues to be there when the department wants to fu-k you. JB and RH may have their political ties but in all the years that I have known them and been a member of the organization, those ties have NEVER influenced their job as a reps. Talk crap about the FOP until you need them. They will be there when everyone else gives you a trial by rumor or popularity. Just look at some of your brothers and sisters who have had their tit in the wringer. They may not be able to perform miracles, but they sure give it a full effort fight. To those of you who want to talk shiz about the organization, do us all a favor and hit the door. You can join the ranks of the Delvalle's and other scabs who only ride on the coatails of your hard earned dollar and the members hard work. Lets see you pick up a picket sign when needed or will you not want to give up your off-duty job. In the meantime....shut the f up!

06-07-2010, 09:37 PM
FOP did save the bottom guys who almost lost jobs last year. Don't forget the families that would of possibly gone hungry otherwise. Thank you FOP for helping out those brothers and sisters..

06-08-2010, 02:33 AM
Del Valle is a Fag!!

06-08-2010, 06:23 AM
[quote="guest345"]Del Valle is a Fag!![/quote

LMFAO! You beat me to the punch! I was just about to post the same thing! :devil:

06-08-2010, 06:24 AM
Del Valle is a Fag!!

LMFAO! You beat me to the punch! I was just about to post the same thing! :devil:

06-08-2010, 12:10 PM
"You can join the ranks of the Delvalle's and other scabs who only ride on the coatails of your hard earned dollar and the members hard work."

Please you make me wanna puke you flaming self defeating whiny liberal. yeah...hard earned dollars spent on big screen tv's and cigars instead of our negotiations and attorneys. What about leaving a member out to dry? But you'll spend money on people who got caught stealing, lying, and stabbing others in the back, just because their a big FOPer.

Unions destroyed manufacturing, the auto industry, and the airlines. How about Eastern Airlines. That was brilliant. and now they want maids and fieldhands, many of whom are illegal, and other industries to all have unions to get this outrageous pay for picking beans. How many jobs have we lost as they move outside our borders to locations where unions don’t exist? It’s time we got smart and recognize that unions may help out a select few, but they do nothing but harm the vast majority of American workers. You can add me to that list of "scabs" real soon unless something changes. "Scabs"....such a stupid term.

06-08-2010, 02:33 PM
What an idiot....you complain about how bad unions are and how they are wrecking this country but you are a member yourself! Talk about a hipocrit. Its people like you in unions that cities like the Gables prey on for weakness. Its people like you who will talk crap about the organization until you need them. Its cowards like you who will judge people you dont even know. Me a liberal? Not even close.... A realist? Now you can talk. You only see a shallow surface of what you want. Why dont you get your head out of your ass and look at the real issues that YOUR union has fought hard for you. Wait till those jackasses running the department burn you, or better yet, your fellow scab Delvalle. You will go running to JB or RH like a little ***** asking for help. Without the union you would be kneeling in front of Salerno and his clown crew. So until you can do better......shut the f up!!!

06-09-2010, 01:36 AM
My brother,

Obviously you don't know who I am.. am I a "hypocrite member" or a "fellow scab" as you say. Either way I have successfully got your panties in a wad. Relax, enjoy life, and quit worrying about making everybody else miserable. BTW, the last people I would EVER go to for help would be JB or RH....squealing ass kissing power seeking shorties. Oh and read this from Union Free America.

Top Ten Reasons Why I Don't Want A Union

10. The union doesn't write my paycheck.

9. Unions would rather cause problems than work together.

8. Union scale means the best workers are carrying the worst.

7. The people who want a union really need one. (i.e. you)

6. Too corrupt.

5. Too political, too liberal and too partisan. (i.e. JB RH)

4. Unions are only about power and money for the ones who run the union. (FOP power wanna bees)

3. Unions are negative about everything but how great they are. (just like at CGPD)

2. I like to work steady.

1. I've got too much self respect (Amen!)

06-09-2010, 01:46 AM
Before I waste anymore of my time with an idiot like you, why dont you first talk to a PO from an agency that does not have union representation for its members. You think the departments sucks now, wait till they have you by the short hairs. Then you can continue crying like a little *****.

06-09-2010, 02:47 AM
All smart-assing aside, I truly think the FOP needs a real wake up call. Look, the FOP
does great things and serves its purpose when it comes to our negotiations. Many moons
ago when the CGPD pay was pathetic, and I mean really pathetic like poverty level, it
was the FOP that got us to where we are today. The FOP works hard like this. But the
problem is that the tide in America is turning against unions and that is because its also
turning against them at the local level. The fact is the e-board is either in denial or is
refusing to change. I don’t think the FOP is realizing they are quietly but quickly losing support
and have been for years. The e-board really needs to sit down and decide on the future
direction of the FOP and make the decision that its time for change. If I was in charge I
wouldn’t be doing get togethers, parties/cigars etc to work towards “commerardery” as
Prez. Rogers used to call it in hopes of energizing the members. This won’t work. And it
won’t work because that’s not what the members are looking for. The members are
looking for responsibility and for other people holding up their end of the bargain…not
the FOP supporting people who deserve to have their ass in the ringer.

Here’s the deal. You say over and over “…when the dept tries to ‘F---k’ you…” etc etc
you’ll be crying like a ***** for help. Name me one time, just one time when the dept
was out to “f---“ someone. For any one case you can mention, I can tell you about 10
where the dept bent over backwards to save the guy….here’s the list:

1) Davis gets to keep his pension and sail on out of here quietly for screwing a
prostitute on duty in a police car …yeah yeah I know he had a problem.

2) What about Rawley who walked away even after being cold busted for scamming

3) Capt jerk off walks after getting caught stealing cash…what was his name? ahole!.
I know- long time ago and my memory is getting bad.

4) S. Greene gets carried on the payroll for nearly two years after stealing in an SIS case

5) How about Archie W. who is allowed to resign after being a total moron.

6) A. Roffe gets to keep his job even after stealing nearly 75k in overtime when he
certainly should have been fired!! And then after getting demoted gets his bars
back because of a technicality.

7) How about Chang? Did he get fired or wasn’t he allowed to resign.

8) What about the tall Indian looking guy that was allowed to resign even after
jeopardizing the safety of everyone around him?

9) How about Hoff himself who was running a business on duty and out of the
marine patrol office? He’s still around isn’he?

10) And now what about E. Plescow who apparently everyone is doing everything
they can to keep the guy around even though he shouldn’t be a cop.

11) And the jury is still out on Sikes who got cold busted faking court OT….i’m sure
he’ll get to keep his job too.

12) In fact, name me ONE PERSON who has been fired from CGPD. One.

This dept has a lot of heros that don’t need to get sucked into this FOP mantra of “their
out to F---you”. Quit being so damn paranoid. Time for change!

06-09-2010, 12:17 PM
the above post is great except for the "many moons" WTF is with the many moon crap...............we are not in a movie or on a Indian reservation! :roll:

06-09-2010, 01:58 PM
Once again someone need to get their facts straight. If you think change needs to be made in the FOP why dont you stand up in the meetings and voice your concerns? Instead you blindly spout off on this forum which you know is only a soapbox. As far as your facts, lets put them in the right frame of light.

1. Rogers ran the FOP and negotiated with the city only to sweeten up his own retirement. This was proven years later by Gibbons when we were trying to fix the mess he made for the majority of the current members.

2. Davis was hunted and should have been given help, not thrown to the wolves. The only reason he kept his pension was state law. The dept even tried to get money from him for the investigation. By the way, it was only solicitation.

3. Rawley got away with his scam because he was one step ahead of the dept over his enitre career. He was a good used car salesman who convinced the dept of anything. They tried to get him but couldnt.

4. The Captain you are probably think of is Chuck Scherer. He was in the drop and was forced to resign after the dept went after him, under Skinner. Yes, it was known that he padded his pockets but once again under a very old "good old boy" admin. He had too much on everyone.

5. Greene never stole anything. He was thrown under the bus when his unit folded in on him. The dept tried to f him but could only get him for not placing property in the property room. He left out of disgust.

6. Roffe should be in jail. The dept rightfully went after him but blew the case. He took advantage of their incompetence.

7. Chang was fired.

8. Hoff was involved in a pissing match with P. Garcia when those allegations arose. It was also under the Skinner admin who hunted anything they could. He was as much doing business on duty as you do when you take care of personal matters on your cell phone on duty. Still a witch hunt.

9. Plescow is in progress.

10. Wilson was fired.

11. Palez was fired eventhough he needed help.

12. W. Brown was fired. Hired by School Board.

13. D. Moore was forced to leave or be fired eventhough nothing was proven.

14. Vanni was fired, but rightfully so.

Should I mention how the dept let Delvalle torture the motor unit when he ran it until they were finally backed into a corner to pull that idiot? Ask the guys who won their arbitration and were paid back their lost wages because of the headhunt.

The list goes on and on so before you spout off at the mouth get your facts straight. Most of the people who resigned did so as to avoid being fired. Saying the dept never fires anyone is BS.

06-09-2010, 07:57 PM
1. Rogers was an a hole!

2. Davis was always in some sort of trouble but was a good street cop.

3. Rawley was a ***** and worthless officer.

4. Scherer was the most corrupt person ever on the department.

5. Greene was ok.

6. Roffe was dishonsest as the day is long.

7. Dont know much about Chang.

8. Hoff is the biggest brown noser the department ever had. Also dishonest too. Pablo Garcia was the second most corrupt officer in the history of the department.

9. Dont know much about Plescow.

10. Wilson was a loser.

11. Pelez had a cocaine problem and a drinking problem. Probably better that he was fired.

12. Dont know about Brown.

13. Don Moore was one of the biggest ass kissers and hateful persons on the department. His best friend was Pablo Garcia.

14. Vanni was trouble from day one.

And last but not least: Del Valle is a Fag!

06-10-2010, 04:23 AM
"And last but not least: Del Valle is a Fag!"

AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! LMAO!

LOL! :snicker: :lol: :snicker: :lol: :snicker: :lol: :snicker: :lol: :snicker: :lol:

06-10-2010, 10:28 AM
You forgot: ahole, rat, snake, snitch, p.o.s that loves to screw with people. He needs to go. Shove him In property, I heard he wants to go to YRU asap

06-10-2010, 01:33 PM
It doesnt matter where they put Del Valle. He is still a Fag!

06-10-2010, 10:50 PM
Once again someone need to get their facts straight. If you think change needs to be made in the FOP why dont you stand up in the meetings and voice your concerns? Instead you blindly spout off on this forum which you know is only a soapbox. As far as your facts, lets put them in the right frame of light.

1. Rogers ran the FOP and negotiated with the city only to sweeten up his own retirement. This was proven years later by Gibbons when we were trying to fix the mess he made for the majority of the current members.

2. Davis was hunted and should have been given help, not thrown to the wolves. The only reason he kept his pension was state law. The dept even tried to get money from him for the investigation. By the way, it was only solicitation.

3. Rawley got away with his scam because he was one step ahead of the dept over his enitre career. He was a good used car salesman who convinced the dept of anything. They tried to get him but couldnt.

4. The Captain you are probably think of is Chuck Scherer. He was in the drop and was forced to resign after the dept went after him, under Skinner. Yes, it was known that he padded his pockets but once again under a very old "good old boy" admin. He had too much on everyone.

5. Greene never stole anything. He was thrown under the bus when his unit folded in on him. The dept tried to f him but could only get him for not placing property in the property room. He left out of disgust.

6. Roffe should be in jail. The dept rightfully went after him but blew the case. He took advantage of their incompetence.

7. Chang was fired.

8. Hoff was involved in a pissing match with P. Garcia when those allegations arose. It was also under the Skinner admin who hunted anything they could. He was as much doing business on duty as you do when you take care of personal matters on your cell phone on duty. Still a witch hunt.

9. Plescow is in progress.

10. Wilson was fired.

11. Palez was fired eventhough he needed help.

12. W. Brown was fired. Hired by School Board.

13. D. Moore was forced to leave or be fired eventhough nothing was proven.

14. Vanni was fired, but rightfully so.

Should I mention how the dept let Delvalle torture the motor unit when he ran it until they were finally backed into a corner to pull that idiot? Ask the guys who won their arbitration and were paid back their lost wages because of the headhunt.

The list goes on and on so before you spout off at the mouth get your facts straight. Most of the people who resigned did so as to avoid being fired. Saying the dept never fires anyone is BS."

My Brother you just proved my point, perfectly! "Davis was hunted? Are you kidding me. Let me make this clear for you. Davis was a police officer CAUGHT GETTING A PROSTITUTE ON DUTY IN A POLICE CAR. And it wasn't his first. Hunted? Another hooker reported him! He deserved what he got and was a disgrace to the job.

This is our union folks. This is what it has come to. An FOP that believes things like this are witch hunts. I am not even going to address the rest of your list.

My friend, as someone who is close to the door and has been there done it and wrote the book, let me give you some sincere advice. When you get to a point in your career where the cynisim is so great that you think like you are thinking in your post, its time for some real soul searching. There was a point in my career where I was in the same boat and had a decision to make. I could continue to be miserable and think "this place is out for everyone" or I could work on myself. That decision was made for me when I went through some very tough times personnaly. These expereiences which for some may be a divorce or for others losing a loved one, change the way you see things and everything comes into perspective. You don't seem to have gone through this but I can tell you that as soon as you let go of whatever it is that is eating away at you, you will be a much better person for it and realize that people sometimes do things which they need to be held accountable for. I will agree that there have of course been times where people were hunted and got F_--d due to personality conflicts. It happens but thats what they were. Between idots. All you have to do is come to work, do what you are supposed to do, don't stir the water, and go home. That simple. Time for change. Your cynicism is what the FOP breeds on and many of us are getting tired of it. Ask around- people are talking.

06-11-2010, 04:48 AM
Davis should have been charged with "Animal Cruelty" for letting his dog watch!

OH YEA!!! Giggity Giggity Goo!

06-11-2010, 01:46 PM
Once again, trial by rumor. This is what is causing the problems within the department and the city thrives on it. This post isnt about any of the individuals listed, its about the FOP. Not a single person cares about your personal revelation. You sound like a typical whining "do no wrong" a-hole who judges everyone else but fails to look at your own faults. You need mental help. As an FOP member you should stand with the union, ask for change if you see something wrong, or get the f out. Once again you would rather trash a good officer who had a problem then stick with the issue on hand. Thats easier. Get out from under your rock and do something productive if you know how. These stupid posts of "Family Guy" lines are a good sample of the cartoon attitude and professionalism of a cancerous amount of dept members. It will only spread and no good will come out of it. Look at the posts of other departments. Most others talk about serious issues in a professional manner. This one calls names, whines, and complains. You will only have to waddle in the shiz pile you create. Enjoy. What a disgrace.

06-11-2010, 02:42 PM
I wonder who the above poster is? You sound like a clown!!! People can post what ever they want on here.. Stop trying to control this site!!! Go get a job at a newspaper loser!!!

06-11-2010, 02:46 PM
Case and point!

06-11-2010, 06:46 PM
The only disgrace is the dept not helping a member in need.

06-11-2010, 08:05 PM
Once again, trial by rumor. This is what is causing the problems within the department and the city thrives on it. This post isnt about any of the individuals listed, its about the FOP. Not a single person cares about your personal revelation. You sound like a typical whining "do no wrong" a-hole who judges everyone else but fails to look at your own faults. You need mental help. As an FOP member you should stand with the union, ask for change if you see something wrong, or get the f out. Once again you would rather trash a good officer who had a problem then stick with the issue on hand. Thats easier. Get out from under your rock and do something productive if you know how. These stupid posts of "Family Guy" lines are a good sample of the cartoon attitude and professionalism of a cancerous amount of dept members. It will only spread and no good will come out of it. Look at the posts of other departments. Most others talk about serious issues in a professional manner. This one calls names, whines, and complains. You will only have to waddle in the shiz pile you create. Enjoy. What a disgrace.

You just proved the other posters point again. Dude, your issues are overflowing from every orifice of your body. Get some professional help and let it go!

It is true this is exactly why union support is down nationwide in every sector. Look it up. The FOP is no exception. The problem with the FOP is you can’t disagree with them, if you do you’re an outcast. If you leave the FOP, you’re an outcast. You said it yourself “stand with the union, ask for change if you see something wrong, or get the f out” There is no asking for change with the FOP. People have asked many times and get an answer just like your posting. Your damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Its like the FOP forces you to think the way they want you to think. There is nothing more dangerous than this kind of extremism. There is no middle of the road for the FOP. Do as we do or GET OUT! You sir are an extreme radical.

As far as Davis goes, he’s not getting trashed. Noone said one bad thing about Davis. What was said was he got what he deserved. If you think otherwise, you need some serious “family guy” values. Which by the way this dept needs more of my friend. If you think family values are like a cancer, WOW. You talk about other departments posts and how ours is the only one who names, whines, and complains. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? “do no wrong a-hole” etc etc. Serious double standard sounds like.

You don’t realize it yourself, but people who write things like you are writing are only trying to make everyone else as miserable as they are.

06-11-2010, 09:14 PM
It is obvious that you are of higher rank in the department because your views are distorted and you obviously have your head up your ass. You are self righteous and probably dont know what family values are. You cant read either. Family values was not the issue. The "Family Guy" cartoon was what was referred to. If you think that show and its values are what the members and family values should be based on then it is you who needs help my friend. Do the other members a favor and join the other scabs. Say hi to Delvalle when you have your pow wow with him. You 2 are definitely made for each other.

06-11-2010, 10:12 PM
Ah now we are getting to the nitty gritty. Its about rank is it? Or is it you are so desperate to criticize me because you can't face your own pain?

Sorry I misunderstood the Family guy thing. Such a terrible mistake on my part!

Now I am beginning to see what this whole string of posts is about. Someone can't let go of their past in the motor unit. Such a shame that you are that unhappy and let one person cause you such anguish. Or is it because you have taken the sgt's exam a few times and can't make it high enough to get promoted and are upset? Whatever it is, let it go brother!!!

By the way, could you explain to the audience here how my views are distorted. Then I would like to invite the readers here to respond....what do you guys think?

06-11-2010, 11:07 PM
I would have to agree with guest 345. Davis was a very good street cop, better than most of you losers with lots of street smarts too. However, some of you guys are still slamming the man on this forum. But look here shit birds, he has already beat you guys up and down at your own game. He's the one laughing now, all the way to the bank while you disgruntled jealous losers are still crying. Say what you want haters! :snicker:

06-11-2010, 11:11 PM
Nice try Chip

06-11-2010, 11:18 PM
I would have to agree with guest 345. Davis was a very good street cop, better than most of you losers with lots of street smarts too. However, some of you guys are still slamming the man on this forum. But look here shizzat birds, he has already beat you guys up and down at your own game. He's the one laughing now, all the way to the bank while you disgruntled jealous losers are still crying. Say what you want haters! :snicker:

Jealous? Hmmm lets see. I get arrested for solicitation. I get a criminal record. I get fired from my job and don't get my full retirement figures. I disgrace myself, my family, and my profession.

Yeaaaah, I'm jealous all right. You are seriously misguided.

06-12-2010, 12:13 AM
Lets not forget proving a dept that will hang you out to dry if you have an issue.

06-12-2010, 01:08 AM
Nice try Chip

Thanks Major, but not me.

06-12-2010, 02:18 AM
was the prostitute Morima???

oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yea!
giggity giggity goo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



delvalle, still a fag!

06-12-2010, 04:47 PM
Did someone say Chip? Is that boy still around, I haven't seen him round the neigborhood in a long time. He used to come over and take a 10 to Camilo as he called it and tap me something fierce! Lordy those were the days. MMMmmm mmmmmm...that boy was laying pipe like the city plumba. Then the ole cooter got crusty and things dried up for a while. Such a shame. Good thing was when he was done with me Dally B. used to slide over too and top me off with his oil. My sand dollars were a flappin! Course that was back when he was a workin at the yard fixin trailers and had some time for a little fun on the side. Those boys were something. The old crab shack's been quiet for a while now....Come on by sometime fellas....Foxy misses ya!

See you soon,

Foxxy Roxcy!

PS. Say hi to Dean for me. That slick top baldy used to dive for muffins with me. MMMMMMMMm MMMMM!

06-12-2010, 07:38 PM
Hey Foxxy Roxcy,

haven't seen you at Boug's in a long time! Call me, let's hang out!

<3, Mike B.

06-13-2010, 01:08 AM
Chip is a fag!

06-13-2010, 01:35 PM
Chip is a fag!
I didnt know Del Valle was called Chip too. Just thought he was a Fag!

06-13-2010, 05:52 PM
Chip is a fag!
I didnt know Del Valle was called Chip too. Just thought he was a Fag!

eeee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!!! :lol: LOL!

06-19-2010, 03:20 AM
You can call Del Valle what ever you want but he is still a Fag!!

07-14-2010, 12:00 AM
yeah, well you voted out gene gibbons, you bunch of tards. now you got that fat lard ball president that doesnt fight for anyone.

07-16-2010, 06:45 PM
yeah, well you voted out gene gibbons, you bunch of tards. now you got that fat lard ball president that doesnt fight for anyone.

I for one did not vote for that POS. How can anyone in their right minds vote to put the Chiefs son in law as their union Pres! It a total screw up, just like J.B.

07-16-2010, 08:26 PM
JB does a fine job as does RH. The fact that he is related to the chief has never affected his job. I would count on him in a second to stand up to the chief and city for me. Gibbons was a good president and had the balls to stand up to the BS this department and city dishes out. JB does the same, just not with the same "in your face" way. Give the guy who is defending you a break and redirect your energy towards those in the department who are sticking it to you.

07-25-2010, 05:42 AM
The biggest mistake was firing Gene Gibbons. I dont know what happened there. I think JB is a nice guy, but I dont see him fighting the Chief. I think they get together and and laugh at us when we have a gripe. We cant desolve the union that would just make it easire for the Delvalle and future Delvalle's to mess with people. We all have to stick together and support the union. The votes were final after Gene left there is nobody left to take control of the union. The only thing to do is pray.

07-25-2010, 01:49 PM
The biggest mistake was firing Gene Gibbons. I dont know what happened there. I think JB is a nice guy, but I dont see him fighting the Chief. I think they get together and and laugh at us when we have a gripe. We cant desolve the union that would just make it easire for the Delvalle and future Delvalle's to mess with people. We all have to stick together and support the union. The votes were final after Gene left there is nobody left to take control of the union. The only thing to do is pray.

Yeah, prey that J.B. leaves when R.N. does!