View Full Version : New Car

06-05-2010, 03:00 AM
Has anyone seen the new black Dodge Charger at the yard? I learned that the Charger is going to the Deputy Chief.....why? Has he put so many miles on his explorer that it's already due to be turned in? I'll bet not! So why? Does he deserve a new car when take home cars come so limited now. Does he think that's going to help the poor attitude amongst the officers, who are going to see him driving this? When we talk about budget cuts, and the city is doing what they can to tighten their belt, I don't understand why he deserves a new car. There are Lieutenants out there driving cars that are well over their prime, and they haven't gotten new cars, so why should he? The charger by the way is only a six cylinder, yet is still costs more than the Ford (which is still currently available in the Crown Victoria), and the Chevy Impala. Even the Ford Explorer is cheaper. Another Administrative slap in the face, wow! I guess I'm not surprised. In the long run God will settle with him for his wrongdoings.
What happened to leading by example? Where has the integrity gone? :mrgreen:

06-26-2010, 03:12 PM
Well this move is great for Fossy. He now gets a vehicle that will be easier for him to get in and out of. Even the Crown Vic has to be hard for him. They can keep the 6 cylinder Chargers for all I care. I don't want a Dodge, at all.