View Full Version : Budget

06-02-2010, 07:50 PM
With the chiefs email today about the budget woes once again plauging us and the follow up email asking for suggestions I have to wonder....Why is it we still have TWO deputy chiefs??? How long ago was it that they were given their new title as to better their chances at finding a different job? Also lets look at all the people that are either in the drop or about to be. I know of a few that have only months left. As far as the car situation those that have take homes in the county are paying for them so I can't see the city taking those away. I know myslef included they make money off of. So there is your suggestion if it gets back to you. Cut all the top heavy fat we have. That can save you a couple hundred grand I'm sure. I would've replied back to the chief, but I don't want my name on the chopping block lol. :devil:

06-03-2010, 03:08 AM
We should get rid of the do nothing Captains before the Deputy Chiefs or just save 400 g and get rid of them all! :shock:

06-03-2010, 04:15 PM
I thought that is what the Chief's Goal was -- to reduce upper management.
He only wants 1 Deputy Chief and has already reduced Lieutenants from 11 to 7 and wants to go to 6. That is what he put in for in the Budget.

06-03-2010, 08:18 PM
1 Chief, 3 Captains (East, West, Support/Other), 6 Lt. (2 East, 2 West, 1 IA/Risk Mgmt/Off Duty/Training, Detective/Support), 13 Sgt (4 East (12hr shifts A & B rotation Days & Nights), 4 West (Same as East side), 1 Detective, 1 Street Crimes, 1 Narcotics, 1 Training/Hiring, 1 Support (Traffic/Crossing Guards). Cut out the front desk, its old way of policing and very costly. Save on gas by not dispatching officers to certain calls i.e. telephone harrasment, past thefts, barking dogs, shoplifters not in custody. Make the caller come down and fill out a report or download it online fill it out and send it in. The voters wanted lower taxes so make them pay for it. You get what you pay for.

06-04-2010, 12:02 AM
Why even bother with sergeants,,,,isn't that the reason they revised the MPO program. They consider MPO supervisors now, so there is no need for SGT's postions in certain units. So, cut down the DC spots, cut the Capt spots and just go with LT's and MPO's. That will eliminate the promotional process, ie: setting up the written test, bringing in and housing 3 people for orals, and the LT spots are are appointed, not tested, at will employeees...saves a lot of $$$$ all around, you guys should have seen this coming :devil:

06-04-2010, 02:45 AM
When you talk about eliminating the DCs and Capts you better think about who will replace them, we will be sorry! For us having do nothings actually makes it easier on us peons!

06-04-2010, 04:52 AM
I know we have budget issues and I would like to make a suggestion on how the city could save money. Why dont we get rid of the city commissioners..Why do we need them..what do they really do for the city...I know some are going to say that they speak on the behalf of the citizens in Bradenton but thats crap and you know it..Why havent we heard what do they have to give up in order to help the city.. They always cry that public safety takes up most of the money from the city budget..well lets have them come out and do our job for awhile and see if they cry after that..they will find out that it is alot harder then they thought...they would find out that police work is dangerouse and we have to deal with alot of idiots who live in this city. We earn our money each and every day...we also have not had a raise in three years, and alot of officers are struggling to make ends meet. Ever heard of inflation...while that goes up and our money always staying the same puts a huge burden on every one..they expect us to do a dangerouse job where we risk our own lives day after day for a small amount of money. I know atleast I have money coming in while others dont and I am greatful for that, but like one of the other poster said you get what you pay for..we get no extra training to make us better, we never have enough ranges to practice our shooting...we can only go to schools that are free and alot of times they wont even let us do that because they say we do not have the man power to cover your shift with. I'm not blaming the chief for it because he has tried to cut the budget as much as possible so we dont have to let some officers go....