View Full Version : Eastern Shores Guard Gate Off-Duty

05-29-2010, 07:37 PM
What do you guys think of the new procedures put in place at the Shack........

05-30-2010, 11:08 PM
It is BS. Go ahead get a security guard in there. They won't put up for those BS rules. You think they are going to stand up and do all the crap that they want us cops to do. Get the F**k out of here. It is only one stalking resident that is making all those issues for the cops at the gate and our administration bows down to that one person. Not to mention that idiot lies about what we do, but as usual the administration only listens to the compl and not the cop because they think we are always wrong. By the way, I did not know in my job description as a police officer I have to stand and wave at people. I thought our job was to up hold the laws and arrest subjects.

05-31-2010, 07:43 PM
You all act surprised at the actions RPH took. Come on this guy will do anything and kiss anyones ace to keep his job. We should all know this by now. He has been fired and forced to resign at how many places? If a eastern shores resident went in their and complained how we wrote tickets, the dumbace RPH would have us change things just to appease that one guy. This chief has no backbone, he only cares about kissin ace and keepin his job. He certainly doesnt care about his troops. He acts like he does but actually doesnt give 2 shi$# about us. The guy is a complete embarassment that we have to look at everyday. come on MP do something with this weasel!

06-01-2010, 04:53 AM
For the love of God!!!! Can we focus on the issue on hand and try to put a stop to this ridiculous new procedure and stop with the Chief comments!!!! Oh wait, lets give him a vote of no confidence for the Guard Gate issue......

06-11-2010, 06:33 PM
Listen you snot nose piss ant. We pay your huge salary for you to stand gaurd in our neighborhood. I can clearly see your Chief is not the problem as much as it is you so called police officers. I go throught the gate day after day and see the same lazy piss ants sitting around doing nothing for the money we pay you. Further more, we see your lazy asses all over the city doing nothing but acting like children. A few police officers in that department are worthy of the pay scale we give them. You don't live in our city and don't pay our taxes. Therefore your looked upon as more of a drain on our economy rather than any great worth. We together believe we need to cut your salaries and benefits to meet todays over all worth. The chief has nothing to do with your actions, only you control your actions and from what we see, your worthless snot nose piss ants!

06-11-2010, 08:37 PM
cut as much as you want....but dont crying when police service goes to shit.

the chief as cost the city thousand of dollars----the chief will cost the city lots more in the next law suit....dump es citizen. sit and watch the show dirt-bag :devil: :snicker:

Listen you snot nose piss ant. We pay your huge salary for you to stand gaurd in our neighborhood. I can clearly see your Chief is not the problem as much as it is you so called police officers. I go throught the gate day after day and see the same lazy piss ants sitting around doing nothing for the money we pay you. Further more, we see your lazy asses all over the city doing nothing but acting like children. A few police officers in that department are worthy of the pay scale we give them. You don't live in our city and don't pay our taxes. Therefore your looked upon as more of a drain on our economy rather than any great worth. We together believe we need to cut your salaries and benefits to meet todays over all worth. The chief has nothing to do with your actions, only you control your actions and from what we see, your worthless snot nose piss ants!

06-12-2010, 12:40 AM
Listen you snot nose piss ant. We pay your huge salary for you to stand gaurd in our neighborhood. I can clearly see your Chief is not the problem as much as it is you so called police officers. I go throught the gate day after day and see the same lazy piss ants sitting around doing nothing for the money we pay you. Further more, we see your lazy asses all over the city doing nothing but acting like children. A few police officers in that department are worthy of the pay scale we give them. You don't live in our city and don't pay our taxes. Therefore your looked upon as more of a drain on our economy rather than any great worth. We together believe we need to cut your salaries and benefits to meet todays over all worth. The chief has nothing to do with your actions, only you control your actions and from what we see, your worthless snot nose piss ants!
Hey tough guy, I'm sure you think we don't do anything in your neighborhood and you're right because we don't. You live on sesame street where people call 911 to report dogs pooping on their yard. In case you haven't noticed, there is a complete cesspool of filth in the rest of your city outside your little white picket fence mansion community. Thats right, theres more to NMB than Eastern Shores and if the rest of the citizens in NMB catch on to your little political games and figure out you want us to bend over backwards for you're community and divert police services from the rest of the city some of your precious council members will have some explaining to do. So just remember while you sit back and call us lazy, overpaid, piss ants, some of these piss ants are in the rest of the city taking dangerous criminals off the street, getting shot at, and risking their lives daily so you and your family wont get jacked at gun point by some street urchin. I think you're an ungrateful whiney little b!tch who needs to step outside your castle and take a look at the rest of the world. If you think i'm making this all up you're welcome to come on a ride-along one day and see for yourself... if you have the balls

06-12-2010, 02:49 PM
ES resident wanted to take a break from looking at child porn and bother the police. What's the matter did you get a ticket for driving like an a-hole and are mad now? Take the gate and shove it you spoiled rotten little baby. I'd rather sit at a gate leading into Highland Village at least they don't act like their entitled to anything. Let's all hope for an active hurricane season so we can watch all of ES calling and asking for our help. We'll see how much you hate us then. And by the way along with the gate you can shove the chief to. Now go back to your kiddy porn loser.

06-13-2010, 08:20 PM
I say you document everytime that you get harrased or videotaped and then if the Union takes it to the SAO you will see how they will leave us alone.