View Full Version : recruitment question

05-23-2010, 02:38 PM
i had a question, im currently deployed in afghanistan right now, and i'll be bac in feburary 2011. I wanted to join FHP, always wanetd to be a police officer and since im sort of colorblind, FHP is the only agency ive heard that would let me wear those colorvsion contacts. So i was wondering, do you think they will still be hiiring when i get back, if they are does anyone know when the academy will be if i apply in feburary 2011 or so. I know ive heard lots o fbad things about FHP but its a good sstart for me, im 20. oh and btw, about going to school and being in the FHP, is there nay programs or anything where they work with your scheduly, school schedule or if they keep you in one shift so you can go to school or school leave or something. thanks. Oh btw, i live in miami, i think thats troop E. thanks

05-23-2010, 03:14 PM
PLEASE, based upon your outrageously extensive misspellings, apply to work at Mickey D's on the burger flipping line. We already have enough illiterates and don't need another GED educated member. :evil:

05-23-2010, 07:34 PM
Please disregard the above poster's negative comment. Not all of us are that way. Plus, I thought it was pretty good typing considering you bullets zigging over your head over there.

To answer the questions:
FHP is a great place to work. Yes, pay can be better, but even if we were paid 65k, we'd still be griping about it. For what we do, we are okay with pay.
Schooling: Even in the state budget crisis, educational incentives were hardly touched. There is a tuition waiver program that is easy to get into. Consult your chain of command and alter your schedule. Other than a full time student schedule, i have never heard of anybody being denied the altered schedule.
I am a one income family, three kids and a stay at home wife. On my salary, I am able to pay rent, utilities, groceries, school functions, and pre paid college for all three. Yes, it's tight but i manage. I even have a few toys here and there. Off duty is plenty, but that money is only gravy. my time w/ family is worth more to me.
Have fun, apply asap, it take awhile for the process..........Good Luck

05-23-2010, 08:14 PM
PLEASE, based upon your outrageously extensive misspellings, apply to work at Mickey D's on the burger flipping line. We already have enough illiterates and don't need another GED educated member. :evil:

Don't mind this douche.

Thanks for your service and I would start the application process when you are about 8 months to a year from getting out.

05-23-2010, 10:51 PM
Please disregard the above poster's negative comment. Not all of us are that way. Plus, I thought it was pretty good typing considering you bullets zigging over your head over there.

To answer the questions:
FHP is a great place to work. Yes, pay can be better, but even if we were paid 65k, we'd still be griping about it. For what we do, we are okay with pay.
Schooling: Even in the state budget crisis, educational incentives were hardly touched. There is a tuition waiver program that is easy to get into. Consult your chain of command and alter your schedule. Other than a full time student schedule, i have never heard of anybody being denied the altered schedule.
I am a one income family, three kids and a stay at home wife. On my salary, I am able to pay rent, utilities, groceries, school functions, and pre paid college for all three. Yes, it's tight but i manage. I even have a few toys here and there. Off duty is plenty, but that money is only gravy. my time w/ family is worth more to me.
Have fun, apply asap, it take awhile for the process..........Good Luck

You are a complete moron!!! We are ok with the pay? Speak for yourself! A 20 year trooper making $40,000 is ok to you? Good God we have some real idiots in this agency. Our pay is complete crap. The average salary of a U.S. worker is 44,000 so we are paid $8,000 below that of an average worker. Don't even get me started on our pay versus other troopers throughout the country. Hell, we are underpaid by 20-50% compared to most of them. I would hate to see how you live with three kids and a wife on an FHP salary. You must drive a 1990 Honda and live in a single wide trailer.

05-24-2010, 05:18 AM
sorry for the mispelling, i will write a little more cleare for whoever wrote that reply.and i have a highschool diploma with almost a 4.0 gpa. Maybe your brain can work for once. I have to type fast since we dont have much time on the computer. thank you all for the replies. I appreciate it. Im thinking of being a trooper for around 5 years and go to school while im a trooper, atleast half time. after 5 years, im planning on starting my own bail bond buisiness. Im not married just a girlfreind so i really dont have anyone to support. Just wwant to save up. The thing i was worried about was going to school while a trooper but i guess that will be no problem at all and im great to hear that. Now someone said to apply 8 months or so before i leave here but the recruiter said to do it 30 days before i left. I understand you have to go take the PAT test and CJBAT, but since im in afghanistan, i wont get leave for those things. HOw long from the moment you apply do they schedule you for the PAT or CJBAT. and about the pay, for me is a good start knowing that i just want to save up and i dont have a family support. i give props to those who do.

05-29-2010, 05:40 AM
someone said to apply 8 months or so before i leave here but the recruiter said to do it 30 days before i left. I understand you have to go take the PAT test and CJBAT, but since im in afghanistan, i wont get leave for those things. HOw long from the moment you apply do they schedule you for the PAT or CJBAT.

05-29-2010, 08:24 PM
[quote="army"]someone said to apply 8 months or so before i leave here but the recruiter said to do it 30 days before i left. I understand you have to go take the PAT test and CJBAT, but since im in afghanistan, i wont get leave for those things. HOw long from the moment you apply do they schedule you for the PAT or CJBAT.[/quote

After I sent off my App. it took almost two months for them to get back to me, then I had to wait another month before my PAT and CJBAT test. So I wouldnt apply 8 months before you get out because you wont be here to do the testing.

06-01-2010, 03:51 AM
Please disregard the above poster's negative comment. Not all of us are that way. Plus, I thought it was pretty good typing considering you bullets zigging over your head over there.

To answer the questions:
FHP is a great place to work. Yes, pay can be better, but even if we were paid 65k, we'd still be griping about it. For what we do, we are okay with pay.
Schooling: Even in the state budget crisis, educational incentives were hardly touched. There is a tuition waiver program that is easy to get into. Consult your chain of command and alter your schedule. Other than a full time student schedule, i have never heard of anybody being denied the altered schedule.
I am a one income family, three kids and a stay at home wife. On my salary, I am able to pay rent, utilities, groceries, school functions, and pre paid college for all three. Yes, it's tight but i manage. I even have a few toys here and there. Off duty is plenty, but that money is only gravy. my time w/ family is worth more to me.
Have fun, apply asap, it take awhile for the process..........Good Luck

You are a complete moron!!! We are ok with the pay? Speak for yourself! A 20 year trooper making $40,000 is ok to you? Good God we have some real idiots in this agency. Our pay is complete crap. The average salary of a U.S. worker is 44,000 so we are paid $8,000 below that of an average worker. Don't even get me started on our pay versus other troopers throughout the country. Hell, we are underpaid by 20-50% compared to most of them. I would hate to see how you live with three kids and a wife on an FHP salary. You must drive a 1990 Honda and live in a single wide trailer.
If pay is that bad maybe try working in South Florida for the Miami Gardens Police Dept. I hear that their agency is the highest paid in South Florida, maybe even statewide and plus they are part of FRS.