View Full Version : Really? Stop the bs already! And go ahead delete this one...

05-19-2010, 05:57 AM
Virtues like courage , honor , integrity and all the other Godly virtues that seperate us from everyone else are an abomintation in this department. The mission statement of this administration is know a commissioner and your in period. With the exception of a couple this staff is composed if those that hid there whole freakin career those that were to scarred to sign an a-form, those that fell asleep during a robbery to a burger king , those that give a look in the deer headlights when a hot call or major incedent ocuured. A promotion just occurred due to an individual being close to a politician period with no background in any part of this department other than let's pray for the people and hope the bad man goes away. A police officer was just kicked out of mounted for fratenizing with a commisioner yet this whole useless suck azz clique is here because they kissed that mayoral romp. The fop went after timoney stating that he was absent all the time well how about our current chief. Morale is up yeah keep kidding yourselfs on that one. We have an assistant chief who said it best he ain't here to work. We have a chieft that only hangs out with the retiree cause he knows zero about us. As I stated in my deleted post I bet you couldn't point out 5 officers in my roll . You deleted my last post delete this one too if you want I will continue to post the truth here. Oh almost forgot the staff is a slap in the face of every real Miami cop that walked a beat. They only tell stories of days gone by changing there name with the name of the real cops who made this place. While the rank and file is working staff is looking for dominoe tables and coffee to shooT the poop. The last administration weren't cowboys but this one doesn't even fit in the ball park. Fop what's up oh I forgot that too the fop tucks the mayor and the chief in at night so they won't catch a cold. You ain't fooling anybody losers.

05-20-2010, 03:45 AM
So true Bro. So true.

05-20-2010, 03:57 AM
Mod please see that this does not get deleted.

05-20-2010, 04:26 AM
Virtues like courage , honor , integrity and all the other Godly virtues that seperate us from everyone else are an abomintation in this department. The mission statement of this administration is know a commissioner and your in period. With the exception of a couple this staff is composed if those that hid there whole freakin career those that were to scarred to sign an a-form, those that fell asleep during a robbery to a burger king , those that give a look in the deer headlights when a hot call or major incedent ocuured. A promotion just occurred due to an individual being close to a politician period with no background in any part of this department other than let's pray for the people and hope the bad man goes away. A police officer was just kicked out of mounted for fratenizing with a commisioner yet this whole useless suck azz clique is here because they kissed that mayoral romp. The fop went after timoney stating that he was absent all the time well how about our current chief. Morale is up yeah keep kidding yourselfs on that one. We have an assistant chief who said it best he ain't here to work. We have a chieft that only hangs out with the retiree cause he knows zero about us. As I stated in my deleted post I bet you couldn't point out 5 officers in my roll . You deleted my last post delete this one too if you want I will continue to post the truth here. Oh almost forgot the staff is a slap in the face of every real Miami cop that walked a beat. They only tell stories of days gone by changing there name with the name of the real cops who made this place. While the rank and file is working staff is looking for dominoe tables and coffee to shooT the poop. The last administration weren't cowboys but this one doesn't even fit in the ball park. Fop what's up oh I forgot that too the fop tucks the mayor and the chief in at night so they won't catch a cold. You ain't fooling anybody losers.

Get help my man, the anger will eat your liver.

05-20-2010, 10:06 AM
The above responder has mistaken anger for concern. Thank you for the post. Many of us are feeling the same way and it is not "anger" but disappointment with the incompetent leadership at the helm. I too had high hopes for the new guy.

05-20-2010, 11:34 AM

05-21-2010, 12:51 PM
The latest fiasco with Jackson is a perfect example of the failure of this adminstration.