View Full Version : Regalado's Renegade Exposito

04-21-2010, 04:52 AM
Fred Grimm Article - Miami Herald 4/20/2010

http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/04/20/1 ... d-its.html (http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/04/20/1587633/cleanup-squad-needs-to-guard-its.html)

Cleanup squad needs to guard its credibility

Miami's new public-corruption squad was bent on cleaning up City Hall. Can you imagine a more depressing development for a newspaper columnist?

For years, Miami government has been a scandal story factory, churning out splendid tales of bribery, kickbacks, nepotism, hinky real estate deals, mysterious zoning changes, dodgy elections, corrupt accounting. A columnist could back his old Nissan to the city hall door, pop the trunk and load up on weeks' worth of outrageous material.

Along comes newly elected Mayor Tomás Regalado and his public-corruption police unit, threatening to shut down the works -- and undo my very way of life.

Terrified columnists waited as Regalado's Raiders stalked their first, scandal-infested target. Admittedly, some of us were taken aback, and slightly relieved, learning that this specially chosen unit, Miami's version of the Untouchables, had unleashed its manpower and awesome law enforcement expertise to investigate a stolen bicycle.


Not just any bicycle, mind you, but a $321 Sun ``Drifter,'' a Chinese-made retro beach cruiser. But still . . . a snatched bike seemed an odd pursuit in a town where crooks had made off with entire elections.

The case of the purloined Drifter suffered from another unsettling characteristic -- no one had reported it stolen. The bike was a going-away present for departing Mayor Manny Diaz begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting from his staffers. A few uncharitable skeptics suggested that an investigation of an unstolen bicycle, costing the city far more in man hours than the original value of the bicycle, might have had something to do with the new mayor's grudge against the old mayor.

Not that I (as the suspected owner of another unstolen bicycle) would dare suggest Regalado's Raiders were indulging in low-down political theater. But after the public-corruptions squad sandbagged the FBI at an April 8 press conference celebrating hinky arrests in a wildly embellished blow against Miami's ``culture of corruption,'' a piqued special counsel to the U.S. Attorney suggested something similar was afoot. Alicia Valle wrote to the city, warning of ``an overriding prohibition against DOJ officials participating in political events or events that can be perceived as political.


``The rationale is simple,'' Valle stated. ``One of the reasons we can effectively do public corruptions cases is precisely because we are viewed as not being influenced by politics.

``When this office or the FBI start participating in local politically motivated events, or events that can be perceived as political, then we run the risk of losing our credibility.''

Valle noted that the city cops had failed to warn her that one of the arrests celebrated at the press conference had already been tossed by the equally perturbed Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office. Valle had learned of the mess via a story by The Miami Herald's Charles Rabin, Jennifer Lebovich and David Ovalle, who had compiled a list of public-corruption squad pursuits notably void of public corruption.

Regalado's Raiders ought to reread Valle's letter, substituting Miami Public Corruption Unit for ``the FBI'' and consider ``the risk of losing our credibility.''

It may be too late. I've heard the squad's now investigating reports that someone from City Hall stole Regalado's Raiders' credibility -- making a getaway on a Drifter beach cruiser.

04-21-2010, 04:55 AM
Exposito transferred the sgt in the public corruption unit. Would be just like he and Regalado- cast the blame for the scandal on a poor sergeant instead of taking responsibility for their own irresponsible, fascist actions.

04-21-2010, 11:44 AM
One word. One answer. LUBE need I say more?

04-21-2010, 01:32 PM
Police State

04-21-2010, 04:05 PM
Exposito and Alvarez push the unit to make bad arrests then transfer the sergeant. Typical of Exposito to blame some one else for his shortcomings and being such a stupid arse. Like Expo the hippo and Alvarez the seacow didnt know what was going on in the arrests.

04-21-2010, 05:50 PM
Whats funny about the Herald is the way they catered to Timoney and his manipulations, now they are going to attack this new members attempting to clean up the city. Wow talk about loss of credibility.

In the middle of city financial melt down how about writing stories of the millions flush down the toilet by Money Diaz and his clan.

04-21-2010, 08:26 PM
Whats funny is how paranoid this adminstration is. Because they are incompetent they are afraid that they are going to be exposed for what they are. The past adminstration has nothing to do with them being dumber than dirt. I hope the Herald exposes the fights on the fourth floor, Blom transfering his 33 to his office, Alvarez going from a driver to a major, and all the other things this bunch of idiots is doing.

04-22-2010, 03:03 AM
Whats funny is how paranoid this adminstration is. Because they are incompetent they are afraid that they are going to be exposed for what they are. The past adminstration has nothing to do with them being dumber than dirt. I hope the Herald exposes the fights on the fourth floor, Blom transfering his 33 to his office, Alvarez going from a driver to a major, and all the other things this bunch of idiots is doing.

Yeah, George I agree.

04-24-2010, 02:33 PM
The staff is so busy fighting and back stabbing each other they are afraid to make decissions. When they do they are wrong, i.e. the corruption arrests. Keep the great work guys.

04-24-2010, 03:55 PM
The staff is so busy fighting and back stabbing each other they are afraid to make decissions. When they do they are wrong, i.e. the corruption arrests. Keep the great work guys.

"Et Tu Brutus?"

- Julius Caesar

04-24-2010, 11:55 PM
The staff is so busy fighting and back stabbing each other they are afraid to make decissions. When they do they are wrong, i.e. the corruption arrests. Keep the great work guys.

Staff not being able to make decisions, constant backstabbing? Gee, that describes the previous administration. No one could make a decision without checking with Frank Fernandez. Frank and Burden were always at each other's throat. Frank and "the Chef" Vega going each other's back complaining to Timoney.

Yeah, there was alot of harmony there.

04-25-2010, 12:04 AM
Talk about mistakes. What about, the department not sending the DNA evidence on the Shenandoah Rapist cases to the crime lab, and D/C Frank Fernandez attacking Miami-Dad PD for not processing the evidence. Carlos Alvarez fortunately put him in his place.

Fortunately for them, the ethically challenged Miam Herald, which was in Timoney and Manny Diaz's pocket, covered for them.

Good job, Miami Herald.

04-25-2010, 04:14 AM
It has become a joke that every time this sad group of expo cronies screws up they revert to "yeah but the old guys did..."

Sounds like an elementary school kid who got caught being bad. You cronies are pitiful.

04-25-2010, 04:18 AM
Llanes and company your garbage enjoy your new found misery!!!!!!!

04-25-2010, 04:22 AM
Hey Louie why does your Executive Asst. call Cannon all the time. Could he be plotting behind your back? Carlos and Cannon talked for about an hour at the funeral home, what gives?