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04-16-2010, 01:40 PM
I was going through some workplace material and I think this article will help others.

Workplace Bullying Vs Workplace Harassment - The Real Facts You Need to Know
By: Valerie Cade

Workplace bullying and workplace harassment are ugly members of the same family. They thrive in the workplace, wreaking havoc in the lives of innocent employees.

While on the job harassment and bullying in the workplace are closely related, they have some striking differences. For those of you who have been a target of bullying at work, you need to know the real damage.

Here are some differences:
• On the job harassment has a strong intrusive component including physical contact such as invading physical space, including personal possessions and damage to possessions.

Workplace bullying is almost always psychological.
• Workplace harassment is usually linked to sex, race, prejudice or discrimination.

Bullying is frequently linked to a staged attack on competent and popular individuals.
• Everyone can recognize workplace harassment because of its overt nature.

Few can see workplace bullying because it is usually perpetrated behind closed doors.
• A target of workplace harassment knows he or she is being harassed immediately.

A target of this type of abuse may not realize it for weeks or months, until great damage is done.
• Job harassment is usually accompanied by offensive aggressive vocabulary.

Workplace bullying shows its face through trivial untrue criticisms of under-performance.

Sandy Hershcovis of University of Manitoba and Julian Barling of Queens University studied the relationship between one form of harassment - namely (sexual) harassment and workplace bullying. They found that those bullied were more stressed, angry and anxious, and were less committed and more likely to quit their jobs, than were victims of (sexual) harassment. Targets also had a lower over-all sense of well-being.

Workplace bullying is repeated, deliberate, disrespectful behavior with the intent of hurting someone else.

Harassment is defined as "unwanted conduct that violates people's dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment".

There are reasons why workplace bullying is more injurious than (sexual) harassment:

1. (Sexual) harassment is illegal. Workplace bullying is not. Targets of bullying and (sexual) harassment both sustain significant psychological injury. Victims of (sexual) harassment however can appeal to the powers that be for justice; while targets of workplace bullying cannot, unless company policies are implemented. Without enforced company policies, those being bullied experience a greater sense of powerlessness.

2. Bullies can be very subtle in their aggression. Thus this noxious behavior is harder to detect. The survival instinct of the target causes him or her to go into denial as the crazy-making behavior continues. Significant damage can be done to the target before they are even aware of what is happening to them. While (sexual) harassment can also be subtle, it is easier to detect. The same can be said for physical and racial harassment. Becoming aware is the first step to curbing powerlessness.

Dr. Heinz Lymann, a Swedish researcher, worked with victims of workplace mobbing. He found that the chances of healing were reduced if the perpetrator went unpunished, and the target was not properly supported. He further discovered that the chances of healing were reduced if the target felt that his or her safety was in question.

Employers need to sit up and take notice. If they want to have a healthy, committed work force they need to actively promote workplace harmony.

Employers need to enforce strict rules prohibiting bullying at work while governments need to pass solid legislation providing protection for targets.

In Canada, Quebec and Saskatchewan have passed legislation making workplace bullying illegal. In 2004 Quebec amended its Labor Standards Act to include workplace bullying. In 2007 Saskatchewan amended its Occupational Health and Safety Act for the same reason. This is progress. This is hope.
Many places are facing a labor crunch and employers are competing for the best talent. Eventually, good employees will not tolerate workplace bullying of any form. Targets of workplace bullying, just as victims of sexual harassment, deserve the protection of their employers and their governments. Nothing less will suffice.

The REAL damage is that, without effective workplace bullying policies and proper workplace bullying legislation, the problem of workplace bullying becomes a company culture issue, a societal issue, and a moral issue. Stopping workplace bullying is everyone's responsibility.

About the author:Valerie Cade is a workplace bullying expert and author of Bully Free At Work. For more tips, articles, how-to's, and podcasts, visit THE resource to stop workplace bullying.
Article Source:EZine Articles

04-17-2010, 10:32 AM
If you have a complaint voice it. The policy is in place and if that is not good enough go up the chain of command above the person or people your talking about. Believe it or not the sheriff went through something similar to this in Escambia County and will listen to your concerns. One aspect of bullying that was not discussed in your article is how you enable the other party to get away with it. Stand up to the individual, even if it is one of the sheriff's golden boys you still have to stand up and fight for what is right. Good luck.

04-18-2010, 05:43 PM
RIGHT!!! Just like he's gonna stand up to the CCs about getting us a raise. Otis doesn't stand up for anything but a blowdryer!!! I went to my LT and on up.... The only thing that changed was my district. That's when the sh*t stopped. Otis talks a great game just long enough to get away from you. Don't be fooled by him. The man can't make a decision with help and CAN NOT stand confrontation at all!!!

04-23-2010, 03:11 PM
This post was placed on here for informational purposes. There are a lot of people in the Sheriff’s Office that are silent about the bullying that is taking place. Those people that are having it happen to them needs to know the information that was provided in the article. If you think you are being bullied please make it heard. The only way to stop it is to confront it. There are a lot of people that hide behind policy to bully others and they get away with it. This type of activity can not be tolerated.
We were given guns and badges to protect people on the streets from this type of activity, but yet still we can’t stop it in our own organization.