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04-07-2010, 10:46 PM
From the Florida State FOP - April 7, 2010

Okay folks, the Florida Senate will vote on SB 610- Impasse Bill tomorrow morning. , We have consistently opposed this bill that gives the County Sheriff the ability as a "legislative body" to create and then rule on an impasse during collective bargaining. , We all know this bill will kill collective bargaining for Deputy Sheriffs in Florida . , The Sheriffs have even told us so. And we believe them.


Senator Al Lawson has agreed to offer an amendment to SB 610 on the floor. , An amendment approved by the FOP. , Senator Lawson spoke with us today to say he has at least 14 other Senators willing to support this amendment. ,

Here is Senator Lawson's amendment:


d) Thereafter, the legislative body shall take such action as it deems to
be in the public interest, including the interest of the public employees
involved, to resolve all disputed fiscal budgetary impasse issues, however
the chief executive officer shall provide that all collective bargaining
unit employees are guaranteed just *or* proper cause with regard to any
disciplinary action including but not limited to suspension, demotion *or*
termination. , Non fiscal issues at impasse shall be resolved by an
independent arbitrator. , Any actions taken by the arbitrator shall bind the
parties in accordance with paragraph (4)(c).


While we would prefer the bill not pass at all, at least this amendment would take the sting out of the consequences, provide "just cause" and binding arbitration on impasse issues. ,


Now, I need you one more time to contact your Senator, any Senator, all Senators and ask them to support the amendment offered by Senator Lawson. ,We only need a few more votes to turn this bill around and they are listening to all of the calls and emails. , If you are a Deputy Sheriff, this is your time to speak out to prevent this bill from taking away your right to engage in a fair negotiation process. , That is after all, all we are asking for. ,


Time is short, take just a few moments to write today *or* this evening. , IT IS THAT IMPORTANT!

Sample email, cut and paste:

Dear Senator,

I am writing to enlist your support for Senator Al Lawson''s amendment to Senate Bill 610. , This amendment will guarantee fundemental fairness to all Deputy Sheriffs in Florida that engage in the collective bargaining ,process. , Please consider this amendment as a positive compromise to the unfair language in the current SB 610. , This amendment satisfies the concerns of the employees ,and is a fair alternative. , Thank you for your positive vote for Senator Lawson''s amendment.

d) Thereafter, the legislative body shall take such action as it deems to
be in the public interest, including the interest of the public employees
involved, to resolve all disputed fiscal budgetary impasse issues, however
the chief executive officer shall provide that all collective bargaining
unit employees are guaranteed just *or* proper cause with regard to any
disciplinary action including but not limited to suspension, demotion *or*
termination. , Non fiscal issues at impasse shall be resolved by an
independent arbitrator. , Any actions taken by the arbitrator shall bind the
parties in accordance with paragraph (4)(c).