View Full Version : NEED HELP!!!

03-03-2010, 03:17 AM
I first want to say that I am not a disgruntled employee and I have served the citizens of Sarasota for a lot of years and I have been a very active police officer as well as serving in several units. I will not mention names in this post because I don't want people to think that this is a personal attack on anybody. Of course I will not post my name due to the fact that I know that it will only make things worse for myself and I know most people at SPD understand that the command staff does not take criticism well.

If you are on the command staff and you happen upon this post, you are failing us miserably. The moral at the department is at an all time low with little hope for the future. We are running out of options as officers and we are forced to post on public sites because our voices are NOT being heard. We have told you for a couple years now that we have small problems. These problems have sense become major issues. I know people get onto these sites all of the time complaining about this and that, but we are at a major crossroad and we don't know what else to do. Over the years we have promoted individuals to the command staff that were sub-standard police officers. These individuals that have little knowledge of how to handle difficult calls because they were either lazy patrol officers or they found a way to hide for years in jobs that would avoid them from having to make tough decision and being criticized. Again, I want to stress that I am not pointing fingers, I'm just pointing out facts that all the good officers at the department realize and understand. It is more noticeable than ever that the only way to make command staff is to be a "leg humpers" and not to make any grief or disagree with the chief. If you were to question any of the older staff, they would tell you that it is an absolute joke of what is occurring. The people that are being affected the most are the one's who work. I wish I had the attitude that I simply came here, took my calls, and went home. Life would be a lot easier if I knew how to do that, but I as well as the other workers are not wired that way. The good cops keep telling you over and over what is wrong, but you continue to think that you are smarter than everybody else and refuse to listen to anything we have to say. You guy's also have an amazing way of covering stuff up when it will directly affect you.

I began to list all the items that were devastating if not illegal but I thought better of it and did not post it because I did not wanna embarrass the agency.

I really wish we had other ways to solve these problems, and I know that this will fall on deaf ears. We are in dire times and we need a change fast!