View Full Version : Kingergarden Cops

02-08-2010, 06:16 PM
Just wondering if any other agency's let their very young trainee officers do solo work after a whopping 4 weeks of FTO training? I may be wrong here, and I'm sure the whole group of new officers are seasoned veterans.

Just find it odd that with as careful and concerned we are about "liability", we're willing to give a kid fresh out of the academy a car and a gun, send him out solo, and work along side federal agents representing us.

02-09-2010, 01:37 AM
This is too funny.
Well it's a good thing we did not send you. You can't even spell Kindergarten. It sounds like someone is jealous and wanted to show off in front of the Feds. Don't worry though, I am sure it came down between you and the "Kindergarden Cop"(it is actually spelled Kindergarten; watch type it in and see that there are not any red lines underneath it) and they had to sit long and hard too decide which one should fill the position for the Super Secret Superbowl Task Force, when they realized you would have embarrassed the crap out of us.

What is your problem with this guy? What you could not get hired at a young age? Better yet, you are one of those disgruntled old guys that has no more than 5 years on and will not be able to retire until your 60's. Now that I think about it, that makes a whole lot of sense.

I guarantee this kid is going to save your arse one day.

02-09-2010, 01:47 AM
someones feeling touchy about not getting picked to play patty cake with the feds

02-09-2010, 06:52 AM
Haha excelent. But I somewhat agree. We all had to pay our dues and be the "scum" on FTO. Guess thats changing. Oh well

02-09-2010, 06:59 PM
This is too funny.
Well it's a good thing we did not send you. You can't even spell Kindergarten. It sounds like someone is jealous and wanted to show off in front of the Feds. Don't worry though, I am sure it came down between you and the "Kindergarden Cop"(it is actually spelled Kindergarten; watch type it in and see that there are not any red lines underneath it) and they had to sit long and hard too decide which one should fill the position for the Super Secret Superbowl Task Force, when they realized you would have embarrassed the crap out of us.

What is your problem with this guy? What you could not get hired at a young age? Better yet, you are one of those disgruntled old guys that has no more than 5 years on and will not be able to retire until your 60's. Now that I think about it, that makes a whole lot of sense.

I guarantee this kid is going to save your arse one day.

Listen JP, it's obvious that this response was written by someone who took it personally. Why don't you just sit there quietly, do your job and earn our respect with your actions? MAYBE the stuff that is said about you is unfair, but responding with a childish post only validates what most people already feel. This is at least the second time that you have done this, and we all know it.

Like a previous poster alluded too, new guys have to take their lumps. Be patient. You won't be the kid forever. But right now, you still are. Be humble and keep things in perspective. Otherwise, you are going to be in for a rough ride.

02-10-2010, 01:01 AM
Yeah the kid definitely needs to earn his keep, but Guest this definitely is not the place for this topic. Bottom line is he is your co-worker, deal with it.

02-11-2010, 06:50 PM
Or go to the hospital, im sure you can get a job doing security there. Prob be better fit there.

02-12-2010, 05:10 PM
Hey heard that the new run of "kids" comming into our agency didnt have to get tasered? Is there any truth to this? Are they just untouchable or what?

02-13-2010, 07:47 AM
Hey heard that the new run of "kids" comming into our agency didnt have to get tasered? Is there any truth to this? Are they just untouchable or what?

They sound like future admin. candidates to me. This city is only keeping up with the norm.
Currently , 2 years of "experience" make you elligible to be a sergeant.
College degrees and testing ability allow you to out-rank the more qualified candidates (true leaders). No one really cares if you've slept on duty for the last year and a half.
Once you're a Captain, you're handed a gas guzzling SUV or an 8 cylinder car that only takes you from home to the station, and then to Scruby's, and back. You're given an office that takes away space needed by road patrol but who cares? Three or four walls to hang your precious commendations, hats, accolades, or newspaper articles is more important. Once you've been here a whopping 8 years (plus), you have the oppotunity to become an assistant Chief. Once you're at this point you will only have to compliment other Chief's on their ties, figure out where to eat for lunch, or delegate, delegate and delegate what's been asked of you. This delegating will only free up time for you to pick out the proper counter tops, floors, cabinets, tile, etc. in your newly constructed houses funded by tax payers.
With the above, I've only pointed out how things are now and how people are willing to do anything just to move up in rank at any cost just to get a bigger paycheck and have some authority. Considering most of them have probably caught a beating their entire lives, the authority aspect is probably what they strive for the most. I don't believe that any one of these new candidates refused or would refuse to be tased. In fact, I think they would want to be tased, but for whatever reason, our department has decided against it. Our Chiefs may have decided not to do this because of a "leadership" course they took, or have come to the realization that they should lead by example (they don't want to be tased). Whatever the reason, they're only breeding leaders worse than what we have now.

02-13-2010, 05:04 PM
Hey heard that the new run of "kids" comming into our agency didnt have to get tasered? Is there any truth to this? Are they just untouchable or what?

I've also heard the same thing. Except I heard it was because someone was "scared", and just happened to know or even be related to the right people. A few phone calls were made, and once again magically this agency changed it's policy all of a sudden to accomidate this new group.

02-13-2010, 05:17 PM
Scared? I believe it! Have you seen the look on their faces out there? They DO look scared! Poor babies!

02-13-2010, 05:40 PM
As well they sould be. Its amazing how people get punished for stupid things, but yet some connected people come through and now we no longer have to tase or pepperspray the recruits. I hope there not proud of this. It just makes them look like bigger pu$$ys.

02-13-2010, 10:44 PM
Children,we were all fresh at one time. How quickly we forget when some of us actually did something besides *****.
More important:
Hey Sarges, is it true we have a flasher in our midst? Doesn't belong in this world.I wonder who's dad would like to pull a 50 on that POS on US27 at 2am.Watch your daughters and sons.

Hope it's not true.
Watch your kids.
Be safe Pines.

02-14-2010, 07:49 AM
Children,we were all fresh at one time. How quickly we forget when some of us actually did something besides *****.

Yes we were all new at one time, and when we were new, we sucked it up and went through all of the "fun" things newbies go through, such as being tased and sprayed (without complaining). Of course no one wants to be subjected to that, but everyone before us did, and we expected everyone after us would as well. In addition to the "right of passage" aspect, it's also very good training. After being tased, I know how bad I will fight to prevent someone from trying to take my taser away from me.

02-16-2010, 03:14 AM
I aggree. I was tased and sprayed when i was a recruit. It just makes no sense. Its not like its just for fun. Its a learning expierience. They dont know what its like. Why dont we just skip ground fighting too with them because they could hurt there delicate young bones. It just doesnt make sense. And its plain dangerous. Ive been tased and sprayed like I said and I would not want my own son to miss that exercise if they were my son. Knowledge saves lives.

02-17-2010, 03:35 AM
I aggree. I was tased and sprayed when i was a recruit. It just makes no sense. Its not like its just for fun. Its a learning expierience. They dont know what its like. Why dont we just skip ground fighting too with them because they could hurt there delicate young bones. It just doesnt make sense. And its plain dangerous. Ive been tased and sprayed like I said and I would not want my own son to miss that exercise if they were my son. Knowledge saves lives.

Who can argue with this logic? Forget taser and spray, we should have to get shot to carry guns, "so we know what it feels like."

Spray is the only thing that actually makes sense, because when you spray someone 99.9% of the time you are going to spray yourself and fellow leos wrestling with the subject so you know how to work through it.

02-17-2010, 04:36 PM
Aggreed, but EVERYONE since we have had tasers has been tased. EVERYONE. I think its a good exercise just in case you ever get caught up in a wire. Reguardless, this just shows how this agency is full of making there own rules for there own people. Just looks really bad on these kids.

02-17-2010, 08:42 PM
Really everyone, where do these numbers come from? If I recall correctly there was a few guys who were around before tasers were brought into this dept. and said "fu*k that" and didn't take the ride, and those are ofc's not brass... Not to mention it isn't required, it isn't even required to become a Taser Instructor and wear the cool red shirt. The purpose of getting sprayed is so that you know you can fight through it and we all know there is no "fighting through" a tasing. Guess what I didn't need to get tased to understand that either. And what's with these new rules you have to get shot with the probes.... When I went through it was an optional 2 sec. EXPOSURE with them taped to you. Know all of a sudden you get shot and take the full 5.... Why don't they spray them with a full can of OC while there at it, come on lets not go soft oh these kids. Sounds to me like certain people in training can't become those who make/approve rules so they come up with their own and hope they don't get caught.

I agree these kids need to earn their place around here, but we all know what goes on at that place and half of it is mindless bull$hit.

02-24-2010, 04:57 AM
Really everyone, where do these numbers come from? If I recall correctly there was a few guys who were around before tasers were brought into this dept. and said "fu*k that" and didn't take the ride, and those are ofc's not brass... Not to mention it isn't required, it isn't even required to become a Taser Instructor and wear the cool red shirt. The purpose of getting sprayed is so that you know you can fight through it and we all know there is no "fighting through" a tasing. Guess what I didn't need to get tased to understand that either. And what's with these new rules you have to get shot with the probes.... When I went through it was an optional 2 sec. EXPOSURE with them taped to you. Know all of a sudden you get shot and take the full 5.... Why don't they spray them with a full can of OC while there at it, come on lets not go soft oh these kids. Sounds to me like certain people in training can't become those who make/approve rules so they come up with their own and hope they don't get caught.

I agree these kids need to earn their place around here, but we all know what goes on at that place and half of it is mindless bull$hit.

Agreed. Our "training" has gotten less about training and more about hazing. But I still agree that an exposure to both is definatly a good training experience.

What I do not agree with is special exceptions being made for people who may have "connections" with the department. They don't realize they're already creating a negative attitude towards themselves before they've even been here for 2 seconds

02-27-2010, 09:22 AM
Really everyone, where do these numbers come from? If I recall correctly there was a few guys who were around before tasers were brought into this dept. and said "fu*k that" and didn't take the ride, and those are ofc's not brass... Not to mention it isn't required, it isn't even required to become a Taser Instructor and wear the cool red shirt. The purpose of getting sprayed is so that you know you can fight through it and we all know there is no "fighting through" a tasing. Guess what I didn't need to get tased to understand that either. And what's with these new rules you have to get shot with the probes.... When I went through it was an optional 2 sec. EXPOSURE with them taped to you. Know all of a sudden you get shot and take the full 5.... Why don't they spray them with a full can of OC while there at it, come on lets not go soft oh these kids. Sounds to me like certain people in training can't become those who make/approve rules so they come up with their own and hope they don't get caught.

I agree these kids need to earn their place around here, but we all know what goes on at that place and half of it is mindless bull$hit.

Agreed. Our "training" has gotten less about training and more about hazing. But I still agree that an exposure to both is definatly a good training experience.

What I do not agree with is special exceptions being made for people who may have "connections" with the department. They don't realize they're already creating a negative attitude towards themselves before they've even been here for 2 seconds

Our "training" has gotten less about training and more about hazing".
Actually, it's more about exposure since most of our Officers have never been in a physical confrontation before. Yeah, we have a lot of pretty boys, but not one has been involved in a fight where the other guy wants to jam his fist in your mouth just because you've gotten sarcastic.

In today's world, anyone who's never been involved in a fight, gets to lead. In today's world, those that lead NEVER LEAD BY EXAMPLE. It's because of this cycle that we'll never have "real cops" any more.