View Full Version : IMPASSE bill against Florida's deputies???!!!!

02-04-2010, 01:52 AM
The sheriffs in Pasco County, Clay County and Sarasota County have REFUSED to sign union contracts with their deputies. We, the deputies in Sarasota County, have been unable to get our current sheriff (Tom Knight) (http://sarasotasheriff.org/) to sign a contract. Knight is now reportedly trying to spearhead a bill that will give Florida sheriffs' the ability to quash deputies unions in Florida. This proposed bill is unconstitutional and is a danger to all Deputy Sheriffs in Florida.

Here is the information that we received from FOP President Jim Preston:

Brothers and Sisters,

The Florida State Lodge, Fraternal Order of Police stood alone today in the Florida Senate Community Affairs sub-committee. President Preston, our legislative director Lisa Henning and our attorney Tad Delegal presented our opposition to Senate Bill 610 correctly pointing out the problems with this divisive bill. We had 20 FOP members in the audience who all voiced their opposition to this bill. Those voices fell on deaf ears and it was clear the Senators on this committee had made up their mind before the hearing. Only Senator Tony Hill had the courage to oppose this bill and we thank him for his effort.

Senator Mike Fasano's bill would recognize county Sheriffs as a "legislative body" for the purpose of collective bargaining. What this means is that the Sheriff as the Chief Executive Officer of the agency would bargain with the FOP or collective bargaining representative on a contract. The Sheriff could simply decide, as they have in Pasco and Clay Counties that they can declare an impasse and then rule on that very impasse, which again they have done in Pasco and Clay Counties and then impose their own version of the contract as in Pas! co County .

This is fundamentally unfair. The present system of checks and balances guaranteed by our system of government provides that an impasse be ruled upon by the "Legislative Body" of the county which would be the County Commission . How can the Sheriff objectively rule on his own impasse? Even criminals have their cases heard before a judge independent of the prosecution and defense.

The Sheriffs and their representatives stood before the Senate Committee in favor of this bill and spoke about controlling their budgets as they artfully evaded the issue of collective bargaining. Sheriff Beseler of Clay County told the committee that this bill would not impede the collective bargaining process and that he has bargained in good faith with the FOP even though we have been at impasse for 3 years, even though we have filed unfair labor practices against him, even though the Public Employee Relations Commission has ruled that he is not a "legislative body" and even though he has arbitrarily transferred the FOP leaders in the Clay County Sheriff's Office to less desirable positions to punish them.

Senator Fasano spoke on behalf of his bill and reminded the Senate Committee that only the FOP opposed this bill while the PBA sat silently in the last row. If this bill were to pass the House and Senate, collective bargaining for Deputy Sheriffs is dead. We go back in time to the 1950's style of dictatorial rule by one man (or woman) who control all of the power and run a sheriff's office as their own personal fiefdom.

Make no mistake; the FOP will continue to oppose this bill without compromise. This is bad legislation that strips away the hard fought for rights of deputy sheriffs that the Florida Supreme Court affirmed, recognizing Deputy Sheriffs as public employees guaranteed the right to collective bargaining. This bill will impact every deputy in the state of Florida and must be defeated. The issue goes way beyond Pasco and Clay Counties as Sheriffs or their representatives from Hillsborough, Pinellas, Charlotte , Highlands, Gadsden , Lake and Wakulla Co! unties were present and voiced their support for the bill. This issue is gathering support through the Florida Sheriff's Association and will spread across our state to every county when sheriffs realize they no longer have to bargain in good faith with their employees but rather declare an impasse and rule on that very impasse making the collective bargaining process null and void for Deputy Sheriffs.

Let your legislators know that the FOP and the hard working, dedicated law enforcement officers we represent stand together against Senate Bill 610.

Those Senators voting against Deputy Sheriffs were:

Senator Thad Altman

Senator Mike Bennett

Senator Rudy Garcia

Senator Andy Gardiner

Senator Gary Siplin

Senator Rhonda Storms

Senator John Thrasher

Senator Stephen Wise

This was the first committee meeting of many to come for this bill as it works it's way through the House and Senate. Today was a set back but not the end of the process.

James W. Preston,


It's posted at the leoaffairs Sarasota Sheriff's Office website about 10 posts down from here (http://forums.leoaffairs.com/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=95809&p=641011#p641011).

Florida Deputy Sheriffs WILL come into the 21st Century and WILL get all of the same privileges as municipal officers. We need to notify deputies statewide about these attacks on their union rights.

Spread the word to all Florida deputies in all Florida counties. We MUST get the same rights and privileges as our municipal brothers and sisters. Let your congressmen and senators know how important this is to you. If you don't fight for your rights, then who will? :?

Stand up, stand proud -- and do it TODAY!!!

Click here (http://www.floridastatefop.org/pdf_files/calltoaction.pdf) for more information.

02-07-2010, 10:21 PM
What is wrong with giving Florida sheriffs the ability to legislate laws?
Is this a trick question? :lol:

Here are some legislative bodies that legislate laws:
- city counsels
- county commissions
- congress
- senate

Whose brainchild is it to try and pass a law making sheriffs a legislative body? From a constitutional perspective, that will float like a lead balloon. :roll:

I know that Senator Mike Fasano (http://www.flsenate.gov/Legislators/index.cfm?Members=View+Page&District_Num_Link=011&Submenu=1&Tab=legislators&chamber=Senate&CFID=185354497&CFTOKEN=41187757) actually proposed Senate Bill 610 (http://www.flsenate.gov/Session/index.cfm?Mode=Bills&SubMenu=1&BI_Mode=ViewBillInfo&Year=2010&BillNum=0610), but I'd like to know who is really behind this unconstitutional bill. The proposed unconstitutional passage of this kind of a bill would be the first of its kind in United States history, to the best of my knowledge. In fact, it brings us closer to a monarchy, instead of a constitutional form of representative governance. :roll:

I hope that the appropriate legislative bodies, judicial watchdogs, representatives and local leaders are aware of this unconstitutional proposal by Senator Mike Fasano. Has Fasano crawled into bed with the devil? :?

02-07-2010, 10:29 PM
[quote=question]What is wrong with giving Florida sheriffs the ability to legislate laws?
Is this a trick question? :lol:

Here are some legislative bodies that legislate laws:
- city counsels
- county commissions
- congress
- senate

Whose brainchild is it to try and pass a law making sheriffs a legislative body? From a constitutional perspective, that will float like a lead balloon. :roll:

I know that Senator Mike Fasano (http://www.flsenate.gov/Legislators/index.cfm?Members=View+Page&District_Num_Link=011&Submenu=1&Tab=legislators&chamber=Senate&CFID=185354497&CFTOKEN=41187757) actually proposed Senate Bill 610 (http://www.flsenate.gov/Session/index.cfm?Mode=Bills&SubMenu=1&BI_Mode=ViewBillInfo&Year=2010&BillNum=0610), but I'd like to know who is really behind this unconstitutional bill. The proposed unconstitutional passage of this kind of a bill would be the first of its kind in United States history, to the best of my knowledge. In fact, it brings us closer to a monarchy, instead of a constitutional form of representative governance. :roll:

I hope that the appropriate legislative bodies, judicial watchdogs, representatives and local leaders are aware of this unconstitutional proposal by Senator Mike Fasano. Has Fasano crawled into bed with the devil? :?[/quote:18pwnzto]

NEWSFLASH....Obama thinks we are already a monarchy.

02-07-2010, 10:30 PM
This smells strongly of Lameducky!

02-08-2010, 12:31 AM
This smells strongly of Lameducky!

I don't think so.....but anyway, we MUST fight this.

02-09-2010, 01:02 AM
What is the PBA doing about this? The article quoted the Senator stating they sat silent while our rights are slowly being taken away from us. THIS IS WHY WE NEED TO GET RID OF THEM, AND FAST!!!

02-10-2010, 01:35 AM
Whose brainchild is it to try and pass a law making sheriffs a legislative body? From a constitutional perspective, that will float like a lead balloon. :roll:

I know that Senator Mike Fasano (http://www.flsenate.gov/Legislators/index.cfm?Members=View+Page&District_Num_Link=011&Submenu=1&Tab=legislators&chamber=Senate&CFID=185354497&CFTOKEN=41187757) actually proposed Senate Bill 610 (http://www.flsenate.gov/Session/index.cfm?Mode=Bills&SubMenu=1&BI_Mode=ViewBillInfo&Year=2010&BillNum=0610), but I'd like to know who is really behind this unconstitutional bill. The proposed unconstitutional passage of this kind of a bill would be the first of its kind in United States history, to the best of my knowledge. In fact, it brings us closer to a monarchy, instead of a constitutional form of representative governance. :roll:

I hope that the appropriate legislative bodies, judicial watchdogs, representatives and local leaders are aware of this unconstitutional proposal by Senator Mike Fasano. Has Fasano crawled into bed with the devil? :?

Recently I sent an email to Mike Fasano ref. to this bill. His response was not only unreceptive but a little sarcastic, and insulting. I urge you to email this gentleman and make him understand Im not the only deputy that is against this bill.

