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02-01-2010, 03:31 PM

All of us get to vote whether or not we are in the FOP!

The collective bargaining process is based upon the democratic principle of
majority rule. When the majority speaks by selecting a collective bargaining agent, they
give the certified agent the exclusive right and the power to represent all employees in the
bargaining unit. This statutory right to act as the exclusive bargaining representative
includes the right to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement and process grievances
involving disputes over the meaning of the agreement. The collective bargaining
agreement determines the wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment of all
bargaining unit members, regardless of whether they are also members of the union.
Individual employees must negotiate with their employer through the certified agent, rather
than on an individual basis. No employee organization other than the certified agent can
deal with the employer for bargaining unit members.
Duty of Fair Representation
In collective bargaining negotiations, the certified employee organization has a duty
to represent all members of the bargaining unit fairly. This duty of fair representation also
extends to grievance processing. The certified union is required to give the same care and
attention to all grievances filed by bargaining unit members, except that it does not have to
process grievances for employees who do not become union members.
Dues Checkoff
Upon certification, an employee organization has the immediate right to have its
dues deducted by the employer from the paychecks of employees who authorize such
deductions. An employee can stop dues checkoff at any time by giving notice to the
organization and the employer. The cost to the employer of dues deduction may be
negotiated with the union.
Collective Bargaining Negotiations
The purpose of collective bargaining is to provide a means for employees to
participate, through their chosen representative, in the establishment of their own wages
and employment conditions. This goal is reached primarily by means of the collective
bargaining agreement. The employer and the organization must negotiate with each other
to reach a contract. They must renegotiate the contract at least every three years. The
negotiating partners cannot be forced to compromise, but they must make a good faith
attempt to agree.
Ratification of the Bargaining Agreement
When the negotiating representatives have reached agreement, they sign the
agreement and give it to the public employer and the employees in the bargaining unit for
ratification. Both sides must ratify the agreement before it can take effect. The employee
organization has to let all bargaining unit employees know what is contained in the
proposed agreement. The vote is by secret ballot of all unit employees, regardless of
whether they are union members. The votes are counted in public and ratification must be
by a majority of voters. If either the employees or the employer votes against ratification,
the parties commence further negotiations.

02-02-2010, 04:41 AM
Who cares? Fatty still isn't in.

03-31-2010, 04:14 AM
No matter what these butt clowns bring back from bargaining, vote no. Take the city to impasse. The wonderful reps we have now have not done the best they can. They are too busy turning the city against us.

04-22-2010, 02:38 AM
No matter what these butt clowns bring back from bargaining, vote no. Take the city to impasse. The wonderful reps we have now have not done the best they can. They are too busy turning the city against us.

If you think you can do a better job, join the FOP and attend the next bargaining meeting, pba does not represent you/us anymore, man up get with the program, dont be scared big bad mat is gone, no one is going to suspend you for no reason. The city didnt turn against you, just fop members, McDonalds is out of juice

08-13-2012, 10:18 PM
PERC means Public Employment Relation Commission. This laws are mainly created for employee and maintain relation with company. This laws are very helpful and beneficial for employee. Recently This laws are apply in new jersey, USA.