View Full Version : DUMP THE PBA

01-29-2010, 08:14 AM
So here we are, another episode of how an outfit like the PBA can continue it's smoke and mirrors to all who give what they believe are their union dues to such an organization that says they fight for your best interests but seemingly have secret behind closed door deals to keep the rank and file members from getting what they deserve. How long will this continue and what lengths will the PBA go to in order to keep you on a string like a puppet. You should realize by now the a the members a mere puppets being controlled and led by a false sense that all is well and with a take it or leave it mentality, we all truly deserve better than this. Before you put a lable on me as being a malcontent nothing could be further from the truth. I was a longtime PBA member and supporter but it didn't take too long before I could see just how by more than coincidence the loyal PBA members kept getting shafted over and over during contract negotiations. There comes a time when you just need to see beyond the trees in the forest, the organization tat says they fight the good fight for it's members are "do nothings" and seem to be only concerned with enriching themselves with all the hard earned dollars they receive from the dues paid by those members. Those that say they are in your corner do have one good thing in their pocket, your money which they will fight tooth and nail to keep from losing your dues.

01-29-2010, 08:58 AM

01-29-2010, 01:18 PM
Go to IUPA.org Click on the Broward Campaign Button on the left... then Click on "Download and complete the card" Complete the card and mail it in!

01-29-2010, 01:22 PM
What's the latest from ISTUPA?

01-29-2010, 05:38 PM
Couldn't agree more - dump them like a hot potato. Employees seem to forget similar problems with the FOP. What are we going to do? You will see a push to have the FOP represent us. BS I say. IUPA is growing and being utilized throughout the country and most recently with BSO CPIS and some other BSO Civilian departments. I realize it is unproven and very much unknown to the BSO, but what do you want? More of the same with the FOP that we have gotten from the PBA. Without doubt, growing pains will occur but what do we have to loose for trying? NOTHING. If you ask, most of the original Pompano Deputies will tell you PBA President Pat was useless then as he is now. Your PBA board is made up of either Deputies that the Pompano schedule won't affect or they are Supervisors in specialized units who like what they do. Only two (2) board members opposed the contract. I ask you, who do they represent? Themselves. They would all make great Politicians - you can tell they are lying when there lips move. IUPA!

So here we are, another episode of how an outfit like the PBA can continue it's smoke and mirrors to all who give what they believe are their union dues to such an organization that says they fight for your best interests but seemingly have secret behind closed door deals to keep the rank and file members from getting what they deserve. How long will this continue and what lengths will the PBA go to in order to keep you on a string like a puppet. You should realize by now the a the members a mere puppets being controlled and led by a false sense that all is well and with a take it or leave it mentality, we all truly deserve better than this. Before you put a lable on me as being a malcontent nothing could be further from the truth. I was a longtime PBA member and supporter but it didn't take too long before I could see just how by more than coincidence the loyal PBA members kept getting shafted over and over during contract negotiations. There comes a time when you just need to see beyond the trees in the forest, the organization tat says they fight the good fight for it's members are "do nothings" and seem to be only concerned with enriching themselves with all the hard earned dollars they receive from the dues paid by those members. Those that say they are in your corner do have one good thing in their pocket, your money which they will fight tooth and nail to keep from losing your dues.

01-30-2010, 08:14 AM
The PBA has had it too good all these years and think that we can't or won't drop them for another bargaining unit. I remember how much of a shock it was to the FOP when we broke away from them to go to the PBA. We left the FOP because we were tired of all the backroom deals. It's time to wake up and do something for ourselves and send a message to the PBA that we are no longer willing to let them do what they want. They need us more than we need them!

01-30-2010, 12:11 PM
The PBA has had it too good all these years and think that we can't or won't drop them for another bargaining unit. I remember how much of a shock it was to the FOP when we broke away from them to go to the PBA. We left the FOP because we were tired of all the backroom deals. It's time to wake up and do something for ourselves and send a message to the PBA that we are no longer willing to let them do what they want. They need us more than we need them!
All you do is keep threatening to drop then. Are you still paying your dues? Yes, Im sure you are and you will still continue to complain about it. DO SOMETHING and quit whining. Either QUIT the PBA and stop paying them or shut up.

01-31-2010, 07:26 AM
To my brothers & sisters:

I am very disappointed with the PBA and their lack of contract negotiations. Per my State LEO’s, IUPA was terrible and they were drop as there Union. I do not know much about FOP. I will be dropping PBA and joining PLEA. The PLEA website is http://www.plea315.com/index.php. The PLEA office telephone is 305-871-6997. The PLEA dues are $18 bi-weekly or $468.00 yearly. Since the PBA is not negotiating in good faith, why give them your money. LEO’s must have legal representation. Check out PLEA website for an alternative to PBA.

“PLEA is a multi-ethnic police employee organization whose primary objective is to ensure its membership fair and equitable treatment by their respective Law enforcement Agencies. In order to guarantee this protection, PLEA's in-house legal counsel provides immediate and efficient legal defense when needed. The Association's continued success is derived from our reputation. All members of the Executive Board, as well as the Association's attorneys are on 24-hour call in order to better serve our membership. As a member you are guaranteed the services of the PLEA Board of Directors and its representative to include the services of an attorney, and not an Association Membership Representative.”

01-31-2010, 02:05 PM
To my brothers & sisters:

I am very disappointed with the PBA and their lack of contract negotiations. Per my State LEO’s, IUPA was terrible and they were drop as there Union. I do not know much about FOP. I will be dropping PBA and joining PLEA. The PLEA website is http://www.plea315.com/index.php. The PLEA office telephone is 305-871-6997. The PLEA dues are $18 bi-weekly or $468.00 yearly. Since the PBA is not negotiating in good faith, why give them your money. LEO’s must have legal representation. Check out PLEA website for an alternative to PBA.

“PLEA is a multi-ethnic police employee organization whose primary objective is to ensure its membership fair and equitable treatment by their respective Law enforcement Agencies. In order to guarantee this protection, PLEA's in-house legal counsel provides immediate and efficient legal defense when needed. The Association's continued success is derived from our reputation. All members of the Executive Board, as well as the Association's attorneys are on 24-hour call in order to better serve our membership. As a member you are guaranteed the services of the PLEA Board of Directors and its representative to include the services of an attorney, and not an Association Membership Representative.”

PLEA is a good idea but we need a union to bargain our contract. Without a contract we are at the mercy of the Sheriff. I've also talked to a few Troopers at satellite court house who stated IUPA was much better than the PBA, I guess it depends on who you talk to. One bad thing about the FOP is if you have a grievance you must plead your case in front of a review board to be granted representation. I think this grievance process may lead to favoritism and the old pick your battles line of crap. We've had enough of the good old boys system.

01-31-2010, 09:23 PM
It all depends if the FOP uses the State Legal fund for its legal services. Many of the Large FOPs bypass the State FOP and hire an attorny on retainer. They would directly handle all your legal needs. MIami Beach, Plantation, and Coral Gables all hire the same law firm for instance. They get the attorney for every instance.

02-01-2010, 03:44 PM
P.L.E.A is not a bad idea if you drop the PBA. They represent you in case of BS IA charges. Might have to look into them more but they seem like an alternative to use just for representation and not a contract negotiator

02-09-2010, 01:11 AM
What is the PBA doing about Senate Bill 610, according to the artice, NOTHING. This is another reason why they need to go. To read more about the artice go to the "IMPASS" Blog and read the entire article . They are holding up to their nickname, Pissing Benefits Away!!!! They held to that nickname for the past few years