View Full Version : the brass

01-29-2010, 12:26 AM
The brass, ltc's, are driving around backing up deputies around the county. great idea to get out there and see the troops. but they are nitpicking deputies for not wearing basketweave and other bs. a lt was at the west satelite to see if deputies who were supposed to be in white shirts were wearing green. i wonder if they will call it powertrac again. lets get out priotiries straight. back up the deputy on the road and show some integrity with your rank.

01-29-2010, 12:43 AM
The brass, ltc's, are driving around backing up deputies around the county. great idea to get out there and see the troops. but they are nitpicking deputies for not wearing basketweave and other bs. a lt was at the west satelite to see if deputies who were supposed to be in white shirts were wearing green. i wonder if they will call it powertrac again. lets get out priotiries straight. back up the deputy on the road and show some integrity with your rank.

From another South Florida LEO: What is the distinction between the green shirts and white shirts? On PWOBC Deputy SC would switch between the green and white shirts. Do they denote a specific assignment or district?

01-29-2010, 02:15 AM
The green shirt/white shirt thing is TOTALLY idiotic. After MONTHS of this nonsense, it seems like Mjr. Frey is finally making some decent changes. Until this past week, if you worked day shift you had to wear a white shirt. If you were a day shift guy and you worked a detail after dark...you still wore a white shirt. If you were a night shift guy and you had court and/or a detail in the day you had to wear white and then change into your green shirt at 1800hrs. Why weren't green shirts just phased in for the entire agency???? No clue. BSO makes EVERYTHING about 1,000 times harder than need be. There was a huge study done on new styles of uniforms. They had a whole comittee headed up by brass and everything. Different deputies tried on different uniforms and then rated them. Seriously??? Over a year later...still wearing the same polyester Class A uniforms...all that time and effort totally went to waste. A memo just came out this past week per Marjor Frey saying that now, IF it's an Alpha shift deputy's *regular working day* they CAN wear green to court (no mention of s/15's)...but if it's your RDO you have to wear white....

01-29-2010, 02:55 AM
The green shirt/white shirt thing is TOTALLY idiotic. After MONTHS of this nonsense, it seems like Mjr. Frey is finally making some decent changes. Until this past week, if you worked day shift you had to wear a white shirt. If you were a day shift guy and you worked a detail after dark...you still wore a white shirt. If you were a night shift guy and you had court and/or a detail in the day you had to wear white and then change into your green shirt at 1800hrs. Why weren't green shirts just phased in for the entire agency???? No clue. BSO makes EVERYTHING about 1,000 times harder than need be. There was a huge study done on new styles of uniforms. They had a whole comittee headed up by brass and everything. Different deputies tried on different uniforms and then rated them. Seriously??? Over a year later...still wearing the same polyester Class A uniforms...all that time and effort totally went to waste. A memo just came out this past week per Marjor Frey saying that now, IF it's an Alpha shift deputy's *regular working day* they CAN wear green to court (no mention of s/15's)...but if it's your RDO you have to wear white....

Thanks for the info. That sounds incredibly complicated. Does the same apply to your DOD Bureau as well? Some SO's have completely different uniforms for DOD and LE. In Leon County, for example the DOC uniform are green BDU's with name, badge and rank embroidered and LE is the standard green uniform with metal badge and tabs.

01-29-2010, 03:05 AM
No in DOD most Deps wear 2 windbreakers because they are cold and want to cover the fact they have no gun.

01-29-2010, 07:45 AM
The brass, ltc's, are driving around backing up deputies around the county. great idea to get out there and see the troops. but they are nitpicking deputies for not wearing basketweave and other bs. a lt was at the west satelite to see if deputies who were supposed to be in white shirts were wearing green. i wonder if they will call it powertrac again. lets get out priotiries straight. back up the deputy on the road and show some integrity with your rank.

Hey azz clown you can now wear a green shirt to court as long as it is your day of work and not an RDO. If it is your uniform of the day then you may wear it. Obviously your command did not send down the order from the Col. that green shirts are now allowed in court if you work that day.

01-31-2010, 03:24 PM
Can I wear my clown suit to court????

01-31-2010, 03:31 PM
Mighty green shirts and cute little hats. Oh boy! These are real CHANGES!! :lol:

02-01-2010, 03:34 AM
Is it me or do we have too many chief's and not enough indians. We have to forgo our 2 percent, yet we need more upper brass, who make three times as much money as a deputy. We have to cut the budget by twenty percent this yr., have a hiring freeze and give up pay incentives. Great idea lets proote another 10 Majors, 10 more Lt Colonels, and 10 more Colonels.....

02-01-2010, 03:41 AM
You forgot a six year Deputy to the Ex assistant to Al, smart move

02-01-2010, 01:33 PM
Good old crapface is at it again!