View Full Version : First order of business when Israel is elected Sheriff

01-26-2010, 10:37 AM
Some of the strategies that were discussed last election and are being discussed now. This is the first thing I PROMISE to do when Israel becomes Sheriff;

Rev. Rick Braswell, I will take away your car, rip your wig off and I'm going to fire you. (this truly was the first order of business).

Undersheriff Wheeler you will be terminated ASAP without delay. Your appointment was political and you are not qualified to hold that position.

Lt. Benjamin do I need to say it. ADIOS. After I terminate you an investiagtion of your activites will commence without delay.

Mr.Santucci, you were hired for political reasons and what makes you qualified to hold that position. Your position will be eliminated and your $100 K salary put back into the budget towards giving these deputies a raise.

The new unqualified rookie a$$ kissing XO. Remember the position you took is no longer covered by the bargaining unit. Your position will be eliminated and the salary put back into the general budget. The Sheriff does not need an XO. If he does he should not be Sheriff.

Chief Vrchota, of all people I expected more out of you. To do what you have done to these men and women and not have the backbone to stand up and fight for what's right. I'm shocked. You will retire.

Larry Defuria, the harrassment will be stopped. Your fired !

Rick Riley you are no longer needed thank you and I will present you with a plaque.

Rick Frey thank you for your service but making $325 K and year and these kids out there can't get a raise. The run is over my friend. The womanizing has come to an end. The consulting you do outside of the Sheriffs office, it's over. Good luck and thanks for the service.

Pat Hanrahan, the PBA rep. I wont even meet with you as I saw the way you sold your membership down the road. I will encourage the deputies to go with IUPA.
You will go back to the road and become a cop again.

Wimberly at the jail. I saw you at the county commission meeting when they threw you to the wolves. You were a deer in headlights. Thank you for your service and it's time for you to seek other areas.

Pre-trial release, that scam is over and I will abolish the unit and take the 13 million and put the $$ towards the budget for all employee raises. Let the bondsman do the work without any charge to BSO.

All colonels, Lt. Colonels will be demoted to Sgt. and will be placed in a review processs for any other considerations.

Lt.Col danny Wright, your a nice guy and sharp dresser. Thats all you are. You know why you were put in that position. It's over.

Jim Leighdal, Coleman Wright that dark hair chick Dani or something like that and the rest. I will abolish the unit and have one spokesperson. The $$ saved will go into the budget for raises.

The Reserve deputies taking all the details and giving nothing back. That little scam will be history. First of all why should BSO supply reserve deputies with take home cars. Thats a crock. I will eliminate the take home cars for reserve deputies and save $$ putting the money towards raises. The reserve deputies will go back to helping on the strret not sucking up all the details.

Sorry but these 12 hour shifts for deputies, thats to long. I will put you all on 4x10 hour shifts. I will not allow deputies to be placed in danger from bein exhausted.

Internal Affairs-lets just start over there.

Well thats enough for now and this is not meant to hurt anyone. These are some of the first changes along with many more that will be implemented. Take my word.

01-26-2010, 11:07 AM
Have I died and gone to heaven?

01-26-2010, 11:38 AM
Some of the strategies that were discussed last election and are being discussed now. This is the first thing I PROMISE to do when Israel becomes Sheriff;

Rev. Rick Braswell, I will take away your car, rip your wig off and I'm going to fire you. (this truly was the first order of business).

Undersheriff Wheeler you will be terminated ASAP without delay. Your appointment was political and you are not qualified to hold that position.

Lt. Benjamin do I need to say it. ADIOS. After I terminate you an investiagtion of your activites will commence without delay.

Mr.Santucci, you were hired for political reasons and what makes you qualified to hold that position. Your position will be eliminated and your $100 K salary put back into the budget towards giving these deputies a raise.

The new unqualified rookie a$$ kissing XO. Remember the position you took is no longer covered by the bargaining unit. Your position will be eliminated and the salary put back into the general budget. The Sheriff does not need an XO. If he does he should not be Sheriff.

Ronn, Ronn, Ronn........ I see you did go to have your teeth fixed as the dentist gave you way too much happy gas and now you are having delusions big time. Just face it, you and Isnotreal's people have been over posting on here because you are both desperate and depressed that Isnotreal lost the election and can only get a job as a dog catcher. Keep having those delusions Ronnand you can only dream about one of these on your dashboard..... :cop: ... :snicker:

Chief Vrchota, of all people I expected more out of you. To do what you have done to these men and women and not have the backbone to stand up and fight for what's right. I'm shocked. You will retire.

Larry Defuria, the harrassment will be stopped. Your fired !

Rick Riley you are no longer needed thank you and I will present you with a plaque.

Rick Frey thank you for your service but making $325 K and year and these kids out there can't get a raise. The run is over my friend. The womanizing has come to an end. The consulting you do outside of the Sheriffs office, it's over. Good luck and thanks for the service.

Pat Hanrahan, the PBA rep. I wont even meet with you as I saw the way you sold your membership down the road. I will encourage the deputies to go with IUPA.
You will go back to the road and become a cop again.

Wimberly at the jail. I saw you at the county commission meeting when they threw you to the wolves. You were a deer in headlights. Thank you for your service and it's time for you to seek other areas.

Pre-trial release, that scam is over and I will abolish the unit and take the 13 million and put the $$ towards the budget for all employee raises. Let the bondsman do the work without any charge to BSO.

All colonels, Lt. Colonels will be demoted to Sgt. and will be placed in a review processs for any other considerations.

Lt.Col danny Wright, your a nice guy and sharp dresser. Thats all you are. You know why you were put in that position. It's over.

Jim Leighdal, Coleman Wright that dark hair chick Dani or something like that and the rest. I will abolish the unit and have one spokesperson. The $$ saved will go into the budget for raises.

The Reserve deputies taking all the details and giving nothing back. That little scam will be history. First of all why should BSO supply reserve deputies with take home cars. Thats a crock. I will eliminate the take home cars for reserve deputies and save $$ putting the money towards raises. The reserve deputies will go back to helping on the strret not sucking up all the details.

Sorry but these 12 hour shifts for deputies, thats to long. I will put you all on 4x10 hour shifts. I will not allow deputies to be placed in danger from bein exhausted.

Internal Affairs-lets just start over there.

Well thats enough for now and this is not meant to hurt anyone. These are some of the first changes along with many more that will be implemented. Take my word.

01-26-2010, 11:40 AM
Ronn, Ronn, Ronn........ I see you did go to have your teeth fixed as the dentist gave you way too much happy gas and now you are having delusions big time. Just face it, you and Isnotreal's people have been over posting on here because you are both desperate and depressed that Isnotreal lost the election and can only get a job as a dog catcher. Keep having those delusions Ronnand you can only dream about one of these on your dashboard... :cop: .... :snicker:

01-26-2010, 01:59 PM
I agree time for a change. I am sick and tired seeing junior deputies working in the courthouse, airport, port, LBS, SW ranches and all the couchie jobs out there. They should do there time like the rest of us. Seniority should mean something in this organization. I am sick and tired of who you know and who you blow method of doing things around here. :roll:

01-27-2010, 03:38 AM
OMG!!! I just laughed up a storm.....I actually agree with everything that was said...hilarious....too bad in won't happen in my lifetime.....hilarious

01-27-2010, 07:56 PM
I don't believe that was Scott Israel posting on here. Scott is alot more professional and would not air his plans on a public website. (However I do not disagree with the poster) Some things need to be changed and some positions could be eliminated. I for one could only hope that Scott does decide to run for SHERIFF and WIN. I will be proud to work for him. I think the members of BSO deserve better than what they currently have. Sheriff Al is a disappointment. Election day can't come soon enough. MRS

01-28-2010, 01:09 AM
I was a supporter of the Sheriff. It is difficult to describe how disappointed I am. Please, Please tell me there is someone more qualified than SI going to run next election.

01-28-2010, 01:41 AM
I was a supporter of the Sheriff. It is difficult to describe how disappointed I am. Please, Please tell me there is someone more qualified than SI going to run next election.

Joseph Alou will be needing a new job.

01-28-2010, 04:04 AM
I was a supporter of the Sheriff. It is difficult to describe how disappointed I am. Please, Please tell me there is someone more qualified than SI going to run next election.

Joseph Alou will be needing a new job.

Yeah did you see that A-hole fighting with a reporter! Kimmie must be paying him with something special!

01-28-2010, 07:50 AM
OMG!!! I just laughed up a storm.....I actually agree with everything that was said...hilarious....too bad in won't happen in my lifetime.....hilarious

Yup all u deps sold your votes for what was promised as a good contract howd that work for ya

01-28-2010, 03:56 PM
I agree time for a change. I am sick and tired seeing junior deputies working in the courthouse, airport, port, LBS, SW ranches and all the couchie jobs out there. They should do there time like the rest of us. Seniority should mean something in this organization. I am sick and tired of who you know and who you blow method of doing things around here. :roll:
well....riddle me this, why on earth would a district or specialized unit want an overweight, baggy-pant, shirt stained deputy working for them? Why would the airport, port or any affluent place want them instead of young hard chargers? You need to look at the reasons, besides if I was paying the tab ( we all do via taxes ) but if I had to pay 35 dollars and hour for a senior deputy vs. 25 dollars an hour for a less senior deputy ( off probation ) which would I choose??????Hummmmmm, sounds like a deal to me. Don't mean to burst your bubble but in the scheme of things it is only important if effects you. City's can care less! A deputy is a deputy is a deputy! If they have a car and a uniform and they patrol, that is all they want and quite frankly, that's all they should care about.A slug is a slug regardless of who the boss is. No body is entitled to anything and yes, Wheeler, Benji, and others....you know what, they are everywhere, I worked for a city before I came to SO, same crap, even worse because you had cops so far up commissioner's arses, they would get the very few specialized assignments, been here for 5 sheriff's, same crap, different players. What, Israel wasn't bringing in his do-boys? Cochran did, Nick promoted without test, Jenne, another story all together. Listen, if you are a senior guy you didn't learn crap, do your phucking job and worry about yourself, not what someone else has. Something tells me, regardless who the boss is, you would still complain, and you would be the first to blow, if you could figure out who it was you needed to blow! Also it is " cushy" not couchie....couchie is something you pay for if you are a sailor on two day break in Thailand!