View Full Version : WHAT????????????????????

01-14-2010, 06:17 AM
Hey guys most of you know me, I work for another agency and I worked the rest area detail with you guys . I consider most of you as some of the best friends a guy could ever have on the interstate and the back roads (back up). I have over the past few years gave several of you rest area shifts that our guys could not fill as well as some that troopers have given to me to fill. A little while ago I gave a rest area to one of you, who said you could work it. But, when he notified his supervisor he was denied to work it, because he had worked to many that month. WHAT? I dont get it, he had worked for other guys who could not work there shift. Many on short notices and ended up getting screwed in the end out of this extra money. Just thought I might let you know too start counting! BE SAFE........and leave a light on for me, and keep that folding chair out. :devil:

01-15-2010, 01:29 AM
One of several things is wrong here. If the officer is on the hireback list, he doesn't need a sup's ok to work a detail. Was it a conflict with policy about the number of hours he had logged in the period? If so, o.k. for the denial. If not, it needs to be challenged.

01-15-2010, 02:41 AM
Dude our department is so over involved with the hireback program it is not funny. They act like we are working hireback for them and feel the need to extend their "AUTHORITAH" over it. They have so little to do they feel the need to control us on off duty.

Question: the contract allows for POV's with "SECURITY" magnets on the doors, I wonder if FHP would let us work hireback in this manner? This would eliminate the control our department has over us.

They even make us submit out preference schedule through the chain-of-lameness. I think they are trying to make it so hard we quit wanting to do it.

01-16-2010, 01:24 AM
Very very true. I personally have been told by our so called Lt. "who is always working from home" that if we are offered a rest area from a trooper or officer we are supposed to notify our supervisor or the no show Lt. of the offer. In my opinion it does not matter if officer joe schmoe gets five a month and I get one a month, who cares. The cause of this is from one of the whiney brothers at 75 who complains he never gets a rest area but always turns them down when supervisors or troopers call him with an offer. Heck, the part time Lt. even makes us submit a copy of the time sheet to him so he can keep up with who works and how much. WAFJ, all scheduling should be in FHP's hands and not ours.

01-16-2010, 01:54 AM
Is this the part time Lt that works @ home on department patrol cars that are supposed to be bid out through a process to be repaired? Yeah that has been kept real quiet hasn't it. A law enforcement Lt. doing the job of the $30,000+ a year mechanic that if he cannot do is supposed to bid out through the State Vendor System. Since it is more than likely "paint and body" it would be the Ford recall. How are they doing this and it be legit, how are they working this out time and materials wise? Some more of the fishy stuff coming from the office in White Springs IMO. The office in WS screams more and more IG investigation.

01-16-2010, 04:08 AM
As the Kool Aid man would say, OH, YEAH!!!

01-16-2010, 12:14 PM
What the heck is going on in the minds of those in the white Springs office? Roger may have been alot of things but stupid was not one of them. There appears to be some stuff going on in White Springs that could cause some people to loose a job. The whole timesheet problem, this paint and body deal, the whole cluster of misinformation over the relief position at station 4 which they are wanting to keep quiet, what is next? Get it together Tim or you maybe job hunting.

01-21-2010, 07:10 AM
Don't you just love it how the people that have recently been transfered from 75 to side stations in other areas talk about how bad they hate their job but still love to get on here and talk crap and stay in everyones business