View Full Version : Fellow officer running for congress

Eric Forcade
01-04-2010, 02:20 AM
Hello Guys and Gals,

My name is Eric Forcade and I am a Deputy for the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office and I am running as a republican for US Congressional District 10. The current incumbent for that seat is Bill Young. I need everyone's help to try and get me on the ballot for the primaries.

My platform is simple. First, strict adherence to the US Constitution. We are a Republic which is a nation built on laws. The US Constitution is the law of the land which means all debate should start and stop with the validy of the argument based on the US Constitution.

I am a strict fiscal conservative and I will stop the federal government from bankrupting our nation and enslaving our children in a mountain of debt.

I would be honored if you all would go to my website http://www.ForcadeForCongress.com and provide your support. You can find out my exact positions on the issues via the "My Contract" and "Issues" tabs. If you like what you see and live in District 10 (Basically all of Pinellas County) go to my petition page and sign it so I can get on the ballot for the republican primaries.

Thank you all for your support
Eric Forcade