View Full Version : Former FHP Trooper Raped and Murdered Woman on I-95

12-30-2009, 12:33 AM
There was so much said in another forum stating that this didn't happen, well IT DID! (This is the guy, right?)

Former trooper Tim Harris, currently serving a life sentence.


Corrections Offender Network
Inmate Population Information Detail

(This information was current as of 12/27/2009)

DC Number: 139009
Hair Color: BROWN
Eye Color: BROWN
Height: 6'02''
Weight: 226 lbs.
Birth Date: 04/16/1958
Initial Receipt Date: 09/28/1990
Current Facility: SOUTH BAY C.F.
Current Custody: CLOSE
Current Release Date: SENTENCED TO LIFE



Current Prison Sentence History:
Offense Date Offense Sentence Date County Case No. Prison Sentence Length

Incarceration History:
Date In-Custody Date Out-of-Custody
09/28/1990 Currently Incarcerated

12-30-2009, 12:35 AM
Well, that was a big slap in the face.

12-30-2009, 12:36 AM
Well, that was a big slap in the face.

Probably because you were the jerk saying that this never happened. You were probably still in diapers when this happened.

12-30-2009, 12:44 AM
If you go back to that other forum you will clearly see that someone said he raped and killed women. The poster of the one who said that never happened said that because it wasn't multiple women. It was only the 1 "WOMAN". Then it all got stupid from there.

12-30-2009, 04:41 PM
WOW really?
This buttmuncher did this 20 years ago and it is a topic today?
He was a wacko back when he was a local cop in Indian River, Sebastian i think.
He was a felony officer or just got out of felony when he stopped that woman on I95.
She offered an exchange to get out of a ticket. He took the offer and killed her afterwards.
Shen they arrested his some days or weeks later he was wearing her panty hose. He has been in prison for 19 years.
Why again, is this a topic for discussion?

12-30-2009, 06:06 PM
he was wearing her panty hose.

Wonder if he has the legs for them? Bet they are coming in handy up there in Raiford. "Gentlemen prefer hanes." :shock:

11-04-2010, 07:43 AM
Wow- I remember this like it was yesterday. The victim, Lorraine Hendricks, taught Spanish (possibly as a volunteer) at my Catholic school in Jacksonville when I was in eighth grade. She was very nice, and she really tried to connect with the students, bringing Spanish magazines and music. I'll never forget when our main teacher told us that she was missing, and then finding out in the newspaper first that she had been raped and murdered, and then next finding out that it had been perpetuated by a state trooper. Her daughter was only 6 or 7 at the time- it was just so sad all around. Twenty years have passed and it still affects me. She was really a beautiful person. Rest in peace, Ms. Hendricks.

11-05-2010, 02:17 AM
WOW really?
This buttmuncher did this 20 years ago and it is a topic today?
He was a wacko back when he was a local cop in Indian River, Sebastian i think.
He was a felony officer or just got out of felony when he stopped that woman on I95.
She offered an exchange to get out of a ticket. He took the offer and killed her afterwards.
Shen they arrested his some days or weeks later he was wearing her panty hose. He has been in prison for 19 years.
Why again, is this a topic for discussion?
Because someone just had to have something to bash the FHP about (someone with an ax to grind) and this is the only other thing they could drag up.

11-06-2010, 12:19 AM
Ann Rule wrote a book on this one. Good read.

In You Belong To Me and Other True Cases, Rule starts off with "You Belong To Me", the story of former Florida State Trooper Tim Harris. Harris was, for most of his career, considered by his peers to be an outstanding police officer whose record was well above reproach. But few people knew about Tim Harris's dark obsessive side-- his need for control and sexual perversions. His wife, Sandy, had married him when she was a teenager and was familiar with his abusive nature. He had beaten and belittled her while she worked to support his need to buy bigger and better things. Sandy mothered Jennifer and Timmy, the two children she had with Tim Harris, while he played on the $50,000 yacht he had purchased for himself despite the fact that he and his wife's combined income was less than $50,000 annually. He had also bought himself new vehicles to satisfy his insatiable need for more and more toys and more women. Besides being a spendthrift, Harris was a notorious philanderer who carried on affairs with no regard for his wife's feelings.

On the job, Trooper Harris was a star. He had gotten involved with the K9 unit, training his dog Shadow, who was reputed to be one of the most fierce dogs on the force. Little did his superiors know that Tim Harris was using Shadow to intimidate his victims, instructing the animal to "watch" the women he chose to victimize. Shadow's unquestionable allegiance to his master coupled with Harris's training as a police officer proved to be a combination that rendered Harris's victims powerless.

When Sandy had finally had enough of her husband's cruelty, she did what most self-respecting women would do. She told him she wanted a divorce and kicked him out of the house. But in Tim Harris's eyes, Sandy belonged to him, as much as the boat and the truck did. He wasn't about to let her go without a fight. And that's what ultimately led him to wind up in prison for the murder of Lorraine Hendricks, a beautiful, successful mother of one whom Harris happened to pull over for a moving violation.

Ann Rule masterfully tells the tale of how Trooper Harris went from being a top cop to becoming a cold blooded killer. As she does in most of her books, Ann Rule remains squarely on the victim's side, although in this book, she seems to try to make it clear that Trooper Harris represented just one bad apple in a barrel of good police officers. Since Rule is herself a former police officer, I'm sure it pained her to write Tim Harris's story and cast the spotlight on a member of the police force. Rule includes pictures, including one of a crude comic that Tim Harris drew depicting a woman performing fellatio on him at a traffic stop. The drawing is damning evidence of the very little regard that Tim Harris has for women and the fact that he sees them as objects for his own pleasure instead of human beings. I really enjoyed reading "You Belong To Me", although I'm sure I won't be feeling so safe the next time I get pulled over by a cop.

11-06-2010, 02:07 PM
Time flies that seems like just the other day that happened. I live right near where it happened however...

11-06-2010, 02:09 PM
I can't believe that piece of garbage gets to stay at South Bay - that is where they get A/C and its a private prison where the officers are usually dirty and let all kinds of contaband in.

11-06-2010, 05:23 PM

11-06-2010, 10:13 PM
When they arrested his some days or weeks later he was wearing her panty hose. He has been in prison for 19 years.
Why again, is this a topic for discussion?

Maybe we are on a recruitment drive and he's the only one interested that can pass the polygraph? Give that man an AP. At the very least, maybe he can suggest to Rick Scott that the state can save money by replacing our uniform trousers with pantyhose. The state can buy some lowest bid Dollar General brand.


A buck-fifty. That's a lowest bid price :snicker: If we get a defective batch, Captain Spears can come out with an equipment memo on how to deal with when you get a runny pair of nylons.

11-07-2010, 11:40 AM
http://www.oldnewspublishing.com/samp1.jpgYou gotta watch out for those Nazis. I hear they hate Jews. There might even be a war involving all the world powers and in the end the USA and Russia might come out on top. Then maybe a black president will screw up the USA so much that it loses its world super power status paving the way for the Chinese to be on top. You gotta watch out for those Chinese. Im going back to sleep and when I wake up in about 50 years the White race will be the minority in the USA but they will all get free healthcare and WIC.

01-21-2011, 04:47 AM
The victim did not agree to service the officer to compromise the traffic ticket. No evidence exists that the victim was not forced into the trees, raped and murdered, nor did Harris suggest otherwise in his confession. Secondly, it has never been proven that the pantyhose belonged to the victim. Where they actually came from remains a mystery.

11-03-2011, 08:28 AM
they are still at it

11-03-2011, 12:28 PM
WOW really?
This buttmuncher did this 20 years ago and it is a topic today?
He was a wacko back when he was a local cop in Indian River, Sebastian i think.
He was a felony officer or just got out of felony when he stopped that woman on I95.
She offered an exchange to get out of a ticket. He took the offer and killed her afterwards.
Shen they arrested his some days or weeks later he was wearing her panty hose. He has been in prison for 19 years.
Why again, is this a topic for discussion?
Because someone just had to have something to bash the FHP about (someone with an ax to grind) and this is the only other thing they could drag up.

Bro your wrong. FHP people call MPD coke dealers and other nice things and since we ALL live in glass houses, SO your trash floats to the top also. Every agency has it's walking talking brain dead idiots. And bringing up every agency's idiots will continue as long as we keep trashing each other. But a homicidal rapist in uniform, you guys win the prize.

12-06-2011, 03:28 PM
This woman did not have consensual sex with that officer and information that was later provided to family indicated, as a blackbelt, that she made every attempt to fight him off. This I know and vividly recollect as she was my cousin.

12-06-2011, 09:20 PM
WOW really?
This buttmuncher did this 20 years ago and it is a topic today?
He was a wacko back when he was a local cop in Indian River, Sebastian i think.
He was a felony officer or just got out of felony when he stopped that woman on I95.
She offered an exchange to get out of a ticket. He took the offer and killed her afterwards.
Shen they arrested his some days or weeks later he was wearing her panty hose. He has been in prison for 19 years.
Why again, is this a topic for discussion?
Because someone just had to have something to bash the FHP about (someone with an ax to grind) and this is the only other thing they could drag up.

Bro your wrong. FHP people call MPD coke dealers and other nice things and since we ALL live in glass houses, SO your trash floats to the top also. Every agency has it's walking talking brain dead idiots. And bringing up every agency's idiots will continue as long as we keep trashing each other. But a homicidal rapist in uniform, you guys win the prize.

I can say it more crudely. FHP shit, smells just like everybody' else does. So if you throw shit, you get shit back. Primitive, Stupid, But that's the way it is.

And the woman never consented so whoever is pushing that lie, your an asshole.

01-13-2012, 01:31 AM
the trooper took the door handles off his patrol car at home and trapped the woman inside his police car. hope this clears up the story a little.

07-20-2012, 11:30 PM
The reason this is "news" again is that the scumbag wants to be let out on parole and filed a request in May 2012. I hope Florida authorities will deny this request and allow him to rot in prison the way he allowed his victim to rot like roadkill. He is the worst of the worst.

10-27-2012, 03:25 AM
First of all let me say Tim was a friend. Ann Rule's book had much misinformation in it. I certainly don't condone anything he did. Not one thing has been said about his horrible home life, the poverty level, the fear those kids lived in, an absent father. Even so many posts on here are wrong. Judge not. I will always have the utmost respect for all Officers, they are all doing a hard job that is too often not appreciated.

10-27-2012, 04:30 AM
So because he had a bad home life what he did wasn't as bad? What are you saying?

12-19-2012, 07:03 AM
No. I was saying that "Ann Rule's book had much misinformation in it. I certainly don't condone anything he did." But I will say other Law Enforcement officers murdered people and were given parole. I feel it is wrong people judged him more harshly due to her book talking about his affluent upbringing, His mother rode a bus everyday to her secretarial job. They had one car, an old junker that only worked once, as far as I can remember. They lived in a house the church owned. Their clothes were donated. They rode the bus free because they were financially poor. They got free school lunches for the same reason. They were never supposed to be outside. They were never to have anyone over. When my cousin broke up with him (Oh my! She wasn't a blonde, Ann) He brought over all their pictures, love notes, and love letters for me to keep for him, he was so depressed over it. He had a habit of jumping out and scaring you to death. It was never cute, but his wife married him anyway. He didn't know how to react around girls. How was he supposed to learn? Not from Mama, that's for sure. There's so much I could say. What do you want to know now? I'm still typing in black and white, just as in my earlier post.

12-19-2012, 01:51 PM
I judge him harshly based on his actions. I could care less about his upbringing and I never read the book or care to. I don't feel he should get parol because other law enforcement officers have. I probably wouldn't think most of them should have been granted parole If I read their case files. The term given should be the term served for most hanis murders. I might be a little to harsh and not sound compassionate for the person you know but oh well. Its just how I feel.

07-30-2019, 07:41 AM
I judge him harshly based on his actions. I could care less about his upbringing and I never read the book or care to. I don't feel he should get parol because other law enforcement officers have. I probably wouldn't think most of them should have been granted parole If I read their case files. The term given should be the term served for most hanis murders. I might be a little to harsh and not sound compassionate for the person you know but oh well. Its just how I feel.

Here is another one

07-31-2019, 05:06 PM
See, we will get you one way or another.

09-09-2019, 03:46 AM
This guy needs to be investigated as a serial killer. I read an article that said during the period he patrolled this area, 16 unsolved murders of women were dumped in the area. This guy was/is a sick sociopath per testimony by his wife who met him as a teenager when he pulled her over & he was sexually deviant as well beating her & almost killing her after he handcuffed & threatened her with his pistol. Any of you Florida LEOs willing to investigate & really find out the full truth of what he was doing for 8 years? I guarantee you, from what I have read about his personality, this guy did it more than once. He only confessed to stop more investigation of what he had been doing.
Seriously, folks, I’m no LEO, but this guy screams serial killer.

07-24-2020, 04:05 PM
This guy needs to be investigated as a serial killer. I read an article that said during the period he patrolled this area, 16 unsolved murders of women were dumped in the area. This guy was/is a sick sociopath per testimony by his wife who met him as a teenager when he pulled her over & he was sexually deviant as well beating her & almost killing her after he handcuffed & threatened her with his pistol. Any of you Florida LEOs willing to investigate & really find out the full truth of what he was doing for 8 years? I guarantee you, from what I have read about his personality, this guy did it more than once. He only confessed to stop more investigation of what he had been doing.
Seriously, folks, I’m no LEO, but this guy screams serial killer.

I know this is an ancient thread, but I was one of his rape victims. Just wondered if anyone had ever checked into his early work. He was practicing on me 15 years before his arrest. And I know there were others before and after me, because he was quite skilled when he got me. And I’m sure he didn’t suddenly decide to rape and murder a woman 15 years after me.
Sorry to bother you all. Was checking to be sure he was still in prison and this conversation popped up.

06-28-2021, 03:28 PM
I know this is an ancient thread, but I was one of his rape victims. Just wondered if anyone had ever checked into his early work. He was practicing on me 15 years before his arrest. And I know there were others before and after me, because he was quite skilled when he got me. And I’m sure he didn’t suddenly decide to rape and murder a woman 15 years after me.
Sorry to bother you all. Was checking to be sure he was still in prison and this conversation popped up.

This must be the guy in whose patrol car they found a number of women’s’ drivers licenses. My sister’s was one of them. Scary dude indeed.

06-30-2021, 11:31 PM
Its probably been re-hashed many times but how did this guy ever get hired as a trooper in the first place. Was he that good to fool the polygraph or was the polygrapher that bad not to notice this guy?