View Full Version : Former Union Boss set to leave prison in May

12-28-2009, 06:00 PM
South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com
Former Broward union boss to leave prison in May

By Scott Wyman, Sun Sentinel

December 23, 2009
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Before Scott Rothstein and his alleged Ponzi scheme, before Josephus Eggelletion was forced from the County Commission for money-laundering, one of Broward County's major political scandals dealt with union boss Walter "Buster" Browne.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons transferred Browne last month from a prison camp in Pensacola to a halfway house program in Miami. He is scheduled to be released May 4.

Browne's reign as one of the area's most powerful political figures ended in 2004 when he and his sister were convicted of federal racketeering and corruption charges. It was the result of almost two decades of surveillance and subpoenas.

Jurors concluded that Browne and Patricia Devaney had lined their pockets by running the Federation of Public and Private Employees as an organized crime empire. Browne was sentenced to six years in prison.

According to testimony, Browne and Devaney dipped into union funds for airline tickets, meals and cellular phones. They helped themselves to other unauthorized perks, including cars and expensive tickets to sporting events. They used the union's Plantation headquarters for Friday poker games. And, they conspired to destroy records, covering up their graft.

Browne's clout was immense. He was a member of the independent governing board that once controlled Port Everglades in addition to running the union that represents more than 7,000 jailers, park employees, school bus drivers, court clerks, city hall secretaries and dockworkers.

Scott Wyman can be reached at swyman@sunsentinel.com or 954-356-4511.

Copyright © 2009, South Florida Sun-Sentinel

12-28-2009, 09:55 PM
So whats changed? Replaced one crook with another. FOPE sucks and always will. $37 a month for no raises and working conditions that are getting worse with no representation or voice. While the union "in" crowd gets carte blanche.

12-29-2009, 05:34 AM
Agree. The same and worse is being done by the people in charge now. A lot of the who's who of the federation were involved in and helped pull off the corruption and should be in a cell right next to him.

01-19-2010, 05:34 PM
Federation Of Public Employees aka F_ _ked Over People Enough must go! 9% raise to 7% raise to 4% raise to 3% raise to wait for it ,wait for it.....well uh you see what had happened was.....yeah 0% raise. Bunch of lying,thieving,hook each other up, admin move,union business day off taking, BUMS.

01-19-2010, 06:27 PM
Everybody at BSO should be with the same union. I say lets try the FOP and start from the bottom up. Strength in numbers.

01-19-2010, 06:48 PM
Everybody at BSO should be with the same union. I say lets try the FOP and start from the bottom up. Strength in numbers.

Are you crazy? Ask the DOD Lieutenants how great the FOP is? NOT!

01-21-2010, 07:26 PM
Ok,so I talked with my Lt. Last night and he said he is happy with the FOP. He then asked how our contract talks using the fope was going and if I thought there was any chance of us having a raise in our 3rd year like everyone else in BSO. At that point I just Hung my head turned away and said...good point. Then headed to the lounge to eat my cold chicken wrap and inmate cookies. What more could I ask for I though.