View Full Version : $50,000 for an inmate, WTF

12-22-2009, 05:14 PM
It should all give us a warm fuzzy feeling inside that the Florida Legislature( aka Tallahassee Clown College) has set a minimum standard for a wrongly convicted and incarcerated inmate at $50,000 a year. What have they done for us??? No wonder they want two citations an hour.

12-22-2009, 09:43 PM
That's right. A prisoner's time is worth more than yours. It is a very sad fact but the Great State of Florida cares very little about state employees. Let's say you were investigated by your agency and fired. PERC then overturns your termination and orders the agency to rehire you. Do you think you will get 50K a year for the time you were out? This of course doesn't apply to the few making more than 50K.

12-22-2009, 10:35 PM
Can you honestly measure how much one should be compensated for being imprisoned for something they did not do?

Comparing their pay to yourselves is rediculous. Quit complaining. You hate your job so much and feel you are underpaid go work somewhere else. Nothing but babies on this site. You make me sick.

12-23-2009, 12:34 AM
Can you honestly measure how much one should be compensated for being imprisoned for something they did not do?

Comparing their pay to yourselves is rediculous. Quit complaining. You hate your job so much and feel you are underpaid go work somewhere else. Nothing but babies on this site. You make me sick.

You missed the point, which really doesn't suprise me. No one is complaining. It was an observation on what the legislature thinks about state employees. I suspect people like you would want people like me to go to work somewhere else. After all, the vacancy may allow you to move up from your Burger King position. As far as making you sick - I can only hope. Remember - all employees must wash their hands.

12-23-2009, 01:05 AM
You can quit the Patrol but he could not quit being an inmate!

12-23-2009, 12:56 PM
Virtually all people incarcerated for crimes they didn't commit are still guilty of other equivalent crimes so no great loss here. I mean, these are not pillars of society that suddenly get charged with some horrific crime. The one that they are wrongly convicted of may not be the right one but there are plenty of other bad things that they have done.

12-23-2009, 01:05 PM
Virtually all people incarcerated for crimes they didn't commit are still guilty of other equivalent crimes so no great loss here. I mean, these are not pillars of society that suddenly get charged with some horrific crime. The one that they are wrongly convicted of may not be the right one but there are plenty of other bad things that they have done.
I hope you are a teenage citizen and not someone who took an oath to uphold the Constitution. You make us all look bad saying something stupid and inmature if you are really a LEO!

12-23-2009, 01:17 PM
My original post was not to compare a state employees salary to the compensation of a wrongfully incarcerated inmate. It was to bring up a discussion of how much time, money and effort the Florida Legislature puts into their priorities. The important things to the legislature seem to be other than those of us that risk our lives daily.

12-23-2009, 07:58 PM
I understand your post, however I think that once the Col gets his budget for the year, he can spend it almost like a Sheriff (iifc). If that is the case, he could lay a bunch of the Junior Troopers off, and use the money to fund pay-raises, benefit packages, etc, etc. However there is a flip side that needs to be looked at. 1, a lot of people will be let go. 2, more work will have to be picked up by the remaining troopers. 3, longer time before car swaps, due to abundance of vehicles left from troopers being let go. etc, etc, etc.

This is not to get into a flame war, just a different prospective on this issue and something to look at to get more money for you guys. You are all WAY under paid and Yes, I do believe you need a raise to make it more competitive with county agencies. You all keep up the good work, Be Safe and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Quanza, and Happy Holidays.

12-23-2009, 09:36 PM
I understand your post, however I think that once the Col gets his budget for the year, he can spend it almost like a Sheriff (iifc). If that is the case, he could lay a bunch of the Junior Troopers off, and use the money to fund pay-raises, benefit packages, etc, etc. However there is a flip side that needs to be looked at. 1, a lot of people will be let go. 2, more work will have to be picked up by the remaining troopers. 3, longer time before car swaps, due to abundance of vehicles left from troopers being let go. etc, etc, etc.

This is not to get into a flame war, just a different prospective on this issue and something to look at to get more money for you guys. You are all WAY under paid and Yes, I do believe you need a raise to make it more competitive with county agencies. You all keep up the good work, Be Safe and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Quanza, and Happy Holidays.
You are incorrect, you can not give more than one employee in a class a pay raise that is not legislatively approved. The exact language in the law is "cohort". It is nothing like a sheriff!
It becams an issue when Chrissy Knight complained that the former DOT Colonel gave his oficers a pay raise with excess DOT salary dollars so blame the guy who wore the chear Maroon polyester sport coat!

12-23-2009, 09:40 PM
Yes, the above has a few typos so get over it!