View Full Version : Col. AL

12-18-2009, 10:55 PM
What in the hell is this guy doing to our agency. Sheriff, are you seriously gonna let this guy ruin this place. The daily BS he goes around talking and the crap he tries to force down our throats. Do you even know some of the stuff he says and does? He may be a good number cruncher but, we don't need math teachers running our agency, we need cops. Get rid of Al or we'll rid our agency of you!

12-19-2009, 12:43 AM
Al is a joke. Does he even have any real law enforcement experience? I wanna how many murder cases he's investigated in his career. How many trials has he testified in? How many nights has he gone call to call without getting a break. By the looks of it, not many. How can we trust this guy to know whats good for our agency if he doesn't know what we do? How does he make decisions on whats best for us if he only knows what he's told? Come Al, get out there and answer some calls. Handle a few domestics. Take a few reports. Get spit on, punched in the face and disrespected on a routine basis and then tell me that we don't need more deputies.

12-19-2009, 11:30 PM
I agree, Al is snotty and rude to the deputies. He barely even says hello, what kind of role model or leader is that?

12-22-2009, 03:01 AM
Didn't you already try to oust the sheriff? How did that work for you? That is right it didn't. Stop your childish threats.

12-22-2009, 11:27 AM
I didn't say I have a problem with the sheriff. I said Al is useless. If anything, he's pulling the sheriff down.

12-22-2009, 02:51 PM
Col. N serves a purpose in the administration. He is the thinker and bean counter who drives Nurenbrock and Gallager crazy with math formulas and research. The man is our deal maker and has always treated me with respect even when at odds!

Maybe you should get an application in at Tampa PD

12-22-2009, 05:30 PM
My point exactly! Why do we have this guy running a sheriff's office when he should be the CFO? HELLO! In his current position, he is able to make decisions that effect the entire agency and it's operation. I agree that he is the "FUZZY MATH" mastermind but, numbers and management of personnel are two totally different things. We need someone like Major Head or Major Radford in that position. At least they know what goes on out here and can make decisions based on knowledge and expedience. This guy can't even call out a traffic stop correctly.

12-28-2009, 04:40 PM
I don't disagree that both the Majors are excellent choices for the future, but the old school mechanics rule applies here.

Mechanics Rule: "Don't fix something that ain't broke."