View Full Version : You guys just don't get it...unreal.

12-17-2009, 09:54 PM
I'm a police officer in the actual state of florida and one of your illustrious troopers pulled me over on the turnpike. Now, I understand it's the turnpike and everybody usually travels right at the speed limit or maybe 5-10 mph faster (right). Was I speeding you ask?? Absolutlely. Right into a speed trap. Of course, being a police officer myself, I was not going to make the trooper chase me down. I knew he was coming after me so I immdediately pulled over. Now I've been pulled over by a trooper in the past and got lectured so I knew a lecture was coming regardless of the fact that I'm a police officer. Which personally, I've never lectured another officer on how to drive and I don't know any other officers in any other agency who actually do that crap but that's just me. So, after I identified myself as a police officer, this trooper decides to lecture me for 5 minutes and I sit there and f-ing take it while apologizing thinking the whole time "There's no way this guy will actually write me a ticket." I was wrong. This fagget actually stroked me a speeding ticket. Then had the balls to tell me he was cutting me a break! Furious you ask? Yea I'd say so. Did I go off? Yea I'd say so. It's funny how after he handed me the ticket and I said what I needed to say...he shut his mouth and didn't say a word except when I handed it back to him and he so eloquently stated "Uhh just be careful pulling out." Words of wisdom I tell ya. I work in a city that borders 95...so with that said, have I provided back up for you guys while actually at work and on my way home plenty times? ABSOLUTELY. Have I cut you guys and your families breaks when I pulled them over in my city? ABSOLUTELY. In fact, there are troopers who live in my city who I've done favors for while they've been out of town. Now, I've heard you guys write family members of cops and stuff like that. Ok. I don't agree but to each his own. But to actually stroke another police officer no matter what city or area they work in and even if it's near your jurisdiction or not...that's just some BS! You never know when or where you'll need a back up and who will be around...in uniform or not. When you got people working for your agency who pull garbage like that...you won't find a lot of respect for your agency because you don't give it. So with that said...let Trooper Horn from Osceola County Troop K know that I posted this please. He knows who I am. And let him know I paid that ticket and IF by the sweet grace of God I ever see him out of uniform, I'll let him know how I feel. He's a ****y fagget who doesn't know an absolute thing about police work or respect. By the way, you guys did a great job covering for Tiger on the "accident." It's sad you cut celebrities and their families breaks on arrestible offenses but not other cops on measley speeding tickets. Listen, I'm not speaking for all troopers in this state, just the ones who pull the kind of things I'm referring to here. It's absolutely ridiculous.

12-17-2009, 10:59 PM
Wow, you are exactly the kind of police officer I would write. You are probably an asshole just as you come across in this thread. A speed trap on the pike? Its not a secret that its a posted 70mph zone. you know us troopers love going out and hang up those fake speed limit signs that tell you its ok to do 100+. Then once you speed up we jump out from behind the tree and pull you over. I'm sure you weren't only doing 10 or 15 over. Probably 30+ or something like that since most of the guys out there don't even look twice unless you are in the tripple digits. But you come on here calling one of my fellow Troopers a faggot. You are really something. Too bad he didn't stroke you the full boat. Now go do your real police work deputy or who ever you are.

12-17-2009, 11:09 PM
O.P. - You sound like an Assclown. Go have a drink. You are not above the law just because you carry a badge. You did it ( which you freely admit), you got caught, don't ***** about it.

12-17-2009, 11:15 PM
Please Trooper Horn, put this guy's name on the site. Please please please since he wouldn't put it himself. That way, since he refers to homosexuals using the words in his post some lawyer can use it against him in court. He showed his professionalism on this board.

I am glad that guy got stroked if he wants to act up. He probably acted up as soon as he was asked for his DL and that his get out of free badge didn't work.

12-18-2009, 01:02 AM
One day some FHP employees will actually "get it". Until then, those of you that don't will continue to drag the agency through the mud. My apologies to the professional FHP troopers. This Horn mutt sounds like a real winner.

12-18-2009, 01:45 AM
I have to side with the officer on this one. He vented which is what this site is for. Probably didn't need to call the guy a fag, but I can't fault him besides that. In the years I was a trooper, I never wrote another officer even the ones who were pricks to me. Writing another cop will never make a difference. Now there are probably two sides to this story, so I'm only going by by the officer's statements. A lecture and a ticket? I wouldn't do that to a citizen much less a cop. Guys, let it go! It's a civil infraction. If the guy was a **** and you feel you have to do something, then call his supervisor or something, but I can promise you a ticket will only make things worse. And if he was an ass, then way to be the professional (sarcasm). Do you think this guy learned some kind of lesson? Really? No because now he's going to look at FHP with hate and maybe he'll think twice the next time a good trooper needs assistance. Good job!

12-18-2009, 01:59 AM
I have to side with the officer on this one. He vented which is what this site is for. Probably didn't need to call the guy a fag, but I can't fault him besides that. In the years I was a trooper, I never wrote another officer even the ones who were pricks to me. Writing another cop will never make a difference. Now there are probably two sides to this story, so I'm only going by by the officer's statements. A lecture and a ticket? I wouldn't do that to a citizen much less a cop. Guys, let it go! It's a civil infraction. If the guy was a **** and you feel you have to do something, then call his supervisor or something, but I can promise you a ticket will only make things worse. And if he was an ass, then way to be the professional (sarcasm). Do you think this guy learned some kind of lesson? Really? No because now he's going to look at FHP with hate and maybe he'll think twice the next time a good trooper needs assistance. Good job!

So you were willing to take a nasty talking from someone? Umm ok. Not something I would brag about. So the next time he gets stopped, he can see if the next guy is as spineless? And because the off duty cop has a bad attitude on his OFF TIME in his POV, you are going to call his work supervisor? If he works at Publix, will you call his boss too? If you catch my in my POV, I will take my ticket...but don't be calling my work. I will think less of you than if you stroked me a UTC.

And since you asked, no the guy didn't learn his lesson. Who cares? The Trooper wrote a ticket to someone who was speeding. The recipient showed his true colors and lack of professionalism by writing what he did on here. The purpose of this site was not to "call out" the Trooper by name. So now if the guy's family google his name, then they get to read the names he is called?

By the way, anybody who wears a uniform and says they may not rush to help another officer from another department due to a ticket...is just not professional.

12-18-2009, 02:04 AM
I have to side with the officer on this one. He vented which is what this site is for. Probably didn't need to call the guy a fag, but I can't fault him besides that. In the years I was a trooper, I never wrote another officer even the ones who were pricks to me. Writing another cop will never make a difference. Now there are probably two sides to this story, so I'm only going by by the officer's statements. A lecture and a ticket? I wouldn't do that to a citizen much less a cop. Guys, let it go! It's a civil infraction. If the guy was a **** and you feel you have to do something, then call his supervisor or something, but I can promise you a ticket will only make things worse. And if he was an ass, then way to be the professional (sarcasm). Do you think this guy learned some kind of lesson? Really? No because now he's going to look at FHP with hate and maybe he'll think twice the next time a good trooper needs assistance. Good job!

This site never ceases to amaze me. I DO NOT understand how you can write a police officer for a traffic in high school. The thought just came to me. Most of the ticket writers were beaten in school or at home or both. They grew up and became troopers to get back at everybody who beat them up. You will get yours it is just a matter of time.

12-18-2009, 02:17 AM
Its a freaking infraction. I really dont get it people. Show the ID,,Be safe your on your way. Is it really that hard. Why do people make it out to be more than that. Geez. The guy is pissed. Can you blame him. Come on. Lecture ticket---why did he sleep better at night making his contact on an leo? I Pulled over Georgia Trooper who actually told me if I was in his state he would write me. I simply said welcome to Florida.. and walked off. I dont take this job personal why would you do that to another LEO. I just dont get it I am just shy of 20years and I still just dont understand that mentatility.

12-18-2009, 02:44 AM
Its a freaking infraction. I really dont get it people. Show the ID,,Be safe your on your way. Is it really that hard. Why do people make it out to be more than that. Geez. The guy is pissed. Can you blame him. Come on. Lecture ticket---why did he sleep better at night making his contact on an leo? I Pulled over Georgia Trooper who actually told me if I was in his state he would write me. I simply said welcome to Florida.. and walked off. I dont take this job personal why would you do that to another LEO. I just dont get it I am just shy of 20years and I still just dont understand that mentatility.

Yup georgia don't care, i got one for 10 over 5 years ago up there, I would have loved to stop that guy...

12-18-2009, 02:54 AM
This site never ceases to amaze me. I DO NOT understand how you can write a police officer for a traffic in high school. The thought just came to me. Most of the ticket writers were beaten in school or at home or both. They grew up and became troopers to get back at everybody who beat them up. You will get yours it is just a matter of time.

I think you're right. The ones that I know that do it are little weasel punks. I have actually heard some bragging about it. I just tell them they make me sick and walk off...Just be confident in the fact that karma will get them....always does. In fact one of the ones I was talking about got fired this year. Kinda funny actually, willing to stroke cops for speeding, but misusing DAVID, leaving hireback zones, a little domestic stuff...Awesome

12-18-2009, 03:00 AM
Oops, I forgot insubordination also...

12-18-2009, 03:03 AM

12-18-2009, 03:20 AM
I know this is not helping....BUT
Are you sure you didnt run your mouth and then get the ticket?

12-18-2009, 07:57 AM
26 years as a trooper and I have never written another LEO a ticket and never will. If it was so important for the rookie trooper to have written this ticket, tell me if he would also turn around and write someone while he is en route to a 208 or to meet another trooper for a meal or on the way to use the bathroom or going home at the end of his shift? Obviously, there are times when a speeder going much faster than the posting officer has not even been stopped because it wasn't convenient for the trooper to make a stop. If that discretion can be used then why not use discretion when stopping fellow LEOs. It is jerks like this that give our agency a bad name. Shame on any fellow trooper for writing a ticket to a fellow LEO.

12-18-2009, 12:31 PM
26 years as a trooper and I have never written another LEO a ticket and never will. If it was so important for the rookie trooper to have written this ticket, tell me if he would also turn around and write someone while he is en route to a 208 or to meet another trooper for a meal or on the way to use the bathroom or going home at the end of his shift? Obviously, there are times when a speeder going much faster than the posting officer has not even been stopped because it wasn't convenient for the trooper to make a stop. If that discretion can be used then why not use discretion when stopping fellow LEOs. It is jerks like this that give our agency a bad name. Shame on any fellow trooper for writing a ticket to a fellow LEO.

And so says the lord.

12-18-2009, 01:53 PM
Please Trooper Horn, put this guy's name on the site. Please please please since he wouldn't put it himself. That way, since he refers to homosexuals using the words in his post some lawyer can use it against him in court. He showed his professionalism on this board.

I am glad that guy got stroked if he wants to act up. He probably acted up as soon as he was asked for his DL and that his get out of free badge didn't work.

The funny thing is, Horn probably doesn't know which officer your referring to. It could be one of many and one just finally had the balls to come up and say something about it. It's sad the rest of us get thrown in the mix with troopers like that. We're not all like that. I'm sure the officer was respectful. I've really never had an officer give me an attitude for just pulling him over. Most officers know they screwed up and don't really argue it. We ALL do it in our POV's and once in awhile we get caught like everybody else. It's sad we have to stoop to the level of writing one of our own brothers to think we can teach them some sort of lesson. There's plenty other people out there who deserve tickets and throw us attitudes. Horn needs somebody to teach him how this job really is. It's troopers like him who make us look bad. That officer should be pissed and I apologize for trooper Horn and his stuck up attitude.

12-18-2009, 02:47 PM
As a LEO who has been working in S. Fla for 16 years, it is safe to say that it no longer matters if you are a brother LEO if stopped by FHP. There are far too many epic stories of FHP writing LEO's up for infractions. I am sad to see this, but I accepted this fact years ago after hearing too many stories. When I road trip on 95 or the Pike, I never go over 10 on the speedometer. Our family recently took a trip to N. Fla and when the wife asked why are we going slower than other traffic, I explained to her that FHP does not cut slack to their brothers anymore. it is interesting to note, that during my 16 years I have had numerous contacts with Troopers in classes and group ops and when the topic of writing other cops comes up, the Troopers always have the same reply about how "they" never do that to cops. When this topic comes up with family members about "why should cops not get tickets", I always explain that professional courtesy exists in many professions. Doctors seldom charge other Doctors, Lawyers work off favors for eachother all the time in the legal world & Bar tenders don't charge other Bar tenders at clubs. It has always been that way and it should exist even more for cops for the mere reason that we all do an incredible tough and dangerous job as recent tragedies have shown. Many cops were lost in the S. Florida region two years ago and we HAVE to be there for eachother when we make a mistake as common and minor as an infraction. I no longer have faith in my outdated system of expecting a break from FHP, so I take extra precautions to avoid them when traveling. Others would be wise to do the same. I will not insult the Trooper who wrote the original poster or any others who have done the same. For what ever reason this is how they think, & I won't make threats to write up an off duty Trooper should I encounter one during a stop, because I still honor the way it used to be, and there are far too many fish to reel in among the motoring public. Call me a hypocrate or anything you'd like, but this is how I see it.

Signed; PBSO Sergeant

12-18-2009, 04:10 PM
As a LEO who has been working in S. Fla for 16 years, it is safe to say that it no longer matters if you are a brother LEO if stopped by FHP. There are far too many epic stories of FHP writing LEO's up for infractions. I am sad to see this, but I accepted this fact years ago after hearing too many stories. When I road trip on 95 or the Pike, I never go over 10 on the speedometer. Our family recently took a trip to N. Fla and when the wife asked why are we going slower than other traffic, I explained to her that FHP does not cut slack to their brothers anymore. it is interesting to note, that during my 16 years I have had numerous contacts with Troopers in classes and group ops and when the topic of writing other cops comes up, the Troopers always have the same reply about how "they" never do that to cops. When this topic comes up with family members about "why should cops not get tickets", I always explain that professional courtesy exists in many professions. Doctors seldom charge other Doctors, Lawyers work off favors for eachother all the time in the legal world & Bar tenders don't charge other Bar tenders at clubs. It has always been that way and it should exist even more for cops for the mere reason that we all do an incredible tough and dangerous job as recent tragedies have shown. Many cops were lost in the S. Florida region two years ago and we HAVE to be there for eachother when we make a mistake as common and minor as an infraction. I no longer have faith in my outdated system of expecting a break from FHP, so I take extra precautions to avoid them when traveling. Others would be wise to do the same. I will not insult the Trooper who wrote the original poster or any others who have done the same. For what ever reason this is how they think, & I won't make threats to write up an off duty Trooper should I encounter one during a stop, because I still honor the way it used to be, and there are far too many fish to reel in among the motoring public. Call me a hypocrate or anything you'd like, but this is how I see it.

Signed; PBSO Sergeant


No disrespect but I strongly disagree with you. I am the 26-year guy who posted above. Most stories of FHP writing other cops is Urban Legend. Don't get me wrong, I understand that we have our share of idiots who feel that they need to "police the police" but the tales are far exaggerated over what the reality is about troopers writing other LEOs. When it happens, the story spreads like wildfire and is typically like the exercise from elementary school.

In a class of 30 kids, you tell the first kid something and they pass it on quietly so nobody else can hear. When it gets to the end, the 30th kid tells a much more colorful and different story than the initial story as told by the teacher to the first student. These trooper stories of writing to other LEOs is very much the same. Because almost everyone hates it when a cop writes another cop, the details of the story degrade quickly with the trooper becoming a monster, the LEO who was stopped being "oh so kind" and respectful, etc. The reason that those stories also continue to propagate is because we are a statewide agency and what one of our jackasses does resonates throughout each and every agency throughout the state.

When a local cop has the same mentality about policing the police as a few of our a-hole troopers do, the story stays local and doesn't become fodder for statewide discussion. I personally know of a local PO on mids who would stop marked units from adjoining agencies to lecture and would actually write cops all the time in their POVs. When speaking with other members in his squad they told me that he felt it was his mission to get speeding cops "under control" and that he would write each cop so many times he would get their DL's suspended. All agencies have their jerks and we are no different. The difference is in the fact that we are statewide and that carries the stories from Key West to Pensacola.

12-18-2009, 04:24 PM
Representing yourself as an LEO and then calling someone a slur multiple times in a public forum is foolish and shows a lack of the good judgement needed to be a LEO in my opinion.

We are not above the laws that we expect the millions of other drivers in this state to subscribe to. YOU PLAY THE ODDS IF YOU SPEED and if you speed and get stopped, don't expect a break b/c you are some cop in a town somewhere.

This Trooper may well be tired of stopping 10 cops a week, all of whom expect a break and view themselves above the law.

A real "Brother" LEO will back another brothers play when acting impartially. Trooper wrote an admitted speeder a speeding ticket. Other LEO called outed Trooper and called him a slur in a public forum and then informed us that he would be derelict in his duty to aid a Trooper in need!

I only have a real issue with one LEO here, and he isn't the one in a black and tan - STAY SAFE!!!!!!

12-18-2009, 04:36 PM
Saying "If I ever see him out of uniform" is classless and puts you on the same level as the angry criminals we all encounter.

Please drive to your PD and turn in your resignation.

12-18-2009, 04:48 PM
Representing yourself as an LEO and then calling someone a slur multiple times in a public forum is foolish and shows a lack of the good judgement needed to be a LEO in my opinion.

We are not above the laws that we expect the millions of other drivers in this state to subscribe to. YOU PLAY THE ODDS IF YOU SPEED and if you speed and get stopped, don't expect a break b/c you are some cop in a town somewhere.

This Trooper may well be tired of stopping 10 cops a week, all of whom expect a break and view themselves above the law.

A real "Brother" LEO will back another brothers play when acting impartially. Trooper wrote an admitted speeder a speeding ticket. Other LEO called outed Trooper and called him a slur in a public forum and then informed us that he would be derelict in his duty to aid a Trooper in need!

I only have a real issue with one LEO here, and he isn't the one in a black and tan - STAY SAFE!!!!!!

You're as much a fag as Trooper Horn. I'm a Trooper and personally can't stand nerdy ass Troopers who think it's cute to lecture and or write other police officers a UTC. I agree with the poster that said that those types of Troopers/officers were probably picked on in high school and are overwhelmed when finally in a position of authority.

I hear stories of the brotherhood from back in the day (1980's for example) and wish the same were true today. We need to watch each others back and that way we all move ahead while the bad guys stay behind. Watching each others back includes professional courtesy. It's sad that when I introduce myself to other police officers, as a Trooper, my disclaimer is that I am not the kind of Trooper that writes other officers. It's a good ice breaker and allows the officer to follow through on whatever you needed from them (we all need favors every now and then).

Happy Holidays.

12-18-2009, 04:53 PM
We have so many true criminals out there violating the law, the last thing we need to do as Troopers in write another LEO for speeding. Unless your perfect and obey every traffic law 24/7 and obey every policy please protect the brotherhood and honor the badge. We are all on the same team. I have no doubt that if this Trooper was in a fight on the side of the roadway any law enforcement officer would stop and assist.

Remember be nice to your friends.

12-18-2009, 06:09 PM
You guys are MORONS.
I'm reminded why it's so easy to make you look like absolute idiots in court.

Do continue to make yourselves look like scofflaws and cavemen, bankrupt of any ethics in judgement.

12-18-2009, 06:46 PM
Do continue to make yourselves look like scofflaws and cavemen, bankrupt of any ethics in judgement.

This statement, coming from a shyster ambulance chaser. Oh, the irony!

12-18-2009, 06:51 PM
You guys are MORONS.
I'm reminded why it's so easy to make you look like absolute idiots in court.

Do continue to make yourselves look like scofflaws and cavemen, bankrupt of any ethics in judgement.
Hey welcome to the site, you must be a great Civil Attorney, Please post you Law Firm so we can give you some business.

Ya that's what I thought. How about a nice cup of shut the $*&$ UP.

12-18-2009, 09:51 PM

No disrespect but I strongly disagree with you. I am the 26-year guy who posted above. Most stories of FHP writing other cops is Urban Legend. Don't get me wrong, I understand that we have our share of idiots who feel that they need to "police the police" but the tales are far exaggerated over what the reality is about troopers writing other LEOs. When it happens, the story spreads like wildfire and is typically like the exercise from elementary school.

In a class of 30 kids, you tell the first kid something and they pass it on quietly so nobody else can hear. When it gets to the end, the 30th kid tells a much more colorful and different story than the initial story as told by the teacher to the first student. These trooper stories of writing to other LEOs is very much the same. Because almost everyone hates it when a cop writes another cop, the details of the story degrade quickly with the trooper becoming a monster, the LEO who was stopped being "oh so kind" and respectful, etc. The reason that those stories also continue to propagate is because we are a statewide agency and what one of our jackasses does resonates throughout each and every agency throughout the state.

When a local cop has the same mentality about policing the police as a few of our a-hole troopers do, the story stays local and doesn't become fodder for statewide discussion. I personally know of a local PO on mids who would stop marked units from adjoining agencies to lecture and would actually write cops all the time in their POVs. When speaking with other members in his squad they told me that he felt it was his mission to get speeding cops "under control" and that he would write each cop so many times he would get their DL's suspended. All agencies have their jerks and we are no different. The difference is in the fact that we are statewide and that carries the stories from Key West to Pensacola.

Sorry bro you are wrong, In my small SFl district there are at least 5 cop writers between post 5 and Ft. Pierce

12-18-2009, 11:37 PM
It is just a job....until you need help. nuff said.

12-19-2009, 01:58 AM
Umm, no I never got a "nasty talking to" because it RARELY got that far. Do you want to know why it rarely got that far? Because once the the officer identified himself the traffic stop was OVER! See ya, drive safe, have a nice day, buh bye, ect...... . And no I wouldn't call the supervisor of a guy who workes at Publix. Wanna know why? Because he works at PUBLIX and he would get a ticket. Actually I think I've identified the problem with you. The problem is that you really don't see the difference between a LEO and a bag boy at Publix and that's just sad. I'm also not saying you should call the supervisor of every speeding off duty officer, but if unprovoked, this guy becomes so unprofessional and combative, then maybe he needs to get help. I'm guessing in this case the Trooper did the provoking, but I wasn't there. According the poster the Trooper gave him a lecture and then gave him a ticket so that's what I'm going by. I do agree with you on one point though. Any officer that wouldn't back up another officer because he got a ticket from him is just wrong, but that's not what my point was. I meant the relationship between this officer and the FHP will now be strained at best.

I have to side with the officer on this one. He vented which is what this site is for. Probably didn't need to call the guy a fag, but I can't fault him besides that. In the years I was a trooper, I never wrote another officer even the ones who were pricks to me. Writing another cop will never make a difference. Now there are probably two sides to this story, so I'm only going by by the officer's statements. A lecture and a ticket? I wouldn't do that to a citizen much less a cop. Guys, let it go! It's a civil infraction. If the guy was a **** and you feel you have to do something, then call his supervisor or something, but I can promise you a ticket will only make things worse. And if he was an ass, then way to be the professional (sarcasm). Do you think this guy learned some kind of lesson? Really? No because now he's going to look at FHP with hate and maybe he'll think twice the next time a good trooper needs assistance. Good job!

So you were willing to take a nasty talking from someone? Umm ok. Not something I would brag about. So the next time he gets stopped, he can see if the next guy is as spineless? And because the off duty cop has a bad attitude on his OFF TIME in his POV, you are going to call his work supervisor? If he works at Publix, will you call his boss too? If you catch my in my POV, I will take my ticket...but don't be calling my work. I will think less of you than if you stroked me a UTC.

And since you asked, no the guy didn't learn his lesson. Who cares? The Trooper wrote a ticket to someone who was speeding. The recipient showed his true colors and lack of professionalism by writing what he did on here. The purpose of this site was not to "call out" the Trooper by name. So now if the guy's family google his name, then they get to read the names he is called?

By the way, anybody who wears a uniform and says they may not rush to help another officer from another department due to a ticket...is just not professional.


12-19-2009, 02:57 AM
So that's who has been passing me on the interstate, all you cops in your personal cars. What a bunch of lawbreakers. I thought you took an oath. I quess your word does not not mean anything. Why even bother raising you right hand. Hope you feel good about yourself.

12-19-2009, 03:24 AM
Do continue to make yourselves look like scofflaws and cavemen, bankrupt of any ethics in judgement.

This statement, coming from a shyster ambulance chaser. Oh, the irony!

Indeed, a lawyer lecturing on ethics could be a true sign of the apocalypse.

12-19-2009, 04:02 AM
I have never written another LEO. I have come very close a few times. I even let one go who was driving over 120 mph. However, that officer did get quite a lecture and I seriously considered writing the ticket, but I did not. Looking back on it, I should have. You local folks just don't understand how we continuously stop citizens for speeding and stroke out $300 tickets. Now we get some cowboy driving over 100 mph and thinks it's no big deal. Probably even smiles and laughs. That gets old really quick. Not to mention the countless number of patrol car crashes we have to go work because, once again, you think the law doesn't apply to you. Heck, we can't even get you to pull over for us these days and have to chase you for miles. Something has gone terribly wrong. This isn't the same group of officers from "back in the day". Somehow the NY way of thinking has taken the place of honesty and integrity. I'm all for "brotherhood" but not "thick as thieves".

I'm sick of hearing from all the cry babies from all these agencies who think they are above the law. It's really simple, so pay attention: If you want to drive like an @ss and you get pulled over, be prepared to get a ticket. If you don't, then good for you. However, if you get one, don't whine about it. You knew what you were doing and you took the chance. I can understand that you MAY get professional courtesy because of your profession, but it's not a guarantee. The civil attorney was right; find some integrity.

I won't apologize for Trooper Horn because he was doing his job. It is completely his discretion and for whatever reason he felt the need to write the ticket. For all the other people claiming to be troopers who are defending the original poster, please go turn in your State Trooper badge and trade it in for a star or oval.

All the original poster is doing is driving an even deeper wedge in the relationship between FHP and local agencies. He should be embarrassed for his obvious lack of character and poor judgement.

12-19-2009, 10:52 AM
..To The Trooper..walks outside from his nice home, gets in his car cranks up,heads out down the road..Is your mind focused right ...aht..ohh..It's a matter of time..one day you will need the help of that citizen that you so arrogantly wrote...or from that LEO
that might be passing by...maybe we will slow down...as we pass by you..in your
time of need....

12-19-2009, 12:19 PM
..To The Trooper..walks outside from his nice home, gets in his car cranks up,heads out down the road..Is your mind focused right ...aht..ohh..It's a matter of time..one day you will need the help of that citizen that you so arrogantly wrote...or from that LEO
that might be passing by...maybe we will slow down...as we pass by you..in your
time of need....

If thats your attitude just keep on going, you would probably only make things worse.

12-19-2009, 02:36 PM
Well clown; If you had any merit you would have not called out the trooper by name, on this thread you sound like a whinner ......so pay up.

12-19-2009, 02:39 PM
Being a former trooper and now a Federal Leo making over $100,000 a year....I would just pay the ticket, slow down, and thank the trooper.....

12-19-2009, 02:55 PM
..To The Trooper..walks outside from his nice home, gets in his car cranks up,heads out down the road..Is your mind focused right ...aht..ohh..It's a matter of time..one day you will need the help of that citizen that you so arrogantly wrote...or from that LEO
that might be passing by...maybe we will slow down...as we pass by you..in your
time of need....

If thats your attitude just keep on going, you would probably only make things worse.

You mean trailer home or section 8 housing don't you?
What would you have us do? We are a traffic enforcement agency we write tickets. Should we stop?

I have never written another LEO, but I have been damn tempted when it is the fourth or fifth of the day and I'm trying to get my SOAR activity.

And yes, there are days like that, when almost everyone you stop is an LEO, family of LEO, fireman etc...

12-19-2009, 04:39 PM
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say if big bad Horn would of pulled over another trooper or a local officer from his county or surrounding counties, he probably would of extended his "professional courtesy" to them. I'm sure of it because he wouldn't of wanted to reap the reprocutions of pulling that garbage. I'm sure he thought the officer would just shut up and take it like probably so many others do and he wouldn't have to worry about anybody knowing it. Well, sucks for him. He should of known eventually he'd be called out on it. Plus, if he's not ashamed of writing cops, why would it bother him that everybody now knows he does it? What was he doing, trying to keep it a secret or something? Horn writes cops. Now everybody knows it. That officer was right to call him out by name so when he pulls over other officers, they know what's coming. A lecture followed by what he perceives as his "way to prove he's got the power." A ticket. He was definitely a hall monitor in jr high and probably got picked on in high school. Poor little guy. I'm sure troopers do pull over a lot of cops and firefighters regularly but guess what, you signed up to pull people over on major highways, write people tickets and do accidents. So when a cop or firefighter comes through, you can rest assured there will be somebody else to catch after you go back to your speed trap position who's not a cop or firefighter, and you can stroke them and extend your professional courtesy to those who put their life on the line every day like you do...regardless of if they drive a black and tan vehicle or not.

12-19-2009, 06:27 PM
[quote="average citizen"]So that's who has been passing me on the interstate, all you cops in your personal cars. What a bunch of lawbreakers. I thought you took an oath. I quess your word does not not mean anything. Why even bother raising you right hand. Hope you feel good about yourself.[/quote

It is probably my left hand being raised at you if I'm stuck passing you on the right.. :snicker: :cop:

12-19-2009, 06:27 PM
I'm a police officer in the actual state of florida and one of your illustrious troopers pulled me over on the turnpike. Now, I understand it's the turnpike and everybody usually travels right at the speed limit or maybe 5-10 mph faster (right). Was I speeding you ask?? Absolutlely. Right into a speed trap. Of course, being a police officer myself, I was not going to make the trooper chase me down. I knew he was coming after me so I immdediately pulled over. Now I've been pulled over by a trooper in the past and got lectured so I knew a lecture was coming regardless of the fact that I'm a police officer. Which personally, I've never lectured another officer on how to drive and I don't know any other officers in any other agency who actually do that crap but that's just me. So, after I identified myself as a police officer, this trooper decides to lecture me for 5 minutes and I sit there and f-ing take it while apologizing thinking the whole time "There's no way this guy will actually write me a ticket." I was wrong. This fagget actually stroked me a speeding ticket. Then had the balls to tell me he was cutting me a break! Furious you ask? Yea I'd say so. Did I go off? Yea I'd say so. It's funny how after he handed me the ticket and I said what I needed to say...he shut his mouth and didn't say a word except when I handed it back to him and he so eloquently stated "Uhh just be careful pulling out." Words of wisdom I tell ya. I work in a city that borders 95...so with that said, have I provided back up for you guys while actually at work and on my way home plenty times? ABSOLUTELY. Have I cut you guys and your families breaks when I pulled them over in my city? ABSOLUTELY. In fact, there are troopers who live in my city who I've done favors for while they've been out of town. Now, I've heard you guys write family members of cops and stuff like that. Ok. I don't agree but to each his own. But to actually stroke another police officer no matter what city or area they work in and even if it's near your jurisdiction or not...that's just some BS! You never know when or where you'll need a back up and who will be around...in uniform or not. When you got people working for your agency who pull garbage like that...you won't find a lot of respect for your agency because you don't give it. So with that said...let Trooper Horn from Osceola County Troop K know that I posted this please. He knows who I am. And let him know I paid that ticket and IF by the sweet grace of God I ever see him out of uniform, I'll let him know how I feel. He's a ****y fagget who doesn't know an absolute thing about police work or respect. By the way, you guys did a great job covering for Tiger on the "accident." It's sad you cut celebrities and their families breaks on arrestible offenses but not other cops on measley speeding tickets. Listen, I'm not speaking for all troopers in this state, just the ones who pull the kind of things I'm referring to here. It's absolutely ridiculous.

We as Police officers are not above the Law so take your lumps like a man. I work on the west coast of Florida I was speeding on 75 and got pulled over by a city cop and he wrote me. I never went on thier site and bashed them about it I was in the wrong and he was doing his job. And if you want to take it a step further 2 nights later I backed up that same officer on a felony stop and I never hesitated once about doing it. So man up and accept responsbilty because we are not ABOVE THE LAW.

12-19-2009, 06:44 PM
..To The Trooper..walks outside from his nice home, gets in his car cranks up,heads out down the road..Is your mind focused right ...aht..ohh..It's a matter of time..one day you will need the help of that citizen that you so arrogantly wrote...or from that LEO
that might be passing by...maybe we will slow down...as we pass by you..in your
time of need....

If thats your attitude just keep on going, you would probably only make things worse.

You mean trailer home or section 8 housing don't you?
What would you have us do? We are a traffic enforcement agency we write tickets. Should we stop?

I have never written another LEO, but I have been darn tempted when it is the fourth or fifth of the day and I'm trying to get my SOAR activity.

And yes, there are days like that, when almost everyone you stop is an LEO, family of LEO, fireman etc...

As a deputy I have done the same thing on the interstate. After about the fourth or fifth leo,famility or military. I just say enough its time to go patrol some neighborhoods or cite some transients on the on ramps. It never once croseed my mind to wrtie one though. Sorry I cant lower myself to do that to another LEO

12-19-2009, 07:11 PM
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say if big bad Horn would of pulled over another trooper or a local officer from his county or surrounding counties, he probably would of extended his "professional courtesy" to them. I'm sure of it because he wouldn't of wanted to reap the reprocutions of pulling that garbage. I'm sure he thought the officer would just shut up and take it like probably so many others do and he wouldn't have to worry about anybody knowing it. Well, sucks for him. He should of known eventually he'd be called out on it. Plus, if he's not ashamed of writing cops, why would it bother him that everybody now knows he does it? What was he doing, trying to keep it a secret or something? Horn writes cops. Now everybody knows it. That officer was right to call him out by name so when he pulls over other officers, they know what's coming. A lecture followed by what he perceives as his "way to prove he's got the power." A ticket. He was definitely a hall monitor in jr high and probably got picked on in high school. Poor little guy. I'm sure troopers do pull over a lot of cops and firefighters regularly but guess what, you signed up to pull people over on major highways, write people tickets and do accidents. So when a cop or firefighter comes through, you can rest assured there will be somebody else to catch after you go back to your speed trap position who's not a cop or firefighter, and you can stroke them and extend your professional courtesy to those who put their life on the line every day like you do...regardless of if they drive a black and tan vehicle or not.

I can't believe this thread is still going. The smartest post on here is the poster who said they know Troopers will write him so he drives reasonable and lets other people pass him. That makes sense. See, it seems most off duty cops want to drive in the left lane and blow by everybody else. It is as if they want to get stopped, and feel good he won't get a ticket because he is a cop. Well guess what? Sometimes that is not the case.

I don't care if you are a Trooper, Deputy, City PD etc-you are not above the law. When will you people realize this? Geez, just watch the news. People love police corruption stories. I always love how people say that a person must have gotten beat up in high school and now he write tickets to cops. I hear the same thing said by non-cops about cops in general.

You idiots keep crying about how you got a ticket for your infraction. Most of the ones that go to the trouble of doing this, I am guessing they usually don't make it a full career. They want to get away with everything when they do something wrong-butIt always catches up to them.

Here's a hint to the people. We have just under 1 thousand Troopers in the state of Florida. During a given day shift we probably have 350 working the road for the entire state (if we are lucky). If you figure out to find one of us out there and get pulled over-be humble and either take your warning or ticket...just like I will if the roles were reversed. You earned the ticket but maybe you will get a break. Don't be a crybaby about it. If you stop me in my POV, I'll take the medicine. I am not above the law and if I am stupid enough to get caught-that's the chance you take when you speed. Amazing though that I don't get pulled over...

Why does the public hate the police? Because of corruption-the "thin blue line" if you will. This message board is just a reminder how the mentality of some people are-that they are ABOVE THE LAW. It's a shame... Real cops live their on and off duty lives obeying the law.

12-19-2009, 07:12 PM
Mod, can we start kicking off these low-life scums who post specific ID of troopers on here? They can yap all they want but posting names and badge numbers is the lowest of the low.

12-19-2009, 07:44 PM
DiStefano was pulled over for 101 in a 70. To believe that an LEO is above the law is ignorant, especially at that speed! Judging by your poor attitude in the post, I am sure you had an attitude roadside. Most South Florida LEOs think they are above the law and that flashing their badge will get them out of a ticket. 5-10 wouldn't have gotten you stopped. DiStefano failed to mention he was triple digits! Most Troopers do exercise "professional courtesy" to other LEO's, however, at 30+ over, you know you deserve the ticket! Any LEO with any integrity at all doing 30+ over and stopped would expect a ticket! Why would any LEO be doing 30+ over anyway???

12-19-2009, 08:46 PM
Because he expected to get out of it. He probably had a big smile on his face when he got pulled over. I can see him looking over at his passenger saying "watch this."

12-19-2009, 09:43 PM
It is funny this thread is still going. It's just because it's such a sensitive subject. This whole take your licks cause you screwed up and got caught stuff is ridiculous. There's not ONE of us that's been pulled over and kept our ID or badge in our wallets and didn't let the officer know we were a LEO. Why are you pulling it out if you don't expect some professional courtesy? You know you screwed up. So if it was really about "being above the law" you would keep it in your wallet and take the ticket and I can pretty much guarentee nobody has EVER done that. This whole idea of "beliveving we're above the law" isn't what's being referred to. It's all about professional courtesy. That's it. And obviously some guys don't give it.

12-19-2009, 10:31 PM
DiStefano was pulled over for 101 in a 70.

Hmmm....DiStefano....sounds like a yankee transplant name. :?

12-20-2009, 12:25 AM
I'm a police officer in the actual state of florida and one of your illustrious troopers pulled me over on the turnpike. Now, I understand it's the turnpike and everybody usually travels right at the speed limit or maybe 5-10 mph faster (right). Was I speeding you ask?? Absolutlely. Right into a speed trap. Of course, being a police officer myself, I was not going to make the trooper chase me down. I knew he was coming after me so I immdediately pulled over. Now I've been pulled over by a trooper in the past and got lectured so I knew a lecture was coming regardless of the fact that I'm a police officer. Which personally, I've never lectured another officer on how to drive and I don't know any other officers in any other agency who actually do that crap but that's just me. So, after I identified myself as a police officer, this trooper decides to lecture me for 5 minutes and I sit there and f-ing take it while apologizing thinking the whole time "There's no way this guy will actually write me a ticket." I was wrong. This fagget actually stroked me a speeding ticket. Then had the balls to tell me he was cutting me a break! Furious you ask? Yea I'd say so. Did I go off? Yea I'd say so. It's funny how after he handed me the ticket and I said what I needed to say...he shut his mouth and didn't say a word except when I handed it back to him and he so eloquently stated "Uhh just be careful pulling out." Words of wisdom I tell ya. I work in a city that borders 95...so with that said, have I provided back up for you guys while actually at work and on my way home plenty times? ABSOLUTELY. Have I cut you guys and your families breaks when I pulled them over in my city? ABSOLUTELY. In fact, there are troopers who live in my city who I've done favors for while they've been out of town. Now, I've heard you guys write family members of cops and stuff like that. Ok. I don't agree but to each his own. But to actually stroke another police officer no matter what city or area they work in and even if it's near your jurisdiction or not...that's just some BS! You never know when or where you'll need a back up and who will be around...in uniform or not. When you got people working for your agency who pull garbage like that...you won't find a lot of respect for your agency because you don't give it. So with that said...let Trooper Horn from Osceola County Troop K know that I posted this please. He knows who I am. And let him know I paid that ticket and IF by the sweet grace of God I ever see him out of uniform, I'll let him know how I feel. He's a ****y fagget who doesn't know an absolute thing about police work or respect. By the way, you guys did a great job covering for Tiger on the "accident." It's sad you cut celebrities and their families breaks on arrestible offenses but not other cops on measley speeding tickets. Listen, I'm not speaking for all troopers in this state, just the ones who pull the kind of things I'm referring to here. It's absolutely ridiculous.

You were doing 101 mph? Perhaps you should slow down some. Lucky for you, you weren't involved in an accident.

12-20-2009, 12:36 AM
I only regret that I was not there to also write you a ticket. You sound like a pillow biter yourself. Dolt!

12-20-2009, 12:40 AM
I'm a police officer in the actual state of florida and one of your illustrious troopers pulled me over on the turnpike. Now, I understand it's the turnpike and everybody usually travels right at the speed limit or maybe 5-10 mph faster (right). Was I speeding you ask?? Absolutlely. Right into a speed trap. Of course, being a police officer myself, I was not going to make the trooper chase me down. I knew he was coming after me so I immdediately pulled over. Now I've been pulled over by a trooper in the past and got lectured so I knew a lecture was coming regardless of the fact that I'm a police officer. Which personally, I've never lectured another officer on how to drive and I don't know any other officers in any other agency who actually do that crap but that's just me. So, after I identified myself as a police officer, this trooper decides to lecture me for 5 minutes and I sit there and f-ing take it while apologizing thinking the whole time "There's no way this guy will actually write me a ticket." I was wrong. This fagget actually stroked me a speeding ticket. Then had the balls to tell me he was cutting me a break! Furious you ask? Yea I'd say so. Did I go off? Yea I'd say so. It's funny how after he handed me the ticket and I said what I needed to say...he shut his mouth and didn't say a word except when I handed it back to him and he so eloquently stated "Uhh just be careful pulling out." Words of wisdom I tell ya. I work in a city that borders 95...so with that said, have I provided back up for you guys while actually at work and on my way home plenty times? ABSOLUTELY. Have I cut you guys and your families breaks when I pulled them over in my city? ABSOLUTELY. In fact, there are troopers who live in my city who I've done favors for while they've been out of town. Now, I've heard you guys write family members of cops and stuff like that. Ok. I don't agree but to each his own. But to actually stroke another police officer no matter what city or area they work in and even if it's near your jurisdiction or not...that's just some BS! You never know when or where you'll need a back up and who will be around...in uniform or not. When you got people working for your agency who pull garbage like that...you won't find a lot of respect for your agency because you don't give it. So with that said...let Trooper Horn from Osceola County Troop K know that I posted this please. He knows who I am. And let him know I paid that ticket and IF by the sweet grace of God I ever see him out of uniform, I'll let him know how I feel. He's a ****y fagget who doesn't know an absolute thing about police work or respect. By the way, you guys did a great job covering for Tiger on the "accident." It's sad you cut celebrities and their families breaks on arrestible offenses but not other cops on measley speeding tickets. Listen, I'm not speaking for all troopers in this state, just the ones who pull the kind of things I'm referring to here. It's absolutely ridiculous.

You were going over 100 mph & you still have the nerve to complain on a public website? Alrighty then.

12-20-2009, 02:07 AM
So what department does speed racer work for?

12-20-2009, 02:59 AM
DiStefano was pulled over for 101 in a 70. To believe that an LEO is above the law is ignorant, especially at that speed! Judging by your poor attitude in the post, I am sure you had an attitude roadside. Most South Florida LEOs think they are above the law and that flashing their badge will get them out of a ticket. 5-10 wouldn't have gotten you stopped. DiStefano failed to mention he was triple digits! Most Troopers do exercise "professional courtesy" to other LEO's, however, at 30+ over, you know you deserve the ticket! Any LEO with any integrity at all doing 30+ over and stopped would expect a ticket! Why would any LEO be doing 30+ over anyway???

Because that LEO is a faggot, and has no good reason to be driving that fast. Over 100+, you got to be freakin kidding! I don't care who you are, badge or not, your a$$ is getting a ticket!

12-20-2009, 04:22 AM
DiStefano was pulled over for 101 in a 70. To believe that an LEO is above the law is ignorant, especially at that speed! Judging by your poor attitude in the post, I am sure you had an attitude roadside. Most South Florida LEOs think they are above the law and that flashing their badge will get them out of a ticket. 5-10 wouldn't have gotten you stopped. DiStefano failed to mention he was triple digits! Most Troopers do exercise "professional courtesy" to other LEO's, however, at 30+ over, you know you deserve the ticket! Any LEO with any integrity at all doing 30+ over and stopped would expect a ticket! Why would any LEO be doing 30+ over anyway???

Because that LEO is a faggot, and has no good reason to be driving that fast. Over 100+, you got to be freakin kidding! I don't care who you are, badge or not, your a$$ is getting a ticket!

I hope this was not written by a Trooper. If so, you should be ashamed of yourself. Not for the ticket comment, but for using the same vulgar language posted by the original person.

12-20-2009, 04:26 AM
And if you get in a crash and cause serious injury or death you looking at 15 years in prison, when going 30 mph over the limit.

12-20-2009, 02:35 PM
As a deputy I have done the same thing on the interstate. After about the fourth or fifth leo,famility or military. I just say enough its time to go patrol some neighborhoods or cite some transients on the on ramps. It never once croseed my mind to wrtie one though. Sorry I cant lower myself to do that to another LEO

That is good for you. Unfortunately, we can't go and patrol neighborhoods and its the same cycle repeating itself, its just some days are worse than others....

12-20-2009, 03:48 PM
CFLLEO wrote:
DiStefano was pulled over for 101 in a 70. To believe that an LEO is above the law is ignorant, especially at that speed! Judging by your poor attitude in the post, I am sure you had an attitude roadside. Most South Florida LEOs think they are above the law and that flashing their badge will get them out of a ticket. 5-10 wouldn't have gotten you stopped. DiStefano failed to mention he was triple digits! Most Troopers do exercise "professional courtesy" to other LEO's, however, at 30+ over, you know you deserve the ticket! Any LEO with any integrity at all doing 30+ over and stopped would expect a ticket! Why would any LEO be doing 30+ over anyway???

================================================== =================================
Who cares how fast he was going, a LEO is a LEO and have a nice day is have a nice day. If you are going to put your activity above a brother officer because he's the 3rd or 4th one in row you have stopped, then you are in the wrong line of work. When you call for back up or assistance nobody asks is it for a Misd or a Felony, they just show up. So once again I ask, who care how fast he was going.

12-20-2009, 05:11 PM
CFLLEO wrote:
DiStefano was pulled over for 101 in a 70. To believe that an LEO is above the law is ignorant, especially at that speed! Judging by your poor attitude in the post, I am sure you had an attitude roadside. Most South Florida LEOs think they are above the law and that flashing their badge will get them out of a ticket. 5-10 wouldn't have gotten you stopped. DiStefano failed to mention he was triple digits! Most Troopers do exercise "professional courtesy" to other LEO's, however, at 30+ over, you know you deserve the ticket! Any LEO with any integrity at all doing 30+ over and stopped would expect a ticket! Why would any LEO be doing 30+ over anyway???

================================================== =================================
Who cares how fast he was going, a LEO is a LEO and have a nice day is have a nice day. If you are going to put your activity above a brother officer because he's the 3rd or 4th one in row you have stopped, then you are in the wrong line of work. When you call for back up or assistance nobody asks is it for a Misd or a Felony, they just show up. So once again I ask, who care how fast he was going.

My guess is that you have not been in law enforcement for a long time. Usually the newer ones have this attitude. If you are driving 100+ you are just an a-hole. I even get them going this fast with their family in the car. I don't understand it. When I have my kid in the car, I drive about as safe as I possibly can. Yet these idiots will drive 30 over in decent traffic. But wait, you just want me to say "have a nice day" - do you want me to say that after the crash too? Oh wait, you are a professional law enforcement driver. And people wonder why the public hates cops.

12-20-2009, 07:40 PM
101 in a 70? i'd say if you got the ticket you probably had attitude, attitude is what most city and deputies that have gotten a ticket give when they get stopped, then they come on here and cry, Troopers for the most part don't write cops, but if you have attitude you get what you deserve, this probably makes some of you deputies and city cops mad but oh well, the ones Troopers let go with nothing said is 10 fold compared to the ones that get written because of attitute. I'm sorry but the original writer sounds like a flake.

12-20-2009, 08:22 PM
As a deputy I have done the same thing on the interstate. After about the fourth or fifth leo,famility or military. I just say enough its time to go patrol some neighborhoods or cite some transients on the on ramps. It never once croseed my mind to wrtie one though. Sorry I cant lower myself to do that to another LEO

That is good for you. Unfortunately, we can't go and patrol neighborhoods and its the same cycle repeating itself, its just some days are worse than others....

I can see that occuring but If it is the same jokers over and over. They have a boss just like you or I. Im sure that will put them in check if it is warranted. I see your point and each agency as them. I dont care what agency we all know Lawty,Starke,Waldo cities will smile if you show them a badge and gun. They will still cite. I guess Im showing my age with my family and even alone. I rarely get over 10 over but Ive caught myself creeping sometimes. Thanks for sharing Stay safe and Merry Xmas

12-20-2009, 10:11 PM
CFLLEO wrote:
DiStefano was pulled over for 101 in a 70. To believe that an LEO is above the law is ignorant, especially at that speed! Judging by your poor attitude in the post, I am sure you had an attitude roadside. Most South Florida LEOs think they are above the law and that flashing their badge will get them out of a ticket. 5-10 wouldn't have gotten you stopped. DiStefano failed to mention he was triple digits! Most Troopers do exercise "professional courtesy" to other LEO's, however, at 30+ over, you know you deserve the ticket! Any LEO with any integrity at all doing 30+ over and stopped would expect a ticket! Why would any LEO be doing 30+ over anyway???

================================================== =================================
Who cares how fast he was going, a LEO is a LEO and have a nice day is have a nice day. If you are going to put your activity above a brother officer because he's the 3rd or 4th one in row you have stopped, then you are in the wrong line of work. When you call for back up or assistance nobody asks is it for a Misd or a Felony, they just show up. So once again I ask, who care how fast he was going.

"Who cares how fast he was going...." Are you serious? There is no limit for you? Hopefully I am not on the road when you are on the road since you feel there is no limit to how fast one can drive.

12-21-2009, 01:13 AM
My guess is that you have not been in law enforcement for a long time. Usually the newer ones have this attitude. If you are driving 100+ you are just an a-hole. I even get them going this fast with their family in the car. I don't understand it. When I have my kid in the car, I drive about as safe as I possibly can. Yet these idiots will drive 30 over in decent traffic. But wait, you just want me to say "have a nice day" - do you want me to say that after the crash too? Oh wait, you are a professional law enforcement driver. And people wonder why the public hates cops.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

And you wonder why cops hate FHP

12-21-2009, 02:58 AM
My guess is that you have not been in law enforcement for a long time. Usually the newer ones have this attitude. If you are driving 100+ you are just an a-hole. I even get them going this fast with their family in the car. I don't understand it. When I have my kid in the car, I drive about as safe as I possibly can. Yet these idiots will drive 30 over in decent traffic. But wait, you just want me to say "have a nice day" - do you want me to say that after the crash too? Oh wait, you are a professional law enforcement driver. And people wonder why the public hates cops.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

And you wonder why cops hate FHP

Because sometimes cops blatantly break the law and actually get in trouble for it? That is why cops hate FHP?

It's very simple to not have dealings with FHP. Don't wreck in your patrol car or haul butt in your POV. We are not tax auditors that look into your business...you have to come find us and put us in the situation to do our job. ABOVE THE LAW?