View Full Version : cpl summit

12-16-2009, 03:55 AM
the pot mixer is running his yearly meeting amounst the former and current cpls, which should bring some really interesting information to the main stream. We must read reports, we must follow officers around, we must not take primary on calls, we must set up chow times for the group, we must snitch, we must abide by the SPI rules, we must be the most useless unit the dept has seen since the Lts... Hail progression and SPI...

12-16-2009, 05:07 AM
Don't blame SPI.... fairly certain he was the same way before he went...

12-17-2009, 02:08 AM
Wow....such anger...

12-17-2009, 04:26 AM
Is this a new sop to get into supervisor's faces? Are we as officers supposed to yell and go nose to nose with supervisors so they can grab us by our hair and do whatever you said he will do to us? Sorry but in my limited experience I have never found it to be positive to express any differences with them without consequences. I guess if you have an opinion, you must be blood thirsty, angry, and ready to fight a supervisor. Wow, times haven't changed a bit, even with more supervision then we really need. I guess the Cpl summit will fix all our ills. Thanks anyway for the advice!

12-18-2009, 12:07 AM
Please, who is the idiot that has such a problem working here, what shift is he.she on? Who is this idiot that hates supervisors so much? I am not a supervisor and have been on the road 8 yrs, I don't understand how it can be so horrible for you? Are you on day shift? Are you on eves? Who is this bad apple that has such a gripe with supervisors, he/she is so quick to put their names & ID numbers out, who is this person, any ideas? As you can see from the other police department postings they have worse gripes than here, so you can't leave, but why stay?

If you are so fast to identify supervisors you don't like, Identify yourself! Not so easy is it? You're a coward.

12-18-2009, 03:58 AM
Sorry moron, nobody on this string of posts put anyones name or number out there. But thanks for trying to stir things up. remember having thoughts and opinions don't make you a hater or hateful, just honest. Please be careful how you use the "coward" word, it can be used for lots of situations, possibly your direction

12-18-2009, 11:58 AM
You don't have to name names a-hole, your hate for supervisors is clear, go work somewhere else, they are griping on every LEO site, your so scared and "Yes Sir" when you see supervisors in the day, but you cry like a baby, suck it up, work your 10 hours and stop crying, or go to Tampa where their LEO site gripes more than ours, if that is possible, I am closer to identifying you, you are on days, coward male, tarnished badge.

12-18-2009, 04:36 PM
oh, no anger management problem there! you could not be more wrong, but continue your witchhunt. please can someone help this guy find the number for EAP, please

12-18-2009, 05:38 PM
He's covering up, he's off today., couldn't be more right.

12-20-2009, 12:15 AM
I'm finally sick of it all. I'm sick of the Them vs Us mentality. I'm sick of the slick-sleeves taking out their insecurities on the supervisors. Just because you're a failure in your career doesn't mean you should have such hate for those who have succeeded and excelled and earned the right to have chevrons on their sleeves.
You couldn't cut the mustard so you blame your failure on the people who succeed. You're a loser who couldn't measure up so now you're jealous of people more competent and capable than you.
Just admit that the people promoted ahead of you are more competent and deserving. Just let go of the hate, man. You'll feel better about yourself.
Hey, you want an Us-vs-Them? Huh? Huh? Okay, let's go then. How about the corporals turn their noses up at anyone who has a slicksleeve? You wanna feel the pressure? Huh? Huh? LET'S GET IT ON!

12-20-2009, 04:55 AM
That would be sad......if you were really a Corporal....

Stop trying to stir the pot...

12-27-2009, 02:11 AM
sick of it all, you are right everyone with cheverons at the dept are more competent, capable, and deserving than slick sleeves. you have excelled and deserve to be in charge. we admitted what you wanted to hear, feel better? the mental beat down technique is working great, thanks!

04-30-2010, 06:42 PM
to: sick of it all

I really hope that you are just a comedian on patrol level being cute and funny because you cant be serious. . . I respect those corporals that we have for what they have accomplished, even if their position seems to many to be rediculous and abused by those who attain it. A comment such as that just proves that you sir have reached the limit on your career and you should be thankful someone was looking out for you enough to get you into your position despite your obvious lack of leadership essesntials. This department is full of young potential and folks who could be upper management at any department however they will not have that opportunity here simply because of a number game. Those officers may leave to seek opportunity elsewhere not because they dislike this agency but because it is necessary to advance in their career field. For those that choose to stay to chance getting an open slot here or stay because of personal reasons should not be accused of being inferior to you or any other corporal/leader because you are most likley wrong as your last post has shown us. Please finish your dead end career and get your #$$ out of the way so some of the dozens of officers here who respect their co-workers and respectable sergeants can have an opportunity to attain a leadership position. Please make way for the hard workers of this department who won't just get their special little chevrons and then assume a routine of being funny guys and coffee addicts. If anyone on here is pathetic it is you and I hope you are ashamed of yourself for yout post.

04-30-2010, 10:42 PM
You do realize this thread is nearly five months old right?

05-01-2010, 12:01 AM
to: sick of it all

I really hope that you are just a comedian on patrol level being cute and funny because you cant be serious. . . I respect those corporals that we have for what they have accomplished, even if their position seems to many to be rediculous and abused by those who attain it. A comment such as that just proves that you sir have reached the limit on your career and you should be thankful someone was looking out for you enough to get you into your position despite your obvious lack of leadership essesntials. This department is full of young potential and folks who could be upper management at any department however they will not have that opportunity here simply because of a number game. Those officers may leave to seek opportunity elsewhere not because they dislike this agency but because it is necessary to advance in their career field. For those that choose to stay to chance getting an open slot here or stay because of personal reasons should not be accused of being inferior to you or any other corporal/leader because you are most likley wrong as your last post has shown us. Please finish your dead end career and get your #$$ out of the way so some of the dozens of officers here who respect their co-workers and respectable sergeants can have an opportunity to attain a leadership position. Please make way for the hard workers of this department who won't just get their special little chevrons and then assume a routine of being funny guys and coffee addicts. If anyone on here is pathetic it is you and I hope you are ashamed of yourself for yout post.
You can't even spell "ridiculous" correctly. That's why you will never have stripes.

05-02-2010, 09:37 PM
You rejects fight too much. IT will be nice once PCSO takes over your joke of a PD so all the trash in Pinellas Park can get competent law enforcement services.

05-03-2010, 01:17 AM
Boy, I wish I had the intelligence of the PCSO deputy who posted the last message. Wow, I feel smarter for just reading his intelligent post. He clearly is a shining star at PCSO. Of course he has no life because he felt the urge to come on here, but smart he is.

Of course, he probably couldn't tell you what it would take politically for that to happen, but he is smart. I mean, just ask him.

05-04-2010, 09:32 PM
Dear Everyone,

After reading all the posts I have have come to the conclusion that this agency has a long way to go. You can have all the cool tech stuff, new cars and hire a handful of new Officers....but....if we as individuals have nothing but hate, jealousy or excessive pride..then how can we move forward? I am not saying that we should all be friends and hang out on the weekends but we should all have an understanding. Each branch of the department from patrol all the way up to the Chief has a specific job. If you are on patrol, love the fact that you have the freedom to meet new people everyday. The paper work that goes with that is a small price to pay. If you love what you are doing, its not considered work.

05-09-2010, 08:07 PM
Dear Everyone,

After reading all the posts I have have come to the conclusion that this agency has a long way to go. You can have all the cool tech stuff, new cars and hire a handful of new Officers....but....if we as individuals have nothing but hate, jealousy or excessive pride..then how can we move forward? I am not saying that we should all be friends and hang out on the weekends but we should all have an understanding. Each branch of the department from patrol all the way up to the Chief has a specific job. If you are on patrol, love the fact that you have the freedom to meet new people everyday. The paper work that goes with that is a small price to pay. If you love what you are doing, its not considered work.

You are an idiot. I know that being a guy who never got any girls in school and got beat down for your lunch money everyday, law enforcement is super groovy.

However, it is STILL a job....it IS still dangerous. I don't know who you are, but seeing as how your breath must smell like the unmentionables of several supervisors, you can't be hard to find.

Be safe, and keep on having your super groovy time

05-09-2010, 09:38 PM
If I find out who you are I will find a way to get you fired. You are a disgusting sleazy scumbag for having such an attitude. Whatever I have to do to get you fired is what I have to do and in this case the end will justify the means because you are dangerous with your cancerous attitude.

05-10-2010, 03:25 PM
If I find out who you are I will find a way to get you fired. You are a disgusting sleazy scumbag for having such an attitude. Whatever I have to do to get you fired is what I have to do and in this case the end will justify the means because you are dangerous with your cancerous attitude.

You are the type that would run to IA and tell mommy. Whats wrong got your lunch money stolen too often. You're the one that's dangerous to the public. A punk hiding behind a badge.

05-11-2010, 01:09 AM
If I find out who you are I will find a way to get you fired. You are a disgusting sleazy scumbag for having such an attitude. Whatever I have to do to get you fired is what I have to do and in this case the end will justify the means because you are dangerous with your cancerous attitude.

You're what's wrong with PPPD, you will work your rump off to get someone fired, but are scared to death to confront a criminal. Go ahead, maybe getting someone fired will finally get you to third base with your first cousin......LOSER

05-11-2010, 02:25 AM
If you want to root out and expose the unprofessional types in law enforcement, all you have to do is mention that you think rules should be enforced. The corrupt so-called old school types start crowing about how we should all cover-up for the rule breakers. Until you people accept that rule enforcement is just as important as law enforcement, we will all be stuck in the 90's.

05-11-2010, 09:16 PM
If you want to root out and expose the unprofessional types in law enforcement, all you have to do is mention that you think rules should be enforced. The corrupt so-called old school types start crowing about how we should all cover-up for the rule breakers. Until you people accept that rule enforcement is just as important as law enforcement, we will all be stuck in the 90's.

"progressive" Just another word for a liberal a-hole. And just what was wrong with the way law enforcement worked in the 90's, 80's or 70's for that matter? You sound like a "progressive" ladder climber with a nose that has a perpetual brwon stain from shoving it up the P.C. azzzzz machine. Now go give your mommy a ticket you progressive punk.

05-13-2010, 12:01 AM
If you want to root out and expose the unprofessional types in law enforcement, all you have to do is mention that you think rules should be enforced. The corrupt so-called old school types start crowing about how we should all cover-up for the rule breakers. Until you people accept that rule enforcement is just as important as law enforcement, we will all be stuck in the 90's.

It's well known about his type....They paint a portrait of corruption and obsolete theories among their colleagues in an attempt to show their (false) superiority.

This person is clearly threatened by more talented law enforcement individuals. Those actually compelled to change policy and the law enforcement climate usually head for places such as FDLE or FBI etc etc.

The reality is that this person can't even shine among other cops in a small city. So he has to paint this picture that he is changing things here....when in actuality he's an incompetent loser that sucks up to his whole chain of command and any other rank he happens to cross.

I'm sure you can figure out who he is......

05-13-2010, 01:48 AM
[quote="progressive law enforcement":1emexs1c]If you want to root out and expose the unprofessional types in law enforcement, all you have to do is mention that you think rules should be enforced. The corrupt so-called old school types start crowing about how we should all cover-up for the rule breakers. Until you people accept that rule enforcement is just as important as law enforcement, we will all be stuck in the 90's.

It's well known about his type....They paint a portrait of corruption and obsolete theories among their colleagues in an attempt to show their (false) superiority.

This person is clearly threatened by more talented law enforcement individuals. Those actually compelled to change policy and the law enforcement climate usually head for places such as FDLE or FBI etc etc.

The reality is that this person can't even shine among other cops in a small city. So he has to paint this picture that he is changing things here....when in actuality he's an incompetent loser that sucks up to his whole chain of command and any other rank he happens to cross.

I'm sure you can figure out who he is......[/quote:1emexs1c]

Yup, you got that right. Not hard to figure out who wrote that. He doesn't belong as a leo...should be working for ACORN or the ACLU :snicker: :devil: :shock:

05-24-2010, 08:02 PM
wow, it's not a report 385 you dont have to check spelling...

05-26-2010, 01:50 AM
Sounds like grunt has some experience with rejected reports for spelling... We have spell check dude.... It really can be avoided... :devil:

06-01-2010, 02:44 AM
[quote="progressive law enforcement":c5yfjer2]If you want to root out and expose the unprofessional types in law enforcement, all you have to do is mention that you think rules should be enforced. The corrupt so-called old school types start crowing about how we should all cover-up for the rule breakers. Until you people accept that rule enforcement is just as important as law enforcement, we will all be stuck in the 90's.

It's well known about his type....They paint a portrait of corruption and obsolete theories among their colleagues in an attempt to show their (false) superiority.

This person is clearly threatened by more talented law enforcement individuals. Those actually compelled to change policy and the law enforcement climate usually head for places such as FDLE or FBI etc etc.

The reality is that this person can't even shine among other cops in a small city. So he has to paint this picture that he is changing things here....when in actuality he's an incompetent loser that sucks up to his whole chain of command and any other rank he happens to cross.

I'm sure you can figure out who he is......[/quote:c5yfjer2]

Sounds like L3 telling war stories again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-13-2010, 10:16 AM
his 1hr long readoffs 3 days aweek r killing me.blah, blah, blah im so great..it's geting hard to stay awake or keep my eyes open

07-04-2010, 07:37 PM
I hope PCSO takes over this crap hole soon... I hope all PPPD officers get sent right to the jail... thats where they all grew up anyhow :P

07-04-2010, 07:47 PM
ok, now it is someone elses turn to make a post that portrays themselves as one with above average intelligence and someone who is just too dag blammit smart to be working for the larger agency wearing green and getting paid the big $$$$. . . go ahead smart ones.. lets here your next clever post.. show us all how witty you can be so we can all giggle and say GEEEEEEEEEE GOLLY!! HE SHO IS SUMTIN AINT HE?? WWWHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! !!!!! LETS GO KILL US ANOTHA HOG SO WES CAN EATS AT OUR NEXT SQUAD PARTY!!!! ... oh thats right.. every one at your crapo agency secretly (or openly for that matter) hates each other and brotherhood is a thing of the past. Just bring your badges to the SAB and maybe there's a mop we can let you push around our floors

07-05-2010, 12:17 AM
ok, now it is someone elses turn to make a post that portrays themselves as one with above average intelligence and someone who is just too dag blammit smart to be working for the larger agency wearing green and getting paid the big $$$$. . . go ahead smart ones.. lets here your next clever post.. show us all how witty you can be so we can all giggle and say GEEEEEEEEEE GOLLY!! HE SHO IS SUMTIN AINT HE?? WWWHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! !!!!! LETS GO KILL US ANOTHA HOG SO WES CAN EATS AT OUR NEXT SQUAD PARTY!!!! ... oh thats right.. every one at your crapo agency secretly (or openly for that matter) hates each other and brotherhood is a thing of the past. Just bring your badges to the SAB and maybe there's a mop we can let you push around our floors

Ah, scuse me...it's h-e-a-r. Hope that helps skipinski!!

07-05-2010, 03:03 PM
I love it when these folks come on our board and tell us we are going to be working for them. How's the layoffs and dept shut downs going, skippy? The only person here that will be working at the jail is one of you road folks, when cities finish picking the unincorporated lands clean. Enjoy no OT and all your admin making hundreds of thousands of dollars, while you get forced back to CJ.

07-06-2010, 04:50 AM
How did that whole Clearwater takeover thing work out for ya?

07-06-2010, 08:03 PM
How did that whole Clearwater takeover thing work out for ya?

Again....lololololol :devil: