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12-16-2009, 12:22 AM
Oh boy!!! So now the shifts are up in the air...AGAIN!!! They want to do another vote!! Ha! That's a joke! Then they will re-evaluate the shifts AGAIN in 6 months. Has any other agency had this much trouble figuring out a schedule?? Is it really that complicated?

Hazard pay being cut...plus no 2%...I was a supporter of the Sheriff on election day. Now, a year later, I sit here wondering just HOW incompetent he is!!! It is basically unfathomable at this point. The agency is in shambles...and, if you can imagine!!!, I believe in WORSE shape than when Jenne was Sheriff!!!! How can that be???!!! HOW CAN THAT BE???!!!

How did the Sheriff agree to a contract that he is completely disregarding? Did he not know when the County gave him his budget that he was sooo short on funds that he would be cutting hazard pay and not giving the 2% that was due in October 2009??? Why did he not fight the budget AT THAT TIME?? He could have taken it before the Governor to appeal. Did he advise the County Commission that he would not have enough money to pay Deputy's their salary if that was the budget they gave him?? He either a) did not know because he is incompetent or b) did know and secretly planned to cut money from Deputy salary all along. Either way this is unbelieveable!!! Why is it that he is not doing line item transfers of funds? He CAN transfer money from other areas (not other people's salaries, but other areas such as vehicle purchases or computer purchases, etc.) to pay the Deputies. He could easily go before the Commission and do line item transfers. The only monies that are off limits are obviously grants. Aside from that the budget is his to do with as he wishes.

12-16-2009, 03:32 AM
The truth is that your guy Pat Hanrahan, told the Sheriff that he would deliver on holding back the 2% till April without asking the membership first. The problem is caused from within. Now he wants to get you guys the Pompano schedule in exchange, giving back the 2% untill April. Wow what a guy. Selling you off like a used car salesman.

12-16-2009, 04:49 AM
Email from Jim Wiggins @ PBA:
Is Sheriff Lamberti's union support eroding?
t was a straight-up deal cut last year between Broward Sheriff Al Lamberti and the Police Benevolent Association: Lamberti would offer a favorable contract which included raises up to 12 percent and the union would endorse the Republican.

But now, that relationship appears to be crumbling. The union and BSO are back at the table this afternoon, according to a PBA source.

Lamberti asked the PBA to delay a portion of the pay raise -- a 2 percent hike.
"Originally we told him we could support that,'' said PBA president Patrick Hanrahan.
But then other issues -- including about shift schedules, tuition reimbursement and holiday pay -- surfaced. When it was time for the union to vote on delaying part of their pay increase, members voted it down in October.

The PBA told Lamberti that the pay raise "is in the contract. You have to give it to us,'' Hanrahan said. Lamberti's response, according to Hanrahan: "He said he did not budget for it."

BSO sent the union a letter in November declaring a financial emergency. We are trying to get a copy of that letter and BSO's side.

12-16-2009, 03:07 PM
Email from Jim Wiggins @ PBA:
Is Sheriff Lamberti's union support eroding?
t was a straight-up deal cut last year between Broward Sheriff Al Lamberti and the Police Benevolent Association: Lamberti would offer a favorable contract which included raises up to 12 percent and the union would endorse the Republican.

But now, that relationship appears to be crumbling. The union and BSO are back at the table this afternoon, according to a PBA source.

Lamberti asked the PBA to delay a portion of the pay raise -- a 2 percent hike.
"Originally we told him we could support that,'' said PBA president Patrick Hanrahan.
But then other issues -- including about shift schedules, tuition reimbursement and holiday pay -- surfaced. When it was time for the union to vote on delaying part of their pay increase, members voted it down in October.

The PBA told Lamberti that the pay raise "is in the contract. You have to give it to us,'' Hanrahan said. Lamberti's response, according to Hanrahan: "He said he did not budget for it."

BSO sent the union a letter in November declaring a financial emergency. We are trying to get a copy of that letter and BSO's side.

"straight-up deal cut last year between Broward Sheriff Al Lamberti and the Police Benevolent Association" said Jim Wiggins from the state PBA. Wiggins admits to back door dealings between the PBA and Lamberti. Shouldn't these supposed deals be brought in front of the members? When will the Madness end?

12-16-2009, 03:18 PM
If it was indeed a straight up deal then is should be in writing. File an Unfair Labor Practice and get my money!!!!

12-16-2009, 03:25 PM
Listen, the raise is in our contract...PH gave it away otherwise the PBA would have filed the unfair labor practice and fought for our 2%.

12-16-2009, 04:46 PM
Come on people, Lamberti promised and negotiated the 2% so that he could win your support/vote to push him over to win the election. We fell for it and the fact is he lied. The man wanted his name on Broward County as Sheriff for his legacy.

WE ARE THE FOOLS. Hee brought in his incompentent friends to run our organization and now they have made us the laughing stock of the county.