View Full Version : PBA Meeting 12/14/09

12-15-2009, 01:15 AM
I wish everyone could see how bought and paid for our PBA reps were today. Big B.L actually tried to argue the fact that the board members and only the board members should be allowed to cast a vote on giving up our money. How PATHETIC is that. Our elected reps now want to shut down our right to vote. B.L you should be ashamed of yourself. We already know you support forfeiting the 2%. Do you want to control the vote so the Sheriff will reward you with your sought after S.I.D position ? Lets not forget our president P.H Not a single peep out of his mouth today. Wonder why ? Do you think he is worried that if he goes against what the Sheriff wants that he actually might have to work the road again? P.H your communications gig of 11 years has run long enough. If you are wondering who you should vote for on the rep election, vote for anyone who is not on the board right now !!!!

12-15-2009, 02:00 AM
Well said brother, I know I am voting for Bailen I know he is not and never will be a company man.

12-15-2009, 06:31 AM
Well said brother, I know I am voting for Bailen I know he is not and never will be a company man.

that would be another b.s. appointment, he does want to police, therefore he's attempt to start a firestorm to gain member support. if it's that bad, scrap the current union and try a different direction, with all new player. i think no one should allowed to run with an ax to grind, because it will just be another replay of all the mickey mouse b.s. thats going on now.......

12-19-2009, 02:06 AM
Am I out of touch completely, but did I just read in the PBA Centurion that there was an excutive board meeting to determine if any of the people on the board should be up for election and since no one opposed, they get to keep their positions for another year?
Did anyone even know there was any meeting to re-elect or elect new executive PBA board positions?

12-19-2009, 02:41 AM
Am I out of touch completely, but did I just read in the PBA Centurion that there was an excutive board meeting to determine if any of the people on the board should be up for election and since no one opposed, they get to keep their positions for another year?
Did anyone even know there was any meeting to re-elect or elect new executive PBA board positions?

not one year but three years

12-19-2009, 02:50 AM
The PBA sickens me. We need to dump their ars!