View Full Version : Useless Equipment

12-11-2009, 06:22 PM
Just informed that more useless equipment is looking to be bought, i.e a forklift, more ladders, telescopic mirrors, just for "us". No money for raises or take home cars but plenty for useless equipment.

12-11-2009, 09:35 PM
We need the forklift. I have been telling them we need one for years. I hope it is the reach-all type. We could actually unload trucks then. Imagine how much "stuff" we could find then. Fingers crossed.

12-14-2009, 04:30 PM
Kind of like the tasers?? What good are they? Walk out of the station door @ a side station and the driver can shoot you from across the ramp, or as you walk up to the truck. At the interstate the driver can pull up and shoot you in the window. These are the places we need more protection. Not a taser. I know the pepper spray just gets used no much..... that we need something else to protect ourselves.

12-15-2009, 12:32 PM
Did you ever think that the money spent for equipment is funds, which can not be used for anything else. It can't be used for raises so it is either training or equipment. I hope we do get a forklift, at least at my station we would use it. I am glad we are coming out of the dark ages. And no I'm not a rookie, I have over 20 years in this business. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
As far as a riase talk to your worthless PBA union. THey are the ones who should be fighting for a raise. Don't see that happening, do you?

12-16-2009, 01:04 PM
Forklifts, ladders, mirrors, etc. are great, those are things that will get used. Tasers, no. That money could have been better used. This outfit needs to make up it's mind what we are, cabbage cops or LEO's. LEO's need tasers, cabbage cops do not.

12-16-2009, 09:08 PM
Ag cops don't need guns.... Tell that to Officer Gay's family.

12-17-2009, 03:48 AM
AgLeo is right. Everytime people these people put down OALE they are disrespecting those who have given their life while serving this agency.

Nothing wrong with harmless jokes but many peoples disrespectful, holier than though attitude and comments about equipment we don't need, derogatory name-calling, etc, are crossing the line.

Yes we are not kicking down doors or making tons of felony arrests. Most of us are doing our job the best we can and any day we could be hurt or killed while doing our job.

So whoever takes the time out of their life to come to our board and post such nonsense, GROW UP.
It's not about which agency is better or worse, we all have different jobs to do and I hope none of us have to lose a brother officer again.

12-17-2009, 03:02 PM
It seems the "grow up" message is all over our site, we need to start looking around and start figuring out why. It is horrible to mention anyone that has lost their life in any capacity other than he or she served us and the community well.
As for the weapons, you AGLaw you are right, if you knew anything about fine, forfeiture and other designated areas you would know that certain funds can only be used or dedicated to certain areas. I would be proud that we are getting anything at all, with the economics I think we should be glad we are employed. The state at any time could make us "roving" and shut down every side station that we have, what about those people your fellow officers...oh that's right you don't care.
What would you do then, out off the ramp with no back up you would need every weapon that you could get your hand on, PR24 (that is a baton your info) I know that is a new weapon but hey I would like it all! Taser or dart firing stun gun, glock, baretta, smith and whatever else they want to give me.
Obviously you do not want to leave the shack so these new tools do not make any difference to you as you don't use your legs to start with. Remember we have the authority, you obviously have never crawled into anything and having to move boxes and walk on uneven surfaces. If you had you would welcome a forklift or any other type of tool that made your "inspection" easier and catching the bad guy faster. By the way a mirror is standard bomb squad issued material...do you need to ask them why they need a mirror?
Maybe the mop and the broom would be to your liking....that comes for almost free from Pride....Now that comment is not grown up... :mrgreen:

12-18-2009, 02:54 AM
No where was it said that we do not need guns, but do we really need tasers? I know we already have them so no use arguing about it, but do we REALLY need the tasers?

12-18-2009, 03:57 AM
Bomb Squad standard issue material......So your looking for bombs now? Or is the mirror really to be used to find un-inspected, un-declared fruit? Psst...driver I am really searching for bomb with my new bomb squad inspection kit....