View Full Version : Foul

12-09-2009, 12:28 AM
I just learned that the administration at the police department is picking on one of their best officers. I have known this officer for years and he is the most dedicated and caring officers I have every met. He has been called names on this site and made fun of which is simply shameful. Why would the department start looking for every excuse to cause this man grief? Why would his friends turn on him when all he tries to do is protect me and my store?

The city needs to get to bottom of why this great officer is being slandered and harrassed. If all the officers where only half as good as we would have a great police department.

12-09-2009, 01:49 AM
Your store wouldn't happen to be a hair salon on Geiger Rd, would it? That's about all he protects. I'm sure there have been some rights violations in order to "protect" your store. It's actually kinda funny that he has been lying and backstabbing people all these years and it's just starting to catch up with him! That's not slander or anything else, but KARMA! It's a b*itch isn't it? The rest of the pukes will go down too. They've enabled him to be what he is and they will suffer the consequences. It won't happen now, but eventually and gradually. Heart attack here, clogged artery there, maybe a panic attack.....that pretty much covers your captains! But don't worry...a f*ckin banana should help it all, right? After all, they can only sweep his bulls*it under the rug for so long. Anyone with a conscience would have to suffer some wear and tear from hiding all of his lies and f*ckups. They sold their souls once to get rid of Barnes and Perrault and they will do it again. Some of them made deals with the devil :devil: himself to get where they are now. I think I'll grab some popcorn and watch this unfold.

12-09-2009, 01:50 AM
Thanks Mrs. 372! I know all business owners throughout this city know that his number is 372! :oops: Do the crime, do the time! Go get dinner done, he'll be home soon.

12-09-2009, 02:06 AM
I am not this officer's wife or part of his family I know his number from off his business card. This officer goes out of his way to help his community and this is how you treat him? If he was such a bad officer then why is he on a special team instead of being fired? I can see that the officers and the administration are jealous of such a example of what officers should be.

12-09-2009, 02:21 AM
I thought 373 was the only officer under investigation right now.

12-09-2009, 02:35 AM
Your store wouldn't happen to be a hair salon on Geiger Rd, would it? That's about all he protects. I'm sure there have been some rights violations in order to "protect" your store. It's actually kinda funny that he has been lying and backstabbing people all these years and it's just starting to catch up with him! That's not slander or anything else, but KARMA! It's a b*itch isn't it? The rest of the pukes will go down too. They've enabled him to be what he is and they will suffer the consequences. It won't happen now, but eventually and gradually. Heart attack here, clogged artery there, maybe a panic attack.....that pretty much covers your captains! But don't worry...a f*ckin banana should help it all, right? After all, they can only sweep his bulls*it under the rug for so long. Anyone with a conscience would have to suffer some wear and tear from hiding all of his lies and f*ckups. They sold their souls once to get rid of Barnes and Perrault and they will do it again. Some of them made deals with the devil :devil: himself to get where they are now. I think I'll grab some popcorn and watch this unfold.

Zephyrhills Police Chief Resigns, Refutes Probe Findings

By CHRISTIAN M. WADE | The Tampa Tribune

Published: August 19, 2008

ZEPHYRHILLS - Police Chief Russell Barnes resigned this morning, effective immediately.

In a letter to City Manager Steve Spina, Barnes denied he had falsified records for Sgt. Robert Perrault Jr., the department's former spokesman and head of internal affairs, or attempted to cover up payroll discrepancies in the department. A city investigation released Monday concluded he had.

"My resignation is not intended, nor should it be taken, as an admission of any kind to the allegations," he wrote.

Barnes, 55, was put on paid leave July 29 after a complaint was filed against him and Perrault by a former officer.

Spina asked for Barnes' resignation Monday, but the chief didn't immediately respond. Under the city's charter, only the city council can fire the police chief.

Less than an hour before an emergency meeting at noon today, Barnes submitted his resignation.

Council members did not discuss the findings of the investigation.

Council President Luis Lopez, who is dealing with a family emergency and couldn't attend today's meeting, said he wants to turn over the findings of the city's investigation to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for review.

"This is a case of blatant fraud," Lopez said in a phone interview. "He cannot claim it was an accident. I'm not only in favor of dismissal, but also pursuing possible charges."

Lopez, who supported firing Barnes, said he believes the investigation is far from over.

"We need to conduct a top-down review of the entire police department," he said. "We can't let this continue."

Officials in this east Pasco County city launched its investigation after former officer Kenneth Fong, who was fired by Barnes, filed a complaint alleging that Perrault and the chief had falsified time sheets and other records.

Perrault, who resigned Aug. 8, was accused of "double dipping" - claiming to have worked for the city when he was actually teaching criminal justice classes at Pasco-Hernando Community College.

A similar complaint was filed in August 2007. Barnes investigated the complaint and concluded it was unfounded.

According to the city's investigation, conducted by Sgt. Jeffrey McDougal, Barnes didn't adequately investigate the complaint. Instead, Barnes created a log documenting so-called "flex time" Perrault used to justify the hours when he was on the clock for both the city and college.

But the city has no such policy on its books, and Spina said Perrault was the only employee in the police department allowed to bank the so-called flex hours. According to records, he had racked up more than 140 hours at one point.

In his resignation letter, Perrault denied any wrongdoing and said his decision to leave the city after nine years was not related to the investigation. He has been offered a job teaching criminal justice at Zephyrhills High School.

Perrault claims that the use of flex time is widespread in the police department as a means to reduce overhead costs.

His resignation effectively leaves the city with no means or need to discipline him.

Capt. David Shears will continue to serve as acting police chief. Spina said Monday he wants to address morale issues in the department before beginning the search for a new chief.

12-09-2009, 02:54 AM
Good luck kk you have been green lighted but you wanted to play with capt sleaze. Let this be a lesson if you survive.