View Full Version : Hernando deputy demoted for 'poor judgment'

12-03-2009, 05:07 AM
A sheriff's deputy has been demoted from his detective role but will be put back on patrol duty in light of friends and family refusing to cooperate with an internal affairs investigation concerning possible misconduct.

In a letter following his review of the internal investigation, Hernando County Sheriff Richard Nugent wrote that he is disappointed by the conduct of Deputy Jeffrey Swartz, who was charged with misdemeanor domestic battery in October stemming from a domestic dispute with his wife.

Swartz was arrested about 5:30 a.m. Oct. 3, according to a sheriff's report, after allegedly pushing his wife down on their bedroom floor, grabbing her by the neck and later grabbing her by the arms so she couldn't break loose.

Prosecutors later dropped charges against Swartz, who claimed he was restraining her for her own protection after she became intoxicated and "lost control."

However, Nugent wrote that Swartz could have handled the entire affair differently.

"It is my opinion that the exercise of poor judgment on your part contributed directly to the incident at your home," Nugent wrote. "Your statement that the event has resulted in embarrassment for both your family and this agency is correct."

Nugent said during a phone interview that Swartz's claims that his wife has a drinking problem should have been a warning sign that he shouldn't have started drinking with her. According to sheriff reports, the couple was drinking with friends hours past midnight while their three children were asleep.

"You can't claim that your wife has an alcohol problem and then establish that you fed her booze," Nugent said.

He added that Swartz was deflecting questions from investigators at his home and should have handled their inquiries more professionally, especially as a detective for the department.

However, he said because Swartz's wife and friends wouldn't cooperate with an internal affairs investigator, she was forced to conclude that the possible conduct unbecoming violation was "unfounded." In his inner office letter, Nugent said he was forced to agree.

However, he said there are still consequences to Swartz's actions that night, with a demotion from investigator to patrolman again with the same pay.

"He's now back to riding in a green and white patrol car," Nugent said. "That's all because of his actions and no one else's."

12-13-2009, 04:11 AM

COME ON.....

12-23-2009, 12:35 AM

COME ON.....
We have too many who drink too much too often. From what some have told me it's due to the stress of the job. Drinking and driving all the time too. They don't learn and they continue to drink like fish. What used to be one of the best departments in the state has now become the talk of other departments and just how screwed up we have become. I'm looking for work elsewhere.

12-23-2009, 01:09 AM

12-30-2009, 09:13 PM
Tommy Harris' girlfriend Tara was charged with filing a false report (which those charges were dropped, after she was bad mouthed in the newspapers) after he supposedly hit her, so Jeffs buddies decided not to cooperate with the IA. At least he was demoted but he should have been prosecuted instead of the State Attorney feeding people his crap with "he was protecting her" (and that is a CRAP story). At least Nugent had a little bit of brains in this case.
You people who think Barbee needs to be in office need to rethink things. Do a search of his name and see all of his statements.

In this position, the six-year veteran prosecutor will make the final call on whether to file or drop criminal charges.

Barbee, who lives in Hernando County with his wife and two young daughters, said he hopes to better educate the community about his office's actions.
"I want everybody who has an issue to understand why a decision has been made," he said during a recent interview in his Brooksville office. "I want to make sure the victims feel as good as they can at the end of the day. That they received some vindication for what they suffered."

Choke the crap out of your wife and he'll call it "protecting her". Is that why you want Barbee in office? To protect you from the wrongs you may do? Bad choice!!!!

12-30-2009, 09:58 PM
UMMM Tommy Harris' girlfriend admitted to filing a falsereport. So where is it the State Attorneys fault. You cannot convict someone when a victim flat out lies. Nice try at trying to make people look bad maybe you can read How to make people look bad for dummies and do better.

12-30-2009, 10:27 PM
UMMM Tommy Harris' girlfriend admitted to filing a falsereport. So where is it the State Attorneys fault. You cannot convict someone when a victim flat out lies. Nice try at trying to make people look bad maybe you can read How to make people look bad for dummies and do better.
IF she admitted to this, why was the MM charge upgraded to a F and then dropped? The state attorney is responsible for that, dumb one. Yes, nice try.......nice try on your part. You're wrong, as usual. People are wrongfully convicted every day.

01-01-2010, 12:08 AM
Keep bashing the S.O. and Barbee, and see what happens. Perhaps one day your see the light.

01-02-2010, 01:59 PM
Keep bashing the S.O. and Barbee, and see what happens. Perhaps one day your see the light.
What's going to happen? Is this a threat????? If the truth is posted, so be it. If it involves the SO or Barbee, so be it again. I for one like reading the dirt that gets covered up at Hernando County Sheriff and I also like seeing the prosecutor talk out of both sides of his mouth. This is the man some of you want to run the SO? Good lord, you people are worse off then we thought.

01-04-2010, 11:31 AM
Guest, let the race run and the better man wins, I hope. Now, do you really think Maurer is a better candidate then Barbee? What is it that Barbee has done to discredit himself as the number one contender? I'm sure Barbee and Mauer have skeletons in the closet, like all politicians and liars. Running the S.O. is no walk in the park, everyone wants to be sheriff,
but only one man has proven to have been a great Sheriff, Thomas A Mylander.
It's almost ten years since Mylander has left office, and folks are still saying positive things about this man. I know you will say, Mylander has retired and one shall move on, I agree, but Mylander made you feel as if you were the number one player on the team.
Can not say that for Nugent, I know about the secret bash talks Nugent often displayed in close door meeting with the higher command. Those same talks have resulted in deputies and members of the S.O. being Fired, arrested and barred from the S.O.
I'm sure of one thing, the Dirt that you read about in the paper concerning the S.O. was place there for two reasons. Your not apart of Nugent's screw- me -team or you said something or did something to piss Nugent off. I'm afraid if Mauer is elected to office, the place will continue to show signs of Nugentville. That's why I'm challenging you "GUEST,"
to run for office, You got my vote because it's time for a change.
Also, the dirt that you read in the paper, is Small Dirt. The Large Dirt is being protected and concealed from public view.

01-04-2010, 11:47 PM
Well then let the dirt out if you know so much...thats y we have this board.Air out the laundry then!!!!!im waiting to here

01-05-2010, 11:07 AM
Well then let the dirt out if you know so much...thats y we have this board.Air out the laundry then!!!!!im waiting to here

Ok, I understand you would like to hear the truth on these issues. But you will not find out anything on this blog. Instead of calling this site LEO Affairs it should be called the National Enquirer... And if I could make a suggestion maybe you should go back to school so you can learn to spell.... :cop:

And as far as dirt on anyone maybe you should look in your own back yard...

01-06-2010, 01:41 AM
Well then let the dirt out if you know so much...thats y we have this board.Air out the laundry then!!!!!im waiting to here

Ok, I understand you would like to hear the truth on these issues. But you will not find out anything on this blog. Instead of calling this site LEO Affairs it should be called the National Enquirer... And if I could make a suggestion maybe you should go back to school so you can learn to spell.... :cop:

And as far as dirt on anyone maybe you should look in your own back yard...

Let's start with Steve's dirt........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................... . :devil: :devil:

01-06-2010, 08:13 AM
Well then let the dirt out if you know so much...thats y we have this board.Air out the laundry then!!!!!im waiting to here

Ok, I understand you would like to hear the truth on these issues. But you will not find out anything on this blog. Instead of calling this site LEO Affairs it should be called the National Enquirer... And if I could make a suggestion maybe you should go back to school so you can learn to spell.... :cop:

And as far as dirt on anyone maybe you should look in your own back yard...

Let's start with Steve's dirt........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................... . :devil: :devil:


01-06-2010, 02:02 PM
waiting patiently for the dirt.I see theres none so case closed :mrgreen:

01-06-2010, 11:15 PM
waiting patiently for the dirt.I see theres none so case closed :mrgreen:
You a doctor or a deputy? Have patience! :snicker:

01-08-2010, 04:22 AM
Have Patients not patience.Patients of your legal robbery of deputies fop due!!We are patients!!!hop???

01-08-2010, 04:37 AM
Have Patients not patience.Patients of your legal robbery of deputies fop due!!We are patients!!!hop???

You are Dumb and Dumber ..What you need is a life.... :cop: :cop: :cop:

Little Teflon Boy...

01-08-2010, 10:38 AM
Have Patients not patience.Patients of your legal robbery of deputies fop due!!We are patients!!!hop???

Listen: you do not have to subscribe of belong to the FOP,, You have other options... Put on your BIG BOY Pants and make a choice. If not than SHUT UP... Legal Robbery ???? Yea I can tell your a real cop.

Remember: Don't go away MAD just go AWAY........Leave these people alone... I sure they do not want to hear anymore of your USELESS commits :D :D

01-08-2010, 04:34 PM
Hey, retired on duty, Your right I am a real cop, unlike you, and Deputy Hop A long. Why don't you just resign, retire, apologize for what you've done, and just quietly go away to that little cabin in Tennessee, or N.Carolina where the wabbits run free :snicker:

01-08-2010, 11:02 PM
If you want to go then you know where the door is..no one is keeping u here.Now back to the point about how Hernando can save money.How about getting rid of rod(retired on duty and his sidekicks)who have cost hernando county citizens hundeds and hundreds of thousands of dollars.And yes we say for what?Passing out crayons and waving at cars?we can hire the sign guys at spring hill/mariner dr. for $7.00 an hour and save so much money.And they can take their fop with them to Tn or NC and hunt the wabbits!!! :oops: :oops: now thats saving money

01-08-2010, 11:48 PM
If you want to go then you know where the door is..no one is keeping u here.Now back to the point about how Hernando can save money.How about getting rid of rod(retired on duty and his sidekicks)who have cost hernando county citizens hundeds and hundreds of thousands of dollars.And yes we say for what?Passing out crayons and waving at cars?we can hire the sign guys at spring hill/mariner dr. for $7.00 an hour and save so much money.And they can take their fop with them to Tn or NC and hunt the wabbits!!! :oops: :oops: now thats saving money


Deputies will get a pay raise if Scott stops making BAD Arrests... Oh forget it he will never stop.. He is a BIG Liability maybe we could hire you to pass out crayons...Scott,, no you would hurt yourself or someone else doing that... That means another IA ha ha ha

SCOTT LIABILITY LAMEDUCK at your destruction...

NEWS FLASH........

Deputies would get raises if our IA would quit spending so much time and money covering up for the favorites and would help get rid of the true liabilities. :cop: :cop:

01-09-2010, 12:06 AM
what cover ups???go ahead,were listening?thats what I thought.You keep posting nonsense now back it up

01-09-2010, 12:32 AM
what cover ups???go ahead,were listening?thats what I thought.You keep posting nonsense now back it up

You are that stupid and you know what cover ups I'm talking about. Do you really want me to blow the whistle for all to see?
Let's start with the $11.000 plus stolen out of the evidence room as well as drugs and other things.
How about the shootings?
How about all of the complaints of deputies driving?
Wife/girlfriend beatings.
Extra maritial affairs and wrecked marriages.
Stealing parts from the sheriff department to put on friends cars.
Drug abuse and deputies coming to work sooner then 8 hours after being drunk.
And we let people resign instead of filing criminal charges, deny that mental midgit!!!
These are just a few of the ongoing cover ups that happen.

01-09-2010, 12:38 AM
what cover ups???go ahead,were listening?thats what I thought.You keep posting nonsense now back it up
don't forget we are told what to say alot of times in internal investigations so that they are unfounded. it's happened to me so this is not nonsense.

01-09-2010, 02:15 AM
Have Patients not patience.Patients of your legal robbery of deputies fop due!!We are patients!!!hop???

Listen: you do not have to subscribe of belong to the FOP,, You have other options... Put on your BIG BOY Pants and make a choice. If not than SHUT UP... Legal Robbery ???? Yea I can tell your a real cop.

Remember: Don't go away MAD just go AWAY........Leave these people alone... I sure they do not want to hear anymore of your USELESS commits :D :D

Why are you so disrespectful to your brothers? Steve, you need to act your age, not your shoe size pal. I remember reading where you said you wouldn't post on this site any more. Do I need to dig that up as proof, or are you going to continue to lie to us as you've done for far too long? I can't stand liers especially when they do so to cover for low life leo's.

Go teach our brothers and sisters to drive. I get tired of being told about this by people who think we all drive like idiots. Or did you teach those people how to drive?

Grow up Klapka and resign the post of FOP president.

01-09-2010, 06:38 AM

Deputy (or detective) Jeff Swartz was arrested last weekend for domestic battery on his wife. Although I certainly don't mean to wish ill will upon anyone, certainly not Mr. Swartz's wife, I feel like I saw this coming. I have worked with Det. Swartz and happen to personally know that he has very loose ethics and boundaries when it comes to being a law enforcement officer. If my readers have sensed and overwhelming dislike of law enforcement in this blog, Det. Swartz is partially to blame. He worked on a car burglary case where I represented a kid with no prior record. Prior to any charges being filed, I called Detective Swartz to see what the facts of the case were and to see if I could prevent the charges from being filed. He welcomed the opportunity to talk with my client. When I brought my client into Detective Swartz's office, my client signed a form which basically said he would be charged with only 3 crimes and would be granted immunity on any other crime which he revealed to Det. Swartz in our meeting.

During that meeting, I asked Det. Swartz on at least 3 occassions whether or not we were being recorded. "No", he said each time.

Several weeks later, Det. Swartz charged my client with 7 other crimes, clearly using the evidence my client gave him during the meeting. According to the police report, and Det. Swartz's statements to the State Attorney, that wasn't how he found the evidence. I knew that wasn't true and I presented that evidence to the assistant State Attorney. The assistant State Attorney told me he had seen the tape of the interview. "What tape?" I asked.

"The tape of your client's interview in the Sheriff's Office." the attorney replied.

"Det. Swartz told me several times that the conversation was not being taped." I replied.

"You have no expectation of privacy in a police department." the attorney told me.

While it may be true that I have no expectation of privacy in a police department, I do (or used to) have an expectation that a sworn law enforcment officer won't lie when he's asked a direct question by a defense attorney. I was able to work out an ok deal for my client, but I will never forget the extent of Detective Swartz's questionable investigative tactics. He also wrote a press release and released the name of the juvenile, clearly seeking kudos for himself and his great crime solving skill. Note that my client was a kid, with no prior record, and these were car burglaries - not murders. In my 10 years of working with police, I have never encountered a member of law enforcement, with such questionable ethics. Somehow I knew that his karma would catch up with him. It has.

On Saturday night he was arrested for Domestic Battery against his wife. (detective Jeff Swartz) He's now on administrative leave. Apparently, he strangled her and grabbed her and she had red marks on her arms consistent with injuries from him. (Note that this is his booking photo - why does he get special treatment?)

Interesting to me is the repsonse from the Hernando Sheriff's Office and the public in this case. Check out this editorial from TBO.com. Most interestingly, check out the reader comments beneath it. Note that almost everyone who cares enough to comment on this realized the complete inconsistencies with what Swartz was charged with and what the average person would have been charged with.

This case will be prosecuted in Citrus County, because the State Attorney's Office in Hernando has a conflict. (See TBO.com article from October 9, 2009)

According to the Hernando Clerk's website, he will be hiring a private attorney. Interesting . . . . although I handle a ton of domestic violence cases, I would never handle his. But I might represent her . . . for free. October is Domestic Violence Awarness month, I wonder how the Hernando County Sheriff's Office will handle this.


It's the stupid state attorneys office that took up for this wife beating POS. Great blog, attorney!! We have too many liers working here and I'm sick and tired of them getting away with murder (literally) while I do my job, and remain very ethical.

01-09-2010, 06:40 AM
838.022 Official misconduct.--

(1) It is unlawful for a public servant, with corrupt intent to obtain a benefit for any person or to cause harm to another, to:

(a) Falsify, or cause another person to falsify, any official record or official document;

(b) Conceal, cover up, destroy, mutilate, or alter any official record or official document or cause another person to perform such an act; or

(c) Obstruct, delay, or prevent the communication of information relating to the commission of a felony that directly involves or affects the public agency or public entity served by the public servant.

(2) For the purposes of this section:

(a) The term "public servant" does not include a candidate who does not otherwise qualify as a public servant.

(b) An official record or official document includes only public records.

(3) Any person who violates this section commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

01-09-2010, 03:33 PM
Have Patients not patience.Patients of your legal robbery of deputies fop due!!We are patients!!!hop???

Listen: you do not have to subscribe of belong to the FOP,, You have other options... Put on your BIG BOY Pants and make a choice. If not than SHUT UP... Legal Robbery ???? Yea I can tell your a real cop.

Remember: Don't go away MAD just go AWAY........Leave these people alone... I sure they do not want to hear anymore of your USELESS commits :D :D

Why are you so disrespectful to your brothers? Steve, you need to act your age, not your shoe size pal. I remember reading where you said you wouldn't post on this site any more. Do I need to dig that up as proof, or are you going to continue to lie to us as you've done for far too long? I can't stand liers especially when they do so to cover for low life leo's.

Go teach our brothers and sisters to drive. I get tired of being told about this by people who think we all drive like idiots.

Or did you teach those people how to drive?


First off you will never make it as a Detective because this is not who you think I am... Dig up what ever you need to and maybe you should look at yourself first before you make any statements... Nice commit on (I can't stand liers especially when they do so to cover for low life leo's. ) your living in a GLASS HOUSE so if I were you I would put down the ROCKS...

See you soon

First off you will never make it as a Detective because this is not who you think I am.....

Right back at you. You are right about seeing me soon though.
It is a nice commitment I've made not to lie. I won't lie to cover up for a coworker or to get someone wrongfully prosecuted (which happens every day with our coworkers), never have never will. Or are you not bright enough to know the difference between COMMIT and COMMENT?

01-09-2010, 04:33 PM
Have Patients not patience.Patients of your legal robbery of deputies fop due!!We are patients!!!hop???

Listen: you do not have to subscribe of belong to the FOP,, You have other options... Put on your BIG BOY Pants and make a choice. If not than SHUT UP... Legal Robbery ???? Yea I can tell your a real cop.

Remember: Don't go away MAD just go AWAY........Leave these people alone... I sure they do not want to hear anymore of your USELESS commits :D :D

Why are you so disrespectful to your brothers? Steve, you need to act your age, not your shoe size pal. I remember reading where you said you wouldn't post on this site any more. Do I need to dig that up as proof, or are you going to continue to lie to us as you've done for far too long? I can't stand liers especially when they do so to cover for low life leo's.

Go teach our brothers and sisters to drive. I get tired of being told about this by people who think we all drive like idiots.

Or did you teach those people how to drive?


First off you will never make it as a Detective because this is not who you think I am... Dig up what ever you need to and maybe you should look at yourself first before you make any statements... Nice commit on (I can't stand liers especially when they do so to cover for low life leo's. ) your living in a GLASS HOUSE so if I were you I would put down the ROCKS...

See you soon

First off you will never make it as a Detective because this is not who you think I am.....

Right back at you. You are right about seeing me soon though.
It is a nice commitment I've made not to lie. I won't lie to cover up for a coworker or to get someone wrongfully prosecuted (which happens every day with our coworkers), never have never will. Or are you not bright enough to know the difference between COMMIT and COMMENT?

Bah Bah Bah Bah Bah... you have fallen on DEAF EARS

01-09-2010, 05:02 PM
[quote=dumbanddumber]Have Patients not patience.Patients of your legal robbery of deputies fop due!!We are patients!!!hop???

Listen: you do not have to subscribe of belong to the FOP,, You have other options... Put on your BIG BOY Pants and make a choice. If not than SHUT UP... Legal Robbery ???? Yea I can tell your a real cop.

Remember: Don't go away MAD just go AWAY........Leave these people alone... I sure they do not want to hear anymore of your USELESS commits :D :D

Why are you so disrespectful to your brothers? Steve, you need to act your age, not your shoe size pal. I remember reading where you said you wouldn't post on this site any more. Do I need to dig that up as proof, or are you going to continue to lie to us as you've done for far too long? I can't stand liers especially when they do so to cover for low life leo's.

Go teach our brothers and sisters to drive. I get tired of being told about this by people who think we all drive like idiots.

Or did you teach those people how to drive?


First off you will never make it as a Detective because this is not who you think I am... Dig up what ever you need to and maybe you should look at yourself first before you make any statements... Nice commit on (I can't stand liers especially when they do so to cover for low life leo's. ) your living in a GLASS HOUSE so if I were you I would put down the ROCKS...

See you soon

First off you will never make it as a Detective because this is not who you think I am.....

Right back at you. You are right about seeing me soon though.
It is a nice commitment I've made not to lie. I won't lie to cover up for a coworker or to get someone wrongfully prosecuted (which happens every day with our coworkers), never have never will. Or are you not bright enough to know the difference between COMMIT and COMMENT?

Bah Bah Bah Bah Bah... you have fallen on DEAF EARS[/quote:3ihto0v1]
Your intelligence level must be the same as your shoe size. Learning is a good thing. Closed minded people DO NOT make good LEO's. You are definately part of the problem with what was at one time a good agency to work for. Nice job, mental midgit!

01-09-2010, 08:47 PM
Knowledge is power.
Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.