View Full Version : Mike Huckabee Responsible for officers death

11-30-2009, 09:15 PM
On the 2nd day of May 2000 Former Repubilcan Presidential Candidate and Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee signed the death warrants for the four police officers in Lakewood, WA . That is the day that Huckabee commuted Maurice Clemmons 95 year prison sentence allowing him to murder four police officers on November 29, 2009. Mike Huckabee is as responsible for the killing of the four police officers as if he pulled the trigger himself. Had he not commuted Maurice Clemmons 95 year sentence these four police officers would still be alive today. Huckabee being the coward that he is then gives a statement to the press implying that it is the state of Arkansas Prosecutors fault that Maurice Clemmons is not in prison where he belongs. Maurice Clemmons should be put to death for these murders right along side that coward Mike Huckabee. I am urging evryone to call and email Fox News demanding that they fire Mike Huckabee immediately.

02-19-2010, 03:58 PM
i applaud the brave actions of Mike Huckabee. Instead of being intimidated or bullied, and not concerning himself with the opinion of the
fraternal order of crybabies and whiners (police), he upheld the constitution of the united states of america by carrying out UNBIASED justice.
cops are too egotistical for their own well being. you cant pry the seat from under a detectives fat ass if Joe Citizen is killed via homicide, but
if its a fellow cop thats harmed, the detective will put the doughnut down and actually do some detective work for a change. i dont understand why the law enforcement "profession" attracts the dregs of society worse than most of the "criminals" they are sometimtes lucky enough to find and arrest.
cops are some the most corrupt and socially inept people in this country. i understand that when the only requirement to obtain employment is a D+ G.R.E
student with a God complex and the social skills of a retarded monkey, you will attract some unsavory characters. i guess the perks draw people in too....
these cops enter the job because after dropping out of high school and realizing they have no one to push around and bully, they are attracted to the idea that when inducted into this fraternal order of over-compensating self-loathing closet case homosexuals, the only LAW they have to obey is the law of gravity. there is no such thing as a law-abiding cop, and the guy who posted before me didnt mention all the accidental and intentional deaths and malicious woundings carried out by the hands of those sworn to harass and impede. i say open more prison cells and lets see how tough these cops actually are.its time for cops to stop being pissy about not being able to hack it in the army with REAL men and accept their piss poor lives for the meaningless sham it really is.

11-04-2010, 04:22 AM
i applaud the brave actions of Mike Huckabee. Instead of being intimidated or bullied, and not concerning himself with the opinion of the
fraternal order of crybabies and whiners (police), he upheld the constitution of the united states of america by carrying out UNBIASED justice.
cops are too egotistical for their own well being. you cant pry the seat from under a detectives fat ass if Joe Citizen is killed via homicide, but
if its a fellow cop thats harmed, the detective will put the doughnut down and actually do some detective work for a change. i dont understand why the law enforcement "profession" attracts the dregs of society worse than most of the "criminals" they are sometimtes lucky enough to find and arrest.
cops are some the most corrupt and socially inept people in this country. i understand that when the only requirement to obtain employment is a D+ G.R.E
student with a God complex and the social skills of a retarded monkey, you will attract some unsavory characters. i guess the perks draw people in too....
these cops enter the job because after dropping out of high school and realizing they have no one to push around and bully, they are attracted to the idea that when inducted into this fraternal order of over-compensating self-loathing closet case homosexuals, the only LAW they have to obey is the law of gravity. there is no such thing as a law-abiding cop, and the guy who posted before me didnt mention all the accidental and intentional deaths and malicious woundings carried out by the hands of those sworn to harass and impede. i say open more prison cells and lets see how tough these cops actually are.its time for cops to stop being pissy about not being able to hack it in the army with REAL men and accept their piss poor lives for the meaningless sham it really is.
Wow thats some pretty intense emotional retoric. I hope you can get over your anger. But guess what, your behind the times and everyone, an officer or not can see you right through your writing. Gosh your a F'n mess hope you get over it. LOL