View Full Version : FHP - Tiger Woods crash - DUI?

11-27-2009, 08:07 PM
So I'm watching the breaking news that Tiger Woods crashed leaving his Orange County home last night at 2:00AM. He hit a fire hydrant and then drove onto the neighbors property and collided into a tree. He is reported to have serious injuries.

Leaving the house at 2:00AM, taking his Escalade over a fire hydrant and then through landscaping into a tree. He is still hospitalized as of right now. Smells like DUI... although CNN is claiming they have the FHP crash report (he showed it to the camera) - the Alcohol related box is unchecked, but has "NO" handwritten in. I couldn't see that from the camera shot.

Any Troop D guys have info?

Don't screw this up FHP. If he was DUI, and caused property damage. Take him down.


11-27-2009, 08:13 PM
All the evidence from the media would indicate a DUI crash, but I am often surprised on the midnight shift when someone wrecks and it is not alcohol related. Whether it be texting, messing with the GPS, or even a fancy radio system.

So I guess only the Trooper, Woods, and the hospital staff would know for sure. I wonder if they pulled medical blood??? I wonder who in the hospital is willing to violate HIPAA laws to sell the stuff to TMZ? It wouldn't surprise me.

11-27-2009, 08:14 PM
"Take him down". Why don't you just write "Book'em Danno".

11-27-2009, 08:16 PM
Just wondering (due to the house value of $2.4 million) Did this happen in a gated community?

11-27-2009, 08:24 PM
Just wondering (due to the house value of $2.4 million) Did this happen in a gated community?

No, its not gated. The development manager was just interviewed.

11-27-2009, 08:28 PM
You would think that somebody driving in a residential neighborhood not to mention a narrow street... that if a person were driving with all of their normal faculties not impaired - that the person would have stopped after colliding into the first object.

He was 100' out of his driveway when he crashed and hit a fire hydrant and a tree. So he had 100 feet of time to accelerate. How fast can a 2009 Escalade get up to in 100 feet?

11-27-2009, 08:33 PM
Guys his Rumor affair came out in the news today !

11-27-2009, 09:17 PM
Jeez, it's a single vehicle crash. Unless there's a wheel witness, you can't charge him with DUI.

And Escalades are pretty fast.

11-27-2009, 09:20 PM
Fight with wife, wreck suv, scrip drugs and alcohol, ect, ect... nothing matters with no wheel witness and a state att with no balls

11-27-2009, 09:36 PM
His home is located in a gated community.

11-27-2009, 09:49 PM
Troop D Trooper drip drugs are you serious? I believe the fight because of the affair that is rumored today. But drugs come on. Are they going after the hospitals blood test?Can they? Their goes his image and career! Women see what you do to us!

11-27-2009, 10:49 PM
The person above posted scrip drugs as in prescription drugs.

11-27-2009, 11:16 PM
No doubt about it--- DWT--driving while texting.

11-28-2009, 12:11 AM
I like how the most recent aritcle has a quote from FHP saying that we have not had a chance to interview Woods yet.

So either the news is wrong....or....maybe the Troopers didn't get a chance to speak to him yet. How can one do a proper DUI investigation without contact with the subject? How can you rule out alcohol if contact was not made? I guarantee the hospital did not tell FHP anything because of HIPAA.

Also, what pathetic people are on here saying you cannot make a DUI case without a wheel witness. Geez, do some investigating and make your case. Sounds like lazy police work and I am glad I am not your sergeant. I would have to be coming to your scenes to make sure you are doing your job. That attitude is exactly what is wrong with our department. Lazy Troopers always looking for a reason not to make a case. Do your jobs.

11-28-2009, 12:48 AM
I like how the most recent aritcle has a quote from FHP saying that we have not had a chance to interview Woods yet.

So either the news is wrong....or....maybe the Troopers didn't get a chance to speak to him yet. How can one do a proper DUI investigation without contact with the subject? How can you rule out alcohol if contact was not made? I guarantee the hospital did not tell FHP anything because of HIPAA.

Also, what pathetic people are on here saying you cannot make a DUI case without a wheel witness. Geez, do some investigating and make your case. Sounds like lazy police work and I am glad I am not your sergeant. I would have to be coming to your scenes to make sure you are doing your job. That attitude is exactly what is wrong with our department. Lazy Troopers always looking for a reason not to make a case. Do your jobs.

Its not lazy--rather it is simply NOT wasting taxpayer money by charging him with something that has absolutely no chance of holding up in court. In my district EVERY single vehicle crash with no wheel witness is summarily dismissed before the defendant even has a chance at a second appearance. Furthermore, the state attorneys office in my county will NOT file charges against such a driver, even with blood. I had a blood case that was .312 and the state attorneys office declined to file charges due to a lack of probable cause. Why waste taxpayer money on something that has absolutely no chance of being found guilty. Any first year defense attorney would get that thrown out in court.

Don't blame a "lazy" trooper but, rather, on the court system. Also, the judges get mad at troopers in court when they "waste" the judges time. That is their words, not mine. The problem with FHP is that its all about stats--get that blue copy. Also, I am glad you are not my sgt as I would be filing grievance after grievance for forcing me file charges when their is NO probable cause.

11-28-2009, 12:52 AM
Jeez, it's a single vehicle crash. Unless there's a wheel witness, you can't charge him with DUI.

And Escalades are pretty fast.

Yea, just look at the case with the Wakulla County Sheriff, he left the scene and still walked. It's who ya know boys.

11-28-2009, 01:39 AM
I just hope this case is handled the same way as any other similar type case would be and hope that nobody in this Department caves into the pressure from the media. Thats when we get mud on our face.

11-28-2009, 02:04 AM
I like how the most recent aritcle has a quote from FHP saying that we have not had a chance to interview Woods yet.

So either the news is wrong....or....maybe the Troopers didn't get a chance to speak to him yet. How can one do a proper DUI investigation without contact with the subject? How can you rule out alcohol if contact was not made? I guarantee the hospital did not tell FHP anything because of HIPAA.

Also, what pathetic people are on here saying you cannot make a DUI case without a wheel witness. Geez, do some investigating and make your case. Sounds like lazy police work and I am glad I am not your sergeant. I would have to be coming to your scenes to make sure you are doing your job. That attitude is exactly what is wrong with our department. Lazy Troopers always looking for a reason not to make a case. Do your jobs.

Its not lazy--rather it is simply NOT wasting taxpayer money by charging him with something that has absolutely no chance of holding up in court. In my district EVERY single vehicle crash with no wheel witness is summarily dismissed before the defendant even has a chance at a second appearance. Furthermore, the state attorneys office in my county will NOT file charges against such a driver, even with blood. I had a blood case that was .312 and the state attorneys office declined to file charges due to a lack of probable cause. Why waste taxpayer money on something that has absolutely no chance of being found guilty. Any first year defense attorney would get that thrown out in court.

Don't blame a "lazy" trooper but, rather, on the court system. Also, the judges get mad at troopers in court when they "waste" the judges time. That is their words, not mine. The problem with FHP is that its all about stats--get that blue copy. Also, I am glad you are not my sgt as I would be filing grievance after grievance for forcing me file charges when their is NO probable cause.

Ah the old, I would file a grievance on you. The typical crybaby Trooper response. Write tickets? Try to make me, and I will file a grievance. Arrest a drunk? I will file a grievance. I have to work in the rain...I will file a grievance. What a bunch of crybabies.

It is not up to you to let the drunk go because the court system will fail. Call M.A.D.D. and tell them about the judge's feeling towards DUIs. Judges are politicians too and do not like criticism. MADD is very powerful and are always interested in hearing stories of your judge. Here is the link which I doubt you will take advantage of (because someone else should, right?:

You can make the case and build your own probable cause for arrest...if you try. But you sound like my kid, it's somebody else's fault. At least you can get an administrative suspension out of it. Either way the drunk will have to pay a decent amount of money due to what he did. But with your logic, worst case scenario is a long form with HAD BEEN DRINKING on it...and he will do it again. Of course if you arrest him, he may do it again ... but dang, do your job.

Once again, we are our own worst enemy with people not doing

Whoever made a comment about the Dept of Ag guy. He still went through the court system and took a plea (off a single vehicle S4). Sounds like he got the same deal any other idiot would get on a 1st time DUI...except he kept his job. Fines, interlock, etc. The Trooper did his job that night. I am sure he had a decent lawyer but still took a plea. Imagine that...on a single vehicle crash!

And wasting taxpayer money. Well I am a taxpayer and I want you to arrest the drunk for what he did. I would rather you spend your hours working the DUI report than grabbing a treat from Steak and Shake.

11-28-2009, 02:09 AM
Whoever made a comment about the Dept of Ag guy. He still went through the court system and took a plea (off a single vehicle S4). Sounds like he got the same deal any other idiot would get on a 1st time DUI...except he kept his job. Fines, interlock, etc. The Trooper did his job that night. I am sure he had a decent lawyer but still took a plea. Imagine that...on a single vehicle crash!

My bad, my brain was thinking Dept of Ag when I posted. Instead, the Wakulla sheriff case was mentioned not Dept of ag. Sorry about the brain fart.

However, the Dept of Ag case shows that it is possible for the case to go through on a Single Vehicle S4 involving a hotshot.

11-28-2009, 03:09 AM
So I'm watching the breaking news that Tiger Woods crashed leaving his Orange County home last night at 2:00AM. He hit a fire hydrant and then drove onto the neighbors property and collided into a tree. He is reported to have serious injuries.

Leaving the house at 2:00AM, taking his Escalade over a fire hydrant and then through landscaping into a tree. He is still hospitalized as of right now. Smells like DUI... although CNN is claiming they have the FHP crash report (he showed it to the camera) - the Alcohol related box is unchecked, but has "NO" handwritten in. I couldn't see that from the camera shot.

Any Troop D guys have info?

Don't screw this up FHP. If he was DUI, and caused property damage. Take him down.


Why would CNN have a copy of the report? What happened to the 60 day rule unless you were directly involved?

11-28-2009, 03:28 AM
You would think that somebody driving in a residential neighborhood not to mention a narrow street... that if a person were driving with all of their normal faculties not impaired - that the person would have stopped after colliding into the first object.

He was 100' out of his driveway when he crashed and hit a fire hydrant and a tree. So he had 100 feet of time to accelerate. How fast can a 2009 Escalade get up to in 100 feet?

With an acceleration factor of a .30 (which is quick) and a distance of 100 feet, he can only get up to 30mph, assuming he was leaving his driveway.

11-28-2009, 03:55 AM
Well, he is half black, so automatically he must have been DUI. Wow,if this had been Arnold Palmer I wonder if you would calling for "Take em down". Of you're going to say yes but we will never no will we

11-28-2009, 06:22 AM
What is special about TW..oh that's right he is a golfer
who throws a public fit in front of the TV camera when
he loses..Wee morning going out runs into a hydrant, a tree
from his own driveway, where is been residing for sometime..
Let the real investigation come forward..never fails..truly a year for the Obama's...

11-28-2009, 11:34 AM
From reading the article, it certainly sounds like he could've been DUI. I have made cases on a single vehicle s/4 without a wheel witness when doing so pursuant to a crash investigation. It does vary from one county to the next, in the days of budget issues a lot of prosecutors don't want to mess with them. I wasn't there at the scene and I'm not going to knock the Trooper for doing what he did.

I find it hard to believe that his wife was inside that huge house and heard the crash as Tiger was leaving the driveway. She then runs to his aid, realizes he hit a hudrant and tree and is now unconscious in the vehicle. At this point she takes it upon herself to go back to the house, grab 9 iron to bust the rear window out and remove Tiger from the driver seat.

If I may put my own spin on it.

Tiger came home from the local strip joint where he had a few ****tails, probably even a table dance (sometimes called a lap dance). His wife began nagging him, he decided he didn't want to hear it and walked back to his car which was backed in. His wife was not satisfed with him leaving in the middle of an argument, he then jumps in his vehicle and starts to drive away. As Tiger gets in the car, his wife grabs the closest thing to her, in this case was the golf club and proceeds to bust the rear window out. Tiger realizing how psycho this beotch is, he floors it as he is looking back to see where she is, only to realize some foreign obstacles were placed in front of him.


She chased him out of the house with a golf club, he gets in the car and she swings at the car as he is driving away.

11-28-2009, 03:07 PM
From reading the article, it certainly sounds like he could've been DUI. I have made cases on a single vehicle s/4 without a wheel witness when doing so pursuant to a crash investigation. It does vary from one county to the next, in the days of budget issues a lot of prosecutors don't want to mess with them. I wasn't there at the scene and I'm not going to knock the Trooper for doing what he did.

I find it hard to believe that his wife was inside that huge house and heard the crash as Tiger was leaving the driveway. She then runs to his aid, realizes he hit a hudrant and tree and is now unconscious in the vehicle. At this point she takes it upon herself to go back to the house, grab 9 iron to bust the rear window out and remove Tiger from the driver seat.

If I may put my own spin on it.

Tiger came home from the local strip joint where he had a few ****tails, probably even a table dance (sometimes called a lap dance). His wife began nagging him, he decided he didn't want to hear it and walked back to his car which was backed in. His wife was not satisfed with him leaving in the middle of an argument, he then jumps in his vehicle and starts to drive away. As Tiger gets in the car, his wife grabs the closest thing to her, in this case was the golf club and proceeds to bust the rear window out. Tiger realizing how psycho this beotch is, he floors it as he is looking back to see where she is, only to realize some foreign obstacles were placed in front of him.


She chased him out of the house with a golf club, he gets in the car and she swings at the car as he is driving away.



11-28-2009, 03:27 PM
I like how the most recent aritcle has a quote from FHP saying that we have not had a chance to interview Woods yet.

So either the news is wrong....or....maybe the Troopers didn't get a chance to speak to him yet. How can one do a proper DUI investigation without contact with the subject? How can you rule out alcohol if contact was not made? I guarantee the hospital did not tell FHP anything because of HIPAA.

Also, what pathetic people are on here saying you cannot make a DUI case without a wheel witness. Geez, do some investigating and make your case. Sounds like lazy police work and I am glad I am not your sergeant. I would have to be coming to your scenes to make sure you are doing your job. That attitude is exactly what is wrong with our department. Lazy Troopers always looking for a reason not to make a case. Do your jobs.

Its not lazy--rather it is simply NOT wasting taxpayer money by charging him with something that has absolutely no chance of holding up in court. In my district EVERY single vehicle crash with no wheel witness is summarily dismissed before the defendant even has a chance at a second appearance. Furthermore, the state attorneys office in my county will NOT file charges against such a driver, even with blood. I had a blood case that was .312 and the state attorneys office declined to file charges due to a lack of probable cause. Why waste taxpayer money on something that has absolutely no chance of being found guilty. Any first year defense attorney would get that thrown out in court.

Don't blame a "lazy" trooper but, rather, on the court system. Also, the judges get mad at troopers in court when they "waste" the judges time. That is their words, not mine. The problem with FHP is that its all about stats--get that blue copy. Also, I am glad you are not my sgt as I would be filing grievance after grievance for forcing me file charges when their is NO probable cause.

Ah the old, I would file a grievance on you. The typical crybaby Trooper response. Write tickets? Try to make me, and I will file a grievance. Arrest a drunk? I will file a grievance. I have to work in the rain...I will file a grievance. What a bunch of crybabies.

It is not up to you to let the drunk go because the court system will fail. Call M.A.D.D. and tell them about the judge's feeling towards DUIs. Judges are politicians too and do not like criticism. MADD is very powerful and are always interested in hearing stories of your judge. Here is the link which I doubt you will take advantage of (because someone else should, right?:

You can make the case and build your own probable cause for arrest...if you try. But you sound like my kid, it's somebody else's fault. At least you can get an administrative suspension out of it. Either way the drunk will have to pay a decent amount of money due to what he did. But with your logic, worst case scenario is a long form with HAD BEEN DRINKING on it...and he will do it again. Of course if you arrest him, he may do it again ... but dang, do your job.

Once again, we are our own worst enemy with people not doing

Whoever made a comment about the Dept of Ag guy. He still went through the court system and took a plea (off a single vehicle S4). Sounds like he got the same deal any other idiot would get on a 1st time DUI...except he kept his job. Fines, interlock, etc. The Trooper did his job that night. I am sure he had a decent lawyer but still took a plea. Imagine that...on a single vehicle crash!

And wasting taxpayer money. Well I am a taxpayer and I want you to arrest the drunk for what he did. I would rather you spend your hours working the DUI report than grabbing a treat from Steak and Shake.

Nice....blame it on "laziness". No, I'm blaming it on reality. Maybe he was DUI, maybe he wasn't. However, it was a SINGLE car accident. Are you telling me on the midnight shift, when a majority of these single vehicles where the victim blames it on the infamous "phantom" car, you have the time to pull yourself off of the road and screw your zone partner while you conduct a 3-4 hour DUI investigation on a single vehicle accident with no wheel witness? Especially when you know through experience that with no wheel witness, the case WILL get dropped? Very interesting.

This has turned into a joke. We investigate these single car crashes every night. Where are you when your subordinate clears the call in 30 min with a "x98 long form"? You make a great supervisor.....influenced by outside forces and media pressure.

I'm anxious if you're one of those teapots calling the kettle black, when one of your subordinates takes a long time to clear a call, do you rush him, or do you allow him to take his time and conduct a proper investigation....with time not being an issue? Probably not. You're a CAD watcher. x52 to clear?

11-28-2009, 03:31 PM
Who cares? It was his car and his (at least for now) golf club? Why do you think she had a golf club at 0230 hours???? I wonder what she used...an iron or a wood....LOL.

11-28-2009, 03:36 PM
Why didn't the city work it? Don't they have their own police department?

11-28-2009, 05:07 PM
Why didn't the city work it? Don't they have their own police department?

On TV it looked like they have a hero security chief with a lot of medals. Must be lots of crime there.

11-28-2009, 08:19 PM
(CNN) -- Florida highway patrol troopers plan to talk to pro golfer Tiger Woods on Saturday to get more information about his car crash near his home, a spokeswoman said.
Woods was treated and released from a hospital after suffering minor injuries in a car accident early Friday in his central Florida neighborhood.
State troopers had tried to speak to Woods on Friday as part of a routine car accident investigation, but his wife said he was sleeping, said Kim Miller, a spokeswoman for the Florida highway patrol.
Troopers decided they would return Saturday afternoon, Miller said.
Cellphone pictures of the accident from CNN affiliate WFTV
A joint statement from Woods' publicist and Health Central Hospital said the golfer was in "good condition" after the accident outside his home.
Tiger Woods: A true sporting legend
The single-vehicle accident occurred about 2:25 a.m. in Windermere, a suburb of Orlando, according to police.
Video: Tiger not out of the woods Video: Tiger Woods in car accident Video: Tiger 'in good condition'
Tiger Woods
Orlando (Florida)
Woods pulled out of his driveway in a 2009 Cadillac SUV and struck a fire hydrant, then a tree, according to an incident report from the Florida highway patrol in Orange County.
Police Chief Daniel Saylor said two Windermere police officers were the first to arrive on the scene.
"There was Tiger Woods laying on the ground in front of the vehicle with his wife over him rendering first aid," he told reporters.
"He was in and out of consciousness with lacerations to his upper and lower lip," Saylor said. "He was mumbling but didn't say anything coherent."
Woods' wife, Elin Nordegren, told the police she was inside the house when she heard the accident. She said she went outside and used a golf club to break out the rear window of the vehicle, then pulled him from the SUV.
"According to the officers, yes, she was very upset," he said in response to a question.
But, he added, "Things like this happen all the time ... I understand he's stable and he's fine."
About 10 minutes later, Orange County fire and rescue arrived and took him to Health Central Hospital, where he was treated and released, he said.
The crash remains under investigation and charges were pending, the police report said. It also noted the accident was not alcohol-related.
The SUV, which was drivable, was towed and state troopers didn't take pictures of the scene, she said.
Saylor said the vehicle's front end was damaged.
The 33-year-old golf phenomenon has won the Masters tournament and the PGA tournament each four times, and three U.S. Open Championships.
He was set to host and play the Chevron World Challenge on Monday at Sherwood Country Club in Thousand Oaks, California. Woods has won the tournament -- which helps raise money for Tiger Woods Foundation programs -- four times.
Woods has won six times on the PGA tour this year after returning from knee surgery.
In a post on his blog last month, Woods said he was "absolutely thrilled" about his PGA tour, adding, "This has been one of my most consistent years on the PGA tour."
Woods and his wife have two children, ages 2 and a baby born in February.


11-28-2009, 08:29 PM
Immediately after this happened.. I'm willing to bet Woods speed dialed his attorney for damage control. His attorney then in turn, undoubtedly knowing the reputation of FHP, told Woods to request FHP over Windemere (or whatever they are) as he would be confident that they could string Colonel John Czernis' FHP Troopers along, exactly how they wanted. They know that Colonel John Cznernis is a poor leader and does not encourage his troopers and field supervisors to conduct thorough investigations.

11-28-2009, 10:06 PM
Who was the Trooper that worked this wreck?

11-28-2009, 10:23 PM
Isleworth is not in the city limits of Windermere. It is in the county. The Windermere Police Department showed up because of a mutual aid agreement with Orange County. Windermere police officers were there only as first responders. It was in the county and therefore FHP's crash.

11-28-2009, 11:11 PM
I like how the most recent aritcle has a quote from FHP saying that we have not had a chance to interview Woods yet.

So either the news is wrong....or....maybe the Troopers didn't get a chance to speak to him yet. How can one do a proper DUI investigation without contact with the subject? How can you rule out alcohol if contact was not made? I guarantee the hospital did not tell FHP anything because of HIPAA.

Also, what pathetic people are on here saying you cannot make a DUI case without a wheel witness. Geez, do some investigating and make your case. Sounds like lazy police work and I am glad I am not your sergeant. I would have to be coming to your scenes to make sure you are doing your job. That attitude is exactly what is wrong with our department. Lazy Troopers always looking for a reason not to make a case. Do your jobs.

Its not lazy--rather it is simply NOT wasting taxpayer money by charging him with something that has absolutely no chance of holding up in court. In my district EVERY single vehicle crash with no wheel witness is summarily dismissed before the defendant even has a chance at a second appearance. Furthermore, the state attorneys office in my county will NOT file charges against such a driver, even with blood. I had a blood case that was .312 and the state attorneys office declined to file charges due to a lack of probable cause. Why waste taxpayer money on something that has absolutely no chance of being found guilty. Any first year defense attorney would get that thrown out in court.

Don't blame a "lazy" trooper but, rather, on the court system. Also, the judges get mad at troopers in court when they "waste" the judges time. That is their words, not mine. The problem with FHP is that its all about stats--get that blue copy. Also, I am glad you are not my sgt as I would be filing grievance after grievance for forcing me file charges when their is NO probable cause.

Ah the old, I would file a grievance on you. The typical crybaby Trooper response. Write tickets? Try to make me, and I will file a grievance. Arrest a drunk? I will file a grievance. I have to work in the rain...I will file a grievance. What a bunch of crybabies.

It is not up to you to let the drunk go because the court system will fail. Call M.A.D.D. and tell them about the judge's feeling towards DUIs. Judges are politicians too and do not like criticism. MADD is very powerful and are always interested in hearing stories of your judge. Here is the link which I doubt you will take advantage of (because someone else should, right?:

You can make the case and build your own probable cause for arrest...if you try. But you sound like my kid, it's somebody else's fault. At least you can get an administrative suspension out of it. Either way the drunk will have to pay a decent amount of money due to what he did. But with your logic, worst case scenario is a long form with HAD BEEN DRINKING on it...and he will do it again. Of course if you arrest him, he may do it again ... but dang, do your job.

Once again, we are our own worst enemy with people not doing

Whoever made a comment about the Dept of Ag guy. He still went through the court system and took a plea (off a single vehicle S4). Sounds like he got the same deal any other idiot would get on a 1st time DUI...except he kept his job. Fines, interlock, etc. The Trooper did his job that night. I am sure he had a decent lawyer but still took a plea. Imagine that...on a single vehicle crash!

And wasting taxpayer money. Well I am a taxpayer and I want you to arrest the drunk for what he did. I would rather you spend your hours working the DUI report than grabbing a treat from Steak and Shake.

Nice....blame it on "laziness". No, I'm blaming it on reality. Maybe he was DUI, maybe he wasn't. However, it was a SINGLE car accident. Are you telling me on the midnight shift, when a majority of these single vehicles where the victim blames it on the infamous "phantom" car, you have the time to pull yourself off of the road and screw your zone partner while you conduct a 3-4 hour DUI investigation on a single vehicle accident with no wheel witness? Especially when you know through experience that with no wheel witness, the case WILL get dropped? Very interesting.

This has turned into a joke. We investigate these single car crashes every night. Where are you when your subordinate clears the call in 30 min with a "x98 long form"? You make a great supervisor.....influenced by outside forces and media pressure.

I'm anxious if you're one of those teapots calling the kettle black, when one of your subordinates takes a long time to clear a call, do you rush him, or do you allow him to take his time and conduct a proper investigation....with time not being an issue? Probably not. You're a CAD watcher. x52 to clear?

Your argument is still weak. You are still admitting that you do want to take the time to thoroughly investigate because you are guessing what the court system will do. Don't preach about screwing over zone partners to do a DUI investigation. We all know there are buddy f'ers that won't clear their long forms until exactly two hours has passed (non dui crash andno wreckers). And I would expect my zone partner to do their job and arrest a drunk. You have property damage on the hydrant making a DUI property damage case on this one. Investigate.

Yes this has turned into a joke-but not how you think. I realize what a joke bunch of troopers we have in the ranks. Some just have every excuse to NOT do their jobs. this is why FHP is becoming a joke...people like you.

Go find another job where your half-as*ed was of doing business is ok. LAZY.

11-29-2009, 04:57 AM
How is that argument weak? Back to the original point of the thread, How can one PROVE Tiger was under the influence when he won't even talk to authorities without a lawyer present? I bet there were NO witnesses. There simply is absoluletly NO dui case here. there may be a case of domestic violence here--which FHP doesn't deal with.

11-29-2009, 03:09 PM
These comments from news stories published:

This is good to know. So any drunk driver...I mean accident victim....can just have his wife just tell the troopers they are sleeping and the troopers will just come back tomorrow. I did not know that. "

" What is news is how they let him get away with it and we would not be able to. I enjoyed the part where the police came to his home to ask questions, but his wife asked them to come back later because he was sleeping!! And they said OK! I am sure if the State Police were looking for me they would not care if I was taking a nap. Also, no accident report because it was a "minor" accident per the police yet there were injuries so how can it be minor? Cover up all the way, or if not so badly handled by the police it appears that way. So far all of the holier than nows who were upset about people complaining about the Michigan State police going on heavy patrol for dinking and driving, this is why people are mad, because the little guy who got caught last night is in jail and Tiger is taking a nap in his mansion, after an accident. "

" If they do try to talk to him, Barak Obama will call the police "stupid" and interfere with their investigation. "

" The only thing I'm surprised is that just because the person involved in this accident is a celebrity the police are not doing their job. If it was an everyday person we wouldn't be "allowed" to dictate when and where the police will interview us. What a country! "

" Why should anyone care about someone that wouldn't give two chips about any one of us? He wouldn't spit on you if your hair was on fire! I don't give a flying screw about Tiger, I say let the press wolves tear him up and let us know what the real story is, Maybe the National Enquire will expose his less than perfect life, he deserves it with his holier than thou attitude that he has always had. Patooie! "

11-29-2009, 05:06 PM
Lawfully he does not have to give FHP or anyone else statement. This theory that some people have that if a cop want's to talk to you then you have to talk to them. If a police officer comes to your door and wants to question you and you don't feel like it just don't answer the door. Don't think for one second that just because you call yourself a Trooper rather than an Officer it gives you special powers.

11-29-2009, 07:27 PM
Lawfully he does not have to give FHP or anyone else statement. This theory that some people have that if a cop want's to talk to you then you have to talk to them. If a police officer comes to your door and wants to question you and you don't feel like it just don't answer the door. Don't think for one second that just because you call yourself a Trooper rather than an Officer it gives you special powers.

Good point, but if you have nothing to hide there is no reason to refuse to speak with FHP. It makes no sense for Tiger Woods not to go ahead and speak up instead of letting the rumor mill of the news have a field day with speculation of what happened. I think alot of people have already formed an opinion, so when he does decide to tell his story about the incident it may be a little too late.

I think the couple got into a huge fight after she confronted him about having an affair. He won't give her the answers she wants, so she hits him in the mouth and scratches his face. Tiger trying not to hit a woman hauls butt out the house and into his vehicle. She grabs a golf club, catches up with the vehicle and hammers out the back window with the club. I bet the Mrs. freaked out big time when she realized she caused him to wreck the vehicle and was unconscious. I think Tiger has a big problem on his hands with a wife who definitely needs anger management class for her bad temper! Gotta remember too that celebrity or not, we are all human and nobody is perfect. Whatever problems this couple has, I do hope they resolve their issues more peacefully next time.

11-29-2009, 11:02 PM
Lawfully he does not have to give FHP or anyone else statement. This theory that some people have that if a cop want's to talk to you then you have to talk to them. If a police officer comes to your door and wants to question you and you don't feel like it just don't answer the door. Don't think for one second that just because you call yourself a Trooper rather than an Officer it gives you special powers.

Good point, but if you have nothing to hide there is no reason to refuse to speak with FHP. It makes no sense for Tiger Woods not to go ahead and speak up instead of letting the rumor mill of the news have a field day with speculation of what happened. I think alot of people have already formed an opinion, so when he does decide to tell his story about the incident it may be a little too late.

I think the couple got into a huge fight after she confronted him about having an affair. He won't give her the answers she wants, so she hits him in the mouth and scratches his face. Tiger trying not to hit a woman hauls butt out the house and into his vehicle. She grabs a golf club, catches up with the vehicle and hammers out the back window with the club. I bet the Mrs. freaked out big time when she realized she caused him to wreck the vehicle and was unconscious. I think Tiger has a big problem on his hands with a wife who definitely needs anger management class for her bad temper! Gotta remember too that celebrity or not, we are all human and nobody is perfect. Whatever problems this couple has, I do hope they resolve their issues more peacefully next time.

I think Mrs. Woods freaked out later, “when” she realized the financial loss that could await her husband due to her actions and, I don’t mean the cost of a ticket either. :|

11-30-2009, 11:47 AM
Why didn't we talk to the driver the night of the crash like 99.999999% of the crashes we work? Then you determine whether he was DUI, gather his information, write him his careless driving ticket if he's not DUI, and take a 10-98 and go onto the next crash? If I had gotten down to the hospital and somebody down there was preventing me from seeing them, I'd have a State Attorney on-scene at the hospital immediately and that person would be splainin to the prosecutor why they are obstructing this investigation and we'd start loading up the paddywagon till we run out of hospital employees that don't want to go to jail to provide sanctuary to the celebrity.

I understand there were post-crash witnesses (neighbors). If we didn't interview them immediately following the crash, their information is useless. Don't you know they'll be a nice Christmas gift on each one of their doorsteps this year from Mr. Woods :snicker:

11-30-2009, 08:03 PM
Yep. As I said on another thread, "Joe Schmo" would not be accommodated like this in a crash investigation with suspicious circumstances, neither should "Tigger."

11-30-2009, 08:28 PM
Why didn't we talk to the driver the night of the crash like 99.999999% of the crashes we work? Then you determine whether he was DUI, gather his information, write him his careless driving ticket if he's not DUI, and take a 10-98 and go onto the next crash? If I had gotten down to the hospital and somebody down there was preventing me from seeing them, I'd have a State Attorney on-scene at the hospital immediately and that person would be splainin to the prosecutor why they are obstructing this investigation and we'd start loading up the paddywagon till we run out of hospital employees that don't want to go to jail to provide sanctuary to the celebrity.

I understand there were post-crash witnesses (neighbors). If we didn't interview them immediately following the crash, their information is useless. Don't you know they'll be a nice Christmas gift on each one of their doorsteps this year from Mr. Woods :snicker:
Someone in Fort Myers did just that about 20 years ago and the nurse got a nice check from the state!

11-30-2009, 08:31 PM
Yep. As I said on another thread, "Joe Schmo" would not be accommodated like this in a crash investigation with suspicious circumstances, neither should "Tigger."

"Joe Schmo" doesn't have as much money and legal resources as Tigger. The troopers were all intimidated, for sure. But they got their direction from Cyrus, so now you know the rest of the story.

11-30-2009, 08:38 PM
Well, he is half black, so automatically he must have been DUI. Wow,if this had been Arnold Palmer I wonder if you would calling for "Take em down". Of you're going to say yes but we will never no will we

Wow it didn't take long for the race card to come out too. What a looser!

11-30-2009, 08:40 PM
Well, he is half black, so automatically he must have been DUI. Wow,if this had been Arnold Palmer I wonder if you would calling for "Take em down". Of you're going to say yes but we will never no will we

Wow it didn't take long for the race card to come out too. What a looser!

What a loser, too.

11-30-2009, 10:08 PM
"The Florida Highway Patrol acted stupidly" So I'm inviting Mr.Woods and the Trooper that worked the accident to the White House for a beer. :snicker:

11-30-2009, 11:04 PM

11-30-2009, 11:58 PM
So lets get the facts right...

He must have really pissed her off.


She must have really pissed him off.

and so...

Now the troopers are really pissed off.


I'm pissed off because I am going to have to read about this for like, ever.

12-01-2009, 12:03 AM
This brings back VIVID memories of the FBI Agent that Killed (2) men on I-95 a few years ago. The FBI, and His attorney shielded him from FHP Investigators then too....

Why are we as an Agency allowing a "scumbag" attorney in Orlando to tell us what and when we can talk to the alleged driver of a crashed vehicle ???..... It should be we will tell you when we will be there and if you as the attorney want to sit in then that is well within his rights. Why is the SAO not standing up and saying anything ?

Nancy Grace is in the Bullpen warming up so,,,,,, hold on to to your woods and Irons....

I am sure Oprah will have something nasty to say about how FHP is trying "railroad" poor Mr. Woods too.

Where is CZ ? ,
where is Julie Jones on this ?
Where is Capt Succi ? what would YOU do Capt ?

12-01-2009, 01:08 AM
This brings back VIVID memories of the FBI Agent that Killed (2) men on I-95 a few years ago. The FBI, and His attorney shielded him from FHP Investigators then too....

Why are we as an Agency allowing a "scumbag" attorney in Orlando to tell us what and when we can talk to the alleged driver of a crashed vehicle ???..... It should be we will tell you when we will be there and if you as the attorney want to sit in then that is well within his rights. Why is the SAO not standing up and saying anything ?

Nancy Grace is in the Bullpen warming up so,,,,,, hold on to to your woods and Irons....

I am sure Oprah will have something nasty to say about how FHP is trying "railroad" poor Mr. Woods too.

Where is CZ ? ,
where is Julie Jones on this ?
Where is Capt Succi ? what would YOU do Capt ?
Thanks FHP for making Florida Law Enforcement a complete laughing stock, nationally instead of just here in Fla. Why did a real law enforcement agency not take charge of this obvious domestic violence case which ended in a vehicle accident ? What a group of backwards, inbred jack a$$es you are. What a wonderful defense augument this mess will be for years.
At least you guys have not stated he was driving the wrong way (yet).

12-01-2009, 01:26 AM
I've already forwarded all of the news links to Nancy Grace, Larry King, and CNN's general news email, as well as Fox.

I noted that it was the holiday weekend and pursuant to FHP's issued notice: We were to be out in, what was it,? "Full force"? Yet what was the response time to the scene, hospital, and back to the scene?

When were the neighbors interviewed?

Was medical blood taken at the hospital?

Why did FHP make no attempt to even find out if Woods was even the driver of the vehicle?

Why is Windemere (whatever PD) PD giving press conferences for FHP?

Why is the FHP Public Information Officer Hiding?

Why did it take FHP supervisors/troopers 5 days for a warrant to even to perused in thought?

Why did FHP not insist to conduct an interview with the Woods' to either A.) Determine if one of the two was in immediately danger or jeapoardy of life? or B.) Determine if there was alcohol involved.

There was blood on the scene and in the car.

FHP towed the car.

IF there is BLOOD in the car, AGAIN, why were the occupant(s) not interviewed as this is probable cause for an arrest as to whether domestic violence was involved. Even at the slightest, you need to see and CONFIRM WHO was in the vehicle. YOU DON'T GO BY WORD OF MOUTH. (for instance: junior wrecks mom's minivan. Junior is high as a kite. Mom & Dad come to scene. Mom takes Junior home. Dad tells cops, deer jumped out, Junior crashed, end of story. Right? WRONG. Trooper: "Sir, I'm still going to need to talk with Junior".

Tiger Woods was found by a neighbor with multiple lacerations on his face, on the ground and UNCONSCIOUS. Whether inflicted from the collision or DV, it needed to be looked into.

Did you see the truck?

FHP. These are police clues that you need to do something other than put your thumb in your donut dispenser.


12-01-2009, 01:48 AM
Good Post. Here is another photograph.

Let's find out who's FHP car this is... and start asking some questions.


12-01-2009, 01:50 AM
Good Post. Here is another photograph.

Let's find out who's FHP car this is... and start asking some questions.


Looks like the Trooper pocketed some cash selling these pics to TMZ!!!!

12-01-2009, 01:52 AM
Good Post. Here is another photograph.

Let's find out who's FHP car this is... and start asking some questions.


Forgive me GrammarPolice. I mistyped. Please insert "whose" in lieu of "who's"

Blessings to you, sir.

Oh, and Merry Christmas to all.

12-01-2009, 01:55 AM
According to TMZ, the Florida Highway Patrol is now focusing on obtaining a search warrant — allowing them to seize medical records from the hospital that treated Tiger Woods — in an attempt to determine if the wounds Woods sustained are consistent with a car accident or domestic violence. Authorities believe they can show probable cause a crime was committed, a necessary step in obtaining a warrant.

One big piece of evidence showing probable cause:Tiger’s wife, Elin Nordegren told FHP troopers she went looking for Tiger in a golf cart, came upon the accident and then used a golf club to break the window to gain entry. That’s a very different story from what she first told Windemere cops shortly after the accident — she never mentioned a golf cart. Nordegren told Windemere police she had walked out of her house, saw the crash, went back inside to get a golf club and returned to the vehicle.

All 21 photos from the accident scene show no sign of any golf cart.

And there’s more … although alcohol was not involved, Tiger was in and out of consciousness and TMZ has already reported Tiger told a friend he was taking prescription meds for pain, which could be evidence of DUI. This, too, could constitute probable cause to obtain a warrant.

The FHP is pursuing the search warrant option after getting shut down again Sunday in an attempt to interview Tiger and Elin and eyeball Tiger’s wounds.

TMZ reports that at first, Tiger told a friend Elin had attacked him after she confronted him with reported allegations he had cheated on her. Tiger told the friend that Elin then followed him out of the house and struck the moving vehicle with the golf club, causing him to get distracted and hit the hydrant.

If the FHP determines Elin attacked Tiger, she could be arrested for domestic violence.

Meanwhile, Tiger Woods gave his side of the story Sunday – on his Web site, not to police – and took the blame for his “embarrassing” car crash.

“This situation is my fault, and it’s obviously embarrassing to my family and me,” Woods said on his Web site. “I’m human and I’m not perfect. I will certainly make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

The statement was posted around 2 p.m. Sunday, about an hour after Woods’ attorney told the Florida Highway Patrol that for the third straight day he would be unavailable to talk to troopers.

“Although I understand there is curiosity, the many false, unfounded and malicious rumors that are currently circulating about my family and me are irresponsible,” he said. “The only person responsible for the accident is me. My wife, Elin, acted courageously when she saw I was hurt and in trouble. She was the first person to help me. Any other assertion is absolutely false.”

Share and Enjoy

12-01-2009, 03:42 AM
You FHP guys are idiots. Lets pretend that this didn't happen to Tiger Woods for a minute. Some idiot wrecks his car into a tree and sustains minor injuries. He either refuses to say what happened (which he has every right to do) or he gives a lame story. Now add his wife who has not yet made any claims of being a victim of Domestic Violence...nor has he. Just write the citations based on your crash investigation and move on. What I think is confusing you guys is that THERE HAS BEEN NO CLAIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE BY EITHER PARTY! Search warrant for the car????? based on what???? Even if you execute a search warrant and find blood, a weapon, whatever...there is still no PC to charge anybody!! Unless one of them claims to have been battered/assaulted there is ABSOLUTELY NO CASE. Grow some balls FHP and drop this waste of time.

12-01-2009, 04:50 AM
I like how the most recent aritcle has a quote from FHP saying that we have not had a chance to interview Woods yet.

So either the news is wrong....or....maybe the Troopers didn't get a chance to speak to him yet. How can one do a proper DUI investigation without contact with the subject? How can you rule out alcohol if contact was not made? I guarantee the hospital did not tell FHP anything because of HIPAA.

Also, what pathetic people are on here saying you cannot make a DUI case without a wheel witness. Geez, do some investigating and make your case. Sounds like lazy police work and I am glad I am not your sergeant. I would have to be coming to your scenes to make sure you are doing your job. That attitude is exactly what is wrong with our department. Lazy Troopers always looking for a reason not to make a case. Do your jobs.


12-01-2009, 05:01 AM
You FHP guys are idiots. Lets pretend that this didn't happen to Tiger Woods for a minute. Some idiot wrecks his car into a tree and sustains minor injuries. He either refuses to say what happened (which he has every right to do) or he gives a lame story. Now add his wife who has not yet made any claims of being a victim of Domestic Violence...nor has he. Just write the citations based on your crash investigation and move on. What I think is confusing you guys is that THERE HAS BEEN NO CLAIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE BY EITHER PARTY! Search warrant for the car????? based on what???? Even if you execute a search warrant and find blood, a weapon, whatever...there is still no PC to charge anybody!! Unless one of them claims to have been battered/assaulted there is ABSOLUTELY NO CASE. Grow some balls FHP and drop this waste of time.


:cop: :cop: :cop: :devil:

12-01-2009, 05:26 AM
Where is CZ ? ,
where is Julie Jones on this ?
Where is Capt Succi ? what would YOU do Capt ?[/quote]
Thanks FHP for making Florida Law Enforcement a complete laughing stock, nationally instead of just here in Fla. Why did a real law enforcement agency not take charge of this obvious domestic violence case which ended in a vehicle accident ? What a group of backwards, inbred jack a$$es you are. What a wonderful defense augument this mess will be for years.
At least you guys have not stated he was driving the wrong way (yet).[/quote]



12-01-2009, 08:12 PM
Congratulations on losing even more respect from the LE community. Your agency calls a national press conference to announce that Mr. Woods was issued a UTC. Whoever was in charge of this investigation should be transferred to another Troop (at the minimum) or terminated outright.

12-01-2009, 08:27 PM
Congratulations on losing even more respect from the LE community. Your agency calls a national press conference to announce that Mr. Woods was issued a UTC. Whoever was in charge of this investigation should be transferred to another Troop (at the minimum) or terminated outright.

The major was nervous as a whore in church, wasn't she? If they didn't take any questions from reporters, why didn't they just send out a press release with everything they said? What an embarrassment for FHP.

12-01-2009, 08:37 PM
Congratulations on losing even more respect from the LE community. Your agency calls a national press conference to announce that Mr. Woods was issued a UTC. Whoever was in charge of this investigation should be transferred to another Troop (at the minimum) or terminated outright.

The major was nervous as a whore in church, wasn't she? If they didn't take any questions from reporters, why didn't they just send out a press release with everything they said? What an embarrassment for FHP.

I think the one with the gold cords was your Major. I am embarrassed for your agency. Did she just roll out of bed and forget to velcro on her tie?

Why were her cords hanging off to the left? I'm guessing thats how her hat is hung on her wall where it never moves from?

Very unprofessional. Sounds like you guys screwed up.

- Los Angeles County Sheriff Deputy

12-01-2009, 08:54 PM
Congratulations on losing even more respect from the LE community. Your agency calls a national press conference to announce that Mr. Woods was issued a UTC. Whoever was in charge of this investigation should be transferred to another Troop (at the minimum) or terminated outright.

The major was nervous as a whore in church, wasn't she? If they didn't take any questions from reporters, why didn't they just send out a press release with everything they said? What an embarrassment for FHP.

Could someone please tell Sgt. Montes, it the Florida Highway Patrol. Not the Florida High Patrol. What an embarrassment for our agency. If all you have to do is read a piece of papaer to be a PAO. WTF??????

12-01-2009, 08:55 PM
Congratulations on losing even more respect from the LE community. Your agency calls a national press conference to announce that Mr. Woods was issued a UTC. Whoever was in charge of this investigation should be transferred to another Troop (at the minimum) or terminated outright.

The major was nervous as a whore in church, wasn't she? If they didn't take any questions from reporters, why didn't they just send out a press release with everything they said? What an embarrassment for FHP.

Could someone please tell Sgt. Montes, it the Florida Highway Patrol. Not the Florida High Patrol. What an embarrassment for our agency. If all you have to do is read a piece of papaer to be a PAO. WTF??????
Sorry, I meant paper.

12-01-2009, 09:02 PM
Congratulations on losing even more respect from the LE community. Your agency calls a national press conference to announce that Mr. Woods was issued a UTC. Whoever was in charge of this investigation should be transferred to another Troop (at the minimum) or terminated outright.

You are absolutely right. As A Trooper I am thoroughly embarrassed. But what do you do.

12-01-2009, 09:16 PM
I have never been more embarassed as a Florida Highway Patrol State Trooper than I am right now. WTF? That is the best we can find to address the press. Both looked terrible in uniform, both were terrible readers..The PAO forgot to read part of her speech until one of the members from the press asked a question...Why did they act like they were pissed at the world? WTF? A 1600 ID number fresh out of the academy could have done a better job reading the paper than that. And we wonder why we are the freaking laughing stock of law enforcement..What a pitiful representation of the Patrol...

12-01-2009, 10:24 PM
It's Offical
We are not only the laughing stock of the State we are now the Laughing stock of the Country and pretty soon the world once people on the other side of the world start to wake up and turn on the news.

12-02-2009, 12:06 AM
I too noticed the limp hat-nuts along with the "hoop" style earrings. If you're going to disregard policy, do it right and go all out.


12-02-2009, 12:18 AM
I really feel for you guys. here is a chance to shine and the PIO and the MAJOR are chosen to parade in front of the world media? Who is running your Communications Section???? 1600 tsworn and that is the best you have? I realize you showed the real face of FHP but that was a mistake. For the brass taking notes and as part of your corrective action plan - next time do this:

Find a smoking hot trooper. If you don't have one, get one. Put them in front of the media. The media will be so dazed they won't have any idea what was said and they will like it. A stunner. Why do you think Robin Meade is so popular? It's not her ability to read a teleprompter or her witty personality. Good Grief it's Media 101!!! No one cares about the message. Rookies.

12-02-2009, 01:15 AM
You FHP guys are idiots. Lets pretend that this didn't happen to Tiger Woods for a minute. Some idiot wrecks his car into a tree and sustains minor injuries. He either refuses to say what happened (which he has every right to do) or he gives a lame story. Now add his wife who has not yet made any claims of being a victim of Domestic Violence...nor has he. Just write the citations based on your crash investigation and move on. What I think is confusing you guys is that THERE HAS BEEN NO CLAIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE BY EITHER PARTY! Search warrant for the car????? based on what???? Even if you execute a search warrant and find blood, a weapon, whatever...there is still no PC to charge anybody!! Unless one of them claims to have been battered/assaulted there is ABSOLUTELY NO CASE. Grow some balls FHP and drop this waste of time.
Well stated, that is what happens each and every day when it is not a high profile case. What judge would sign a search warrant with the evidence that exists? Envoking the 5th Amendment is not PC!

12-02-2009, 01:42 AM
Since when does a private driveway in a gated community meet the Chapter 316 definition of Street or HIghway? Is it really open to the use of the public? Since when?

12-02-2009, 01:49 AM
Since when does a private driveway in a gated community meet the Chapter 316 definition of Street or HIghway? Is it really open to the use of the public? Since when?

Obviously Captain Stupid (you) hasn't been paying attention or looked at the photos ALL OVER THE MEDIA.

The crash happened on the roadway, where he left the roadway and went INTO A FIRE HYDRANT and then into a tree.


12-02-2009, 01:56 AM
Admiral Idiot, in a gated community?

12-02-2009, 02:53 AM
New Nike "TW" hat........$25
New Nike Golf Shoes......$125
New Cadillac Escalade....$60,000
New Nike Iron, wrapped around your head, By jealous wife..

......PRICELESS ! !

12-02-2009, 04:56 AM
Could someone please tell Sgt. Montes, it the Florida Highway Patrol. Not the Florida High Patrol. What an embarrassment for our agency. If all you have to do is read a piece of papaer to be a PAO. WTF??????Guest

************************************************** ********************************
Um, dude, I kinda like it being called the FLORIDA HIGH PATROL!

12-02-2009, 05:22 AM
I commend the FHP for doing the best job they could on this situation with the obstacles they had to deal with a.k.a. a "celebrity".

Don't blame the FHP for the situation Tiger Woods created. A person who embraces the media attention when good things are reported, then clams up on something negative is NOT a role model period. The one thing that pisses me off the most on this whole deal is the fact that although Tiger was not legally obligated to speak to police, his non-compliance sent a huge message to all of the younger people he is "supposedly" a role model for and that was "no respect for authority". You are about to see alot of his contracts from endorsements end and the National Enquirer eat him for breakfast.

12-02-2009, 05:53 AM
Law Enforcement is a shame everywhere and everyone knows it. This case simply proves it.

If law enforcement wants to be taken seriously then they need to do their work properly. This incident is highly offensive to me whether Tiger was drunk or not. Sure he has rights such as not cooperating.

Fact is we all do.

Hypothetical here, "Sir, please blow into the breathalyzer!"
"No thanks replys the motorist. Kiss my rump! You can draw my blood at the station."

Back at the station. " Charge him with DUI! Do not draw his blood as the motorist has requested. Put down in the report he refused to take the breathalyzer and charge the guy with DUI."

Incidently, The case will be won by law enforcement 9 times out of ten even though law enforcement had the opportunity to draw this guys blood. Law Enforcement excercised their right to deny the motorist an alcohol blood test. Why?

Because law enforcement would rather go to court with a motorist who refused a breath test. Paint the motorist as uncooperative.

Now this scenario happens all the time. Each excercised their rights. However, law enforcement and our so called fair justice system had no intentions of finding out what this guys alcohol level really was nor do they care.

Heck, most people don't know they have the right to a blood test. Therefore, at the jury tria, the guy looks like he's guilty of avoiding an alcohol test.

The jury dosen't know he asked for a blood test and was refused one by the police. You see how the game's played for the rest of us.

The motorist looked like the jerk when in actuality, he was screwed! We'll never know if the guy was really drunk because law enforcement would rather take their chances in a DUI case with a breathalyzer refusal than find out the facts.

Good for Tiger and his money. Law enforcement doesn't care about the facts most of the time anyways. Cold Hard Truth!

12-02-2009, 05:56 AM
..The butch Sgt. and Major say a UTC was issued, no questions no answers no initial
inquiry of DUI, no breathalyzer contact, 5 days elasped...there is a double standard..
of the have's and the aint got a pot to piss in sheeple..this is how the Obama's have
taken this year of twenty zero nine..next health care rationing..de-population..
genetically modified seed buy out..martial law...and the proud FHP standing at the
intersection saluting their Obama motorcade.....

12-02-2009, 06:13 AM
Oh yes, one more important point.

Unless, its a homocide case. The burden of innocence is on you.

Law enforcement's word against a citizen's word is the toughest thing in life to overcome if faced with that dilemma. Law enforcement and a DA's office is well aware of this fact.

They are also aware those games wouldn't work with a Tiger Woods or an Arnold Palmer. We could throw in almost anybody with a little influence.

Joe Shmo on the other hand, is not going to be treated fairly cooperating or not cooperating. Its usually a no win for 99% of the rest of us.

Trust me, careless driving would only be one charge for the rest of us if we chose to excercise the rights Tiger Did.

Law enforcement will even choose to throw away video if deemed helpful to gain a conviction. Excuse me, excercise their right to not show it. Great system.

12-02-2009, 07:01 AM
Admiral Idiot, in a gated community?

Are you serious? Do you homework pal. Yes, police can enforce traffic laws in gated communities in Florida, most gated community streets are government maintained roads. The few that are not, all HOA sign an agreement with an agency to provide police service.

In the Woods case. It was a city road, however gated, but enforceable by the police.

Of the ONE action FHP took, which they chose to television on NATIONAL news - do you really think they didn't consult legal on even the legality of issuing the 316.1925, given the venue of the collision?

Please don't post stupid things. I'm not being a jerk, but think about things before you say them.

12-02-2009, 12:35 PM
You are about to see alot of his contracts from endorsements end and the National Enquirer eat him for breakfast.

There are plenty of products that will take up the slack now that he has the new "thug - F#%k the POlice" persona. Even though a large segment of the population knew deep down that O.J. Simpson murdered 2 people, they still overlooked the facts and celebrated that he got off. These same folks will now embrace mulatto woods as they embrace mulatto Obama. Some people are so racist that they will overlook absolute facts in the celebration of skin color. If a person with lighter skin tone commits the same act, they are condemned and looked down on. That is the definition of racism - viewing or treating somebody different because of their skin color.

12-02-2009, 01:05 PM
Admiral Idiot, in a gated community?

Are you serious? Do you homework pal. Yes, police can enforce traffic laws in gated communities in Florida, most gated community streets are government maintained roads. The few that are not, all HOA sign an agreement with an agency to provide police service.

In the Woods case. It was a city road, however gated, but enforceable by the police.

Of the ONE action FHP took, which they chose to television on NATIONAL news - do you really think they didn't consult legal on even the legality of issuing the 316.1925, given the venue of the collision?

Please don't post stupid things. I'm not being a jerk, but think about things before you say them.
I have been on the patrol longer than you and wonder when things changed regarding the gated communities. Go away rookie!

12-02-2009, 01:10 PM
Admiral Idiot, the defenetion of street or highway incudes being open to the use of the public, if there is a gate and a guard it is not open to the use of the public therefore 316.1925 does not apply. Do you really think an MOU with the HOA can change the law? Better go back to your three digit recruit class and get a refresher you rookie with a four digit ID. We all know that FHP attorneys are always correct don't we?

12-02-2009, 05:30 PM
So did Tiger autograph the ticket or his lawyer? :devil:

12-02-2009, 11:39 PM
I commend the FHP for doing the best job they could on this situation with the obstacles they had to deal with a.k.a. a "celebrity".

Don't blame the FHP for the situation Tiger Woods created. A person who embraces the media attention when good things are reported, then clams up on something negative is NOT a role model period. The one thing that pisses me off the most on this whole deal is the fact that although Tiger was not legally obligated to speak to police, his non-compliance sent a huge message to all of the younger people he is "supposedly" a role model for and that was "no respect for authority". You are about to see alot of his contracts from endorsements end and the National Enquirer eat him for breakfast.

I agree. Whoever handles PR for Tiger is not very smart. He could have just as easily spoke with FHP, thanked them for their courtesy and stated things leading up to the incident were personal and would not be discussed. Instead, he chose to throw jet fuel on the rocket and now look what has come out!

12-07-2009, 08:41 PM
I commend the FHP for doing the best job they could on this situation with the obstacles they had to deal with a.k.a. a "celebrity".

Don't blame the FHP for the situation Tiger Woods created. A person who embraces the media attention when good things are reported, then clams up on something negative is NOT a role model period. The one thing that pisses me off the most on this whole deal is the fact that although Tiger was not legally obligated to speak to police, his non-compliance sent a huge message to all of the younger people he is "supposedly" a role model for and that was "no respect for authority". You are about to see alot of his contracts from endorsements end and the National Enquirer eat him for breakfast.

I agree. Whoever handles PR for Tiger is not very smart. He could have just as easily spoke with FHP, thanked them for their courtesy and stated things leading up to the incident were personal and would not be discussed. Instead, he chose to throw jet fuel on the rocket and now look what has come out![/quoteThis?????

Tiger Woods' wife told troopers he was drinking before crash

12-07-2009, 09:07 PM
Tiger, or Cheetah as he is now known, didn't have to use his celebrity or anything else in this matter. The officers investigating the crash and their agency did everything. We can all speculate on what really happened but we'll really never know. Hopefully He'll show his appreciation and his celebrity used to shed light on the abysmal pay and benefits that affect the FHP and all of the other state agencies.

I still can't figure out why or how FHP is involved with this anyway.

12-07-2009, 09:32 PM
Law Enforcement is a shame everywhere and everyone knows it. This case simply proves it.

If law enforcement wants to be taken seriously then they need to do their work properly. This incident is highly offensive to me whether Tiger was drunk or not. Sure he has rights such as not cooperating.

Fact is we all do.

Hypothetical here, "Sir, please blow into the breathalyzer!"
"No thanks replys the motorist. Kiss my rump! You can draw my blood at the station."

If I had a nickel for each time I've heard that...

Back at the station. " Charge him with DUI! Do not draw his blood as the motorist has requested. Put down in the report he refused to take the breathalyzer and charge the guy with DUI."

Incidently, The case will be won by law enforcement 9 times out of ten even though law enforcement had the opportunity to draw this guys blood. Law Enforcement excercised their right to deny the motorist an alcohol blood test. Why?

Ok, now it is apparent that you aren't an LEO. You are a pissed off drunk that got popped by a police officer doing his job. Heck, maybe it was me. But let me help you out here. There are certain situations where we (LEOs) are allowed to draw your (drunk) blood. Now, the first prerequisite is the breath test is impossible or impractical. The second is you must present yourself at a medical facility for treatment. I am not allowed to draw your blood simply because you refuse the breath test and want a blood test instead. If you want a blood test, by all means have at it. But, first you must take the breath test and THEN you will be able to get an independent blood test and provide that evidence in court against the breath results. Without those breath results, those independent blood results will not be allowed in court. But, carry on...I know you are upset...

Because law enforcement would rather go to court with a motorist who refused a breath test. Paint the motorist as uncooperative.

Ok, I will, thank you. After all, he was. Florida law states that by the operation of a motor vehicle you have implied your consent to any sobriety test required by law (breath, urine, and/or blood). And, in case you forgot that, it kindly reminds you of such at the bottom of your license.

Now this scenario happens all the time. Each excercised their rights. However, law enforcement and our so called fair justice system had no intentions of finding out what this guys alcohol level really was nor do they care.

It is pretty funny when someone is so ignorant, yet so sure. I have to operate within certain legal guidelines. Legal guidelines established typically by sleazeball defense attorneys. I would LOVE to have blood results showing your guilt! Like I said before, though, I can't just go sticking a needle in your arm willy nilly.

Heck, most people don't know they have the right to a blood test. Therefore, at the jury tria, the guy looks like he's guilty of avoiding an alcohol test.

A right to a blood test? See above. How about the general public's right to be safe on the roadway and not have idiots like you posing a threat to their safety?

The jury dosen't know he asked for a blood test and was refused one by the police. You see how the game's played for the rest of us.

The motorist looked like the jerk when in actuality, he was screwed! We'll never know if the guy was really drunk because law enforcement would rather take their chances in a DUI case with a breathalyzer refusal than find out the facts.

I suppose he was screwed. He was screwed when he made the decision to consume intoxicating substances to the point of impairment, and then decide to operate a motor vehicle. His own choices screwed him. Its a good thing that he ended up in the back of a police car instad of in the back of a hearse, though, right?

Good for Tiger and his money. Law enforcement doesn't care about the facts most of the time anyways. Cold Hard Truth!

The truth? I asked you to blow into the intoxilyzer to Get the truth! YOU refused. Who doesn't care about the truth now? Take some freaking accountability for your actions.

12-07-2009, 09:38 PM
Why is this case so perplexing to everyone? The crash occurred in Orange County, outside of the Windermere city limits inside a gated community. As with any crash in Orange County outside of a municipality, FHP was called to respond. State law allows for crash investigations inside gated communities (private property). Drivers involved in a crash are required to report the crash and fulfill the same requirements as if the crash occurred on public property. The driver is not required to give a statement about the crash. FHP, or any other law enforcement agency with jurisdiction for that area that investigates the crash, can cite the driver for violations discovered during the crash investigation.

DUI? The investigating officer would need to develop enough reasonable suspicion during the crash investigation in order to begin a criminal investigation for DUI. I'm certain the driver would have been transported prior to FHP arrival. Unless a witness or EMS told FHP that they smelled the odor of an alcoholic beverage on the driver OR there were signs of DUI inside the vehicle OR FHP detected the odor of alcohol on the driver's breath, then there's no way to just start fishing for a DUI charge.

Domestic Violence? Unless there is a COMPLAINT of domestic violence or a WITNESS to the domestic violence, how in the world was FHP to just assume that the driver was fighting prior to the crash?

And the reason for FHP doing a press conference was because, like it or not, the driver was a celebrity and it's in FHP's interest to report facts instead of having the media make stuff up.

Can we talk about something else now?

12-07-2009, 10:05 PM
Why is this case so perplexing to everyone? The crash occurred in Orange County, outside of the Windermere city limits inside a gated community. As with any crash in Orange County outside of a municipality, FHP was called to respond. State law allows for crash investigations inside gated communities (private property). Drivers involved in a crash are required to report the crash and fulfill the same requirements as if the crash occurred on public property. The driver is not required to give a statement about the crash. FHP, or any other law enforcement agency with jurisdiction for that area that investigates the crash, can cite the driver for violations discovered during the crash investigation.

DUI? The investigating officer would need to develop enough reasonable suspicion during the crash investigation in order to begin a criminal investigation for DUI. I'm certain the driver would have been transported prior to FHP arrival. Unless a witness or EMS told FHP that they smelled the odor of an alcoholic beverage on the driver OR there were signs of DUI inside the vehicle OR FHP detected the odor of alcohol on the driver's breath, then there's no way to just start fishing for a DUI charge.

Domestic Violence? Unless there is a COMPLAINT of domestic violence or a WITNESS to the domestic violence, how in the world was FHP to just assume that the driver was fighting prior to the crash?

And the reason for FHP doing a press conference was because, like it or not, the driver was a celebrity and it's in FHP's interest to report facts instead of having the media make stuff up.

Can we talk about something else now?

That is the most intelligent post I have read since this began.

12-08-2009, 03:23 AM
Trust me: Tigger's got enough money to make ANY agency, no matter how big or small, miserable for making a charge with insufficient evidence and trying to make it stick. Don't make up stuff if it isn't there just to try and slide it under the door to the state attorney. This investigation went the way it should have.

01-25-2010, 09:25 PM
Report: Tiger crashed car in drug-induced stupor
Fox Sports PRINT EMAIL RSS ADD THIS 0 comments »Updated Jan 25, 2010 1:52 PM ET
A new report paints a more detailed picture of the night of Tiger Woods' car accident, including his wife impersonating him in texts sent to his alleged mistress before he crashed his car in an Ambien-induced stupor.
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In response to a National Enquirer story in late November, Woods had his wife talk to alleged mistress Rachel Uchitel the day before Thanksgiving to convince her the relationship was simply platonic, according to a report from The Daily Beast.

Among the details: The half-hour conversation with Uchitel satisfied Elin's curiosity until details from the National Enquirer story began to leak on the Internet. She again confronted her golfer husband on Thanksgiving night, who argued with her and then took an Ambien to go to sleep. That's when Elin looked through his phone and began texting his alleged mistress, posing as her husband, according to Daily Beast sources.

“I miss you,” she texted. “When are we seeing each other again?”

Uchitel's response made it sound like she had talked to Tiger earlier in the night, and Elin called Uchitel to confront her, confirming her suspicions that her husband was cheating.

That's when Elin went to confront Tiger, screaming and hitting him during their argument. He locked himself in the bathroom where he sent a text to Uchitel, warning her that his wife knew about their relationship.

When he came out, Elin grabbed his phone and found the text. She picked up a golf club while her husband ran to his car, shoeless and still in a haze due to the Ambien he had taken, according to the report.

He crashed his car into a tree and fire hydrant in his neighbor's yard. One source said Tiger's story to the cops about his windows being smashed in by Elin to free him was a lie to protect his wife.

After his release from the hospital that day, sources said Tiger didn't immediately go home, which would explain why police couldn't interview him in the days after the accident.

What's next for the couple? One source said Elin is still upset but waiting until the golfer completes rehab treatment before she makes a decision about divorcing him.

WOOPS..... :snicker: