View Full Version : LPD SGT doing what he wants...

11-19-2009, 05:37 PM
It's nice to be sitting downtown, watching an LPD Sgt., Pacheco as his name badge read, park in a 15 minute parking zone in front of the ice cream parlor, walkout into on coming traffic, jay walk over to Black and Brew and stay for approximately 30 minutes or so having a drink with "buddies." Then leave, jay walk from corner to corner at an angle then leave.
Funny how citizens are cited everyday for parking there for over 15 minutes...yet, this Sgt. believes that the rules do not apply to him and nothing done about it. No one is above the law. People are watching. Maybe it's time citizens start issuing citations since no one is watching those charged with upholding the law.

11-20-2009, 03:31 AM
Sorry, that's gonna be one looonely bandwagon for you. You have no idea what or whom you're talking about. Sgt. Pacheco is one of the most highly respected Sgt's in the department, and whether you realize or not (clearly you don't), you, your family, your neighborhood, and this entire city are all safer because proactive, honest, aggressive police officers like Sgt. Pacheco are protecting you. It's OK, don't show any appreciation for what he does for you, he'll continue to do his job anyway. I appreciate his efforts and hope I can be half as good a police officer as him. As far as the parking, guess what: Florida law allows police vehicles to park wherever, whenever, for however long. And guess what else: we get lunch breaks. If Sgt. Pacheco only took half an hour, he didn't take the whole allowable time for his break, probably so he could go arrest some scumbag who was about to carjack you. As for the jaywalking, seriously? Did that really bug you that much? Wow, what a... I don't know, what a sad person you must be. When we start enforcing jaywalking laws, then hold us to that standard. Until then, crawl back into your hole and try to worry about living your own miserable life, rather than trying to make trouble for good people. You suck.

11-20-2009, 04:35 AM
That place is full of liars, hypocrites, and whiners. They wouldn't last a week with us real LEOs. Just read the paper and watch them fall one at a time.

I'm glad the citizens are watching. Take pictures and send them in.

It's nice to be sitting downtown, watching an LPD Sgt., Pacheco as his name badge read, park in a 15 minute parking zone in front of the ice cream parlor, walkout into on coming traffic, jay walk over to Black and Brew and stay for approximately 30 minutes or so having a drink with "buddies." Then leave, jay walk from corner to corner at an angle then leave.
Funny how citizens are cited everyday for parking there for over 15 minutes...yet, this Sgt. believes that the rules do not apply to him and nothing done about it. No one is above the law. People are watching. Maybe it's time citizens start issuing citations since no one is watching those charged with upholding the law.

11-21-2009, 04:30 AM
Sgt. Pacheco is one of the most highly respected Sgt's in the department...As far as the parking, guess what: Florida law allows police vehicles to park wherever, whenever, for however long. And guess what else: we get lunch breaks. If Sgt. Pacheco only took half an hour, he didn't take the whole allowable time for his break, probably so he could go arrest some scumbag who was about to carjack you. ...Until then, crawl back into your hole and try to worry about living your own miserable life, rather than trying to make trouble for good people. You suck.

If you are a LPD officer..put your name to your post ..do you really believe that FL law allows you to do that? You're not above the law under those circumstances you described. If you are with LPD...you need retraining...you probably violated policy and used an agency computer to type that out too. Maybe IA should be looking at YOU.

Trouble for good people? He is NOT above the law.

11-30-2009, 04:55 PM
To the original post, Guest999999 stop whinning and crying in your cherrios! For Christ sakes find something important to complain about. Really, a police officer stayed in a parking space 15 minutes over due. OH MY GOD! And he Jay Walked!!!!! Lets start and IA right now!!!! GET A LIFE AND GROW UP!!!!

12-01-2009, 01:05 AM
To the original post, Guest999999 stop whinning and crying in your cherrios! For Christ sakes find something important to complain about. Really, a police officer stayed in a parking space 15 minutes over due. OH MY GOD! And he Jay Walked!!!!! Lets start and IA right now!!!! GET A LIFE AND GROW UP!!!!

So it's okay to give citizens tickets for this, but not a Sgt.? What planet are you on?
You're justification is to stop complaining? WOW...turn a blind eye internally, but punish the citizen. Love it. And you wonder why so many people have negative feelings toward law enforcement and have to be extra carefully each and everyday out there. I would think we'd want a better image. . Forget IA, I'm not suggesting running to IA, just be fair in ones duties. The untouchable attitude has to come to an end. No one is above the law no matter how minute...if parking enforcement enforces to everyone else...than by God, no one is escapable from enforcement. It's a simple concept really. Compute it. Once computed, have a rational response. Otherwise, there is no reason to respond to you in the future.

BTW, there are many things I could complain about the agency, but no one really cares about what's REALLY important, do they? It's rhetorical.

12-04-2009, 01:38 PM
Stop whining grow up get a life. Learn Life is not fair...duh. Every Job as perks and benefits if you like the perks and benefits of being the Police then Join the Force.

12-04-2009, 03:43 PM
Stop whining grow up get a life. Learn Life is not fair...duh. Every Job as perks and benefits if you like the perks and benefits of being the Police then Join the Force.


12-10-2009, 01:11 AM
If you are an officer, which I doubt, based upon the fact that you are griping about this...Have you ever pulled over another LEO and not written him/her a ticket? I do it often. Have you ever been pulled over and not received a ticket because of your LEO status? (Not that I believe you are a LEO.) Have you ever asked someone to fix a ticket for a family member of a friend? The earlier poster was correct - you may not like it, but we occasionally show professional courtesy to other LEO's, Firefighters/EMS, friends, etc. Too bad, so sad.

And, to the poster of "DERRRRRR", I don't even know what side you're on, but if that's all you've got, keep it, 'cuz you obviously don't have enough to share.

01-10-2010, 11:34 PM
Anyone can park in the 15 minute parking for as long as they want as long as it is after 5:00 pm on a weekday or anytime on a weekend. The signs state this.

01-30-2010, 02:09 PM
I find it hard to believe that you define "professional courtesy" as skirting, ignoring or subverting the law. I do understand that officers have discretion regarding when and to whom they write a citation or make an arrest. But I wonder if it is the small things like that which lead to officers looking the other way or helping when an officer "looks up info" for someone, or stalks his wife on company time. I would think that officers, good officers, would want this stuff out of their ranks. All it does is stain you all, and yes, we citizens begin to resent it - which does not mean that we dont appreciate the dedicated officers and the professional work that they do.

01-30-2010, 03:09 PM
What a bunch of thugs LPD seems to have. Whether it's a cop parking in a space a citizen would be cited for, or stalking a soon to be ex wife, the "thug factor" thinkss it's ok.

No wonder the public is wary of police officers. The judge described Schrader as "arrogant". HA! Look where it got him. Here's an idea. Try following the same laws you enforce against the public.

LPD has some SERIOUS PR problems right now. Start the healing by copping (pun intended) a different attitude about whether or not YOU should be allowed to violate the laws you enforce. Double standard?

01-31-2010, 12:29 AM
What a bunch of thugs LPD seems to have. Whether it's a cop parking in a space a citizen would be cited for, or stalking a soon to be ex wife, the "thug factor" thinkss it's ok.

No wonder the public is wary of police officers. The judge described Schrader as "arrogant". HA! Look where it got him. Here's an idea. Try following the same laws you enforce against the public.

LPD has some SERIOUS PR problems right now. Start the healing by copping (pun intended) a different attitude about whether or not YOU should be allowed to violate the laws you enforce. Double standard?

What double standard? He was arrested and charged just like you would be. He was tried and convicted just like you would be. Where is the difference?

The main difference is he will probably lose his job, which you would not. He probably never get another law enforcement job because he would be blacklisted by the Department. He will lose his certification.

The only thing you would lose is 30 days of picking fruit and whining about a profession you know nothing about.

02-03-2010, 11:21 PM
I agree with You're a Jerk. Sgt. Pacheco is an outstanding police officer, friend and dedicated family man. He is what a lot of officers hope they can be like in their career and as an individual. I have personally been around the department for over 13 years and I have never known a police officer that I respect more than Sgt. Pacheco. I personally think that there are a lot bigger issues that need to be address in our department than if an officer is JAYWALKING. I think you will see a lot of officers and civilian employees who know and work around Sgt. Pacheco say the same thing about him. You certainly don't know the man, who he is or what he stands for. I wish 1/2 of our police officers and 3/4 of our administration were on the same level as Sgt. Pacheco. I challenge you to walk a mile in Sgt. Pacheco's shoes or any police officers who takes his job as serious as Sgt. Pacheco does. He is a man who has faced adversity in his life and continues to make other people, to include the citizens of this city a priority in his life. I have seen Sgt. Pacheco volunteer his time to help non profit programs who tries to help families addicted to drugs by speaking at there events and by raising money for there cause. When was the last time you volunteered an hour of your day to a worthy cause? Much less wear a uniform and place you life in danger on a daily bases while helping others. I personally watched Sgt. Pacheco save a woman's life one night on a call when she was attempting suicide with a knife. Thank god you are not a police officer because if so you would never be able to protect the citizen of this city because you would be too busy writing jaywalking tickets and parking tickets! That is the difference between an experienced police officer and a rookie, it is called discretion. It is the most powerful thing that a police offer has and it can change a persons life! I will not stand and watch anyone attempt to tarnish a police officer like Sgt. Pacheco's name with petty actions as walking across a street or parking too in a parking space. I challenge everyone who knows Sgt. Pacheco to step up to the plate on this message board and stand strong against na sayers such as this person who dislike the officers who have sworn to protect him.

02-07-2010, 12:22 AM
Wow. Not much support for your call for action :lol:

02-10-2010, 09:31 AM
Wow. Not much support for your call for action :lol:

LOL just some brown-nosers. Really liked the part about him being a "family man." That had nothing to do with the conversation. LPD is under the microscope now...and their inability to provide quality service is being investigated. So actually, yeah call for action worked. Keep your nose out of the &*(# if you don't want to be investigated. It's an easy concept really. Use it. Good clean cops = no problems, no bad publicity.

02-12-2010, 07:20 PM
Yeah really. If you like the perks of selling drugs and doing absoulutely nothing join LPD. Boatner's got A fresh condom for ya.

Stop whining grow up get a life. Learn Life is not fair...duh. Every Job as perks and benefits if you like the perks and benefits of being the Police then Join the Force.


02-13-2010, 12:12 AM
Yeah really. If you like the perks of selling drugs and doing absoulutely nothing join LPD. Boatner's got A fresh condom for ya.

Stop whining grow up get a life. Learn Life is not fair...duh. Every Job as perks and benefits if you like the perks and benefits of being the Police then Join the Force.


sounds like you're a cop with nads. I want to be on your force! If I was a citizen, I'd rather have someone like you protecting me than the "mediation" room boys down at LPD

06-26-2010, 07:09 AM
Is all of LPD corrupt? I know Victor White is. Because of his lying under oath he sports a promotion while I set unemployed. An end needs to come to this department and their corruption. My case is ongiong so I can't say much other than I have proof he lied and plan on seeing that he looses at least what he caused my family to loose. see you in court soon

07-27-2010, 04:14 PM
Hi Pacheco hope you are well. Just wanted to chime in. Funny how your department has the same A-Holes we have down in sunny South Florida. If your wondeing who this is "DEA school" might bring back memories. By the way, I think you guys have a Dave Torres working there. Say hello. I've been a cop for twenty years and 80 % of what I know I learned from Dave during an eight month period that we worked together. I never even thanked him. Best friend I had. Looked out for me. Oh well, stay safe.