View Full Version : More of what the politicians think of you.

11-13-2009, 01:49 AM

11-13-2009, 12:52 PM
Yes, but the biggest threat is from the enemy within, your own budget people and Terry Rhodes who has been working against OALE for years. The PBA should demand a interview with her and make her own up to her hatred for us and the brass. We can only hope that the rumor of Bronson firing her are true.

11-14-2009, 10:55 AM
Screw the PBA, that is all they are doing to us. They are backing Crist again for his Senate run. WHY? It is national politics not state, he cannot do anything for us anymore, not that he ever did. All PBA does is bleed us poor officers for our dues money and give it to poly-ticks that never do anything for us.

IMHO PBA is nothing more than fat retired cops that came up with a scam to milk money from officers still employed so they could supplement their incomes. Tits on a turtle have more use than the PBA.

The bill mentioned in the article sounds like a good idea to me, maybe it would help get rid of some of the useless brass we have. Also help us hold the poly-ticks feet to the fire. If a person does their job they have nothing to worry about.

11-16-2009, 01:25 AM
Then all you PBA people should man up and get out. The brass in Tallahassee are fighting for your jobs and what is PBA doing?, a big fat nothing. Terry Rhodes has been trying to get rid of all of us, so say the brass in Tally for years. Somebody should make that hateful POS answer for her disloyalty to us and the Colonel and the Commissioner. IUPA would have called that Rhodes on the carpet and made her answer questions about her sorry a$$. She has always stabbed us and our commanders in the back, why does Bronson keep such trash around.