View Full Version : De Facto Sergeants

11-12-2009, 01:11 AM
The agency has has found a way of getting around promoting deputies to sergeants that have proven, through a qualified testing process, they are qualified. The PBA fought for a new standard that would be fair, pick from the top 5, to get away from the the good old boy pick um' practice in place for many years. Instead of promoting the people on the list, they now assign FTD's to run the road in place of sergeants. What are the qualifications to become an active FTD? Just be on the inside with the Chief or the XO, take the FTD class, and your in. No competitive testing process required. Some districts have FTD's running the road that could never qualify for sergeant. Either by training or experience, or having passed any promotional examination. I hope the PBA looks at this practice and realizes that it was not what was intended when the Corporol rank was instituted. Then again, what can the PBA do, they have been in bed with the administration so long they have forgotten who they represent.

11-12-2009, 02:24 AM
I agree with you except on one thing. The PBA did not fight hard. The Sheriff wanted the competitive promotional exam and it was put in place. The only discussion was rule of 5 or 3.

11-12-2009, 12:26 PM
I know for a fact that at times they have road deputy's as OIC that have less then like 3 years on the road. They are not even FTD's.
I also do think for a minute that just becuase you passed that last Sgt. test, that makes you best for the job. Well thats a whole different discussion.

11-12-2009, 01:36 PM
This issue has been brought to the PBA months ago. The administrations and the PBA know you can't use a corporal to avoid paying s sergeant OT. If you don't believe it check the policy manual. Why is this being allowed?

11-12-2009, 02:33 PM
I know for a fact that at times they have road deputy's as OIC that have less then like 3 years on the road. They are not even FTD's.
I also do think for a minute that just becuase you passed that last Sgt. test, that makes you best for the job. Well thats a whole different discussion.

Sorry, I did not proof read this. I will correct it.....

I know for a fact that at times in D-15 midnight shift, they have road deputy as OIC that have less then like 3 years on the road. They are not even FTD's.
I also don't think for a minute that just because you passed that last Sgt. test, that makes you best for the job. Well thats a whole different discussion.

11-12-2009, 05:51 PM
The title “Corporal” does not carry with it any additional rank, privileges, duties, responsibilities or seniority except those already extended to 10/01/2008. It is not the intent of this policy to use corporals to replace sergeants or to avoid paying overtime.

This is the policy, either change it or have everyone comply with it.

11-14-2009, 12:03 PM
Besides 15 who else is using cpls to act as superviors?

11-14-2009, 12:06 PM
Parkland and Deerfield

11-14-2009, 12:21 PM

11-14-2009, 12:26 PM

11-14-2009, 04:20 PM
So it's uhmmm....everyone! :roll:

11-14-2009, 08:10 PM
I know for a fact that at times they have road deputy's as OIC that have less then like 3 years on the road. They are not even FTD's.
I also do think for a minute that just becuase you passed that last Sgt. test, that makes you best for the job. Well thats a whole different discussion.

Sorry, I did not proof read this. I will correct it.....

I know for a fact that at times in D-15 midnight shift, they have road deputy as OIC that have less then like 3 years on the road. They are not even FTD's.
I also don't think for a minute that just because you passed that last Sgt. test, that makes you best for the job. Well thats a whole different discussion.

The D-15 midnight shift sgt chose this inexperienced dep as OIC because he delivers the tactical bogus 10-99 numbers off a warrant list instead of taking care of the crimes and the players in the troubled zones. Nobody in D-15 agrees with this and this sgt is only setting this dep up so early in his career for failure!!!

11-14-2009, 11:46 PM
I know for a fact that at times they have road deputy's as OIC that have less then like 3 years on the road. They are not even FTD's.
I also do think for a minute that just becuase you passed that last Sgt. test, that makes you best for the job. Well thats a whole different discussion.

Sorry, I did not proof read this. I will correct it.....

I know for a fact that at times in D-15 midnight shift, they have road deputy as OIC that have less then like 3 years on the road. They are not even FTD's.
I also don't think for a minute that just because you passed that last Sgt. test, that makes you best for the job. Well thats a whole different discussion.

The D-15 midnight shift sgt chose this inexperienced dep as OIC because he delivers the tactical bogus 10-99 numbers off a warrant list instead of taking care of the crimes and the players in the troubled zones. Nobody in D-15 agrees with this and this sgt is only setting this dep up so early in his career for failure!!!

I know of two deputy's in D-15 alpha shift that have been OIC that are not Cpl.'s nor do they have 5 years combined in Law Enforcement...

11-15-2009, 02:59 AM

The Port has been using OICs for years. Long before Cpl position was created.

11-15-2009, 12:13 PM
There is nothing wrong in using a qualified OIC from time to time, but not on a regualar basis like D-15. They put a Sgt. on Alpha that is either gone on military leave & or swat training. So basically, he is never there. That I understand has now come to an end and is on his way back to Bravo shift to reslove this mess.... NO MORE ROOKIE OIC'S IN D-15 ON ALPHA TO RUN A CITY WITH NOBODY TO TURN TO WHEN SOMETHING GOES WRONG. CHIEF, WHAT R U THINKING ???????

11-17-2009, 12:25 AM
Do these people who contract with BSO know we have deputies supervising deputies?

11-27-2009, 04:34 PM
Of course the contract cities have no idea a 3 year deputy is running the road in Dist. 15 Alpha shift. The only positive thing when this guy is running the road is he cant go out and do his misd. 10-49's and make somebody else transport his prisoner. If a real crime happened this guy would panic and then call a senior guy and ask him what to do. Way to go Supervisors, what are you thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-27-2009, 11:41 PM
Of course the contract cities have no idea a 3 year deputy is running the road in Dist. 15 Alpha shift. The only positive thing when this guy is running the road is he cant go out and do his misd. 10-49's and make somebody else transport his prisoner. If a real crime happened this guy would panic and then call a senior guy and ask him what to do. Way to go Supervisors, what are you thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only reason this guy is OIC, is because he was asked by the Sgt.'s to do so. The two senior guys on the shift didn't want it and the third guy is a complete idiot. Who cares who says, "first available" and "have rescue advise". Don't be upset with him and put him down, he's just doing what he was asked. It's the commands issue to explain it, if something happens. Be safe and point your anger and frustrations out on the bad guys.

11-28-2009, 02:33 AM
I get it, it's "don't hate the player" but "hate the game" type mentality. That would be fine but this person wants you to believe he doesn't want to be OIC, but he actually request's it. Ask him about how he went to the new Lt. and requested to be a corporal. That's just what the agency need's is another 3 year Deputy with "NO" experience training new recruits.

11-28-2009, 08:31 AM
Of course the contract cities have no idea a 3 year deputy is running the road in Dist. 15 Alpha shift. The only positive thing when this guy is running the road is he cant go out and do his misd. 10-49's and make somebody else transport his prisoner. If a real crime happened this guy would panic and then call a senior guy and ask him what to do. Way to go Supervisors, what are you thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only reason this guy is OIC, is because he was asked by the Sgt.'s to do so. The two senior guys on the shift didn't want it and the third guy is a complete idiot. Who cares who says, "first available" and "have rescue advise". Don't be upset with him and put him down, he's just doing what he was asked. It's the commands issue to explain it, if something happens. Be safe and point your anger and frustrations out on the bad guys.

The sgt never explained why this guy is an OIC when there are better deputies who are experienced. Besides the corporal on the shift, the other two senior guys has said numerous times they are not interested.There is friction on the shift with this guy and other deputies when he is the OIC and he complains to the sgt that he is 'disrespected" by the others. The sgt is forcing everyone to respect this dep as a supervisor. Once again numbers, favourtism and eating breakfast with the sgt has alot to do with it, not to mention ratting on your co-workers helps too, right JA?

11-28-2009, 10:34 PM
North Lauderdale has a bunch of cry babies working there. Look at what you guys are complaining about. Move on, grow some balls, and pick a fight with the bad guys, not a guy you work with and backs you up each day and night.

11-29-2009, 12:17 AM
This above sounds like it came from one of the RATS on the shift JA or GS.

12-01-2009, 02:35 AM
This above sounds like it came from one of the RATS on the shift JA or GS.

wrong, but its not hard to figure out who wrote this. the charlie shift rat, Carlo C.

12-02-2009, 09:37 PM
Interesting roll call Huh fellas, since when do shifts get lectured on LEO affair postings????

12-04-2009, 01:16 PM
Wow what attitudes we now have on the shift. Be very careful how you treat your co-worker's you just might have to depend on them one day!!

12-04-2009, 02:07 PM
I do not blame JA on alpha, I do blame the Sgts for letting a rookie be an OIC. There will be change in D-15.

12-04-2009, 03:25 PM
JA is not the issue, he actually has more experience and also get passed over to be OIC. A 3 year Deputy should not be an OIC period!!, They brag on how mature he is, well he should be at his age. Age and time on the job are not even comparable. I would have to start questioning his maturity level based on his recent Wha, Wha, Wha attitude. I hear morale on that shift would improve if it wasn't for so much favoritism that goes on by a certain supervisor, that wasn't a big number's guy when he came but he sure is now.

12-04-2009, 05:52 PM
PL isn't doing a bad job. How can you screw up "rescue advise" and "first available"? If one of you "experienced" guys wants the job then go to the LT or Sgt and let him know. And if something goes bad then you always have the night commander who loves to hang out in D7 and D15. Not to mention the senior guys who should step in if Pl does something wrong.

And don't bash him on his 10-49's. It's the same warrant arrest if you go to their house or hang out spot or if you pull them over driving. If you have such a problem with it then next time you do a traffic stop and the driver has a warrant say "sorry this isn't a real arrest" and just let him go. We'll see how long that last. At least he's out there earning a paycheck.

Bottom line is that the lazy f*cks who are writing these ridiculous post need to man up and confront the Deps, Sgts, or Lts you have a problem with. And yes, that means you might just have to crawl out from your hiding place at night to do it. You can't ride out your remaining years behind the plaza on leoaffairs ass*hole.

12-04-2009, 07:22 PM
How about the Chief of the District take a leadership role and step in a stop the BS going on here on the message boards. See the problem with this agency is there is no leadership in the Admin. ranks of the agency. LC is always gone acting like a major for the sheriff who does not have his house in order. maybe if these guys practiced leadership then there would not be these problems. Now guys lets get along and place the blame where it belongs with the poor leaders we have!

12-04-2009, 10:36 PM
"Stop Crying" must be one of the three Musketeer "BOOTLICKS" on the A shift.

12-05-2009, 04:58 PM
How about the Chief of the District take a leadership role and step in a stop the BS going on here on the message boards. See the problem with this agency is there is no leadership in the Admin. ranks of the agency. LC is always gone acting like a major for the sheriff who does not have his house in order. maybe if these guys practiced leadership then there would not be these problems. Now guys lets get along and place the blame where it belongs with the poor leaders we have!

Even if the command took some responsibility for this mess, it wouldn't change a thing until they start moving a few deputies out of this district. There are a few guys on two shifts who can't seem to just do their jobs and shut their mouths. If the district wants to improve moral on alpha and charlie shifts then ship CC (charlie), BR and SP (alpha) to different districts. It would eliminate 98% of the negative postings and moral would improve immediately. Everyone be safe, even the three mentioned above. PL we got your back.

12-06-2009, 01:03 AM
Don't worry PR, we got your back! PR stands for Puerto Ricans!