View Full Version : ECONOMIC CRISIS???

11-01-2009, 10:09 PM
I thought we were in an extreme economic crisis? We were told to tighten our belts, stay the course, give up our raises, and be happy we had jobs. Now out of nowhere our LTs get approved for a huge raise from money that supposedly did not exist. I thought we were "all" in this together and "all" had to make sacrafices. The only people sacrificing are the only ones who get their hands dirty and do the work. Typical for this place I guess. :cry:

11-03-2009, 07:31 PM
Let's look at the bigger picture and the history of how the Lieutenant's got their raise. In 2007 the Lieutenants asked for an increase in salary, along with a defined explanation of their benefits from Mr. Harden. It sat on his desk (presumably put into the abyss) and he never acted on the request. That ultimately became the nexus for the Lieutenant's petitioning PERC and rejoining the union. They had had enough.

Then, before Chief Schroeder (Ret.) retired, the proposal was made to freeze a Lieutenants position to offset the budget expenditure and to find money to pay the Lieutenants their raise. The position was frozen but instead, the Lieutenants didn't get the raise in 2008-2009 budget. But, the officers got their contract with a STEP plan, also providing the money for an across the board bump.

Now, the money from the frozen LT. position in 2008 - 2009 budget became available, retroactive to 09/30/09 (before the new 2009-2010 budget is signed into effect). That is where the Lieutenants got their money (5%). They just held onto the frozen LT position for 364 days before they gave it to them. Finally, the other 5% comes from working the 84 hour schedule like the officers.

11-05-2009, 04:58 AM
the money came from our bum chief, who found money in his budget for his boys and girl. He tried to cover it up, not even the union reps knew about it. Ask around LT,when you get out from under the chief's desk, try asking some of the reps where they had to get this info from. We gave him and the city a 100 ways to save money and give it back to the cops but neither of them wana hear it. so LT, you ball licker, tell me again how great this place is????

11-05-2009, 07:19 PM
Your response has nothing to do with where the raise came from. I'm sure you have given "them" 100 ways to save money but that has nothing to do with where the money came from as part of the prior years budget and how the funding from that frozen position became available.

Let me ask you a question...Do you think for one minute that if the LT's had not reorganized and petitioned PERC to rejoin the union that we would have seen any of that money that you alledge has been hidden? Of course not! Mr. Harden would still hold out and not give the LTs the time of day...his past is evidence of that. Eventually, if we hadn't acted so quickly to get back in the union, it would have been lost and placed into the City's General Fund, which is what happens when a position eventually becomes unfunded. Besides, I'm sure with two pending retirements (Woods and Lunsford) that helped to offset the cost as well because the new Lt.s will make a lot less.

As far as how great this place is... from what I can tell, every now and then when I'm not under the chief's desk, I wouldn't want to work anyplace else!

Why didn't your "union reps" know about the money? It's all public record...hell, everyone knew that a LT position was frozen. If you didn't notice, Lt. Saunders wasn't promoted for almost 6 months to a year for a reason. Everyone else knew the position was frozen...and, don't be so ignorant to believe that the union reps, who are by far more in the chiefs office on a weekly basis then I am, didn't know about it.

I wish you luck at the Delray Beach Police Department. I believe that making sure you go home every day, is my priority...make sure you keep your head in the game when it counts the most.

11-07-2009, 05:54 PM
Our beef isn't with the LTs. They got a raise and that's good for them. Let's not be so quick to think it was a big secret, almost everyone knew about it. Our problem is with the city and their 7-8 month contracts they offer us then take 5% of our money away. We are the ones working nights, weekends and holidays for straight pay. We have one of the lowest salary ranges in the county, now the worst holiday comp plan and a general piss poor group of admins demotivating us. Worst of all our beef should be with our co-workers who kiss up to those above us and do everything that is asked. Let's all keep up the stats, kiss butt so we can get promoted and not stick together when it comes time to vote. Better yet, let's vote yes for the whatever contract is handed to us and thank them for the job because no one else has jobs. No one else but 90% of the population. Times are not booming but it's not the great depression. Folks are still building mansions on the beach.

To the LT, while appreciate you making sure I make it home at the end of the shift, thanks but truthfully me going home safe is all on me. I don't trust you (not that I'm sure which of you is posting in this thread) nor many of my co-workers when it comes to it. Don't get me wrong, there are those I trust but not the vast majority. We'll keep our heads in the game where it matters.

11-07-2009, 11:43 PM
Guest...yes, it is also incumbent upon you to make sure you go home safe. I only mention what my "priority" is, which is entirely different than yours. I have to keep my head in the game too. "Trust" is another issue for a whole different forum.

Good Luck!

11-08-2009, 08:32 AM
Your Dept is a joke do you think any other agency even takes you guys seriously? Please. Your higher ups can give 2 shits about you and look at who gets promoted and why. How are those take home cars workin out for ya?

11-08-2009, 11:36 PM
DelrayJoke, must be another terd that Delray flushed into the abyss. is that you johnny?

11-13-2009, 03:16 AM
Delray Joke,

Do we even care what other officers think? Hardly! What matters is what our community thinks and what our officers think. It's not what you (presumably outside our agency) cares about. You don't even have a voice in the argument.

I would bet that we're well respected throughout the law enforcement arena, i.e.; Palm Beach County Law Enforcement Planning Council, Palm Beach County Chiefs of Police, Palm Beach County State Att. Office, DEA, etc. I would also bet that if we took a survey of our residents, they would be extremely happy with what we provide them because in the end, we do our jobs as well, if not better than most of the agencies in So. FL.

But, you wouldn't know because by the sound of your hatred, you must have been flushed out of our system, either by way of the hiring process but, more then likely as a former officer.

If you have any balls, come talk to me about Delray. But, knowing you...it won't happen because you would rather hide behind your computer and talk trash instead of being productive.


11-14-2009, 06:44 AM
Ouch!!!! You got smacked harder than 221's 10-12 did last night :cry: . Right about now your saying to yourself "why did I try to be such a tough guy and put my name on this site". These guys are ruthlous with all the old stories but you should have been smarter than that. I guess brains is not a necessary virtue for the people they promote around here. :snicker: