View Full Version : Police and Domestic Violence

10-28-2009, 05:08 PM
Does anyone know of an incident where a officer has been arrested and later sued the department for false arrest?

11-05-2009, 05:04 PM
I know a couple of officers than have been accused of D.V. none have sued that I am aware of...

09-11-2010, 03:07 AM
I have begged the department where my ex works in Broward to have some kind of intervention program. To this day I am terrified of his words and actions. You see I was the victim but unfortunately had no police training and didnt know how to lie. The police came to my home and took me out in front of my children for something that happened to me that I was accused of. The 16 pictures were thrown out i court by a very good free legal aid attorney he had. Unfortunately since I was deemed "the abuser" I had no rights. You see people think its women that use the system to "get even". But its also the professionals. Two yrs have passed and he was kind enough to drop the 2 criminal charges and told me I should thank him. When you cant see your kids and are living in the car or street because you are homeless in the blink of an eye its kind of hard to say thank you. I have full respect for the cheif but he does not respect me for some reason. I have given up begging the dept to stop looking the other way. He no longer physically abuses but mentally its constant . He jokes about how many reports he can file in a day at diff, agencies. When I did get the nerve to file a complaint I was told that I was harrassing him and could be arrested for filing a false report. I coould go on and on but my point is many spouses of officers live very quiet lives afraud to speak up. Speaking up cost me my reputation,job and almost my children. IA needs to stop terrorizing these officers that have true mental problems and demand they go through thorough counseling. I did not get into details out of respect for this officer. His lies are believed by the dept and its a game to him. So now Im back in isolation and liove every day wondering what is coming next. Abuse is a control issue. As long as he feels in control there is no problem. when I stand up to him instant threats of purring me in jail. I mean standing up by saying Im not going to tajke the mnd games anymore. I almost wish BSO would take over because I was told this would have been handled diff. and his job would have been saved also. You see they say thats my motiff to take his job. But with 3 kids that would be insane so no its not. I just want peace and be able to live without the constant headaches and chest pains from the neverending drama..Please if you know an officer like this get him help. Taking his job away solves nothing. He abused me but not the public. God Bless and all officers stay safe..

09-11-2010, 03:32 AM
Please dont delete this post. Its my last attempt to see if anyone else has gone through this. I was friendly with all his friends and when I called one of them to confide he turned against me and said he didnt know why I would call as he didnt know me so he said I was delussional. The judge sat there and believed every word. I have since tried to contact those who I thought were my friends and no responses. Its very lonely being the spouse of an officer and going through this. And if any of those officers are out there who suspect they know who this is please tell me why when all I needed was a phone call to ask if I was Ok that I was deserted by those I grew to know and respect over the course of 10 yrs. How can I convice these supporters of his that 90 percent of what was said never happened. 10 percent was twisted. I still here and still would love to know why a dept. could turn the other way and not take corrective action that would better the situation for all. And to those spouses out there who think this could never happen to them think again. This officer was as sweet as anything yrs ago. The lack of active supportive individuals and programs and the stigma associated with DV keeps these officers from telling the truth. He once told me if he lost his job he would take his life. So fear of job loss can lead to the death of a spouse especialy when CONTROL is the issue. Please if you have any advice please let me know. Im very lonely and scared and had 2 departments telling me I was the abuser and one dept actually told me they would no longer take reports from me when I filed 3 all togther and he filled close to 50 according to him. My solution is start a program like they have in the bigger cities where the officers can get a sponsor and go through a 12 step program. This is supposed to be a family and you dont turn your back on a family member whos crying for help.

09-26-2010, 04:35 AM
Guest fromNEPA< My story sounds just as unbeleivable to those that hear it for the first time but unfortunately for me and my 3 kids,it's true.I too had encountered many challenges getting my abusive cop husband to be rightfully charged and made to "face the music" but justice did not come easy nor did help.You see,for years I called for help from the police in the town we lived in and got NONE.The problem:He WORKED for the department and they were all his buddies.I was just a" crazy "wife who told fabricated stories to ruin his "career"is what he told them.Several of the times the CHEIF himself was here& refused to do anything.He would tell me "it will smooth over things will be alright" and tell my husband to go "cool off" somewhere.This man repeatedly hit me,terrorized and mentally battered me in front of my children throughout the marriage.I couldn't leave;he had control over the money.Couldn't get help/the entire department refused and blew me off.The very last incident was in 2008 when he without warning or provacation,kicked my then 11 year old son in the stomach.When I went to comfort him &check if he was ok, he slapped my 3 year old autistic boy with an open handed slap in the face.I ordered him out:he refused .He attempted to go after the oldest again,I got between them to protect him and then he went nuts on me.I managed to break away from him and run to call 911.The cheif and another officer came to the house and an ambulance was there moments later.They DID NOT take the situation very seriously at all.The paramedics asked who got hurt:I stated my oldest & youngest and myself.Found out at the hospital I was the worst off,multiple sprains,strains,contusions,bruises and a broken arm.Also found out they outright REFUSED to file charges against him.I had to go to the DA's office to ask for their help:that's when I got justice.I also got a PFA to protect the boys and myself.Shortly after it was issued,he began stalking me,driving by the house slowly,giving me and the kids nasty,angry loooks.He wasn't even supposed to be on our street!He did this a multitude of times,sometimes 3 times a day.When I tried to report him for violating the PFA,I was arrested and falsely charged with 8 bogus charges!He was in violation:not me!It went to court and was thrown out.The judge saw how false the charges were against me.They had not a shred of evidence or proof that I did anything wrong.He plead guilty to the assault charges and I thought that was the end.It wasn't.More of his disgusting misdeeds came to light7he was later charged and plead guilty to corruption of minors.So,you are not alone:there are more who have stories to tell.I wish you the best&hope all works out for you.

07-04-2012, 11:52 AM
This is such a common and frquesnt story, you would think it would be logical to do something about this. Victims: consider video of these kind of things.