View Full Version : What advise can you give?

10-19-2009, 11:57 PM
What advise can you give someone who wants to leave their desk job to become a trooper? I've always wanted to become a trooper but never applied. I believe this would be a perfect time to apply and leave my desk job. I know there are some good and bad things about being a trooper but every agency as well as companies are the same.

10-20-2009, 01:06 AM
Get all the free education and training that you can and then move on!

10-20-2009, 03:49 AM
What advise can you give someone who wants to leave their desk job to become a trooper? I've always wanted to become a trooper but never applied. I believe this would be a perfect time to apply and leave my desk job. I know there are some good and bad things about being a trooper but every agency as well as companies are the same.

The first bit of "advise" (sic) I can give is for you to finish elementary school and learn how to spell "advice" you frigging dumazz.

10-20-2009, 06:17 AM
What advise can you give someone who wants to leave their desk job to become a trooper? I've always wanted to become a trooper but never applied. I believe this would be a perfect time to apply and leave my desk job. I know there are some good and bad things about being a trooper but every agency as well as companies are the same.

The first bit of "advise" (sic) I can give is for you to finish elementary school and learn how to spell "advice" you frigging dumazz.

Boy, oh boy.....I hope you are not instructing,teaching, helping or advising in your profession. However, a Profession in editiong looks extremely promising. #@&% shudder, yikes, ugh. :cry: HAVE A HEART!!!!!! LIGHTEN UP, LAUGH, DANCE, TAKE WALKS, PAINT, LOVE, AND MOST IMPORTANTELY LAUGH. :lol:

10-20-2009, 12:13 PM
What advise can you give someone who wants to leave their desk job to become a trooper? I've always wanted to become a trooper but never applied. I believe this would be a perfect time to apply and leave my desk job. I know there are some good and bad things about being a trooper but every agency as well as companies are the same.

Don't do it, you will be hounded for more and more activity and warning and cards will not count, they will push for more and more tickets, they are never satisfied it is always more more more.

Right now you will have a mind set of they broke a law so they deserve a ticket, but once you get out in the real world and you pull someone over for yes a violation of some law but it was nothing that got anyone hurt or killed and likely would never result in death or injury, yet you have some poor person who is down on their luck and you are giving them a ticket for 160 dollars.

You see that the person does not have a pot to piss in and has kids and you just took away their grocery money as well as more then likely their next tank of gas.

After you have pulled enough people like that over and you reflect back on their violation yo start to see that what they did was not so bad and did it really warrant a ticket that can cost as much as 300 dollars depending on the violation.

We have become nothing more then state revenue collectors, what we do is no longer about traffic safety, it all about how much money we can collect for the state, counties and cities.

If it was about traffic safety then warnings and cards would be counted with the same weight as tickets.

The hard truth is Tickets are all they are counting these days.

10-20-2009, 05:47 PM
Best advice:

1. Join PBA

2. Buy a pocket tape recorder

3. Don't let any supervisor tell you how many tickets you're supposed to write.

10-20-2009, 06:19 PM

10-20-2009, 06:35 PM
[quote="Future FHP":35jr87hx]What advise can you give someone who wants to leave their desk job to become a trooper? I've always wanted to become a trooper but never applied. I believe this would be a perfect time to apply and leave my desk job. I know there are some good and bad things about being a trooper but every agency as well as companies are the same.

The first bit of "advise" (sic) I can give is for you to finish elementary school and learn how to spell "advice" you frigging dumazz.

Boy, oh boy.....I hope you are not instructing,teaching, helping or advising in your profession. However, a Profession in editiong looks extremely promising. #@&% shudder, yikes, ugh. :cry: HAVE A HEART!!!!!! LIGHTEN UP, LAUGH, DANCE, TAKE WALKS, PAINT, LOVE, AND MOST IMPORTANTELY LAUGH. :lol:[/quote:35jr87hx]

Come on! You all make it seems that you are perfect in grammar. Give the guy a break; at least we have someone that is interesting in becoming a trooper!!!! Listen kid, go ahead and apply and wish you the best throughout the process. If you get in, make sure you do not follow others half a$$ like the ones who posted those comments. Those are the ones who are making this department fall apart.

10-20-2009, 07:06 PM
A person may be poor but if a laws was broken then a ticket will be issued. Dont like giving out tickets,stop being a officer for the FHP. O yeah local p.d and s.o give them out too. Stop complaining!!!

I Wear The Hat
10-20-2009, 10:45 PM
A person may be poor but if a laws was broken then a ticket will be issued. Dont like giving out tickets,stop being a officer for the FHP. O yeah local p.d and s.o give them out too. Stop complaining!!!
He's right. The unfortunate thing is those agencies seem to be doing it more than some troopers out there, who want to use that "it's to much money" excuse for riding around in their patrol units all day long and not writing a single ticket!

10-21-2009, 10:14 PM
Thank you for the "ADVICE"! For some reason, my computer grammar and spell check changed it from "ADVICE" to "ADVISE"; But then again not everyone is perfect. I will go ahead and submit my application online and see how far it will goes.

10-23-2009, 04:57 AM
In all seriousness the Florida Highway Patrol is a dead end job with few opportunities for career advancement. You will spend your entire career wearing a uniform working traffic crashes, writing tickets and working off-duty. Even if you promote in an effort to get a pay raise you will be stuck in an office pushing paper all day wearing a uniform, not to mention that you will have to move all over the State to do so.

The specialty positions are few and far between and are extremely limited in their functions. While it looks exciting and prestigious from the outside looking in, the truth of the matter is that after 20 years you will be so sick of the same tickets and crashes that it will drive you crazy. This is not a State Police and it never will be. Do not listen to the Kool-Aid drinkers who try and tell you that you can get into whatever kind of stuff you want to because it is not true. Sure you can go out and pull cars over and arrest people for all kinds of things, and at first it will be fun, but believe me when I tell you that after awhile it will get real old. There is no SWAT, detective bureau, TAC unit, narcotics unit, dive team nothing but traffic.

By the time you figure it all out a couple of years will have gone by and you will look around and say to yourself, what the hell am I doing? So do yourself a favor and do not even waste your time here. Find a large municipal department or Sheriff’s Office and start out some place that will treat you right from the start and give you lots of opportunities for career advancement. Pass on FHP.