View Full Version : About Time

08-17-2009, 10:26 PM
One and half years too late. You can still make brownie points and cut more positions and save half million easy ! With all due respect Chief grow some balls and make those cuts from do nothing supervisors just collecting a pay check. A new broom wipes clean ! Long over due ! CM may even like some of your hard decisions that should have been made last year. Keep the ball rolling, dont stop now. And stop the "Guess what " at City Council Meetings.

08-17-2009, 10:40 PM
Champagne for everyone ! I thought our contract had the "no more Commander" clause ?

Come on Mike whats up with that?

08-18-2009, 03:04 AM
FROM Token to Broken
FROM Prada to Nada

Having said that remember that these are our fellow officers and dont be selfish, as it can't be easy on them.

Second of all, I am tired of reading all the deuches quoting what they think is a rule or contract issue and then putting all the pressure on our prez or union to look things up. Read the ****!ng contract yourself Billy Bob. You know what reading is don't you?

Third of all since they are bringing back the Commander position back, I nominate Defective Reyes for the spot. He seems to already think he is one anyway. Does anyone know who he works for? Who is his supervisor? Looks like no one. 10,000 emails a day on safety and tactics but you better not hold a waterbottle near him...ouch :devil:

08-18-2009, 12:11 PM
Well now that there are only two Majors positions it looks like there will not be any openings for a while. So TM can stop kissing ass and being such a prick.

08-19-2009, 02:14 PM
No, there has to be a reason why Marciante is kissing the chief's ace so much. I would think that the captain wouldnt work so many shifts and days in a row unless he was promised something by Ralph. Wouldnt it be funny if VC and KP were demoted and then next year all of a sudden, there is a Major or Deputy Chief's position open and guess who gets it......................Captain SuckAce Marciante. Tony would screw anyone, walk on top of anyone and do anything right now to go to the top. That guy is very dangerous and vindictive, so watch your back with him!

And another thing..........why wasnt the useless Major Prescott demoted to a sergeant like he should have been. That guy had no business being a major in the first place. He was there for one reason and one reason only...............RACE! Per Chief Loizzo of course, so you cant hold me liable for that comment.
I heard that the chief told his captains that Prescott is the same rank as a captain.............I dont think so, a commander is below a captain, get it straight chief.

Defective Reyes, you need to replace your knee-pads you pathetic sukace! You are unbelievable. Keep up the good work and SRT will be filled with rookies because your warped mind is chasing all the senior hard working officers to quit the team. Good for you Ochoa!

08-19-2009, 09:32 PM
Hey Prescott, try Sgts position. Be like AL, WH, W(B)B, and the old SM milk the OT, hide then retire. What a life ! Drive around, chill out, and take your stress pills.

08-23-2009, 11:45 PM
Other than the fact that you are irritated that these people are apparently senior to you, what are they doing that is wrong in your opinion? Do you expect anyone to believe that when you become as senior as them, that you will be doing anything differently?