View Full Version : DUI?

07-29-2009, 01:10 AM
Before you go around and start accusing police officers of being "corrupt and stupid" when all you have to base your opinion on is something edited my the media, then you are just as ignorant as you sound. Yes, there are bad police officers, just like there are bad dentists, bad lawyers, etc. I do not approve of what happened, but nor you or I are in any position to judge anyone else. I personally know each one of these officers and they are good cops and good people, but most likely made a bad decision. Like you haven't?
Just for those of you who haven't opened your bible: 1 John 8 -If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves...

07-29-2009, 02:59 PM
:shock: Stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid!! :idea:

07-29-2009, 03:58 PM
This is yet another reason why this department is an EMBARRASSMENT to the law enforcement community and worse, the citizens in Hollywood.
How can you show up anywhere and hope for even the slightest amount of respect?
This department needs to be flushed to end decades of corruption.
Not there are better organizations to replace the status quo but you may as well put on a clown uniform when you show up for roll call.

Just saying.

07-29-2009, 04:31 PM
I'm an officer in the Broward area. I happen to live in Hollywood and have lived here for about 7 years.
Everytime I have come into contact with ANY representatives of Hollywood Police it has left me feeling like I needed to shower with a wire brush. The majority of your agency is so corrupt and just plain lazy it makes me sick. Maybe this will help convince the city to look for BSO assistance so that they can Finally flush the toilet on all of the corrupt terds that are floating around our streets. I would much rather have less cops in my neighborhood than a ton of corrupt ones. The scary thing is, I'm a fellow "Brother" in blue. I can only imagine how Joe Citizen is treated. I'm the guy that stops to 94 your on a 10-50 when i'm off duty, because it's the right thing to do. I'm the guy who finds you drunk passed out in your car with a gun and badge on your lap and gets you home safely.

For those of you that are good cops in Hollywood I apologize.(Though I personally haven't met any) I don't mean to lump you all together but when your bad eggs start to stink (about once a year) they make US ALL STINK. Every department has these bad eggs, it just seems like Hollywood has a much larger population of them. I mean really, what would have happened to the officer for a minor at fault crash? A letter of reprimand at the worst? Maybe mandatory driving retraining (at an overtime rate). We must spend at least 2100 hrs a year in a car, it's expected that we have a few fender benders. They will fix the cars and it will be forgotten in a month. I've seen cops have six crashes in one year and the above was their worst punishment.... Was it really worth your career and all of our reputations? I see you all driving around with your fallen officers names on your front license plates, is this how you honor them?

Lucky that you got that contract completed before this bomb exploded.

07-29-2009, 04:39 PM
I'm an officer in the Broward area. I happen to live in Hollywood and have lived here for about 7 years.
Everytime I have come into contact with ANY representatives of Hollywood Police it has left me feeling like I needed to shower with a wire brush. The majority of your agency is so corrupt and just plain lazy it makes me sick. Maybe this will help convince the city to look for BSO assistance so that they can Finally flush the toilet on all of the corrupt terds that are floating around our streets. I would much rather have less cops in my neighborhood than a ton of corrupt ones. The scary thing is, I'm a fellow "Brother" in blue. I can only imagine how Joe Citizen is treated. I'm the guy that stops to 94 your on a 10-50 when i'm off duty, because it's the right thing to do. I'm the guy who finds you drunk passed out in your car with a gun and badge on your lap and gets you home safely.

For those of you that are good cops in Hollywood I apologize.(Though I personally haven't met any) I don't mean to lump you all together but when your bad eggs start to stink (about once a year) they make US ALL STINK. Every department has these bad eggs, it just seems like Hollywood has a much larger population of them. I mean really, what would have happened to the officer for a minor at fault crash? A letter of reprimand at the worst? Maybe mandatory driving retraining (at an overtime rate). We must spend at least 2100 hrs a year in a car, it's expected that we have a few fender benders. They will fix the cars and it will be forgotten in a month. I've seen cops have six crashes in one year and the above was their worst punishment.... Was it really worth your career and all of our reputations? I see you all driving around with your fallen officers names on your front license plates, is this how you honor them?

Lucky that you got that contract completed before this bomb exploded.

AMEN Brother. 30+ years here and same residence city. I am so over the endless problems on this department. I would NEVER trust them and when they are in my presence, I watch their hands constantly. Better to stay well clear so you are not around when they pull stunts like this.

07-29-2009, 09:31 PM
Yes, you are correct, there are some lazy questionable police in hollywood, but let the agency without sin cast the first stone. An Ice agent from weston was just sentenced for bribery/kickbacks, six months ago an fbi agent was convicted for assisting a murder and lets not talk about BSO's quiet little steroid investigation that went away ( or do I have to even talk about ken Jenne?). No agency is perfect. There are quite a few really good officers in hollywood and I hope you get a chance to meet one.
I'm an officer in the Broward area. I happen to live in Hollywood and have lived here for about 7 years.
Everytime I have come into contact with ANY representatives of Hollywood Police it has left me feeling like I needed to shower with a wire brush. The majority of your agency is so corrupt and just plain lazy it makes me sick. Maybe this will help convince the city to look for BSO assistance so that they can Finally flush the toilet on all of the corrupt terds that are floating around our streets. I would much rather have less cops in my neighborhood than a ton of corrupt ones. The scary thing is, I'm a fellow "Brother" in blue. I can only imagine how Joe Citizen is treated. I'm the guy that stops to 94 your on a 10-50 when i'm off duty, because it's the right thing to do. I'm the guy who finds you drunk passed out in your car with a gun and badge on your lap and gets you home safely.

For those of you that are good cops in Hollywood I apologize.(Though I personally haven't met any) I don't mean to lump you all together but when your bad eggs start to stink (about once a year) they make US ALL STINK. Every department has these bad eggs, it just seems like Hollywood has a much larger population of them. I mean really, what would have happened to the officer for a minor at fault crash? A letter of reprimand at the worst? Maybe mandatory driving retraining (at an overtime rate). We must spend at least 2100 hrs a year in a car, it's expected that we have a few fender benders. They will fix the cars and it will be forgotten in a month. I've seen cops have six crashes in one year and the above was their worst punishment.... Was it really worth your career and all of our reputations? I see you all driving around with your fallen officers names on your front license plates, is this how you honor them?

Lucky that you got that contract completed before this bomb exploded.

07-29-2009, 10:27 PM
Oh yeah! Daisy chained to each other in soap opera style. We need reality TV to hit the city. Reno 911 need an upgrade.

07-30-2009, 04:01 AM
I'm an officer in the Broward area. I happen to live in Hollywood and have lived here for about 7 years.
Everytime I have come into contact with ANY representatives of Hollywood Police it has left me feeling like I needed to shower with a wire brush. The majority of your agency is so corrupt and just plain lazy it makes me sick. Maybe this will help convince the city to look for BSO assistance so that they can Finally flush the toilet on all of the corrupt terds that are floating around our streets. I would much rather have less cops in my neighborhood than a ton of corrupt ones. The scary thing is, I'm a fellow "Brother" in blue. I can only imagine how Joe Citizen is treated. I'm the guy that stops to 94 your on a 10-50 when i'm off duty, because it's the right thing to do. I'm the guy who finds you drunk passed out in your car with a gun and badge on your lap and gets you home safely.

For those of you that are good cops in Hollywood I apologize.(Though I personally haven't met any) I don't mean to lump you all together but when your bad eggs start to stink (about once a year) they make US ALL STINK. Every department has these bad eggs, it just seems like Hollywood has a much larger population of them. I mean really, what would have happened to the officer for a minor at fault crash? A letter of reprimand at the worst? Maybe mandatory driving retraining (at an overtime rate). We must spend at least 2100 hrs a year in a car, it's expected that we have a few fender benders. They will fix the cars and it will be forgotten in a month. I've seen cops have six crashes in one year and the above was their worst punishment.... Was it really worth your career and all of our reputations? I see you all driving around with your fallen officers names on your front license plates, is this how you honor them?

Lucky that you got that contract completed before this bomb exploded.

07-30-2009, 04:08 AM
This case is just disgusting on so many levels. These folks need to go and, like their drug running buddies from two years ago, spend time in the penal system. I can only hope that the justice is swift and severe. All the hard working members of the agency need to shun these "officers" as they have violated the trust given to them and made the whole profession look bad in the process.

07-30-2009, 04:18 AM
I'm an officer in the Broward area. I happen to live in Hollywood and have lived here for about 7 years.
Everytime I have come into contact with ANY representatives of Hollywood Police it has left me feeling like I needed to shower with a wire brush. The majority of your agency is so corrupt and just plain lazy it makes me sick. Maybe this will help convince the city to look for BSO assistance so that they can Finally flush the toilet on all of the corrupt terds that are floating around our streets. I would much rather have less cops in my neighborhood than a ton of corrupt ones. The scary thing is, I'm a fellow "Brother" in blue. I can only imagine how Joe Citizen is treated. I'm the guy that stops to 94 your on a 10-50 when i'm off duty, because it's the right thing to do. I'm the guy who finds you drunk passed out in your car with a gun and badge on your lap and gets you home safely.

For those of you that are good cops in Hollywood I apologize.(Though I personally haven't met any) I don't mean to lump you all together but when your bad eggs start to stink (about once a year) they make US ALL STINK. Every department has these bad eggs, it just seems like Hollywood has a much larger population of them. I mean really, what would have happened to the officer for a minor at fault crash? A letter of reprimand at the worst? Maybe mandatory driving retraining (at an overtime rate). We must spend at least 2100 hrs a year in a car, it's expected that we have a few fender benders. They will fix the cars and it will be forgotten in a month. I've seen cops have six crashes in one year and the above was their worst punishment.... Was it really worth your career and all of our reputations? I see you all driving around with your fallen officers names on your front license plates, is this how you honor them?

Lucky that you got that contract completed before this bomb exploded.

07-30-2009, 04:30 AM
I support the officers and the cso fully. Every department has its flaws and too all of you that sit here and bash HPD as a whole should just get off this site. Several stated they were LEO's but only 1 was to mention his dept.

As to the citizens... if HPD is such an embarrassment and you don't like coming into contact with the officers, call someone else when someone has broken into your homes.

07-30-2009, 04:49 AM
This case is just disgusting on so many levels. These folks need to go and, like their drug running buddies from two years ago, spend time in the penal system. I can only hope that the justice is swift and severe. All the hard working members of the agency need to shun these "officers" as they have violated the trust given to them and made the whole profession look bad in the process.

Why on earth should anything be done to these 3 actually very good officers, who just used poor judgment, when your very own assistant chief gets away with stuff like this all the time? Please people, they are learning it from the top! I am sure they all worked for Louie at one point in time , master of the circus himself ! Someone needs to check him out....how does he keep getting by? Oh ya, he uses that magic wand from Walt Disney...the one they got caught with

07-30-2009, 07:31 AM
come on guys. i am not a cop but i will support the officers because there are there for me when i need them and maybe its time i return the favor. on the other hand i know there is a switch for the mic (come on brother).

07-30-2009, 10:47 AM
What everyone is failing to understand is that the incident took place over 6 months ago (according to the date on the video). What I'm failing to understand is why are they just now being disciplined for this now. Can someone please explain?

07-30-2009, 03:28 PM
I also like how some of the posts that are harsh are being mysterously being deleted. What rubbish.

That video makes this department the laughing stock of the community. AGAIN! The one they serve and the profession.

The Chief is at the helm and the buck stops with his resignation or termination. He could have made changes and left many of the loosers in their jobs meaning he accepts this status quo. The commission should clean house.
There is a core culture on this department that destroys its younger officers. It persists through the revolving door of Police CHief's.

07-30-2009, 04:00 PM
I also like how some of the posts that are harsh are being mysterously being deleted. What rubbish.

That video makes this department the laughing stock of the community. AGAIN! The one they serve and the profession.

The Chief is at the helm and the buck stops with his resignation or termination. He could have made changes and left many of the loosers in their jobs meaning he accepts this status quo. The commission should clean house.
There is a core culture on this department that destroys its younger officers. It persists through the revolving door of Police CHief's.
We will trade you our seminole chief.

07-30-2009, 11:09 PM
You guys made AOL's front page.


07-31-2009, 01:59 AM
You guys who say your from other departments and LEO's are full of it. Let those without sin cast the first stone! To do so you must step forward and prove that you are without sin. When we look in your closet what will we see! This chooch that wrote all that crap at the begining of this post must be a puss who got his lunch money stolen when he was in school!! To be perfectly honest I dont want your sorry whinning A$$ stopping to back me up if your going to come on here and bash and talk all that crap! So just drive on by an be safe in your home in my city or then again move to where you work! This could very well be anyone of us in the same shoes that these guys are in feel lucky you have been blessed.

07-31-2009, 05:23 AM
Yeah, too bad you will never know who it is... And we can see that it kills you too. There's no use in typing a lengthy paragraph about it either. Anyway, these guys deserve everything they get.

07-31-2009, 06:14 AM
Are we or are we not brothers and sisters in blue? Back each other up whenever and where ever it is needed. The supposed LEO's dissing these officers on here make this a sorry saying and if you feel this way move to your own city where you work.

I'm not gonna waste my time and type a whole story on this site because there is no use. But this job is about backing each other up and just because they were doing so in a "Walt Disney" way, you all are turning your backs on them as "crooked cops."

I'm sure quite a few of you have done something on a call or a 10-50 that would be seen as crooked or corrupt... but you were just lucky enough to have not gotten caught..

Can we start on BSO's Disney World? :roll:

07-31-2009, 12:51 PM
Doesn't Hollywood have some ex narcotics detectives in federal prison right now for running protection for drug runners? Except the drug runners were really FBI agents.

07-31-2009, 01:11 PM
Doesn't Hollywood have some ex narcotics detectives in federal prison right now for running protection for drug runners? Except the drug runners were really FBI agents.

None of them were narcotics detectives, idiot.

07-31-2009, 05:23 PM
Are we or are we not brothers and sisters in blue? Back each other up whenever and where ever it is needed. The supposed LEO's dissing these officers on here make this a sorry saying and if you feel this way move to your own city where you work.

I'm not gonna waste my time and type a whole story on this site because there is no use. But this job is about backing each other up and just because they were doing so in a "Walt Disney" way, you all are turning your backs on them as "crooked cops."

I'm sure quite a few of you have done something on a call or a 10-50 that would be seen as crooked or corrupt... but you were just lucky enough to have not gotten caught..

Can we start on BSO's Disney World? :roll:
Whoa there big fella, you started making some sense then you end with dissing another agency? Take care of your own crap. Now, don't think what happen is just a HPD thing, it has put us all under a microscope. No agency is clean as a whistle, but come on now, enough. You better start policing yourselves a little better, you can cheerleader all you want, your credibility is shot, sometimes you need to say, "We screwed up big time" We need to change the way we do business", and no I am not turning my backs on them, I will wait for the investigation to conclude before I make any judgement call, but don't think it will end well for them, the Public Defenders Office won't let this sit, so somebody is going to take one for the team, I've seen this movie before, best thing for you guys to do is, STFU and try to do the best you can.

07-31-2009, 05:30 PM
I support the officers and the cso fully. Every department has its flaws and too all of you that sit here and bash HPD as a whole should just get off this site. Several stated they were LEO's but only 1 was to mention his dept.

As to the citizens... if HPD is such an embarrassment and you don't like coming into contact with the officers, call someone else when someone has broken into your homes.
Yea, thats the attitude you need to convey, screw the citizens, screw the other departments, so what, we are HPD! We can do what ever we want.....
Dude, get overyourself, STFU, now is the time to be humble and try to do the job the best way you can, you owe it to every cop in the nation that gets painted with the same brush because of this, just like the Sgt. from Cambridge, he acted correctly and has garnered support from all over, and from non police as well, you guys need to do the same, not the time to cicle the wagons.
Don't forget, when a citizen calls 911 it only rings in yur office, they don't have a choice, you need to win them back.

07-31-2009, 10:07 PM

07-31-2009, 10:45 PM

No, we don't want to talk about BSO you sc*****. We're talking about you...HOLLYWOOD POLICE. Besides, he wasn't a real cop anyway, he was a politician who got what he deserved.

Bottom line is that they, HPD officers, committed a crime and should be fired at the very least. How dare anyone protect them when there is overwhelming evidence. The investigation should take two seconds and be done. No one is above the law, including Hollywood police.

08-01-2009, 12:37 AM
Are we or are we not brothers and sisters in blue? Back each other up whenever and where ever it is needed. The supposed LEO's dissing these officers on here make this a sorry saying and if you feel this way move to your own city where you work.

I'm not gonna waste my time and type a whole story on this site because there is no use. But this job is about backing each other up and just because they were doing so in a "Walt Disney" way, you all are turning your backs on them as "crooked cops."

I'm sure quite a few of you have done something on a call or a 10-50 that would be seen as crooked or corrupt... but you were just lucky enough to have not gotten caught..

Can we start on BSO's Disney World? :roll:

I understand how "backing each other up" is an integral part of any law enforcement agencies success, but I thought that only pertained to literally backing up a fellow officer physically not "covering up" a fellow officers short comings. Isn't your job to protect and serve and enforce the law?

08-01-2009, 01:48 AM
I agree, there should be no protecting of bad cops but c'mon, the same fake FBI drug sting that was published in the newspaper worked on two more BSO cops and a maimi officer (not sure if it was city of miami or dade co) anyway, how about the bso steroid scandal where after the investigation went no where and the drug diversion sgt brought it to the state attorneys office and then abra kadabra, the bso Sgt is sent to a desk job and the drug diversion unit disbanded. No one even questions that???? There is no agency whether police, fire, teachers, doctors lawyers, pilots , etc that are free of sin.

No, we don't want to talk about BSO you sc*****. We're talking about you...HOLLYWOOD POLICE. Besides, he wasn't a real cop anyway, he was a politician who got what he deserved.

Bottom line is that they, HPD officers, committed a crime and should be fired at the very least. How dare anyone protect them when there is overwhelming evidence. The investigation should take two seconds and be done. No one is above the law, including Hollywood police.[/quote:1eup48sb]

08-01-2009, 06:11 AM
Are we or are we not brothers and sisters in blue? Back each other up whenever and where ever it is needed. The supposed LEO's dissing these officers on here make this a sorry saying and if you feel this way move to your own city where you work.

I'm not gonna waste my time and type a whole story on this site because there is no use. But this job is about backing each other up and just because they were doing so in a "Walt Disney" way, you all are turning your backs on them as "crooked cops."

I'm sure quite a few of you have done something on a call or a 10-50 that would be seen as crooked or corrupt... but you were just lucky enough to have not gotten caught..

Can we start on BSO's Disney World? :roll:

I understand how "backing each other up" is an integral part of any law enforcement agencies success, but I thought that only pertained to literally backing up a fellow officer physically not "covering up" a fellow officers short comings. Isn't your job to protect and serve and enforce the law?

Protecting your a$$ and the rest of civilians, enforcing the law when need be. Damn skippy! I'll serve you the next time you call 911 while someone else in blue "backs me up." Just don't mention this whole situation because i'll NR it. :snicker:

08-01-2009, 08:58 PM
I though Mickey and Minny mouse lived in Walt Disney!! Isn't that what you guys are talking about.... This web-site needs to be shut down!!!!

08-01-2009, 09:01 PM

08-01-2009, 09:02 PM
Why on earth should anything be done to these 3 actually very good officers, who just used poor judgment, when your very own assistant chief gets away with stuff like this all the time? Please people, they are learning it from the top! I am sure they all worked for Louie at one point in time , master of the circus himself ! Someone needs to check him out....how does he keep getting by? Oh ya, he uses that magic wand from Walt Disney...the one they got caught with[/quote]

People use poor judgment when they decide to drink, get behind a wheel, and then kill someone. Should nothing be done to them either because they are good people? Everyone seems to be missing the big picture here. A lady got behind the wheel of a car drunk and because of the actions of these cops she gets to play the victim. She is already scheduled to be on a major talk show and will probably even sue the city.
The true victim in this whole ordeal is the person that she kills the next time she uses poor judgment and drives drunk because it is inevitable. I’m all for standing together when right but these officers were wrong and now we all look bad.

08-02-2009, 04:08 AM
Yet again another case of something happening and people looking negatively on the incident. Were the cops wrong in what they did sure they were, I mean come on you hit a car, its fine, it happens to people, not like you would lose your job over it, the city has insurance over thier vehicles.I have to agree with the person who wrote above me, this lady was drunk and behind the wheel, she could have potentially killed somebody. Think of over the years of the certain DUI officer working for HPD. How many lives has he saved by taking drunk drivers off the streets over these years or how ever many years hes been working in traffic unit. Now you can't tell me that all those reports for those arrests are doctored. The way people see things is always in a negative perspective because that is what comes out the most in people, plus it is nature to point out the bad things in somebody instead of the good, thats just how humans are, but let us focus on the good things that some of these officers have done, the thing is the good things these officers have done probably aren't noted at all and if there are some noted good things these officers have done it doesnt even come to what they do daily, dealing with a drunk driver who just hit a pedestrian, saving a lady from jumping off a balcony, making a women whos being beaten by her husband feel safe that her violent other is in jail for the night, now we all know how this goes the drunk is still a drunk, the suicidal lady is still crazy and will probably try it again, and the battered women still loves her husband and goes to bond him out of BSO main. Still at the end of the officers shift they have saved somebody from taking thier own life or thier life being taken by somebody else.

08-03-2009, 04:53 AM
I tried to be a cop but I'm gay and funny looking.

08-03-2009, 09:32 AM
I tried to be a cop but I'm gay and funny looking.

Davie will hire you. Just keep your mouth shut during your probationary period.

08-03-2009, 11:07 PM
Im just a citizen of hollywood but I am not bashing them. Did they f*&k up? Yes. Get on and over w it. Punish the officers do what needs to be done and move on. They made a stupid a$$ mistake.