07-08-2009, 03:18 AM
I heard Major Gomez was hiring this girl to steal Regalado signs. He's paying her with NET 100.

Nestor says I can stay in Overtown cuz i have no Teef

Joe Sanchez's welcome to miami sign if he became mayor:

nESTOR, I know you had me pre-print my thumb on all those a forms, but please dont force me to do more cuz i didnt kill no people in the hood. i know you want to be popo of the month but i need my weeed

07-08-2009, 02:01 PM
I posted the other homeless pics these are stupid find your own humor........... Nestor is the man period 20 years on and still putting hundreds in jail
i respect that

07-09-2009, 06:05 AM
I posted the other homeless pics these are stupid find your own humor........... Nestor is the man period 20 years on and still putting hundreds in jail
i respect that

Then your not much of cop. I respect the cops who put dangerous felons in jail, not DIPS and Milk crate offender arrest KINGS. What did he do when cops made felony arrest? Oh, but you weren't here 20 yrs ago were you? :D

07-09-2009, 12:17 PM
Jorge dont listen to these haters. All the ASS KISSING paid of for you!! There just mad because they were real men and not yes men LIKE YOU!! So they are still Lieutenants. Unlike you that were a Major Kiss Ass once you became a Sgt. And now look where it got you One of the top Kiss assing positions in the Dept. Soo let them hate Jorge, you did good. A true man!!!!

07-09-2009, 12:33 PM
Its ok hater! You can talk all the fluffy you want about me. Loser!

07-09-2009, 01:07 PM
Its ok hater! You can talk all the shizzat you want about me. Im still going to keep ****ing your wife in the ass.
Everytime you leave to work she calls me about your sorry ass on the computer. My **** is still sore from ****ing. Loser!Wow Nestor I guess they are actually the one's that are boning you. Can't take it? It figures, by the way get a haircut and get some longer pants the flooding style has been gone for many years. Also see a dermatologist your skin looks like it wants to jump off you, are you a skin cancer study?

07-09-2009, 01:37 PM
Its ok hater! You can talk all the shizzat you want about me. Im still going to keep ****ing your wife in the ass.
Everytime you leave to work she calls me about your sorry ass on the computer. My **** is still sore from ****ing. Loser!Wow Nestor I guess they are actually the one's that are boning you. Can't take it? It figures, by the way get a haircut and get some longer pants the flooding style has been gone for many years. Also see a dermatologist your skin looks like it wants to jump off you, are you a skin cancer study?

That's what you get by going to all those swinger parties and licking all those second hand just used berenjenas full of real machos juice. Can you spell STD? And no you didn't **** anybody's wife. We all know you are nothing but a wet ass broke mountain homo trying to imitate a tough man. So stop pretending and get real Scumbag. And by the way, stop bringing peoples family into play or you might be reading some about yours too. So think about it and keep it one on one. :evil:

07-09-2009, 02:02 PM
Its ok hater! You can talk all the shizzat you want about me. Im still going to keep ****ing your wife in the ass.
Everytime you leave to work she calls me about your sorry ass on the computer. My **** is still sore from ****ing. Loser!Wow Nestor I guess they are actually the one's that are boning you. Can't take it? It figures, by the way get a haircut and get some longer pants the flooding style has been gone for many years. Also see a dermatologist your skin looks like it wants to jump off you, are you a skin cancer study?

That's what you get by going to all those swinger parties and licking all those second hand just used berenjenas full of real machos juice. Can you spell STD? And no you didn't fazugie anybody's wife. We all know you are nothing but a wet ass broke mountain homo trying to imitate a tough man. So stop pretending and get real Scumbag. And by the way, stop bringing peoples family into play or you might be reading some about yours too. So think about it and keep it one on one. :evil:

Hey Javi, in the next FOP contract we want STEROID TESTING. There are some individuals in this department that are becoming psycotic pretending in their juiced mind that they are doing other people's wifes. The steroid effect also causes certain juiced individuals to write b.s. a-forms on the ovetown public

07-09-2009, 02:21 PM
Get bigger shirts cause that tight bicep look his out.

07-09-2009, 02:43 PM
can we see pictures??? or at least the youtube link??

07-09-2009, 02:46 PM
Mira maricon! Tu madre en 4.. i can go to any swingers party cause i got a big ****.. your wife is still my whore cause she goes with me and not you. ( remember how her x was 33 her i do worse )Im going to come in your pillow today. Don't worry your wife usally tells you she just finished cleaning them with bleach.
Get bigger shirts cause that tight bicep look his out.

The only one on 4 is your daughter maricon. Stop bringing her to the swinger party, I hate her little screams. And the only big **** is the one protuding from your ass. Also cojones tell your mother to shave, me arana los huevos very time que se pone a mamar.

07-09-2009, 04:03 PM
Caballero aqui la cosa esta mas caliente que el sol, Vamos a tirarnos pal parque y a quitarse la picazon dejen la mariconeria y los insultos ya. Por lo menos NESTOR tiene cojones pa dejarle saber a todo el mundo que es el y mas na. Aqui hay una pila de lleguas incognitas que lo unico que hacen es ofender, TA BUENO YA. A quien le interesa si se pinchan o no, no sean tan invidiosas y ponganse a dieta. No se olviden si se tiran pal parque dejenme saber :devil: :devil: :devil:

07-09-2009, 04:48 PM
Caballero aqui la cosa esta mas caliente que el sol, Vamos a tirarnos pal parque y a quitarse la picazon dejen la mariconeria y los insultos ya. Por lo menos NESTOR tiene cojones pa dejarle saber a todo el mundo que es el y mas na. Aqui hay una pila de lleguas incognitas que lo unico que hacen es ofender, TA BUENO YA. A quien le interesa si se pinchan o no, no sean tan invidiosas y ponganse a dieta. No se olviden si se tiran pal parque dejenme saber :devil: :devil: :devil:

Este individual responds by bringing peoples family into the matter. Instead of responding in the same fashion I kept it one on one and warned him to keep the family out. He comes back with more family attacks. Only at this point I gave him some of his own medicine to see how he liked it. And now you post all that shit about me? Me defraudaste, pense que tenias mejor valores. Si eso es lo que piensa que hablar the la familia is ok let me know so we can bring yours into the pot too.

07-09-2009, 05:04 PM
ASERE ASERE ASERE. Pa mi la familia va primero. Yo no ataco a una segunda persona y menos a un familiar querido de nadie. El respeto es lo primero, yo no picheo de esa manera, no me gustan las curvas y lo mio son las rectas. Si creo que se puede atacar una idea sin tener que ofender a nadie y mucho menos caer en la bajesa de ofender a un familiar. Tranquilo bobi cojelo con takirizi.

07-09-2009, 05:53 PM
Caballero aqui la cosa esta mas caliente que el sol, Vamos a tirarnos pal parque y a quitarse la picazon dejen la mariconeria y los insultos ya. Por lo menos NESTOR tiene cojones pa dejarle saber a todo el mundo que es el y mas na. Aqui hay una pila de lleguas incognitas que lo unico que hacen es ofender, TA BUENO YA. A quien le interesa si se pinchan o no, no sean tan invidiosas y ponganse a dieta. No se olviden si se tiran pal parque dejenme saber :devil: :devil: :devil:

Este individual responds by bringing peoples family into the matter. Instead of responding in the same fashion I kept it one on one and warned him to keep the family out. He comes back with more family attacks. Only at this point I gave him some of his own medicine to see how he liked it. And now you post all that shizzat about me? Me defraudaste, pense que tenias mejor valores. Si eso es lo que piensa que hablar the la familia is ok let me know so we can bring yours into the pot too.

My friend your a just a coward. Your mother his a whore and you are a fagit thats hides behind a computer. Your son is going to be a little fagit like you and your daughter the school whore. Your wife can't stand ****ing your sorry ass. Instead you come here waisting your time responding to what comes next.

Maybe if you spend less time thinking of me ( jealous) and pay attention to your family i wouldn't have too keep on screwing her.. Oh just for info. I justed finished coming on your pillow and inside your little sons fagit ass..

07-09-2009, 05:54 PM
I forgot to put my name on the above post.

07-09-2009, 07:39 PM
Yes dear citizens, We have the greatest leadership and we are the finest police department in the nation.

07-09-2009, 09:20 PM
Jorge dont listen to these haters. All the ASS KISSING paid off for you!! There just mad because they were real men and not yes men LIKE YOU!! So they are still Lieutenants. Unlike you that were a Major Kiss Ass once you became a Sgt. And now look where it got you One of the top Kiss assing positions in the Dept. Soo let them hate Jorge, you did good. A true man!!!! :snicker:

07-13-2009, 12:29 PM
wow we have gone outside the boundaries, why dont you two just meet in the park like real men and settle this like men.

07-13-2009, 12:40 PM
Nestor being a past supervisor of yours, dont let these jealous haters bother you. yes you bang anything in your reach yes anyone is game yes you have no rules when banging women yes you make alot of bs arrests but you never waiver you continue your a good cop I hope you get promoted to sgt and then dont stop and become Lt. show these incompetent co workers of yours who you really are just dont sleep with my wife son or daughter I love you man.

07-15-2009, 08:49 AM
never fear i have put so many watch over w/m cards all over o.t that they cant say we werent there. operation overtown no difference is in ful effect, and all of the dip and milk crate arrests will continue.