View Full Version : SENIORITY

07-01-2009, 11:42 AM
With the Chief leaving, what is the status with getting the seniority clause? Did our reps represent us and talk to him?

07-01-2009, 04:45 PM
What is that?

07-02-2009, 12:48 AM
What is that?

Are you kidding me, "what is that" You are a ****innnnnnnn idiot.
get your head out of your ass!!!!!!

07-02-2009, 12:57 AM
You guys are screwed.... better hope to go BSO.

07-02-2009, 01:02 AM
BSO is not the answer. Taking out the garbage is the answer, but more important not to create more garbage by promoting from within. Creek has allot of potential.

07-02-2009, 02:16 AM
What is it with this BSO B.S.

BSO can't even manage itself, what makes you think it's going to take over another city. Just ask Hollywood how that worked out.

07-02-2009, 10:43 PM
You guys are screwed.... better hope to go BSO.

So true.....

07-03-2009, 12:16 AM
BSO is a dump full of losers once you leave the road.

You guys are screwed.... better hope to go BSO.

So true.....

07-03-2009, 06:11 AM
If BSO is anything like what I've seen on COPS, I have to say this city will become a joke. The only good police work I've seen from BSO is the episode where the undercover guy cuts off the fleeing drug dealer with his car. Other than that, the "stop or I'll shoot you in the back" (90's Pompano) episode or the one where the dealer gets away and is found hours later by a pu$$y K-9 that doesn't engage (only to be pistol whipped by Deputies that hit like even bigger pu$$ies), present a poor image of BSO. That one episode of the plain clothed female Deputy at the airport getting knocked on her arse doesn't help either ("Don't do it").
I will say this though. The guys I have personally worked with from BSO have been awesome (with the exception of 1 that was pi$$ed when someone called him 'Officer' instead of Deputy). I guess you've chosen the wrong guys to represent you as a rough and tough agency. I understand that camera over your shoulder may cause you to second guess your actions, but camera or no camera, your life depends on what you do. If someone tries to run, you tackle them as hard as you can. If they fight, you fight back until your knuckles are bare and swollen. If you let 'em get away with it on camera for the entire country to see, every criminal will say "I gotta move to Broward".

07-03-2009, 01:56 PM
If BSO is anything like what I've seen on COPS, I have to say this city will become a joke. The only good police work I've seen from BSO is the episode where the undercover guy cuts off the fleeing drug dealer with his car. Other than that, the "stop or I'll shoot you in the back" (90's Pompano) episode or the one where the dealer gets away and is found hours later by a pu$$y K-9 that doesn't engage (only to be pistol whipped by Deputies that hit like even bigger pu$$ies), present a poor image of BSO. That one episode of the plain clothed female Deputy at the airport getting knocked on her arse doesn't help either ("Don't do it").
I will say this though. The guys I have personally worked with from BSO have been awesome (with the exception of 1 that was pi$$ed when someone called him 'Officer' instead of Deputy). I guess you've chosen the wrong guys to represent you as a rough and tough agency. I understand that camera over your shoulder may cause you to second guess your actions, but camera or no camera, your life depends on what you do. If someone tries to run, you tackle them as hard as you can. If they fight, you fight back until your knuckles are bare and swollen. If you let 'em get away with it on camera for the entire country to see, every criminal will say "I gotta move to Broward".

I'm not even going to say anything...

07-03-2009, 02:13 PM
Let's just wait and see who the next chief is. Forget BSO they are on the way to losing those contract cities. If DR hires a man that knows what is like to work the streets and respects seniority then we will have a chance at a new start. The hiring of the next chief will be the true sign of where we will be heading down the road. If he hires another desk jockey then we will have the same thing we have seen the last 16 years. If he is smart and hires an active street minded “COP” who remembers where he or she came from and respects and LISTENS to his people at all levels then we may have a chance. No matter what we have a job and can support our families which is the most important thing right now.

Just hurry up and get rid of Devine he is toxic around here!