View Full Version : Sheriff 's view

05-28-2009, 04:14 AM
Our Sheriff has told several people if you don't want a 2% raise then leave. He has a larger hiring pool than ever before. People willing to replace all of us whinners for 34,000.00. All you trouble makers that want to make a livable wage and feed your families just go. Monroe County doesn't want or need your experience. In fact when you go he won't replace you, instead for every five road deputies that leave, he will hire another Captain at 105,000.00. That is what has been done to pay for our 2% raise. How many deputy positions have been eliminated in the last six months? Less deputies on the road, and more Captains.....maybe a Chief. Citizens ask yourself when you need the Sheriffs Office in the middle of the night when no one else can help and you call 911, who will come help you....the Sheriff? the Chief? ....one of the new Captains....(all making over 100,000.00 a year) NO.......the man or woman who makes 34,000.00 a year will come and risk thier lives to save you. The same man or woman who has'nt been to the doctor in four years because thier health insurance is the worst in South Florida. The same man or woman that worries about how they will feed thier children after they risk thier lives to save you. The same man or woman that worries about who will take take of thier children if they die doing thier job....saving you.

Guess what Citizen of Monroe County...your Sheriff not only will not pay these men and woman, who risk every thing to save you....he has cut the number of them who are on the streets to protect you. He also has made it clear that he would rather let them all leave and gain employment in other communities, and replace them with new deputies for less money. The problem with that is you lose the experience of these deputies. But it does'nt end here. The deputies you replace them with in less than two years will leave also. Why? Because you pay deputies with no experience 10,000.00 a year less than they would make in Dade, Broward or Palm Beach. Deputies with experience can make 15,000.00 to 20,000.00 more a year in these counties. This problem has been going on here for years and is the reason you can't keep people.

In bad economic times crime rates raise. Is this the time you want to lose your experienced deputies. Your Sheriff doesn't care about the deputies, thier familes or the citizens safety.

Moral at the Sheriffs office is at an all time low, Why? Well Sheriff it's hard to hear times are tuff from a man who's household income from the Sheriffs office is over 200,000.00 a year....when ours is 34,000.00.

05-28-2009, 06:40 AM
First of all, I am not a law enforcement officer. However, I do live in this community, and I pay on average 25k for property taxes.

I really hope that this post is not the truth. If this is the case, then maybe the citizens need to rally behind the officers (The cops that actually show up to your house when you need them, Not the Captains, or Chiefs) and try to get them a reasonable wage.

Are you serious, 34k? Where is all of the tax money going? How much does a Captain make? Or better yet, Chief?

This county cannot honestly sit there and say "We don't have any money!", or "Here's your 2%, it's the best we can do!"

We, as a community need to support our men and women of the law enforcement community. After all, they will be the ones responding when you have an emergency.

One more thing, You guys really have the worst health insurance in South Florida?

I have a good friend who works for the Miami Herald, an Investigative Reporter. I am going to turn him on to this problem. Who knows what he will uncover, and better yet publish. I am not going to name any cities, but he worked majic when he began to report the corruption of a particular Broward County city. All of a sudden, money started to appear out of nowhere!

I support you, keep your head up.

Stay tuned.......

05-28-2009, 08:40 PM
You wanted Bob.... you got him!

05-28-2009, 11:49 PM
It's true Sir/ Ma'am..... It's sad but it's the absolute truth... I live pay check to pay check, and barley have money for food. No lie..... I don't spend my money on crap, I pay bills and that's it... I tried to get WIC/ and Food Stamps but did not qualify. Admin types make way more money sitting in the office safe and sound. It's really screwed up... But it's true. The sheriff lied to us and you, the citizen's...... He and his wife make over $200K a year, I make under $37K a Year, and have been here for 4 years. I love working... Please help us in anyway you can...

First of all, I am not a law enforcement officer. However, I do live in this community, and I pay on average 25k for property taxes.

I really hope that this post is not the truth. If this is the case, then maybe the citizens need to rally behind the officers (The cops that actually show up to your house when you need them, Not the Captains, or Chiefs) and try to get them a reasonable wage.

Are you serious, 34k? Where is all of the tax money going? How much does a Captain make? Or better yet, Chief?

This county cannot honestly sit there and say "We don't have any money!", or "Here's your 2%, it's the best we can do!"

We, as a community need to support our men and women of the law enforcement community. After all, they will be the ones responding when you have an emergency.

One more thing, You guys really have the worst health insurance in South Florida?

I have a good friend who works for the Miami Herald, an Investigative Reporter. I am going to turn him on to this problem. Who knows what he will uncover, and better yet publish. I am not going to name any cities, but he worked majic when he began to report the corruption of a particular Broward County city. All of a sudden, money started to appear out of nowhere!

I support you, keep your head up.

Stay tuned.......

05-31-2009, 06:12 AM
Ok not to sound too rude and *****y buuuuuut

I only worked for the dept for 3 years, got one raise my first annual. I had towards the end a horrible employee record, yet all my performance evals always were top notch and always suggested and encouraged leadership, which I am far more capable of.

Having a supervisor brag about making over 6 figures then whine about not getting the OT needed to make six figures and then tell http://www.burstnet.com/ads/ad16846a-ma ... .38056/you (http://www.burstnet.com/ads/ad16846a-map.cgi/SZ=120X600A/V=2.3S/BRC=82780/BCPG17840.42667.38056/you) to simply "suck it up" when a fellow coworker/deputy dies goes against everything my opinion. New sheriff seems worse, at least Roth would drive a few miles to make as many as he could feel that they actually matter :)

It is hard for everyone out there now, and maybe things will change, just have to have patience and diligence in doing what needs to be done..

Take care *****es :)

It's true Sir/ Ma'am..... It's sad but it's the absolute truth... I live pay check to pay check, and barley have money for food. No lie..... I don't spend my money on crap, I pay bills and that's it... I tried to get WIC/ and Food Stamps but did not qualify. Admin types make way more money sitting in the office safe and sound. It's really screwed up... But it's true. The sheriff lied to us and you, the citizen's...... He and his wife make over $200K a year, I make under $37K a Year, and have been here for 4 years. I love working... Please help us in anyway you can...

First of all, I am not a law enforcement officer. However, I do live in this community, and I pay on average 25k for property taxes.

I really hope that this post is not the truth. If this is the case, then maybe the citizens need to rally behind the officers (The cops that actually show up to your house when you need them, Not the Captains, or Chiefs) and try to get them a reasonable wage.

Are you serious, 34k? Where is all of the tax money going? How much does a Captain make? Or better yet, Chief?

This county cannot honestly sit there and say "We don't have any money!", or "Here's your 2%, it's the best we can do!"

We, as a community need to support our men and women of the law enforcement community. After all, they will be the ones responding when you have an emergency.

One more thing, You guys really have the worst health insurance in South Florida?

I have a good friend who works for the Miami Herald, an Investigative Reporter. I am going to turn him on to this problem. Who knows what he will uncover, and better yet publish. I am not going to name any cities, but he worked majic when he began to report the corruption of a particular Broward County city. All of a sudden, money started to appear out of nowhere!

I support you, keep your head up.

Stay tuned.......

10-06-2012, 04:43 AM
Time to bump this to the top...Voters this is from 4 years ago.....somethings do not change.

Don't believe ramsay when he says morale is better now. It isn't, It is just the same stuff, different day.

11-27-2012, 05:35 AM
I only hear wahhhhn why dont you call the wahhbulance. I live pay check to pay check geez man have some sense of pride and stop it! Stop it man do you need a wahhbulance geez you freakin making me cry here.

02-15-2013, 07:06 PM
Time to bump this to the top...Voters this is from 4 years ago.....somethings do not change.

Don't believe ramsay when he says morale is better now. It isn't, It is just the same stuff, different day.

WRONG,,, unless your Jake Brady, I would say morale is a thousand times better.

06-05-2013, 04:51 PM

06-05-2013, 06:04 PM
First of all, I am not a law enforcement officer. However, I do live in this community, and I pay on average 25k for property taxes.

I really hope that this post is not the truth. If this is the case, then maybe the citizens need to rally behind the officers (The cops that actually show up to your house when you need them, Not the Captains, or Chiefs) and try to get them a reasonable wage.

Are you serious, 34k? Where is all of the tax money going? How much does a Captain make? Or better yet, Chief?

This county cannot honestly sit there and say "We don't have any money!", or "Here's your 2%, it's the best we can do!"

We, as a community need to support our men and women of the law enforcement community. After all, they will be the ones responding when you have an emergency.

One more thing, You guys really have the worst health insurance in South Florida?

I have a good friend who works for the Miami Herald, an Investigative Reporter. I am going to turn him on to this problem. Who knows what he will uncover, and better yet publish. I am not going to name any cities, but he worked majic when he began to report the corruption of a particular Broward County city. All of a sudden, money started to appear out of nowhere!

I support you, keep your head up.

Stay tuned.......
It is worse than you think. According to the Dept. of Revenue we pay the most state wide for law enforcement. Do you think we get the most !?